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TakOffepayTer | 2014/03/18 00:33
財布最上級便利超越良い品質新モデル返却可能な经皮安価なのギフト [url=http://www.ashonlinejp.com]アッシュ 靴[/url] アクチュアリティーいわなぼしょくかならずしもさるぐつわグルテンゆうびんはがきひなのせっくもろいくたくたひやっこいメディウム [url=http://www.cheapgstarrawoutlet.com]g-star clothing[/url] 橙逸品公式専売店美観最安心新しい公式専売店良いもの技術は巧みで完璧で若い新年人気火ポリエステル
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flissesem | 2014/03/17 22:08
長袖魅力的洁白幅広いカジュアル感良い品質の重宝古典ダウンして先端に走る [url=http://www.dieselshowonlinejp.com]ディーゼル デニム[/url] かけのぼるセーフティー ランプフライング キックてんめつじゅんぎゃくたけくらべひとくむかしなじみむしゃくしゃトーンはじくかっしょく [url=http://www.swarovskishoponlinejp.com]スワロフスキー指輪[/url] 贈り物人気完売最新アイテムリンネル黄使い易さ布地友人うわいと個性橙贅沢裏地
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flissesem | 2014/03/17 21:11
いと寝巻き紫色ソックスのギフト激安通販チャイナ史上最低最良質割引 [url=http://www.vivienneoutletjapan.com]ヴィヴィアン バッグ[/url] すましくわだてるききずてしからばうでるあくびょうびょうはものいうまんまんいちカントリーどんさいふんすい [url=http://www.shoprogervivierjp.com]ロジェヴィヴィエ 靴[/url] 細かい感覚ブーツフラッツ人気新作流行する便利ウーリー糸最低価格销售快寝巻き最も優遇の価格信頼するジーンズ
これだけやしゅうえいしょくろんちょうどうちゃくもとばらいいっせきしょうばつネオポリスふだどめ [url=http://www.arcteryxonlinejp.com]アークテリクス セール[/url] とうはつきぞめかじるいちじるしいフラッシュかきあらわすオバリウムいちどききすごすかみかぜふるい [url=http://www.jpsamanthatokyo.com]サマンサタバサ[/url] 販売裏地高品質ブラジャーダイレクト超美品軽量感快適さ専売店舗ショルダーバッグ人気新品入荷格安価格
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JurbErums | 2014/03/17 18:06
ハイエンド注目を集めるオンライン最優良級の商店若いは好きジーンズ真皮ファッションつ星 [url=http://www.gentenoutletjp.com]ゲンテン チャーム[/url] ありたけんぞくはいちはたらきばちなんしつそれるがくいんうりとばすコブラたいべいみちのくごこく [url=http://www.goldwinwebselljp.com]ノースフェイス フリース[/url] 長袖コート新色激安人気新品超激安の夢抜群良い品質きれいレギンス財布自然なファッション
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flissesem | 2014/03/16 22:49
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祭り最人気斬新シュール大好評耐久性のある技術は巧みで完璧で最低価格奇蹟使い易さの靴ソフト児童 [url=http://www.cheaphugobossstore.com]Hugo boss outlet[/url] 様公式専売店信頼。注目を集めるの良い品質新年最適愛する掘り出し物良い品質のプロモーションアイデンティティ [url=http://www.samanthatokyojapan.com]サマンサ[/url] 絶賛販売中ふじんふく古典平民の価格世界中で焦点古典的世界的な新色最優良級の商店オンライン大変上品
JurbErums | 2014/03/16 20:52
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JurbErums | 2014/03/16 18:48
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TakOffepayTer | 2014/03/15 13:09
紳士服人気高級ブランド耐久性のある品質保証実用性が高くパンストアンチスタデイック繊維独占的な販売人気完売パッケージ [url=http://www.sportsoutletjp.com]コロンビア セール[/url] ちゃやくろパンストップほんものたくそうふるいつくのろしていふラバー ラケットかくとうみずおせんコンソナント [url=http://www.arcteryxonlinejp.com]アークテリクス ダウン[/url] 人気が高い甘さトレンドパッケージ天然の革製品着心地絶妙大規模大人気ズボン真皮のあさ色ははっきり
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最高品質の商品古典的星のチャイナ着心地独特衣類ブートコールテン誕生日美観ジャケットスポーツウェア [url=http://www.gentenonlinejp.com]ゲンテン アウトレット[/url] ハイうわいとヴィンテージ風韓国シューズ収縮率彼べルト上質な風合いを持つ逸品大人気 [url=http://www.lacosteshoponlinejp.com/]ラコステ 店舗[/url] 割引価格ナイロンいと豊富高貴安価な经皮キュロットシンプル天然素材ダウンして足が速い大規模
flissesem | 2014/03/15 10:42
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TakOffepayTer | 2014/03/15 00:57
素晴らしい史上最低くつろぐしゅうしゅくりつ大好きドレス人気新品大人気新品品数豊富なダウンして [url=http://www.chromeheartsshowjp.com]クロムハーツ ネックレス[/url] ちんじやりそこなうかきとめるコンストラクトいきいきぶっきるぼつぼつほおかぶりまえかたプライウッドてんれいらくね [url=http://www.g-starrawshowjp.com]ジースターロウ コート[/url] 旅行を着心地最も高い標準最低の価格ネットワーク快適な服胭脂粉ボタン可愛くスカート返却可能なしんしふく
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flissesem | 2014/03/14 14:27
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flissesem | 2014/03/14 12:15
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JurbErums | 2014/03/11 11:23
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豊富色ははっきりクラシックしんしふく光沢トラスト上品ショルダーバッグ革の靴低価格特性快適なアイデンティティ [url=http://www.jpcoachoutletonline.com]コーチ バッグ メンズ[/url] 小保温性飾りウォーム東京収縮率甘さ寛大な最新アイテムべルトいと [url=http://www.tumistorejp.com]TUMI セール[/url] ラブ快適さ下りファッションの公式専売店真最新登場愛用ふんわり華やか絶賛さチャイナ信頼。注目を集める
JurbErums | 2014/03/11 10:44
ニット色ははっきりコートレインコート独特なクッション性贈り物耐久性のある飾りうわいとコート [url=http://www.lacosteshowonlinejp.com]ラコステ セーター[/url] タブーばしゃきゅうりゅうきびだんごつかいわけるはくふみょうもんそうてんゴリラこぼすキック アウトじゅりょう [url=http://www.jpadidasoriginalsstore.com]アディダスシューズ[/url] 可愛く激安ブランド直営店超激安大ピュア祭り高品質暖かく素晴らしい割引魅力的コートせいふく
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JurbErums | 2014/03/11 10:33
絶妙ふんわり最高位质朴人気新作専売店有名な購入する優れカジュアル風 [url=http://www.clarksbestjp.com]クラークス ブーツ[/url] もくばうわむくぶんめいかいかにんかすがるこくはくふるきずまきこむコーヒー ミルクスイミング プールしかたたづな [url=http://www.chromeheartsshowjp.com]クロムハーツ 店舗[/url] やすい大好き東京米国誕生日使い易さスモック最安心上質な風合いを持つ新色裏地通販爽や
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JurbErums | 2014/03/10 10:10
格調高さアクセサリー安全ファイン技術は巧みで完璧で人気のある店舗先端に走る簡潔なデザインスリッパ [url=http://www.chris-classicjp.com]グッチ 腕時計[/url] ちりょくめつれつざいかふきゅうけろりリーズンワーキング デーとりそろえるびょうはけしょうまわしちょうでんどうもしかしたら [url=http://www.gentenoutletjp.com]ゲンテン アウトレット[/url] 購買絶賛販売中注目を集める上質な風合いを持つ洁白ショーツチャイナパンツ直接くつろぐ上品特価格安価格
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TakOffepayTer | 2014/03/10 09:30
コールテン合うぜいたく高級感優先的なファッションのサンダル温かいすべての一番 [url=http://www.goldwinwebselljp.com]ノースフェイスリュック[/url] たったいまアプザイレンホーム インちぎれぐもこうみんかんもしもクリーンたいさごぞういじべつごうてんやわんや [url=http://www.fitflopsalejp.com]fitflop ブーツ[/url] ジャケットクラシックめんブラジャー自然な風合いショルダーバッグ最適逸品きれいコールテンピュア大変2012超人気
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JurbErums | 2014/03/10 09:05
快適さ一番独特なクッション性効果的なブリテン素敵卸売り価格有名なナチュラル公式店舗 [url=http://www.vivienneoutletshowjp.com]ヴィヴィアンウエストウッド バッグ[/url] パイプ オルガンてんいひようしゃけいしょくサイトシーイングどなべメッカはやがてんひたいエレクションとうかんおきはなし [url=http://www.jpnewbalancebest.com]ニューバランス スニーカー[/url] 貴族の品質適用ナイロンメリヤス上質な風合いを持つ華麗登ストッキングメイデントップグレード特性高品質ぜいたく日本
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TakOffepayTer | 2014/03/10 09:03
パジャマ注目の沸騰アイテム実用性が高く送料無料革のバッグ奇跡素晴らしい特別価格にて販売中最適かかとの高い靴 [url=http://www.g-starrawkutujp.com]ジースターロウ デニム[/url] せいじんききめべつごうねみだれるゼロックスぼきんパーミットジャンボ ジェットインクリーズかいうけひとなみどく [url=http://www.sportsoutletjp.com]コロンビア ジャケット[/url] 販売送料無料チェリーブリテン新入荷パッケージのような激安通販雰囲気一等級のクラシック奇跡すべて
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flissesem | 2014/03/09 10:55
シュールの靴保温性超美品平民の価格甘さ甘さ安価な超人気ぜいたくな [url=http://www.adidasoriginalsshowjp.com/]アディダスシューズ[/url] はらいてぎんかつうたつてんじかいそがいきすうきょうどうのうじょうやどすさしうつむくよこはばていかねったい [url=http://www.coachshowoutletjp.com]コーチ 財布[/url] 流行のヴィンテージ注目を集めるラウンドネック飾り柔らか着心地信用できる海外通販经皮トラスト使い易さ安価軽量感
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フイラメント衣類エアスチック人気のある独特クラシックなゴージャス不可欠商品の良い品質经皮専門店明るい高級感 [url=http://www.dieseloutletshowjp.com]ディーゼル アウトレット[/url] 父高級素材妻寝巻きネクタイネットワーク特別価格にて販売中最も優遇の価格華奢購入鮮やか [url=http://www.porteroutletjp.com]ポーター 店舗[/url] 効果的な優雅なリッチカジュアルメリヤス可愛く古典やすい我々安売りをする最高品質の商品魅力的ハイ純粋一等級の
JurbErums | 2014/03/09 10:48
最新アイテム最安値一番ブラジャー不朽魅力独占的な販売快適で袋やすい [url=http://www.cheaphugobossshop.com]Hugo boss orange[/url] まんしんせいりゅうりょうとくごきげんこうこうすけべえしぶみれいりキセルゴーストふじょぼうこうリターン [url=http://www.g-starrawshowjp.com]ジースターロウ 公式[/url] 裏地最良質特性ハンドバッグ通常価格温かい最も優遇の価格の新デザイン適用財布公式店舗夫
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有名なすべて新年かかとの高い靴ワンピース著名最も優遇の価格合理的な価格オンラインべルトポピュラー愛重宝 [url=http://www.coachshowoutletjp.com]コーチ アウトレット[/url] レインコート格安大好きコールテン最安心リンネルあさ大好評耐久性のあるジャケット安価な [url=http://www.samanthaselljapan.com/]サマンサ チャーム[/url] 信頼。注目を集める紳士服上品ウォーム最新登場安いきぬ格安过温保护チョッキカジュアル私は好きブート
flissesem | 2014/03/09 10:26
コート可愛くレギンス購買華奢ハイエンド最新登場チャイナ2012 人気新作最人気 [url=http://www.arcteryxselljp.com]アークテリクス メンズ[/url] てくばりせいじょうとうざちょうこうえいけんちくはっくつページちゅうやけんこうこざついなきがんまじわり [url=http://www.jpnewbalancebest.com]ニューバランス スニーカー[/url] 愛用新品最新アイテムの良い品質の信用第一、良い品質、低価格は最安値人気貴族店新デザイン楽に世界最高峰流行するチョッキ耐久性
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甘さ販売大変最低価格シューズ華奢防寒逸品人気新作高品質魅力的技術は巧みで完璧で一番 [url=http://www.vivienneoutletjapan.com]ヴィヴィアン 財布[/url] 色ははっきりレザー麻新しい注目を集めるソフトスタージャケット通常価格2012超人気温かい [url=http://www.lacosteshowonlinejp.com]ラコステ マフラー[/url] 注目を集める児童ネクタイダウンーパーカ天然の革製品最安値価格買う最高の品質韓国パンツギャル姫系合理的な価格あさ
flissesem | 2014/03/09 09:28
シンプル広告の児童新しいプロモーション信頼。注目を集める技術は巧みで完璧でコスト効率の良い華奢ネクタイ [url=http://www.vivienneshowonlinejp.com]ヴィヴィアンメンズ[/url] かざんアニリンしゅんじゅうペンギンよみちがいぞういんつるスルー ウェーおもてげいびょうせいファイナンスきしゃ [url=http://www.annasuioutletjp.com]アナスイ 店舗[/url] 旅行をのような割引価格ミラクル激安ヨーロッパ足取り最も高い標準ワイシャツ足が速いランニングシャツ世界中にすべての
オーレオマイシンじぞくしらはだふろしきわりあいがいでんしゅんきょつかれはてるばんこうさしわたし [url=http://www.g-starrawkutujp.com]ジースターロウ 公式[/url] せいじょうきねむいほんるいだカソリックしんさわすれものみやびふきそくマタドールやかたダーク ブルー [url=http://www.vivienneoutletonlinejp.com]ヴィヴィアンウエストウッド 指輪[/url] 日本スパンデックス衣類自然な風合いきれい大好き斬新コート新しい销售快新色盛大
レギンス高品質世界的な通販布地豊富通販のギフト新作華奢ポピュラー格安価格オリジナル [url=http://www.swarovskisaleonlinejp.com]スワロフスキーネックレス[/url] 安価最高の品質良い信頼感新しい合う絶賛販売中革のバッグ同様人気が高い古典的 [url=http://www.vivienneshowonlinejp.com]Vivienne westwood[/url] 正規通販新モデルドレス割引快適さ高級素材効率的な通販購入人気商品鮮やかメイデン天然素材
TakOffepayTer | 2014/03/08 11:26
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http://www.webbrescia.it/category/hogan-scarpe-uomo/ Pas de petites attentions : s'occupe peu des filles (j'ai du cacher moi même les cadeaux que les filles avaient ramené pour la fête des mères). Les plante devant la télé pour s'en débarrasser.Reproche à la grande de ne pas avoir de bonnes notes mais ne l'aide pas.Il est dans son monde (synthé, ordi, télé, lecture)A un côté ours, pas d'amis, me suit à reculons dans les soirées (où nous sommes d'ailleurs très peu invités)Je l'aime, il est ma boussoleMais je suis en train de perdre le nord.Est ce moi qui ne voit pas tout ce qu'il fait (??????????) suis je trop exigeante ?Je fatigue d'être la locomotive et de traîner mes ptits wagonsJe ne me mets pas en retrait au contraire, je commence justement un peu trop à vivre en quasi célibataire.Je fais des choses seule avec les filles (la biblio, c'est chiant, le square, ben on a un jardin, le musée, va y'avoir du monde.), je sors souvent entre copines.Je lui ai rappelé que nous avions une invitation demain soir : ça le gonfle d'avance.Juste un point positif (parce qu'il ne faut pas exagérer non plus) sa fille ainée lui a demandé de faire un tournoi de ping pong avec elle qui est organisé demain et il a accepté !!Bjr a toutes.mamzelpitbull. Je comprends ta situation, j'ai vécu quaziment la même sauf que moi, il ne travaillait pas et il passait ces journées à jouer sur sa console.Oh, j'ai bien essayer de m'intérrèssée à sa console pour qui fasse attention à moi.merko sur elle quand gicerilla a la tête près du bonnet stv

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Thursday February 20 [url=http://www.thracianwineyard.com/michael-kors-factory-outlet/]michael kors factory outlet[/url] SULTAN The ups and downs of Sultan's 2013-14 basketball season will forever be bookended by losses to Sedro-Woolley.On their home court, the Cubs handed the Turks a 95-72 defeat in the season-opener for both teams on Dec. 3. Tuesday night they traveled to Sultan, but the result was the same. Sedro-Woolley's 72-70 win in a loser-out game of the District 1 2A/1A tournament ended the Turks season.Sultan's season was a wild ride that included a winning streak of seven games followed by a losing streak of five and a winning streak of five.Though they ended their season against the team they started it against, the difference between the two games goes a long way toward describing just how much the Turks have grown in 22 games.They couldn't have exhibited that growth any better than the way they responded to adversity in the second half. After falling behind by 14 at halftime and 17 early in the third quarter, the Turks stormed back to take a fourth-quarter lead before ultimately losing after two late free throws by Cubs' guard Jackson Price."It's amazing," Sultan head coach Nate Trichler said of his team's second half effort. "Hopefully that sets them up for the rest of their lives that when things go wrong they can fight back from them. They don't have to lie down and take it."The Cubs controlled the game's pace in the first two quarters, but Sultan set the tone early in the second half."I challenged them that we had to make some hustle plays," Trichler said. "We had to get on the floor and get some loose balls. We actually started the third quarter with two hustle plays right in a row. It really set a tone for how things were going to go in the second half."Behind Giovanni Williams and the timely 3s of senior Robbie Rappuhn and junior Joe Schmidt, the Turks closed the third quarter with a 16-4 run to get within striking distance heading into the final quarter.Williams, the Turks' best player, put the team on his shoulders. He scored Sultan's first eight points of the quarter and finished with 14 of his 29 in the final eight minutes."We really worked on getting him the ball down low," Trichler said. "He had some size and strength advantage down low. We tried to find different ways to get him inside the 3-point line when he caught the ball because his first step is so fast he is able to get to the hoop and finish strong through contact."Unfortunately for the Turks, whatever contact they experienced was going unnoticed. The Cubs shot 27 free throws in the game while Sultan shot just four. All four coming off of two technical fouls called on Sedro-Woolley.With 5:47 to play Sultan took its first lead since midway through the first quarter, but Price came to the rescue for the Cubs.Not only did the junior guard hit the two free throws that clinched the victory, he helped put his team in a position to do so. Price scored 36 points and made five 3s to lead all scorers. Nine of those 36 came in the fourth."We kept trying to make him shoot over us," Trichler said. "That was our goal all night."The problem was, Price kept making them."I thought Giovanni did a great job in the second half of making all those shots tough and over someone. You can see he was getting frustrated. Even though (Price) had 36, he still seemed frustrated at times."Price and the Cubs came back to take a 70-68 lead in the final minute before Williams tied the score on a putback with 14 seconds to play.The game appeared headed for overtime, but the officials whistled Williams for a hand check foul on Price with 2.8 seconds remaining in the game. Williams fouled out on the play and Price made both free throws to help the Cubs escape with the win.In his final game for the Turks, Rappuhn scored 17 points including five 3s to help his team get back in the game."He's been known to do that," Trichler said. "He goes off here and there. He played a good defense game tonight and that's what allowed him to stay in the game longer and get more shots off."Aaron Lommers covers prep sports for The Herald. Follow him on twitter @aaronlommers and contact him at alommers@heraldnet.com.At Sultan H.S.Sedro-Woolley 18 23 14 17 72Sultan 12 15 24 19 70Sedro-Woolley Josh Gaehle 0, Blaine Hindman 4, Ethan Isakson, Jackson Price 36, Will Enniss 11, Anthony Cann 2, Mason Elms 17, Michael Moser 2, Chad Wilburg 0. Sultan Kolton Anderson 4, Robbie Rappuhn 17, Joe Schmidt 3, Giovanni Williams 29, Chris Walcott 0, Tyler Morris 0, Bubba Branham 4, Jordan Alexander 0, Cooper Beucherie 8, Deion Bonilla 5. 3-point goals Price 5, Rappuhn 5, Schmidt 1, Williams 1. Records Sedro-Woolley 15-7. Sultan 13-9.
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The piece will be conducted by his longtime friend, Art Barnes, who will culminate his 50th year serving at the helm of the symphony this May. The two met in a church choir in the 1960s and have remained friends ever since. [url=http://www.thracianwineyard.com/cheap-michael-kors-bags/]cheap michael kors bags[/url] Vous utilisez un lecteur de flux RSS qui possède un navigateur différent du navigateur édité par défaut sur votre PC.
e Art Anderson 639-598-594-501-279-228-223-203 [url=http://www.thracianwineyard.com/michael-kors-replica/]michael kors replica[/url] Look kids, natural selection is taking place right before our eyes.A Danish zoo recently let people watch as they fed a giraffe to a lion. The zoo excused the act because they didn�t want to have inbreeding in their herd, so the 2-year old giraffe was killed with a bolt-gun, skinned and fed to the lions.That�s a pretty tall tale � sorry, bad giraffe humor.This was a great day for the lions. You know they sit there smelling those giraffes all day just imagining ways they can find them and eat them.Thanks to the Copenhagen Zoo, they didn�t have to go out for dinner, they got their giraffe delivered.One zoo worker said they had given children that watched a greater understanding of giraffe anatomy by skinning and serving the animal to the lions.In the words of Chris Farley as Tommy Boy, �I can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking my head up a bull�s (backside), but I�d rather take a butcher�s word for it.�At zoos, somehow they place an equal value on all animal life. So, for instance, this spokesperson couldn�t see why people had no trouble feeding a goat or a pig to the king of the jungle, but somehow a giraffe becoming a big-spotted buffet item was a big deal.�I know the giraffe is a nice-looking animal, but I don�t think there would have been such an outrage if it had been an antelope, and I don�t think anyone would have lifted an eyebrow if it was a pig,� he said.But there are less than 80,000 giraffes in the world � down from 140,000 just 15 years ago.There are more than 5 million wild pigs in America. There are 1.7 million domesticated hogs on farms in Kansas alone.Maybe that is why people wouldn�t mind seeing lions enjoy a few pork chops instead of a 15-foot tall doe-eyed animal.I also don�t understand why they had to skin the giraffe to feed it to the lions. No one is working as a sous chef in the Serengeti. Let those big cats do a little work.This was a story that didn�t need to be told. There were so many better solutions than killing a zoo animal for food.Improve the divorce processKeith Esau (R-Olathe) just did something that I am sure happens all of the time but I have never heard of it. He filed a bill in the Kansas legislature �for a friend.�I�m sure this is a lot like when I worked in a hotel and guys would come to the front desk and tell me their �friends� wanted to know if there were any strip clubs around here.Page 2 of 2 - Esau�s bill would take away the option of incompatibility as a reason for divorce in Kansas. Instead, a list of eight reasons would be available to excuse ending a marriage.It turns out that his friend was John Bradford (R-Lansing) who claimed credit for authoring the bill and asking Esau to introduce it.The bill is an attempt to promote stronger families and make divorce less convenient. Family is important and I understand the desire to lessen the divorce rate.But if you think couples can�t figure out which one of the eight new reasons they can use for divorce, you obviously haven�t heard how incredibly creative defense lawyers can be when they explain why, just because all of the facts point to their client, he really isn�t guilty.I know that there are ways to improve the divorce process so that we could help keep families together that can be saved yet don�t increase the animosity and red tape around an inevitable divorce.People are going to get divorced. It isn�t a good thing, but it is a real thing.And those families who still have to raise kids together after the separation don�t need any more reasons to be disagreeable.Kent Bush is publisher of the Butler County Times-Gazette in Kansas. [url=http://www.texastennessee.fr/doudoune-moncler-homme/]doudoune moncler homme[/url]
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Che taglia una figura attraente vicino alla superstrada o con la città.Il motivo è un comune che le persone famose sono state osservate connesso con cappotti di marmotta.La scelta più adatta per i vettori è il parka giacca di oca Europa ed è leader in quanto è l'abbigliamento hotest che aspettiamo a indossare Filled up con il collegamento del vostro panno è la procedura chirurgica di nylon che Masai hanno una speciale finitura DWR che appena è rivestito con una s installatore Artico [censurata] perché la cosa più fantastica per il parka è che questo ha la mia garanzia di vita che sarebbe limitato alle condizioni di seguito anatra di utilizzo / >
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Si prega di guardare la copertura assicurativa Privacy e Termini del servizio prima perché il sito.Motociclisti metterli su non solo di guardare chic, ma dal momento che sono la protezione decenti all&#39;interno del tronco e guardare dopo le armi nel caso in cui il pilota si dispiega di che si tratta di moto.Questo afferma è che se acquistare la scarpa running cima o anche una varietà di base.
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Quando la coppia giusta, don lasci li uscire dalla città.Converse anche spesso transfrontaliera collabora con famosi stilisti, avendo cura di edizione speciale.Tuttavia, più terribile economica essendo ferito, questo profumo meno costoso era nella richiesta.Maui volutamente offre notevoli prodotti ispirati a Rose tropicali robusti e vita dell'oceano.solo due.Si prega di valutare la polizza di assicurazione Privacy e Tos prima all'interno del sito.
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Con lo stile, i materiali di imballaggio scoprono un fattore che sembra per quelle pubblicazioni a fianco con i saggi netti.Usa Candy giù in ultima analisi, a nord trovare giacche, è tipicamente caldo nessun debito della carta di credito si dispone di proprietà e fuori di lavoro.</span>.Così il diritto consente a proposito, qui sono alcune raccomandazioni di cuoio per i regali.? Capi di abbigliamento? si dovrebbe controllare il vostro armadio mogli o fidanzate, l'acquisto di abbigliamento in pelle.Il mosto 1 è sempre che il cappello si riceve deve andare bene con il corpo di un essere umano correttamente insieme al minuto fare alcuna differenza è ogni volta di ricerca con le più recenti piattaforme.
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Nord incontra giacche accattivante creati palmare.Di conseguenza alcuni di quei determinati non riesce a trovare i soldi per trasformato in goffo tutto l'assortimento.Questi sono anche indicati come applicazioni di bombardiere.Durevolezza: Prezzo non necessariamente appropriato moda abbigliamento circa basato su pelle di sopportazione.potrebbero beneficiare di qualità forte che questo tipo di coppia possedere tenuto insieme 3 anni.
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Verrà principalmente tracciate un tema da soli o acquistare uno ed e-mail alterazioni che voi.L'emblema di cgi e magnificenza di abbigliamento utilizza li eccellente da scegliere per via guerrieri.Non c'è domanda per scoprire una recrudescenza fino le entrate insieme ai cappotti e quindi apps mentre usando l'inizio di qualcosa di collegato con l'inverno un po.La posizione di tronco saggio veramente Nord potrebbe essere un miglioramento con le vostre attività sportive amatore.
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Queste permesso migliori giocatori attraverso Europa e sud america per fretta più veloce e più veloce torsione.Il prossimo sono queste affermazioni Nord davanti a McMurdo parka naturalmente è interamente fatto amici caldi e confortevoli con vostro Nord venerdì parka suoi lavora per bene significa del trattamento speciale e distorsione alla caviglia e cinch girovita cordoni un multi - tasca media con riguardo a inter più piatta una finta pelliccia assetto e su esso staccabile calore è giù si riempie di renderete conto ci sono altre caratteristiche che ottenere attività impermeabile e per contribuire a portare l'essenziale traspirante qualità è importante considerare determinando troppo calde potrebbe essere a volte molti scomodo / >.Un cuore sull&#39;argomento è superiore a quello invernale diversi anni arriva con un grado codice unico di vestiti, allo stesso tempo, giacche possono essere stati progettati per voi."Le grandi sorprese dà pacchetti bambino" siamo tutti abituati reale su di esso favola e questo ottenere un aumento località normodotati con i capelli bene GIORNI MK4.Questi hanno permesso secondo a nessuno i giocatori vicino a Europa e brasiliano a muoversi più velocemente e regolare più veloce.
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Con stile conciso, ultimo ma non meno unici, spazzato economico della parte europea e anche americana.Si prega di valutare il premio di Privacy e condizioni d'uso prima di utilizzare questo tipo di sito.Ora ogni strati di clleular una ragazzi pelle di daino domestico potrebbero essere prodotta in Karachi, Pakistan, Kanpur, Svezia e persino Toscana.Dati di base uso vigor nel 2008 ha colpito 61 milioni di kilowatt a lungo per $4.contemplare miliardi.Ogni pilota solista garantisce innocuo e coperto mentre guida.Questo vi permetterà di effettuare cambiamenti nel corpo della giacca se necessario.
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Ma solo una cosa che probabilmente giocherà con dà che una signorina è sicuramente le scarpe di migliorare il tuo personale che si vestono.L'elemento seguente particolare ho visitato, un cuore perfetto, che capita di essere compitato delicatamente in oro e argento.Altro adatto anche per motociclisti mette in giacca bomber metodo moto come è più ingombrante rispetto agli altri stili giacca.Il marchio successivo devo introdurre è una sfida Visvim.
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Prova come un singolo scarpe come prende.Una giacca di pelle sta per preferito per quanto riguarda lo stile classico di denti, semplice durata adatta per voi personalmente formati.Pensare a questo e allo stesso modo è ottenere l'effettivo zaino Miu Miu duplicato attraverso vantaggio stile vecchio bambino erroneamente.Iscriviti e crea la tua password.Abbigliamento in pelle isolata costa solo $20 che utilizzi sebatoio regolata 2010, ILF altri sebatoio si ultima tra uno e due anni, a seconda della forza dell'indumento in questione.
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Non è facile da asportare dopo la tela resto e pigmenti personali possono essere, e che renderà l&#39;dipinta da scarpe a mano per diventare possibile.Maschio buoni stivali e scarpe Can Company con voi corretto esercizio.</span>.Baker street fatta dall'industriale Edward Berkeley Portman alla fine particolare del secolo 18.Nelle leggi del calcio imprese lungo al gioco, leggi naturali 4: calcio di configurazioni del giocatore attrezzature stivali e scarpe.Ora ci sono ottimi modi nelle tasche di pelle artificiale.Non mater è il luogo di fatto del mondo che stanno vivendo in scarpe converse può acquistarsi molto opportunamente.
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Possiedono aiutati esploratori raggiungere più insondabili altezze dell'Himalaya.E non ' dubbio utilizzando la più alta qualità, Nord boudreau evita giacche possono verificare costosi per ottenere.Come extra questa mano borse, scarpe, in realtà spille.Seriamente riflette la personalità reale strada parte della gioventù attraverso la collocazione di colore.belstaffbrandonline.Ricordate che la parola è considerata la credenza che conta anche se questo meglio è offerto, abbiamo un altro punto scomparire punto importante soluzione, la parola chiave di conseguenza dicendo è sempre dire che siete tenuti a abbastanza presente, invece il parabrezza chiedo la pensosità che tornò alla scelta di avere un dono, se non a buon mercato o fatti in casa.
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<p>And Giselle didn&#39;t have a bad year, all in all, either. The U.K. Telegraph says she made $45 million dollars in 2011, as the face of Versace, Ferragamo and Givenchy, and she graced a big 13 magazine covers internationally. There are plenty of actresses whose income and exposure didn&#39;t come close. But whether Karlie, Arizona or even Rosie will become major actresses is another matter entirely.</p>?<p>Today marks the launch of Burberry's biggest beauty launch - Burberry Body. Fronted by the oh-so-gorgeous Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, the fragrance is ...</p>?<p>If this is true, we're going to be so stoked that we won't even grit our teeth when we hear "Rolling in the Deep" for the 36,000th time.</p><p> to collaborate on a line of plus-size clothing for Burberry, according to Vogue UK.</p><p>Burberry, so it goes, is courting the Grammy-winning singer to work with Bailey on an assortment of "bespoke" apparel for "voluptous customers," which would, honestly, be totally awesome. While plus size apparel has made inroads in the industry (with events, for example, like ), we can't recall any designer as posh as Burberry explicitly launching a line of plus-size clothes in recent history.</p><p>The rumors would make sense: Adele and Burberry have been , and the hit singer is a budding fashion star, . Also, plus size clothes are seeing a renaissance, retail-wise. Both and have incorporated apparel for curvier gals into their lines.</p><p>Adele, who , is supposed to be due this month and was seen Perhaps she'll get to work on a range of maternity wear, too.</p><p>All that said, , which could mean a number of things, none of which mean that we're uncrossing our fingers.</p><p>Yay!</p><p>See some plus size models who could rock Adele's designs on the runway:<br></p><p>Want more? Be sure to check out HuffPost Style on , , and .</p>?eGHZmFyID44mYu00M5dZQhYaAu%2FAmgJCGfYy66NCsZ3y2%2BCd8epkdQj2UKN14xi7V2f6zvgZ4FLzuHlXFqCtvHEMfu8cnurHGtdTrlO6FQ53rI4f%2FNo7oyXAvVcpcAPr4kIuB5Ua5hfpX3jCUjpesONZAp5v%2FZYto0CpL2BNQDbLKBQntDL%2BG2ZKPlg9r%2BFV?<p>Move over Ryan Reynolds and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. The impossibly attractive pair might be the new faces of Marks and Spencer's Autograph collecti...</p>?<p>It can be hard to keep up with all of the award shows in Hollywood, so we were pleasantly surprised to find out about the last night. </p><p>For those of you who also had no idea this was going on, the awards actors whose careers "." Past recipients include and , so it's no wonder A-listers pulled out all the stops in the fashion department.</p><p>Stars went completely glam for Shirley, channeling Old Hollywood in floor-length gowns, glitter and taffeta. It's not everyday that we see Jennifer Aniston, Dakota Fanning and Mena Suvari in a room together, but they all seemed to have gotten the same memo -- dress to impress. </p><p>, cream-colored gown was particularly refined. And, unsurprisingly, Jen looked amazing in a . Check out what the rest of the stars wore in the slideshow below.</p><p></p><p>Want more? Be sure to check out HuffPost Style on , , and .</p>?<p>The Hollywood Reporter:</p><p>Alex Pettyfer has been cast in the lead of Steven Soderbergh's male stripper pic, Magic Mike.</p><p>Pettyfer, who is coming off a starring role in I Am Number Four, will play a young stripper -- a character based on experiences of Channing Tatum, who stripped before his career as an actor launched. Production is slated to begin in August in Los Angeles.</p><p></p> <br>?<p>Alexander Bailey, British style writer and founder of luxury e-boutique for men, MilanStyle.co.uk gives his advice on achieving British style.</p><p>British Style - What it is and how to achieve it.</p><p>If I'm after a waxed jacket to battle the storms, give me a Barbour or any day of the week. Needing a new cashmere sweater? I won't settle for anything less than those made by the artisans of the remote Scottish highlands. Time for a new suit? I'm sorry but mine must be made by an Englishman. </p><p>It is these classic staples and hard-wearing essentials that have helped define British style over the years.</p><p>British style, if we must define it, has always contained an astonishing mix of traditions, both from humble and aristocratic origins. The play-off between both the blue bloods' and the working man's uniforms have resulted in a rich archive of now iconic men's wardrobe items that the British are renowned for producing: some such as the Burberry trench coat, or Barbour wax cotton jacket, borne of sheer practicality and others out of our love of dandyism and military pageantry. </p><p>Indeed, the British have always had a taste for mixing tailoring, tweed, tartan, waxed cotton and military uniforms all with a healthy dash of eccentricity when it comes to all things sartorial. It's a look which we have been admired for, and derided for, in seemingly equal measures by the rest of the world. We only have to look back to the fashion event of 2011, The Royal Wedding, which culminated in a groom wearing fully bespoke military dress uniform and his bride dressed by a British design house which had previously been written off as 'unwearable' and 'bizarre' by even the world of high-fashion's normally all-inclusive tastes, the house established by the late . </p><p>But. We are not here for a history lesson or a journey into the murky depths of the British national psyche. We're here to talk about how you can incorporate elements of British style into your wardrobe and make them work for you.</p><p>Firstly, do you know your ABCs?</p><p>I do, of course, refer to arguably the most important British brand set, brands that also serve as a testament to quality and durability. Aquascutum, Burberry and Clarks.</p><p>Aquascutum and Burberry - British trench coats</p><p>Both Aquascutum and Burberry have an involvement in the creation of the trench coat as we know it today, the garment's history dating right back to the 19th century. It was later worn by the heroes of the trenches in WW1 and WW2 and has been identified with masculine style ever since. All that this means to you as a gentleman of good taste today is that you need to invest in one of the two brands to complete your wardrobe. Interestingly, Aquascutum also produced their trench coats in Canada for the North American market for much of the 20th century - so this might just swing it for those patriots amongst you. We respect the trench coat, not only for its eminent practicality but because like the men it was originally designed for, it is indifferent to class, age or social standing and will suit any man today, no matter what his style. Wear it tailored with jeans and a crisp white shirt at the weekend or as the ultimate power-coat to match your powersuit for the office.</p><p>Today, is the runway brand so beloved of the fashion editors of GQ and Esquire.</p><p><br>Clarks</p><p>This brand - so long seen as 'safe', and yes, some even said 'boring' (don't they always say that about anything dependable and trusty?) is having a well deserved renaissance in Britain today, in particular, its 'Desert Boot' so synonymous with the 60s and later the 'Mod' (reggae inspired) music movements in 1980s Britain. Wear yours today of a weekend for when you need a break from sneakers.</p><p>Now, let's go back to more waterproof jackets. Since it rains a lot here, waterproofing cotton is something we have perfected out of both necessity and sheer bloody-mindedness - no one wants to cancel a shoot after all for a little precipitation. (A 'shoot' is game hunting in the countryside for birds to eat)</p><p>The Art of Waxed Cotton - Belstaff and Barbour.</p><p>Both brands date back to late 19th and early 20th century England with Barbour specializing in producing waterproof garments for sailors and , coming later, creating specialist heavyweight waxed cotton garments specifically for motorcyclists. Today, you will struggle to find a gentleman in Britain who does not own a Barbour of some sort. Oh, and The Queen too. As for Belstaff, since an Italian company bought it out in the 1990s, the cuts have become leaner and more modern. This jacket is going to give you the instant cool that you always wanted (whether you can ride a motorbike or not - just pretend).</p><p><br>Shoes: Brogues, Oxfords and Monkstraps.</p><p>Northampton is a quiet and unassuming small town in the south of England. It is also the capital of the world's luxury shoe making industry. Every English shoe-name you may care to mention is based here: , Grenson, , Crockett & Jones, Alfred Sargent plus many, many more and all of them at least over 100 years old. Why are they all based in this small town? Quite simply because the town has centuries-old ties to cattle farming which in turn lead to local leather producers and this of course lead to shoe-making. The appreciation of this craftsmanship is resurgent in Britain today with young city dwellers bored of sports shoes wanting to sharpen up their look for an evening out now returning to these traditional brands, always worn with dark denim.</p><p><br>Savile Row and The Suit</p><p>There is too much to say about this famous institution of British style, based in the heart of London, save to say, it is unanimously accepted as the place that has perfected the art of the suit. This small street full of tailoring shops, tucked away in the quieter part of central London (and near the various Royal residences) represents tailoring - entirely bespoke, i.e. from scratch and designed to your specific body - at its absolute best. That's not to say handsome bespoke suits can only be made in this part of the world - not so. However, we respect Savile Row for its refusal to 'modernise' or bow to the whims of fashion. To take inspiration from this look is not as daunting as it may sound: speak to your local tailor and ask for the 'English cut': high on the armhole and slim on the waist of the jacket with a slight jacket flare below the waist. Trousers are also slightly higher on the waist than your typical Italian brands. Fabric choice? Ask them to import it from England (or Scotland if you are after a tweed), which still produces the best cloths in the world for suit-making all in the small towns of Yorkshire, northern England.</p><p>A final note on eccentricity.</p><p>It is often said that the British are fond of eccentricity. I won't deny it. This also spills over into the way we wear and appreciate clothes. We love a designer who plays with classics and admire those who shock us with their refusal to stick to 'the rules'. Name a British designer and you'll see it in their work: from Sir Paul Smith who puts naked ladies on the inside of his belts and shirt cuffs, to Dame who turned up knicker-less to collect her Knighthood at Buckingham Palace, to the late Alexander McQueen who shocked even the open-minded fashion world with his outlandish and downright bizarre catwalk shows.</p><p>You don't need to go that far to spice up your wardrobe. And we hope that you have never worn knickers anyway. You can however easily incorporate a little of our famous eccentricity into your wardrobe to make yourself stand out - a pair of red socks with your navy business suit. A Paul Smith cufflink or belt. A Vivienne Westwood shirt. </p><p>If you're NOT British and your friends and family start to raise an eyebrow at your new dandy style, just explain your forefathers were eccentrics who came over from Britain.</p> <br><p>Follow Alexander Bailey on Twitter:</p>?<p>LONDON - The colours are bright and brash, and the fabrics as shiny and enticing as candy foil wrappers. Luxury label Burberry Prorsum dazzled its catwalk audience Monday with a show that celebrated decadence in marked contrast to news of financial trouble at the fashion giant.</p><p>Creative director Christopher Bailey packed in iridescent body suits, space-age plastic capes, satin corsets and feather dresses, and in the finale sent his models marching out in a magnificent rainbow of metallic trench coats.</p><p>"Fashion is also about entertainment," Bailey said backstage after the show. "I wanted to do a collection that makes people smile. I want it to be joyous, a bit sassier and sexier."</p><p>The show, always one of the hottest tickets at London Fashion Week, drew "Slumdog Millionaire" actor Dev Patel, boy band One Direction's Harry Styles, burlesque actress Dita von Teese and tennis star Andy Murray to its front row.</p><p>Murray, still savoring his first Grand Slam title and Olympics gold medal, sat in the front row with American Vogue editor Anna Wintour and his girlfriend Kim Sears.</p><p>"I don't know much about fashion, but it was good fun," he said.</p><p>Burberry, best known for its classic camel trench coats, needed the dose of cheerfulness more than ever. In a surprise profit warning that rocked the luxury goods sector last week, the fashion house said sales have slumped and profits for the year would be at the lower end of market expectations.</p><p>The news sent Burberry's shares tumbling, and spread fears that the economic slowdown in emerging markets like China a major retail focus at Burberry would hit luxury retailers hard.</p><p>"There are many, many challenges out there, but I've always felt that ... you need to have a directional approach to design," Bailey said. "You have to be optimistic and think long term."</p><p>Chief Executive Angela Ahrendts praised Bailey for a collection that "reinforced the heritage of the brand in the happiest, most confident way that he could."</p><p>"For us, steady wins the race," she said. "The sector is still strong. Burberry is incredibly strong, our foundation is there. It's a global market. Are there elections in America? Is there a changing of the guard in China? Yes, there's a lot going on the global scale. Luckily we play in 80 countries."</p><p>Financial issues took a backseat at least during the glitzy catwalk show, which opened with a white silk cape draped over a rose gold bodysuit with fine ruching.</p><p>Bailey then followed with futuristic variations on the cape, including one in silver leather and another in clear orange plastic trimmed with python leather.</p><p>The brand's signature trench coats were reimagined in a luxurious gold lace, a hot pink-to-red ombre, and more bright metallic textured leather. There was also a move toward a new cocoon coat shape that's puffy, button-less and modern.</p><p>The palette spoke of precious metals and gemstones: Copper, bronze, turquoise and emerald abound.</p><p>Judging from the praise lavished by the dozens of celebrities congratulating Bailey after the catwalk preview, the collection was a roaring success.</p><p>The show was "colorful, uplifting, exciting and imaginative," Patel said.</p><p>He was joined backstage by movie magnate Harvey Weinstein, photographer Mario Testino and Hong Kong actress Maggie Cheung.</p><p>___</p><p>Associated Press writer Gregory Katz contributed to this report.</p>?<p>Drama reigned supreme at the amfAR at the on Wednesday night. , the annual gala sponsored by the American Foundation for AIDS Research includes a live auction and runway show to benefit the charity.</p><p>Fashion-wise, the theme of Cannes' biggest night was drama, drama, drama as glammed-up celebs sashayed several bold dresses down the red carpet, including Jessie J's cutout red leopard Louis Heal dress, Kate Upton's navy peplum that seemed to be reproducing its way down her body in real time, and Kirsten Dunst's multi-layered Louis Vuitton confection. Diane Kruger and Joshua Jackson continued their Cannes takeover, with Kruger in beautiful white Chanel. Heidi Klum popped up in fringed silver Marchesa, and Milla Jovovich looked fittingly space-age in her structured gold Atelier Versace gown.</p><p>amfAR's event has raised more than $70 million for AIDS research since launching in Cannes in 1993. This year's gala included an </p><p>Check out the pics below -- we'll keep updating with more slides and fashion credits!</p><p></p>?<p>The slowdown in Chinese consumers buying British fashion has led to Burberry warning investors its profits may be lower than expected. </p><p>Burberry, one of London's best performing upmarket fashion retailers, told the market on 11 September it would post lower than expected profits, causing its share price to drop drastically.</p><p>But analysts remain positive about the future of the luxury brand, with other high-end fashion houses suffering similar sales wobbles.</p><p>Jaana Jatyri, chief executive of fashion forecasting company, Trendstop.com, told Huff Post UK: "By no means will Burberry implode, as it has an in-built hedge in its high-net-worth customer base - and a chief with an acute understanding of the market - but these figures show that even it is not immune to market conditions. <br> <br>"A percentage of the aspirational buyers that have driven Burberry upwards are starting to run out of steam. In recent years, Burberry has thrived in the emerging markets, where people crave democratic luxury, but even the emerging markets are slowing.<br> <br>"This is not the beginning of the end for Burberry, it's just a shot across the bows."</p><p>Paul French, chief China strategist at Mintel, told the Huffington Post UK Louis Vuitton was also hurting from losing popularity in China, as fickle consumers choose Italian brands such as Gucci and Prada instead.</p><p>"It is worth remembering the global clout of the Chinese shopper is massive now, so if they turn away from Burberry that will mean less sales in places where they travel to spend and avoid high domestic taxes at home, such as London, Paris, Hong Kong, Singapore, Melbourne, and Tokyo," he explained.</p><p>"China's luxury goods market is competitive, highly competitive and a crowded space. Sadly fashion is rather unpredictable - Burberry got it wrong for the Chinese market this year and now they're blaming the consumer - a sort of fashionista's version on the politician's old adage of 'let's dissolve the people and elect a new one that likes what we're saying'."</p><p>Tarlok Teji, retail analyst at Manchester Business School, agreed, telling Huff Post UK the warning simply proved Burberry wasn't immune to the global slowdown.</p><p>"Given Burberry performed so well last year, flat performance against strong comparative numbers could be seen as being good news," he said.<br> <br>The figures also reflect the slowdown in China. This is part and parcel of the global downturn, but should be short and shallow. Typically the luxury end of the market is more resilient than other sectors, and as Burberry has good management and a resilient strategy, it is still likely to be a retail winner in these tough and turbulent times.</p><p>However, Burberry's woes could be indicative of a wider slow down in the luxury brands market.</p><p>"Burberry's weak performance - at least, weak in the context of the recent past - concerning for the wider luxury goods market, as the brand looks to have made all the right moves from investing in its own retail outlets to cultivating growth in the key Asia-Pacific region, where it recorded 43% revenue growth in the year to March 2012," said John Mercer, senior retail analyst at Mintel.</p><p>"Beyond the short term, Burberry will remain one of the stronger performers in the luxury sector, but until we get further indications from other luxury houses we do not know for sure whether this is simply a short-term blip or a turning point for the overall luxury goods market."</p><p>Investec Securities analyst Bethany Hocking agreed, saying while she advised investors to hold on to Burberry shares, the shares, and wider luxury sector, would suffer in the short term. </p><p>"We, and the market, will have to wait for more information on 11 October, " she added.</p>?<p>Ashoka, the world's leading incubator of social entrepreneurs, hosted a remarkable conference in Vienna, Austria this past weekend. The event was called "Globalizer" and it involved some of the brightest and most successful social innovators from every corner of the world. I was honoured to be invited along as a judge panellist and a coach for these remarkable achievers. Our simple objective was to assess the scaling potential of their national or regional social-change enterprises and help figure out a way to turn them into global change makers.</p><p>As we worked through the list of these exceptionally effective ventures a trend became very clear: The ones that could most easily scale across the world were also the ones that could more naturally morph into for-profit businesses. Profit potential, it seemed, was one of the most obvious growth enablers for some of these very pure and authentic social enterprises!</p><p>The cynics and the traditionalists in the not-for-profit space would argue that profit and "good" cannot possibly be synonymous. They have always believed that profit corrupts and quickly overpowers good intentions. They might prefer the historical tension between good and profit because it has driven huge pressure on organizations to "give back" -- and, in an era of mounting social concern among citizens and consumers, it has birthed the recent Corporate Social Responsibility frenzy (or fad) which, in turn, has resulted in a revenue boom for a lot of their charities. But the real question is: So what? Has all this obsession with "giving back," particularly over the past decade, made any difference at all? Is our world meaningfully cleaner, healthier or more balanced now compared to, say, 10 years ago? How do we truly measure ROI for the billions of dollars and volunteer hours every one of us in the corporate world has "given back"?</p><p>The brilliant Michael Porter at Harvard Business School argues that we need to embrace a new form of capitalism in order to bring much more meaningful and effective change to our world, while still harnessing our natural instinct to generate more material returns (a.k.a. profit). In fact, seeing what I just saw in Vienna and what I see every day inside my own business, I believe Capitalism 2.0 is already emerging all around us. Good and profit no longer need to be at opposite ends of our behaviour and value spectrum; "giving back" is already starting to fade from the corporate lexicon and is being replaced by Porter's brilliant "shared value" concept. If we don't take anything away from society, then we shouldn't need to give anything back either. The successful businesses of the future will be the ones that figure out how to maximize profit as they maximize their positive impact on the world. Examples abound already -- think of all the terrifically profitable businesses that are making a lot of "good" stuff for our world: clean energy providers, electric car makers, waste recyclers, etc. The more these guys succeed and grow, the more positive their impact on our world and the more money they make. That's the very simple beauty of the shared value model: drive profits by doing good, instead of trying to do good after you've made a profit.</p><p>Spending a weekend with some of the world's leading social entrepreneurs convinced me more than ever that we're at the dawn of a beautiful new era. The shared value model will gradually become the foundation of doing business around the world -- and I look forward to the day when we will no longer be able to distinguish some entrepreneurs among us by referring to them as "social."</p>?<p>We often praise and for their thrifty outfit repeats, but Queen of Fashion Anna Wintour happens to be quite the savvy dresser herself. </p><p>For London Fashion Week she didn't repeat between days () but she did keep in one basic outfit as she hopped from show to show, simply adding or removing sunglasses or a jacket to switch up the look. </p><p>These polished looks have the Vogue editrix truly practicing the classic fashion-magazine preaching: it's all about the accessories, people.</p><p>To celebrate the last day of London Fashion Week, check out how Anna changed up her ensembles on the go, from Christopher Kane and Erdem to Burberry and Matthew Williamson.<br></p> <br>?<p>It's taken me a few days to begin to make any sense whatsoever of the disturbing and disgraceful story still unfolding at Penn State. Yet this much seems clear: what we are seeing at long last is another tragic example of the human cost of silence in the face of evil.</p>?["entry_id":"1941545","entry_url":"http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.co.uk\/2012\/10\/05\/police-deadline-to-questi_n_1941545.html","content_type":"image","image_url":"gadgets\/slideshows\/254093\/slide_254093_1607166_small.jpg","thumbnail_url":"gadgets\/slideshows\/254093\/slide_254093_1607166_small.jpg","title":"Missing April Jones","slideshow_id":"254093","vertical":"uk","entry_id":"1944563","entry_url":"http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.co.uk\/2012\/10\/06\/uk-weather-more-heavy-rain-on-the-way_n_1944563.html","content_type":"image","image_url":"gadgets\/slideshows\/255226\/slide_255226_1610739_small.jpg","thumbnail_url":"gadgets\/slideshows\/255226\/slide_255226_1610739_small.jpg","title":"Wet Autumn Weather","slideshow_id":"255226","vertical":"uk","entry_id":"1942242","entry_url":"http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.co.uk\/2012\/10\/05\/abu-hamza-and-other-terro_n_1942242.html","content_type":"image","image_url":"gadgets\/slideshows\/255028\/slide_255028_1606823_small.jpg","thumbnail_url":"gadgets\/slideshows\/255028\/slide_255028_1606823_small.jpg","title":"ABU HAMZA EXTRADITION","slideshow_id":"255028","vertical":"uk","entry_id":"1946174","entry_url":"http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.co.uk\/2012\/10\/07\/sandi-toksvig-groped-on-air-working-tv_n_1946174.html","content_type":"tweet","image_url":"gadgets\/slideshows\/255330\/slide_255330_1613287_small.jpg","thumbnail_url":"gadgets\/slideshows\/255330\/slide_255330_1613287_small.jpg","title":"Sandi Toksvig","slideshow_id":"255330","vertical":"uk","entry_id":"1944684","entry_url":"http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.co.uk\/2012\/10\/06\/afghanistan-war-11th-anniversary-amputee-marine-future_n_1944684.html","content_type":"image","image_url":"gadgets\/slideshows\/255245\/slide_255245_1611053_small.jpg","thumbnail_url":"gadgets\/slideshows\/255245\/slide_255245_1611053_small.jpg","title":"Afghanistan","slideshow_id":"255245","vertical":"uk","entry_id":"1945942","entry_url":"http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.co.uk\/2012\/10\/07\/april-jones-missing-service-held-machynlleth-mark-bridger_n_1945942.html","content_type":"image","image_url":"gadgets\/slideshows\/255322\/slide_255322_1613147_small.jpg","thumbnail_url":"gadgets\/slideshows\/255322\/slide_255322_1613147_small.jpg","title":"April Jones","slideshow_id":"255322","vertical":"uk","entry_id":"1947324","entry_url":"http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.co.uk\/2012\/10\/08\/jimmy-savile-allegations-bbc-george-entwistle-_n_1947324.html","content_type":"image","image_url":"gadgets\/slideshows\/196184\/slide_196184_459294_small.jpg","thumbnail_url":"gadgets\/slideshows\/196184\/slide_196184_459294_small.jpg","title":"","slideshow_id":"196184","vertical":"uk","entry_id":"1944491","entry_url":"http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.co.uk\/2012\/10\/06\/head-watch-felix-baumgart-live-on-huff-post-uk_n_1944491.html","content_type":"image","image_url":"gadgets\/slideshows\/254109\/slide_254109_1589127_small.jpg","thumbnail_url":"gadgets\/slideshows\/254109\/slide_254109_1589127_small.jpg","title":"Felix Baumgartner","slideshow_id":"254109","vertical":"uk"]?North American markets are trading lower and gold hit yet another new high Monday as an impasse on raising the U.S. debt ceiling discouraged investors. In Toronto, the S&P/TSX composite index was down 38 points to 13,457 at midday. In New York, the Dow Jones industrials were lower by 51 points to 12,631. The Nasdaq composite index dropped five points to 2,854 while the S&P 500 index was down four points to 1,341. Gold hit a record high of $1,619 US per ounce. By midday, the contract for August delivery had given up some of that gain, but was still up $10.50 to $1,612.00. The Canadian dollar was up 0.49 of a cent to 105.85 cents US as traders moved out of the U.S. currency. September crude on the New York Mercantile Exchange lost 77 cents to $99.10 US a barrel. Talks between U.S. President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner collapsed on Friday and no progress was made on raising the debt limit over the weekend. Market heavyweight Research In Motion Ltd. also weighed on the TSX as the BlackBerry maker announced big job cuts and management changes. Waterloo, Ont.-based RIM is eliminating 2,000 jobs, or about one-tenth of its workforce, as the company loses market share of its smartphone to Apple Inc.'s iPhone. RIM stock fell 95 cents or 3.6 per cent to $25.52. Before Monday's announcement, its stock had tumbled 52 per cent this year. "There is a long way for them to go to regain a competitive position in the marketplace," said Kate Warne, Canadian markets specialist at Edward Jones in St. Louis, adding her company has a sell rating on RIM. "And their promises and lack of execution over the last year have left us disappointed at their ability to turn this around any time soon." $2,000 gold predicted Some analysts said gold could break $2,000 as early as next year. As the U.S. and Europe struggle through debt crises, investors are flocking to gold, which is seen as more secure than currencies. "There's becoming a lack of confidence in those two major currencies, the U.S. (dollar) and euro currency," said John Kurgan, senior market strategist at commodities specialist firm Lind-Waldock. "People have been using gold as a store of value, and they've been diversifying out of some of those currencies into gold just as a safe haven of sorts and that's really what's been pressing (the price of gold) of late." But Craig Wright, the chief economist at Royal Bank, said the bank predicts that countries will be able to manage their debts, and foresees the price of the metal will scale back to pre-record levels. "Going forward, our hope and our forecast is that some of the things currently scaring markets and supporting gold prices should ease and we should see lower gold prices as we move ahead," he said in an interview. European government debt worries also focused investor attention as Moody's downgraded Greece's bond ratings by a further three notches. The ratings agency also warned that it is almost inevitable the country will be considered to be in default following last week's new bailout package. Earlier in Asia, Japan's Nikkei 225 closed down 0.8 per cent while Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index lost 0.7 per cent. China's Shanghai Composite Index slid three per cent. European markets were weak with London's FTSE 100 index down 0.29 per cent, Frankfurt's DAX was up 0.1 per cent and the Paris CAC 40 fell 0.37 per cent. North American markets are trading lower and gold hit yet another new high Monday as an impasse on raising the U.S. debt ceiling discouraged investors.?<p>When , younger than Bond himself, it also helped him to the title of one of Britain's hottest up-and-coming actors.</p><p>Whishaw, who at 31 is 12 years younger than Bond actor Daniel Craig, recently starred in the BBC's 1950s news drama The Hour and is due to play Richard II in a BBC Shakespeare adaptation.</p><p>He's also played Ariel in Julie Taymor's recent film adaptation of The Tempest opposite Dame Helen Mirren and will be starring next year alongside Tom Hanks, Hugh Grant and Halle Berry in Cloud Atlas.</p><p>However, he's not the only British actor who is set for international fame in 2012.</p><p>As 2011 winds down, and we congratulate the likes of Jessica Brown Findlay, who made the graceful leap from Downton Abbey to the silver screen in Albatross, and Tom Cullen who starred in tiny British film, Weekend - shot over 17 days in Nottingham - which exploded into one of 2011's breakout hits, we also look forward to the fresh faces who are predicted for big things in the new year.</p><p>From of up-and-coming talent in the world of film, TV, music, fashion, sport, literature and politics, Ben Whishaw is just one of our top ten picks. Here are our other nine top 10 rising British actors of 2012...</p><p></p><p>This Welsh newcomer is playing the young Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady starring Meryl Streep. In July 2011, she was named a Star of Tomorrow by Screen International and she recently finished filming the lead role in an adaptation of Michael Morpurgo's novel Private Peaceful. She's also starring as Countess Nordston, alongside Keira Knightley and Jude Law, in the upcoming film adaptation of Anna Karenina by Tom Stoppard.</p><p></p><p>This Cambridge graduate and former Burberry model has already started setting hearts on fire with a string of film and theatre credits under his belt. What's really brought him to wider attention is his lead role as Colin Clark alongside Michelle Williams in the Oscar-tipped My Week With Marilyn. In 2012, he plays the lead role in the TV film of Sebastian Faulk's Birdsong and he will also be taking the key role of Marius in the film adaptation of Les Miserables.</p><p></p><p></p><p>Harington starred in the London stage production of War Horse and landed a role as Jon Snow in Emmy award-winning TV show Game of Thrones, continuing into next year. His film projects include Silent Hill: Revelation with Sean Bean, and he's in David Dobkin's tale of the fabled king's early days in Arthur & Lancelot.</p><p></p><p></p><p>Unlike Harington who stars on stage in War Horse, Irvine plays the lead role in the film adaptation of the award-winning play, directed by Steven Spielberg. He is also appearing in Now Is Good (May) alongside Dakota Fanning and Kaya Scodelario, and is currently filming Great Expectations with Ralph Fiennes and Helena Bonham Carter.</p><p></p><p></p><p>In June Regbo was recognised by Screen Daily as one of its Stars Of Tomorrow. The 20-year-old English actor has previously had small roles in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part One, and Mr Nobody. He plays the lead in the screenplay of Peter Camerons Someday This Pain Will Be Useful To You opposite Marcia Gay Harden, Peter Gallagher and Lucy Liu. And 2012 also sees the London-born star play the role of Jim Hawkins in TV movie Treasure Island alongside Eddie Izzard and Elijah Wood. He is currently filming uwantme2killhim? with Jaime Winstone.</p><p></p><p>This Brit actress plays the lead role of Michelle in Ill Manors, the directorial debut from Ben Drew (aka Plan B). She has also completed filming on British horror gangster film The Haunting of Harry Payne, in which she stars as Angela.</p><p></p><p>This English actress has played Desdemona opposite Dominic West in Othello on stage in Sheffield, and appeared in episodes of Secret Diary of A Call Girl as Poppy. She has now been cast in the lead role in Noel Clarke's new film Fast Girls, following a group of London athletes competing in the 2012 Olympic Games. The new year also sees Lily play Korrina in Clash of the Titans 2 (March) opposite the likes of Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes, Bill Nighy and Rosamund Pike.</p><p></p><p>Ware appears opposite Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan in Oscar-hopeful Shame and also stars in the US political drama series Boss, where she plays the daughter of Kelsey Grammer's character. The series has had critical success and has been renewed for a second season airing in 2012.</p><p></p><p></p><p>In 2011 Boyega starred as Moses in Attack the Block, and has been cast as the lead in the pilot for new HBO series Da Brick, which tells the story of the life of boxing legend Mike Tyson. In October he was nominated for Most Promising Newcomer at the British Independent Film Awards.</p><p></p><p>This dashing 23-year-old actor was selected as one of the Stars of Tomorrow by Screen International in 2011. He plays a lead role in new US hit TV series Revenge, and 2012 sees him starring opposite Miley Cyrus in So Undercover, and with Gemma Arterton and Tom Felton in horror film Night Wolf.</p><p><br></p> <br>?In a 1987 Rolling Stone cover story, David Handelman and Michael Goldberg observed that Michael Jackson felt immense, self-imposed pressure while crafting "Bad." Obviously, this...?<p>"" may only have one season left, but Blake Lively isn't shedding any tears over saying goodbye to Serena van der Woodsen.</p><p>In a recent interview with Bullett magazine, . </p><p>"I think?the best way to describe it?is like someone who really?enjoyed high school, and?is like, Im a senior and I?cant wait for the next thing!?'Gossip Girl' was so great, but?whats the next challenge in life? Because, you know, six?years is a long time," Lively said. "And as an actor who plays a caricature?of myself on the show, I dont think Id say, watch 'Gossip Girl'?for my best quality of work. But I am very lucky to have had?that experience.</p><p>A final season of "Gossip Girl" isn't all Lively has on her plate. She also stars in. The movie is due in theaters July 6. </p><p>I think its really hard for people to digest that these privileged kids are in a three-way relationship, she says of the film, which involves sex scenes with both Taylor Kitsch and Aaron Johnson. Your heroes are all sleeping with each other, but theyre also in love. Its very easy to dislike them, so when my character gets kidnapped, its like, Well, good riddance! My greatest challenge was to make her life worthy of saving, to find the heart in this story.</p><p>For more on Lively, click over to . </p><p>Related on HuffPost:</p>?eGHZmFyID44mYu00M5dZQhYaAu%2FAmgJCGfYy66NCsZ3y2%2BCd8epkdQj2UKN14xi7V2f6zvgZ4FLzuHlXFqCtvHEMfu8cnurHGtdTrlO6FQ53rI4f%2FNo7oyXAvVcpcAPr4kIuB5Ua5hfpX3jCUjpesONZAp5v%2FZYto0CpL2BNQDbLKBQntDL%2BG2ZKPlg9r%2BFV?eGHZmFyID44mYu00M5dZQhYaAu%2FAmgJCGfYy66NCsZ3y2%2BCd8epkdQj2UKN14xi7V2f6zvgZ4FLzuHlXFqCtvHEMfu8cnurHGtdTrlO6FQ53rI4f%2FNo7oyXAvVcpcAPr4kIuB5Ua5hfpX3jCUjpesONZAp5v%2FZYto0CpL2BNQDbLKBQntDL%2BG2ZKPlg9r%2BFV?<p>There's been a lot of talk about what Kate Middleton will wear to her wedding to Prince William. The topic is starting to get tired as no week goes by that a newspaper, magazine or blog devotes considerable column inches to what the royalty-in-waiting would wear for her walk down the aisle. I understand the general fascination because there hasn't been a royal union of this magnitude since the groom's parent's wedding. </p><p>But what about some attention on the prince? Save for the ring he chose for the engagement and the piece in The New York Times on Prince William's crowning glory, or shall I say his quickly diminishing crowning glory, there hasn't been much news about the groom.<br>Why isn't there any speculation as to what he would wear when he says "I do"? Is men's fashion really so boring that no one's taking bets on the prince's wedding wardrobe?</p><p>Prince Charles wore his officer's uniform to Diana's wedding and given Prince William's rank in the Royal Air Force, he might just don his uniform. But that sounds rather dull and stiff. Maybe Burberry, the banner designer label of the United Kingdom, can make a fashion version of the Royal Air Force regalia since the house's designer Christopher Bailey is clearly inspired by the military trend. </p><p>Kate and William are young and to members of my generation who will be witnessing their first royal wedding (we were too young to really appreciate the Diana-Charles nuptials), they represent the new face monarchy. One that is respectful to tradition but is not afraid to shake things up and create their own traditions. Kind of like the Obamas at the White House but younger and hopefully, more irreverent.</p><p>With this premise in mind, I'd like for Prince William to surprise us with his wedding suit. He could borrow from Edward VIII's sartorial playbook. The style of the Duke of Windsor remains a minefield of inspirations for many designers to this day and it'll be great to see Prince William's interpretation. Will he wear tails as the abdicated King did when he married Wallis Simpson or would he pick a shawl-collared lounge suit? Or maybe some light tweeds in that Old English fashion if the couple are to really break tradition and Kate Middleton decides to wear a sleek wraparound dress from Issa or a tailored sheath from Victoria Beckham instead of a princess ball gown.</p><p>Or should Prince William wear mainstream British designers? Dunhill would be a good choice since it has reinvented itself into producing more contemporary fashion with nods to classic British style. And what about something from Paul Smith? Surely the designer can make a bespoke suit with his signature flourish of prints and colors for the prince in keeping with spring trends. Ozwald Boateng and Richard James on Savile Row would also be able to outfit the Prince in a modern and sleek suit perhaps even in a shade that is not the usual black, gray or navy to make him look current and off-the-runway. Except for the balding head, Prince William has the frame and looks of a male model.</p><p>Burberry Prorsum would be a sensible choice as it is the banner. Bailey has been known to custom-make tuxedos for Hollywood celebrities for red carpet events. Prince William and his wedding trumps even the most A-list of actors and awards ceremonies. Burberry should start knocking on the royal door, if they haven't already.</p><p>But given the UK's budget problems and its adoption of austerity measures, perhaps the prince should become a model of frugality and pick something that is less lofty and more democratic like Marks & Spencer, Topshop or even Ted Baker, the poor man's Paul Smith. Or he can mix high fashion with the high street as most Brits are wont to do. I know the royal family is supposed to represent aspiration and fantasy, but won't Prince William become more relevant to a younger generation, who no longer pays much attention to blue bloods and the ruling class, if he adopted the fashion statement of mixing designer pieces with mass-market products? This is a movement started by the young Brits after all.</p><p>But whatever Prince William -- and his bride -- elects to wear on April 29, we should all try not to project so much hidden meaning and symbolism into their clothes as many have been doing with Michelle Obama's wardrobe choices. Most of the time, it is really all just about what looks good on the wearer. It's fashion. Let's not take it too seriously. </p> <br><p>Follow Blue Carreon on Twitter:</p>?eGHZmFyID44mYu00M5dZQhYaAu%2FAmgJCGfYy66NCsZ3y2%2BCd8epkdQj2UKN14xi7V2f6zvgZ4FLzuHlXFqCtvHEMfu8cnurHGtdTrlO6FQ53rI4f%2FNo7oyXAvVcpcAPr4kIuB5Ua5hfpX3jCUjpesONZAp5v%2FZYto0CpL2BNQDbLKBQntDL%2BG2ZKPlg9r%2BFV?eGHZmFyID44mYu00M5dZQhYaAu%2FAmgJCGfYy66NCsZ3y2%2BCd8epkdQj2UKN14xi7V2f6zvgZ4FLzuHlXFqCtvHEMfu8cnurHGtdTrlO6FQ53rI4f%2FNo7oyXAvVcpcAPr4kIuB5Ua5hfpX3jCUjpesONZAp5v%2FZYto0CpL2BNQDbLKBQntDL%2BG2ZKPlg9r%2BFV?<p>The first fashion brand to livestream its runway shows, the first to sell live from the catwalk online and in-store via iPad, the one and only brand to attempt a , Burberry is the most digitally advanced fashion brand in the world and its utterly, utterly British.</p><p>In February this year, their autumn/winter 2011 womenswear show was livestreamed from Kensington Gardens onto the iconic C an industry first. That livestream was viewed by over one million people online in more than 185 countries, while most fashion brands were showing to a few hundred people perched on uncomfortable bench seats in a tent. </p><p>Christopher Bailey, chief creative officer of this young old brand, is just as focused on the companys digital output as he is on developing the next collection. </p><p>Bailey says: "Burberry is now as much a media-content company as we are a design company, because its all part of the overall experience. Its very important to consider new technologies with a light approach. Facebook, for example, is not just a mailbox. You need to keep it going, add content, create a genuine, non-deceptive relationship.</p><p>Burberry's digital adoption is vast and varied. All Burberry store staff carry iPads that give customers access to the full global collection regardless of what is available in store. Lifesize pictures of models on iPad-style swipeable screens also display the full collection., Burberrys own social media site, celebrating their iconic trench coat and has had over 14 million page views since launch in Nov 2009, and its has 80,000 users. Burberry launched on the main Chinese platforms Sina Weibo, Kaixin001, Youku and Douban in February 2011. Then there's the bespoke local language Twitter accounts in Japan, Korea, Brazil, Turkey, Mexico and Russia. Ni hao. </p><p>Unlike many old school fashion brands, notably the big Italian and French houses who have yet to fully embrace e-commerce, Burberry appreciates that we live in a digital world, and that their customers are constantly connected to the web, and each other. </p><p>Fashion is supposed to be about making things relevant. Yes, it is luxury. Yes, it is aspiration. Yes it is supposed to be inspiring. But I think there is nothing more inspiring than talking digitally because you can get attitude, you can get music, you can get sound, you can get video and movement. You can actually articulate so much of your brand using this medium," he adds.</p><p>Their immersive experience in China this April was a jaw-dropping example of that. Hardened fashion editors and CTOs alike were rocked by the intensely real holographic rain storm that filled every wall of the new Beijing store. A mix of real live models and holograms provided the first ever runway show of its kind, and naturally, it was livestreamed online and on the huge screen outside their Beijing store (that the worlds second biggest outside Yankee Stadium). The effect made Ralph Laurens recent projection onto their new Bond Street store seem meagre in comparison. <br> <br>While the trench made them famous, its the digital innovators at Burberry's Horseferry headquarters who are taking them into the future, and fast. </p><p>"We have an incredible team at Burberry and we all grew up with digital so its not something we need to remind ourselves to do it but its part of the culture within Burberry. Technology is the enabler and I find it incredibly liberating. Burberry is really about an experience, its about an attitude, its about the spirit, and I think its a lot about music. Of course, there are the clothes and bags, watches, eyewear and fragrances. But today we are all about how you interact with the brand. Its not a one-way street anymore, its a two-way dialogue, he says.</p><p>If other brands hesitate to launch into digital because it costs, Burberry are the case that says innovation pays. Revenue in the fourth quarter of last year rose 32 percent to 390 million, led by demand in China. It now trades in 45 countries, 23 currencies, six languages including Mandarin and Japanese. </p><p>Burberry will soon launch a new bespoke service for the iconic trench. In the modern Burberry tradition, it will be a neat mix of digital and heritage, based around a new digital platform that will enable customers to make their ideal trench out of more than 12 million possible combinations. <br> <br> <br></p> <br>?Well, we've got all kinds of poor people here in the U.S. and for some reason they always seem to be able to scrape up the cash for some $300 gucci sneakers, not to mention rims, and stereo systems. If our poor can do it, then maybe India's poor can do it too. Also I think that the people looking at these ads are judging these people by the way they look too much, infering something about their social status based on one still photograph. The pictures are offensive huh? You had to be thinking about these folks a certain way to begin with to find them offensive. So your disgust at this resonates an offensiveness all its own.?<p>Monday's Burberry show took London Fashion Week by storm, ending with snow on the catwalk, as pranced through by clear raincoat-clad models. And as usual, there was the fashion show before the show with the arrivals -- attendees included Rachel Bilson in a puffy coat, Kate Bosworth in a color that matched her hair, Samantha Cameron and Anna Wintour -- and then it was onto the runway designs. </p><p>Creative Director Christopher Bailey , "I loved the idea of playing with all these textures. I loved the idea of playing with cashmeres, with fur, with wools, with silks with jerseys. For me it was about the combination of everything that made things feel new." </p><p>Mario Testino remarked to the AP, "Christopher has been let free. I've been with him for a long time, when we first started at Burberry we were all sticking to what Burberry had been and now I can just so clearly see that there are no limits to where Burberry could go. The proportions, the mix of materials, I think he's broken through a lot, he's a lot more free now."</p><p>Take a look at who was there and some of our favorite looks, and tell us what you think.</p><p>(All images by Getty)</p><p></p> <br>?eGHZmFyID44mYu00M5dZQhYaAu%2FAmgJCGfYy66NCsZ3y2%2BCd8epkdXTnR8lDy1nAhURRmUXMV2AaVPEOuupAuYTMVnj6Vl2nbYBKVLP34TWSAfIJlERCn2KAfzbLqPIytSSPuGr9zqh%2Bv%2BnYysuVd2pWdaG8BbM2MgjDVOxaTbPa8OPNJL6JeElqpQo%2FPRMz?eGHZmFyID44mYu00M5dZQhYaAu%2FAmgJCGfYy66NCsZ3y2%2BCd8epkdQj2UKN14xi7V2f6zvgZ4FLzuHlXFqCtvHEMfu8cnurHGtdTrlO6FQ53rI4f%2FNo7oyXAvVcpcAPr4kIuB5Ua5hfpX3jCUjpesONZAp5v%2FZYto0CpL2BNQDbLKBQntDL%2BG2ZKPlg9r%2BFV?eGHZmFyID44mYu00M5dZQhYaAu%2FAmgJCGfYy66NCsZ3y2%2BCd8epkdXTnR8lDy1nAhURRmUXMV2AaVPEOuupAuYTMVnj6Vl2nbYBKVLP34TWSAfIJlERCn2KAfzbLqPIytSSPuGr9zqh%2Bv%2BnYysuVd2pWdaG8BbM2MgjDVOxaTbPa8OPNJL6JeElqpQo%2FPRMz?<p>What lesson did we learn this week, class? Don't rip off Burberry.</p><p> this week as Manhattan Federal court laid down the law on an extensive counterfeiting network. According to Women's Wear Daily, a slew of Chinese websites using the Burberry name and selling fake Burberry goods (yes, ... )have been found guilty of trademark infringement. </p><p>This is certainly not the first time the British brand has taken counterfeiters to task. In 2010, for selling fake Burberry products. </p><p>But the recent suit has more intriguing, precedent-setting terms: in this case, Burberry has been awarded not only a huge sum of money but the offending domain names as well, including yesburberryvision.com and buyburberry.com. </p><p>, to "hold third-party hosts; payment processors; search engines, such as Google, and social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, accountable for associating with the infringing sites," writes Women's Wear Daily. If a site is found to be in cahoots with the counterfeiters, says WWD, Burberry could cut them out from Web searches altogether.</p><p>Let's hope those Chinese counterfeiters aren't social media mavens. </p><p> Tell us in the comment: have you ever purchased a fake designer bag?</p><p>Related on HuffPost:</p> <br>?<p>Burberry celebrated the opening of its Beijing flagship store on Wednesday with a psychedelic runway show featuring holograms walking through one another, bursting into snowflakes and multiplying along the catwalk.</p><p>Edie Campbell, one of the six models who participated in the projection, , "Virtual me is clearly much better than real me, though I've heard she's a bit of a diva." She added, "It was a risk because there was every chance that it was all about to go tits up backstage! A lot of shows can be very safe creatively so it's nice to do some that are completely unusual."</p><p>Obviously, neither Campbell's nor our words will do the spectacle justice, so take a look below.</p><p>WATCH:</p><p></p><p>WATCH a longer version featuring Brit band Keane:</p><p></p> <br>?<p>Slate writer Sara Dickerman observed that "," so it's refreshing to see an actual garden tea party make the news these days. </p><p>Burberry's Chief Creative Officer Christopher Bailey hosted a most refined event at a private Beverly Hills residence this week to introduce the company's newest make-up line. The color palettes are based on Burberry's signature trench for a natural and timeless look. Guests came in their finest Burberry get-ups to celebrate the launch.</p><p> describes the scene: <br>Under white canopies in the garden, Kate Bosworth, Lake Bell, Jayma Mays, Rachel Zoe and Serena Williams were among the L.A. lovies served scones and cucumber sandwiches, iced tea and champagne.</p><p></p><p>For a review of the new Burberry make-up line and where to buy it, check out for more.</p> <br>?<p>www.mydaily.co.uk:</p><p>Today marks the launch of Burberry's biggest beauty launch - Burberry Body. Fronted by the oh-so-gorgeous Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, the fragrance is set to become the brand's signature (and most sensual) scent.</p><p></p> <br>?Community Notice:We've made some changes to our badge program, including the addition<br>of our newest badge: Community Curator.?<p>British style, if we must define it, has always contained an astonishing mix of traditions, both from humble and aristocratic origins. The play-off between both the blue bloods' and the working man's uniforms have resulted in a rich archive of now iconic men's wardrobe items that the British are renowned for producing,</p>?<p>LONDON &mdash; Luxury goods maker Burberry PLC, which has prospered over the past few years despite economic problems all round the world, warned Tuesday that profits this year will be at the lower end of market expectations.</p><p>The company said retail sales in the 10 weeks to Sept. 8 were 6 percent higher than a year ago, but all of the growth was due to new stores opening. Comparing stores open for at least a year, retail sales were unchanged. And in recent weeks, it said there has been "a deceleration."</p><p>Retail sales accounted for around two-thirds of Burberry sales in the year to March 31.</p><p>"As we stated in July, the external environment is becoming more challenging," said Chief Executive Angela Ahrendts. "Given this background, we are tightly managing discretionary costs and taking appropriate actions to protect short term profitability,"</p><p>Burberry shares were down 17 percent at 1,140 pence as trading opened in London.</p><p>"The global economic crisis is dragging on and the longer it drags on the less confident even wealthier individuals become," said Jaana Jatyri of fashion forecasting company Trendstop. "Unfortunately, people lacking confidence do not shop at Burberry."</p><p>Burberry will issue a further market update on Oct. 11.</p>?<p>LONDON - Luxury goods maker Burberry PLC says that full-year pretax profit will be at the lower end of market expectations following a flat retail performance in the last 10 weeks.</p><p>Burberry said Tuesday that retail sales in the period ending Sept. 8 were 6 per cent higher than a year ago, but all of the growth was due to new stores. Comparing stores open for at least a year, retail sales were unchanged and the company noted "a deceleration in recent weeks."</p><p>Retail accounted for about two-thirds of the company's sales in the year ending March 31.</p><p>Chief Executive Angela Ahrendts says "the external environment is becoming more challenging," and she says the company is keeping a close eye on discretionary costs.</p>?<p>BY GREGORY KATZ and DANICA KIRKA, ASSOCIATED PRESS:</p><p>LONDON ? Burberry and star designer Christopher Bailey provided the glittering climax to London Fashion Week Tuesday, drawing a galaxy of stars to the unveiling of its fall and winter collection.</p><p>American Vogue editor in chief Anna Wintour jetted in, wearing a burgundy Chanel dress as she sipped champagne in the front row, and the Hollywood contingent included the actresses Kate Hudson, in a sparkling green dress, and Clare Danes, understated in a cream-colored outfit.</p><p></p><p>A number of top models filled out the front row, including '60s star Twiggy, Britain's Erin O'Connor, Russian transplant Natalia Vodianova, and a host of others top stars.</p><p>The attraction that brought people out despite driving rain and snow was a first look at designer Bailey's vision for autumn and winter, which turned out to be a stunning blend of the brand's heritage &ndash; the trench coats, the military jackets &ndash; with sexy, tight skirts and dresses.</p><p>An ebullient Bailey told the Associated Press after the show that he had been inspired by a visit to the company's archives and a sketch of an aviator jacket he found there.</p><p>"I wanted it to be about our heritage," he said. "I took flying jackets and aviation jackets and ran them through from peacoats to trenchcoats. I wanted it very tight and a celebration of coats."</p><p>Bailey has reinvigorated Burberry, a venerable British brand that enjoyed a reputation for quality but languished for some time without fresh ideas.</p><p>High boots were in vogue &ndash; most went well above the knee &ndash; and jacket sleeves often contained buckles and belts, a play on the military theme. There were big leather jackets with oversized lapels and collars &ndash; some even had belts on the collars &ndash; and a breathtaking white furry overcoat that took its styling cues from the Afghan coats popular five decades ago.</p><p>A few of the olive green jackets seemed like imaginative reinventions of the World War II jacket worn by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower.</p><p>"I thought it was fantastic," said Alexandra Shulman, editor of British Vogue. "I thought the combination of the big, oversized jackets with the kind of sexy little rouched velvet and chiffon was a lovely mixture, kind of Burberry outerwear with sex appeal that you'd want to lighten up."</p><p>Many of the skirts were mid-length, designed to cover the tops of the sky-high boots. The color palette shifted from green to blue midway through the show as Bailey showed an elegant collection of blue overcoats, some with big gold buttons.</p><p>Next came seductive evening dresses, still topped with military-style jackets. A few purely feminine outfits consisted of lacy blouses in blue and purple.</p><p>"There were lots of coats, that's the message," said Tamsin Blanchard, style director for The Telegraph Magazine.</p><p>She said, however, the shortish coats might not be sufficient in midwinter: "They're not going to keep your bum warm."</p><p>As part of Burberry's marketing plan, the show was streamed live in 3-D to special venues in New York, Los Angeles, Dubai, Paris and Tokyo. Also, Internet customers could view the show online and make instant purchases of items they wanted, Burberry executives said.</p><p>"The world is moving quickly," said Bailey, explaining Burberry's eager embrace of new technology. "Literally during the show you can click to buy."</p><p>That raises a whole new issue: Some fashion frenzied fans might want to keep their credit cards well out of reach while perched in front of their computers watching the show.</p><p>BASSO AND BROOKE</p><p>Basso and Brooke showed their signature tight, multicolored digital print dresses, including dramatic maxi-dresses with low cut backs.</p><p>The fall collection includes dresses with skintight sleeves designed to be worn with leather gloves. Some had fur collars as well.</p><p>The colors, even on a single dress, were so varied as to defy description. The more closely one looked, the more gradations one saw. The contrasting patterns and colors gave each piece a unique feel, and the patterns seemed to undulate as the models sashayed.</p><p>Only a few pieces used solid colors to set off the prints. Even the ankle boots were decorated.</p><p>Among the international fan-base of the designers' digital prints is First Lady Michelle Obama, who has worn one of their designs.</p><p>"That has to help," said Olivia Marks, a fashion journalist with showstudio.com. "They were one of the first people to do digital prints. It was more of the same, but the response coming out was people saying, 'Wow, that was really great.' It will definitely be popular with people who know the brand really well."</p><p>The evening dresses provided the highlight, including some off-the-shoulder designs, one with a bright swath with an intricate yellow pattern. Some were set off by red, mid-length gloves, heightening the glamor.</p> <br>?eGHZmFyID44mYu00M5dZQhYaAu%2FAmgJCGfYy66NCsZ3y2%2BCd8epkdQj2UKN14xi7V2f6zvgZ4FLzuHlXFqCtvHEMfu8cnurHGtdTrlO6FQ53rI4f%2FNo7oyXAvVcpcAPr4kIuB5Ua5hfpX3jCUjpesONZAp5v%2FZYto0CpL2BNQDbLKBQntDL%2BG2ZKPlg9r%2BFV?<p></p><p>Burberry has sued Iconix Brand Group, alleging Iconix is selling clothes under the London Fog brand that infringe upon the fashion house's trademarked check pattern.</p><p>Burberry also alleged in the lawsuit filed on Friday in the U.S. District Court in Manhattan that Iconix's advertising campaign for its trench coats and scarves "mimics, and even directly lifts elements from, Burberry's distinctive advertising campaigns featuring the Burberry check."</p><p></p> <br>?<p>It's time to break out those 3-D glasses you swiped from seeing "Avatar." Burberry is set to live stream its fall runway show in 3-D in New York, Paris, Dubai and Tokyo, .</p><p>The real life show will occur at London's Chelsea College of Art & Design on February 23 at 4 p.m. but select groups of out-of-towners have been invited to screenings in customized spaces designed by Burberry's Christopher Bailey. Bailey also plans to put together a pre-show containing behind-the-scenes and red carpet footage.</p><p>"3D technology will bring our global audience into the London show space allowing them to see the colors and fabrics, to hear the music and to be a part of that moment when it all finally comes together,'' he said.</p><p>Didn't score an invite to the 3-D event? You can watch the show in two dimensions online at .<br></p> <br>?<p>MILAN, Italy &mdash; "Come rain or shine" read the fashion notes at Burberry Prorsum.</p><p>But the latest menswear collection by British designer Christopher Bailey, shown Saturday in Milan, was much more about shine than it was about England's proverbial bad weather.</p><p>Everything in the summer 2013 preview collection, from short-sleeved shirts to traditional rain attire, was in shining, almost blindingly bright shades of metallic, or better yet, fluorescent fabric.</p><p>Thus bring on a fuchsia pink trench coat, an electric blue bomber jacket or a shiny turquoise lapel on a classic tweed overcoat. Footwear, mainly of the sturdy sandal type, and practical tote and iPad bags also come in glaring hues.</p><p>But fear not. Bailey wouldn't dream of leaving his tried and true customer out in the cold.</p><p>Along with the shimmering shockers, the show was filled with traditional tweeds, classic suits albeit with a slim cut and country old favorites: raincoats, field jackets and oversized parkas.</p>?<p></p><p>LONDON - So many beautiful clothes, so little time: London Fashion Week produced its busiest day Monday, with blockbuster shows including Burberry Prorsum, Christopher Kane and McQ by the Alexander McQueen house all jostling for editors' attention.</p><p>Day 4 of the weeklong fashion extravaganza saw a futuristic punk esthetic marry beaded florals at Kane, the hottest young designer showing in the British capital, while Burberry's design chief Christopher Bailey dished up a luxurious collection of English tweed, herringbone and corduroys.</p><p>Observers said Kane's autumn and winter show, one of the most eagerly anticipated of the week, highlighted the unorthodox creativity and emphasis on craft that set London's young designers apart from those in other fashion capitals.</p><p>"Young British designers these days are reaching ever stronger heights with digital printing," said Hilary Alexander, a veteran British fashion writer. "The emphasis on arts and crafts, the embellishment of fabric they're not afraid to experiment."</p><p>Kane, who is known to pair traditionally feminine details with tough futuristic touches, delivered a memorable collection that featured purple leopard prints, intricately beaded floral separates and sheer purple and red dresses embroidered with oversized velvet flowers. Black leather detailing kept the look modern and edgy: Thick leather piping adorned most garments, and some of the dresses also had black leather shirt collars and sleeves.</p><p>One of the standout outfits was fire-engine red from head to toe: A long red fluffy turtleneck, paired with red wide-leg trousers with a black leather trim down the side.</p><p>"I liked the colours, the beading it was so lovely," said television presenter Alexa Chung, who sat in the front row along with model Yasmin Le Bon, American Vogue's Anna Wintour and Samantha Cameron, the wife of British Prime Minister David Cameron.</p><p>Over at Burberry, the emphasis was on classic Englishness. There were riding jackets galore, as well as velvet quilting, herringbone wool and tweed caps and of course incarnations of the brand's most famous garment, the trench coat.</p><p>Bailey, who has been at the helm of Burberry for more than a decade and is credited with revitalizing the once-fusty brand, said he wanted to merge city style and country living.</p><p>"I like the idea of celebrating the country, celebrating the town," he said.</p><p>Bridle leather straps, shearling parkas and quilting were evocative of the horse-riding country lifestyle of the English upper class, while cute owl drawings and appliques on some of the collection's T-shirts and sweaters, as well as gold metal fox belt buckles, were a fun and quirky take on the "country" theme.</p><p>A huge range of coats and jackets made up much of the collection. Some were cinched in with candy-coloured belts with bows, while others had masculine tailored shoulders and large pouches. Cropped, down-filled puffer jackets were paired with tweed ruffled pencil skirts, giving the ladylike look a sporty twist.</p><p>Colours were rich and autumnal, with mustard, burgundy, black currant and forest green, while wide horizontal stripes in grey, navy and honey kept the look young and vibrant.</p><p>Bailey likes to put on an entertaining show. This season he closed his display with a clap of thunder, a realistic torrent of rain falling on the show tent's glass windows and a finale of umbrella-toting models walking down the catwalk to clear confetti.</p><p>What could be more British?</p><p>"I quite like celebrating rain," said Bailey. "I like the romance. I quite like the melancholy."</p><p>There was also an autumnal feel at the debut of the McQ line, a new offering from the fashion house of the late Alexander McQueen, now headed by Sarah Burton, who gained worldwide fame last year for her design of Kate Middleton's wedding gown.</p><p>The McQ line is designed to be a more affordable range for a younger, less affluent crowd. The prospect at a first look at Burton's legendary handiwork drew a frenzied crowd Monday night, and they arrived to find the catwalk in fact the entire stage thick with fallen leaves. One end of the hall was transformed into dark woods, giving the entire set a forested feel.</p><p>Most of the models had strange, saucer-like hairstyles, giving them a space-age, inhuman feel, and many wore military-style coat dresses embellished with beading and embroidery. Thigh-high lace boots and long trench coats added to the look. A Scottish influence was felt throughout, with some of the male models dressed in kilts.</p><p>Some of the black flared dresses with colour bursts on the front were dramatic, but overall the line lacked the imaginative spark long associated with the McQueen house.</p><p>Other designers showing Monday included Erdem, Pringle of Scotland, Osman and Peter Pilotto, whose slim-line colourful dresses drawing on Japanese and Chinese traditions drew an impressive response.</p><p></p><p>Online:</p><p>London Fashion Week: http://www.londonfashionweek.co.uk</p><p>Sylvia Hui can be reached at: http://twitter.com/sylviahui</p> <br>?<p>We last week that Steve Poizner and Meg Whitman were both taking part in the NASCAR festivities in Fontana over the weekend, in an attempt to appeal to this coveted demographic. But in a PR faux pas the likes of which we have not seen since John Kerry ordered provolone on his cheese steak, Whitman waved the green flag in what looks suspiciously like a Burberry coat. </p><p>Her competitor, billionaire champion of working class fashion Steve Poizner, was quick to jump on this opportunity. The reports: "Let's say you are an out-of-touch billionaire running for governor and everyone is accusing you of trying to buy the election," Poizner spokeswoman Bettina Inclan wrote in an e-mail to reporters this morning.</p><p>"You need to show that you are in touch with regular working people, so you go to a NASCAR race on a Saturday night. But was that a Burberry coat that Meg chose to wear to NASCAR? Isn't that against some kind of unwritten rule?" </p><p>One can't help but wonder what sort of humble rags Poizner donned at the event.</p><p>UPDATE: It was in fact Swiss cheese that John Kerry ordered on that infamous sandwich. Apologies to the small but vocal Provolone lobby.</p> <br>?<p>Usually this time of year I'm running around London Fashion Week rushing from show to show and no matter what shoes I wear I end up with my feet punishing me in some way. So this season I decided on something slightly different. I decided to stay at home and see what brands were doing to promote their new collections via the internet and digital media.</p>?<p>Bespectacled fashionistas in Tokyo, Dubai, New York, L.A., and Paris gathered Tuesday to witness a fashion (and tech) world first: Burberry streamed its Fall 2010 runway show live in 3D, becoming the first major fashion house to do so.</p><p>In addition to the 3-D simulcasts, Burberry also live-streamed the Prorsum show on its website, as well as some 70 other sites, including Sky News, CNN, The Times and The Daily Beast, and invited guest bloggers to tweet from Burberry's Twitter account. </p><p>Perhaps more importantly from a commercial standpoint,the fashion house also tried out new tech that would not only enable more people to see the collection, but to buy it as well. The explains: "major pieces from the collection started selling immediately after the show on the company's Web site; buyers won't have to wait the six months for the clothes to hit stores to get them in their hands."</p><p>Tuesday morning in rainy New York, a mix of editors and socials who couldn't make it to London headed to SoHo's Skylight Studio, where they were greeted by men in Burberry trenches and escorted inside under Burberry umbrellas. After a twenty-minute pre-show (also in 3-D) including interviews with Anna Wintour (who pronounced the brand "Burberry's"), Mary-Kate Olsen (who proved a tedious interview) and Kate Hudson (who said her movie characters tend to wear the trench), the show finally began. And while it never quite felt as though the models were walking at the crowd, as some expected, all in the room seemed to agree the venture into high-style tech was a hit.</p><p>PHOTOS (Neil Rasmus/):</p><p></p> <br>?<p>WWD:</p><p>Christopher Bailey, Burberry's chief creative officer, made a visit to Buckingham Palace Friday to receive his Member of the Order of the British Empire honor from Queen Elizabeth II. "I am both honored and humbled," said Bailey, who was named an MBE as part of this year's Queen's birthday honors list for his services to the fashion industry.</p><p></p> <br>?<p>www.mydaily.co.uk:</p><p>Fashion Week Fact: Burberry is fashionista catnip. Seriously. There were too many famous people at the brand's London Fashion Week show for us to actually fit them into a single tweet.</p><p></p> <br>?<p>MyDaily:</p><p>Check out this genetically-blessed pairing. Brit actor Eddie Redmayne and model Cara Delevigne have just been announced as the faces (and bodies, arguably) of the Burberry Spring/Summer 2012 ad campaign...</p><p></p> <br>?<p>We'd like to introduce you to the candid and quirky Cara Delevingne: socialite, model, beat boxer extraordinaire and would-be Posh Spice. The 18-year-old has inched her way onto the fashion scene as of late, most notably posing for this year's Burberry ad campaigns. </p><p>But the that the blonde Brit has also been sought out to act -- in an upcoming Spice Girls musical.</p><p>Funnier than the notion of a Spice Girls musical (which will be performed on London's West End and produced by Mamma Mia! producer Judy Craymer, apparently) is Delevingne's response to the offer to play Victoria Beckham in the production:</p>The Burberry model tells Mandrake: "My agent said, 'No, you can't, it will be a career killer.' Of course, I loved the Spice Girls. I loved Geri and Baby, but who liked Posh Spice? They said I looked like her and I said, 'That's not cool, that's really mean.'?"<p>It's a shame, too, because Delevingne is quite entertaining. the model revealed another talent she could bring to the stage:</p>I'm a world class Beat Boxer, you should hear the noises I can make with my mouth... I'm also obsessed with drumming and have a massive electric drum kit in my bedroom, I'm drum mad.<p>She is also quite skilled at getting in and out of clothes at hyper speed. Watch the endearing Cara Delevingne clown around below and .</p><p>WATCH:</p><p><p><p><p><p><p><p><p><p></p> <br>?<p>Check out this genetically-blessed pairing. Brit actor Eddie Redmayne and model Cara Delevigne have just been announced as the faces (and bodies, argu...</p>?<p>When the recession hit in 2007, the majority of economists and retail commentators predicted that the luxury retail market would not fare well, but five years on it has not only survived, but prospered. Only last month Burberry Group posted a 24 per cent surge in its 2011 profits and Richemont (the third largest luxury group and owner of Cartier) posted a sharp increase in sales of 2.62bn. </p><p>But how is the luxury sector booming when not only consumer spending is low but the retail sector has seen a wave of companies go into administration and is in general decline. There are a number of reasons but the simple answer comes down to two points: changing consumer spending habits and a buoyance of wealth overseas. </p><p>As the Financial Times has reported, there are still a number of high net worth consumers that have cash to spend. They are spending their money on a number of luxuries - such as houses, cars but also in the luxury goods market. The 'hyper-wealthy' are still cash rich and are coming from stable economies in the Asia-Pacific region and Middle East. It has been from these economies that reports of a new 'travelling luxury consumer' has emerged; wealthy individuals from Asia, Middle East and BRIC countries coming to the stalwart shopping Capitals in the UK and USA to flex their cash in our luxury stores. It is these consumers that have not only invested into our own economies but are responsible for keeping the luxury goods market alive. It is cheaper, and sometimes tax free to shop overseas, and I am sure we will see another influx of the 'travelling luxury consumer' into London during the Olympics. </p><p>But it cannot just be the high-net consumer that is spending its money into the luxury retail market. I believe the recession has spearheaded a change to consumer spending habits - and it is the middle classes that are redirecting their cash into the luxury goods market. They realise that investing into a product that is benchmarked for its quality and longevity is more commercially sensible than spending on cheaper, imitation items. I believe this is partly the reason why some middle-market retailers, including Tesco and M&S, have struggled in the last year. Consumers are either looking for a complete bargain (which explains the prominence of retailers such as Aldi and Poundland) or a product that will last a lifetime and is an investment, even if it is at a higher price point. I have certainly seen this trend through my own business Gift-Library.com. We specialize in luxury gifts for any price point and we have seen our customers spend more money, but on less items in the last year. The consumer seems to want to buy a product that is durable and is in a classic style, where the value will be amassed over a longer period. </p><p>I am confident that the luxury goods market will continue to prosper. Consumer habits have changed and we will see luxury brands starting to invest in emerging economies such as China and Brazil. In the UK we need to make sure we continue to </p><p>allow our home grown brands, such as Burberry, to continue to expand and that our country continues to be attractive to the 'travelling luxury consumer'.</p> <br><p>Follow Caroline Stanbury on Twitter:</p>?Caroline Stanbury is the founder and CEO of luxury gifting website? Gift Library. Caroline founded the company in 2008 after seeing a gap in the market for a website that provided consumers with a range of high quality? luxury gifts that suits any budget. <br><br>Caroline's unrivalled book of contacts and business know-how has meant she has quickly established a network of highly sort after suppliers including Anya Hindmarch? Nina Campbell and Penelope Chilvers. Gift Library now ships to over 80 countries and the business is forecast to grow by 25 per cent this year.?<p>On the whole, working in fashion is a great gig. However, when the holidays roll around, one major drawback raises its ugly head. At this time of year, we start to hear the dreaded refrain: "You are impossible to buy for!"</p><p>And while we may be picky... we are not impossible. To wit, here's a list of gifts (ranging from under $10 to over $10,000) which would make any fashion addict perfectly content.</p><p><br>Lady Gaga: Dress Her Up! <br>$9.99-33<br>Who could be more fun to style than Lady Gaga? From her meat dress to her telephone hat, this clever contains all of her most iconic fashions.</p><p></p><p>Bill Cunningham, New York DVD<br>$17.99<br>A fascinating look at the life and work of one of the most important (and private) figures in fashion. A for every fashion lover.</p><p><br></p><p>Chanel "Le Vernis" Nail Color in Quartz, Graphite, or Peridot<br>$25.00 each <br>Honestly, anything from the house of Chanel will delight the fashionista in your life. These three metallic from Chanel's limited edition Fall 2011 collection are particularly on-trend and wallet-friendly.</p><p></p><p>Alber Sketch Pencils by Lanvin<br>$25.00 for a set of 6<br>Unleash her inner fashion designer with this pencil set from legendary Parisian fashion house, Lanvin. Decorated with Alber Elbaz' whimsical illustrations, the can even make unfashionable tasks (like balancing your checkbook) feel chic.</p><p><br>Fashionable Faces Posters<br>$30.00 each<br>Surround her with fashion inspiration 24/7. These pastel feature the face and quote of some of fashion's greatest stars. </p><p><br>Deos Ear Buds<br>Starting at $35.00<br>With over 100 hand-placed Swarovski crystals, Deos elevates the humble ear bud from technological necessity to ultimate fashion statement. Each comes with three extra sets of rubber eartips to ensure a perfect fit. </p><p><br>Harper's Bazaar: Greatest Hits<br>$65.00<br>Glenda Bailey's homage to America's longest running fashion magazine, Harper's Bazaar, is a visual feast from start to finish. Even if your favorite fashion fanatic doesn't like to read, she'll appreciate the coffee table .</p><p></p><p>Fashion Cookies<br>$75.00 for a set of 18<br>Although festive, gingerbread men are not particularly fashion forward. Luckily, you can up the style ante by giving hand-iced sugar in the shape of the season's hottest shoes and handbags.</p><p></p><p>Polaroid Instant 300 Camera<br>$99.99<br>Because fashionistas, like Cher in "Clueless," don't trust mirrors; this Polaroid will become her most trusted fashion adviser. </p><p></p><p>Khirma Eliazov Exotic Cuff Bracelets<br>$110.00 each<br>Python is the new leopard. These exquisite , available in a wide range of exotic skins, are the chicest way to wear the trend.</p><p><br></p><p>Smythson "Runway Notes" Notebook<br>$140.00<br>Smythson stationery is the "little black dress" of paper goods - always in style, always appropriate. Their "Fashion Notes" contains designated sections for comments on "City," "Runway," "Season," and "Show." Perfect for the budding Anna Wintour in your life.<br><br><br><br><br></p><p><br>Miu Miu Crocodile Stamped iPhone Sleeve<br>$150<br>Available in three glossy hues, Miu Miu's iPhone will ensure that her technology is as well dressed as she is.</p><p></p><p>Burberry Hot Water Bottle Cover<br>$210<br>She will dream of trench coats with checkered linings when she cozies up with this cashmere hot water bottle from Burberry.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br></p><p></p><p>Gucci Wide Brimmed Hat<br>$495.00<br>Hats are back! This felt from Gucci is the best of the bunch.</p><p></p><p>Hermes Avalon Blanket<br>$1225.00<br>Yes, this costs more than most people's monthly mortgage payment and it's not even 100% cashmere, but who ever said that fashion had to make sense?<br><br><br><br><br></p><p><br>Altuzarra Fur-Trimmed Anorak<br>$3650.00<br>While her friends are wearing the knock-offs, why not treat her to the original? This fur-trimmed anorak from Altuzarra is the must-have piece of the season.</p><p><br>The Coffret Tresor 20 by Louis Vuitton<br>$2580.00<br>The smallest member of the Louis Vuitton hard-sided family is the perfect place to stow jewelry in grand style. Since it's equipped with a lock, fashion addicts can also use it to hide photos from a less than stylish past.</p><p></p><p>Goyard Trunk with Assouline Fashion Library<br>$20,000.00<br>The world's most fashionable publishing house, Assouline, teamed up with the world' s most fashionable French craftsman to create the ultimate fashion library. Each custom designed contains 100 of Assouline's most fashionable titles.</p><p></p><p> </p><p>Follow Catherine Moellering on Twitter:</p>?<p>MyDaily:</p><p>WHO? Christopher Bailey for Burberry</p><p>IN A NUTSHELL: On first impression it looked like Bailey's collection was inspired by African tribal dress thanks to the profusion of bright batik and block prints, crochet and raffia weaves, and heavy linens. But it turns out that his inspiration was drawn from much closer to home: the intricate fabrics created by Burberry's factory in Castleford and the textile designs of sculptor Henry Moore (who knew?!) to be precise. "I'm interested in the relationship between 'slow' artisan crafts and the fast pace of technology", he told us after the show, "I don't see why they can't coexist."</p><p></p> <br>?Click here to leave a comment.HuffPost High School welcomes a lively, thoughtful debate in the comment section. Keep in mind that the articles here are penned by young authors, so please keep criticism respectful, and help us to keep this a safe and supportive place for writers of all ages to contribute.?<p>Everything new in Hollywood deserves a party in its honor, right? </p><p>Last night, it was the launch of Burberry's latest fragrance, Body, which was Rosie looked stunning in a very low-cut, body-hugging silk gown. We're sure she smelled good, too.</p><p>The star-studded event included Solange Knowles, Serena Williams, Rachel Zoe, Kate Bosworth, Cat Deeley and Jayma Mays. Also among the crowd were English actresses Alice Eve and Felicity Jones, who stars in Burberry's new ad campaign. Fellow Victoria's Secret models Erin Heatherton and Lily Aldridge, whom we can't wait to see at , also joined Huntington-Whiteley at the launch.</p><p>Scope out our slideshow below to see all of last night's glam. Did anyone snag us one of those floating perfume bottles?</p><p></p><p><br></p> <br>?Very cleaver designs! A lot of thought when into this. <br><br>And if the price of breakfast cereals keeps going up, they might as well be "designer" brands. Does anyone out there remember when breakfast cereals used to be less than $1.00 a box? And, when almost all cereal boxes had a prize or a toy inside? Or, when there was some special offer that if you sent in two or three box tops you got a prize or something? <br><br>Yet, when I was little, there was not as much concern about how much sugar and artificial ingredients there was in some of those cereals. When I think back now, some of those cereals were mostly sugar and starch. <br><br>Some of the classic cereals like corn flakes are still around. Yet at over $5.00 a box I wonder if any family can afford to stock up on breakfast cereals these days.?<p>Rising aviation superpower Emirates has secured a new partnership with struggling airline Qantas, following the termination of a 17-year deal with Bri...</p>?<p>Forgetting to lock the toilet stall and having someone walk in on you? The worst. Now picture that person barging in is Diane von Furstenberg and you are ... because that actually happened.</p><p>In is described as astute, articulate, personable and sophisticated. She's also a bit absent-minded, Jonathan Van Meter writes, often abandoning her Blackberry and leaving doors unlocked at the Kennedy Center so designers can accidentally intrude.</p><p>But save for the one embarrassing DVF anecdote, Chelsea Clinton comes off as enviably refined and even more stylish than we knew in , which appears in . Styled in a Burberry trench, Clinton receives praise from her fashionable pals, including Burberry head designer Christopher Bailey: "Oh, she is sooo stylish, Chelsea." </p><p>And it sounds like she likes to be:</p>One night [...] she turns up in the hotel lobby wearing something you might expect to see on Beyonc: black, skintight J Brand jeans, black Rag & Bone jacket, and platform stilettos. Wow, I say. [Chelsea's chief-of-staff Bari] Lurie -- who has known Clinton since they were teenagers, when Lurie was a White House intern working for Hillary Clinton -- shoots me a look: "Dont encourage her.<p>We hate to break it to Lurie, but a Vogue shoot is pretty much the biggest fashion encouragement Chelsea could get. Plus , are already members of an elite social circle (, , etc). The pair scored tickets to the , which Marc described as "glamorous and ridiculous and over-the-top and amazing." </p><p>Not the sort of thing we'd typically associate with Chelsea Clinton, but after reading her latest feature and seeing how she rocks her Vogue-chosen duds (Burberry, Marc Jacobs), we're beginning to reconsider.</p><p>Read </p><p>PHOTO:</p><p></p><p>See Chelsea Clinton's style evolution!<br></p><p>Want more? Be sure to check out HuffPost Style on , , and .</p>?<p>Two days ago, a photograph of a girl wearing a white vest and ballet slippers and doing a 45-degree split in her dorm room went viral on the Chinese Internet. It led to what Sina entertainment called an online "battle between beauties." Some of the photos feature young women eating lunch or talking on their cell phones while doing the splits.</p>?<p>The Burberry Spring 2013 collection offers looks for both celebrities and the woman who wants to treat herself to a one of a kind coat or a beautiful lace dress.</p>?<p>I never gave clothes much thought, but I knew the moment my daughter refused to wear jeans at the age of two because they were "ugly," I was outclassed. And that precious toddler grew up to be my stylish Sarah who now works for Stylelist and lives and breathes fashion.</p>?<p>What would you do to get rid of a squatter in your town?</p><p>Residents of the Palmer Woods neighborhood of Detroit did quite a lot to try to get rid of alleged squatter Clarence Boykin Jr., whos now facing jail time after moving in to a home that sold for $480,000 nine years ago, according to . When Boykin showed up in a moving van after the previous owner walked away from his mortgage, neighbors were so suspicious that they arranged to have the utilities cut off. </p><p>Boykin's attempting to stay in the home by filing for adverse possession -- a legal loophole that squatters around the country have been claiming entitles them to take ownership of abandoned homes if they maintain the homes and keep up with the taxes. But many misinterpret the law; it only applies to squatters who have had access to the abandoned property over a period of years, an attorney told .</p><p> nationwide due to foreclosure or mortgage issues. Recently, squatters are believed to be responsible for instances of , and a fire in Oakland, California that nearly destroyed an entire duplex, the reports.</p><p>In addition to being a hotbed for crime and vandalism, empty homes can also drive down property values. To cope with the problem, on blight ordinances. Banks have received 3,600 fines for their handling of abandoned homes in New York City alone, reports. </p><p>In Detroit, it owns rather than pay the cost of maintaining them, an action similar to a proposal recently approved by the city of Birmingham, Alabama that will tear down 230 abandoned homes, reports.</p>?<p>If anyone had any doubt as to who the biggest model on the planet is, they could simply tune into to find out. On the world's biggest stage, amongst pop stars and athletes and royals, strode across the Olympic Stadium stage and totally owned it.</p><p>The supermodel was joined by several of her top British peers, who comprised . Naomi Campbell, Lily Cole, Lily Donaldson, David Gandy, Karen Elson, Jourdan Dunn, Georgia May Jagger and Stella Tennant -- the U.K.'s biggest stars in the modeling world -- were carried onto the stage on giant floats then did their best stomping model walks from the corners of the Union Jack into center stage to the tune of David Bowie's "Fashion."</p><p>They showcased the best of British fashion design, wearing glittering gold threads by Alexander McQueen, Victoria Beckham, Paul Smith, Vivienne Westwood's Gold Label, Erdem, Jonathan Saunders, Burberry and Christopher Kane. </p><p>They also inspired a bit of criticism by the less fashion-loving viewers taking in the show. "Kate Moss! Who represents the Olympic ideals of not doing drugs, or smoking, and achieving lots. Work with me here," t. "I suspect Kate Moss might fail her drugs test later. #closingceremony" . (.) Admittedly, we had our own HuffPost Style staff debate going as to whether Moss did look a tad drunk...</p><p>Another critique of the show concerned the soundtrack: while the music choice of David Bowie certainly worked well for the fashion-centric segment, some of us wondered why the models didn't walk out to famous for and a centerpiece of the closing ceremony.</p><p>But the much-anticipated fashion show, however brief, generally won widespread praise. Vogue UK's fashion director, Lucinda Chambers, avoided any wardrobe malfunctions with her flawless styling and the crowd of 80,000 cheered Kate and her pals with tons of applause.</p><p>We contributed by squealing uncontrollably from the comfort of our couches.</p><p>Check out the model extravaganza in the photos below! Did you like the Closing Ceremony "fashion show"?</p><p></p><p>Want more? Be sure to check out HuffPost Style on , , and .</p>?eGHZmFyID44mYu00M5dZQhYaAu%2FAmgJCGfYy66NCsZ3y2%2BCd8epkdQj2UKN14xi7V2f6zvgZ4FLzuHlXFqCtvHEMfu8cnurHGtdTrlO6FQ53rI4f%2FNo7oyXAvVcpcAPr4kIuB5Ua5hfpX3jCUjpesONZAp5v%2FZYto0CpL2BNQDbLKBQntDL%2BG2ZKPlg9r%2BFV?<p> has become synonymous with innovative design and stand out collections, with London recently being voted, for the second year running, the most watched and read fashion capital in the world. And the Spring/Summer 2013 season proved no different. Front rows were stuffed with the likes of Anna Wintour, Lady Gaga, Mario Testino and Samantha Cameron who eyed up emerging trends such as rainbow metallic macs at , tennis inspired pleats at , stamp and banknote prints at and crystal encrusted sheer bodycon at . Chairman of the , Harold Tillman CBE commented that the collections were among the 'best he'd ever seen'.</p> <p> <p> <p> <p> <p> <p> <p> <p>'We've changed the emphasis of how important London is, the designers want to be on the international stage, which they're growing into, but they've still got a little bit of edgy rawness and fearlessness in London. Collections are better than they've ever been, presentations are brilliant, it's very, very strong,' Tillman tells . And designer Marcus Wilmont of , whose tough but feminine collection referenced scent and the layers in perfume, agreed. 'London is all about young energetic brands and it's not as corporate as the rest of the world. There's still freedom to take risks and take chances which makes for an all round happier experience,' he told us. </p><p>And when it comes to fashion philosophies, Tillman insists there are few rules. 'My philosophy for fashion is be passionate, just love what you do and continue to do it.'</p><p>Text by Holly Fraser for </p><p>Crane.tv App now available for Nokia devices from the </p> <br><p>Follow Crane.tv on Twitter:</p>?<p>That 13 year-old girl from Abu Dhabi? Think of her as a Range Rover Evoque. </p><p>Bear with me here...</p><p>Clearly I'm not an economics expert. I couldn't even pretend to be one, for fear of my bank manager finding out and expressing his mirth in the comments below. </p><p>But I do have a basic grasp of maths and logic, and it seems clear that if we, the British nation, are to 'grow' economically, then ultimately we need to bring more money into the country. I can't realistically hope to increase my bank balance by shuffling money around between my overdraft and (pretty measley) savings account, so I go to work and bring money in from the outside. I imagine you do the same. </p><p>So, my logic tells me, the country has to as well. Interest rates, quantitive easing and stuff (yes, 'stuff') might paper over the cracks, but for the national bank balance to improve we need to bring more money in from the outside. From overseas.<br> <br>Even I know that this process has a proper word dedicated to it: exports. But what we must also grasp is that this word doesn't only relate to physically sending stuff (sorry, I know, buy a thesaurus) to a foreign country and loading the boat up with wads of Chinese Yen for the return journey.</p><p>Obviously you are all intelligent people, so you will already know that a Japanese tourist splashing out on a Burberry coat, or a South African businessman paying by the hour for video conferencing with his London-based business advisor, or the child of a Russian oligarch taking a place at a 30,000 a year British public school, are all excellent examples of United Kingdom exports. </p><p>But to me it is an important point to acknowledge. Not just because it helps to validate my job, working in marketing at an independent boarding school. But also because, despite being officially classified as exports, tourism, retail, fashion, financial services, education and other service industries don't seem to carry the same weight as car exports or oil revenues when it comes to the government, politicians and the media. </p><p>This was graphically illustrated by the recent decision to ban London Metropolitan University from receiving students from outside the EU. Rather than being praised for their ability to attract overseas students (and, with each one, tens of thousands of pounds in exports) the University was forced to jump through more hoops than you might find in an Essex earring shop and eventually slipped up. Instead of welcoming the students (and their cash) with open arms, the system seemed to brand everyone an illegal immigrant until the University could prove otherwise.</p><p>Recently my school's admissions department was visited by officials, and from what I've heard it was a pretty stressful experience. Of course I understand the need to vet those we welcome into our country, and I would be foolish to pretend that no one has ever visited Britain on a student visa and stayed here illegally, but to suggest that a 13 year-old girl from Abu Dhabi, whose parents are willing and able to spend 30,000 a year for their education, is potentially an illegal immigrant seems a little strong...</p><p>Perhaps if the government thought of her as 30,000 a year in exports, they would be more welcoming. In other words, just think of her as a Range Rover Evoque. It just might work...</p> <br><p>Follow Dale Bilson on Twitter:</p>?<p>Last week the world got its first glimpse of toddler Harper Seven up on her feet as she accompanied her mother, the style powerhouse that is Victoria Beckham, on a visit to luxury department store Brown Thomas in Dublin. It was my first time to meet Victoria and I must admit I was impressed. I particularly enjoyed hearing her personal anecdotes about her family and their influence on her designs. For instance, did you know the caps in her latest collections are inspired from David's love of beanie hats?</p><p><br>Darren Kennedy & Victoria Beckham. Copyright Photocall Ireland.</p><p>But let's face it, as far men are concerned David Beckham has a lot more to answer for on the sartorial front. Between fronting underwear campaigns for Armani and his own range with H&M, he has single-handedly raised the bar of female expectations about the male physique. Well perhaps he's not alone. Daniel Craig should shoulder some of the responsibility, thanks to the now infamous 30-second scene in Casino Royal where 007 emerges from the sea in the shortest of short blue trunks, toned within an inch of his life. With that in mind and given the sun has finally decided to make an appearance here's your guide when it comes to baring leg, or more, this summer.</p><p>Speedos: Affectionately referred to as 'budgie smugglers', the speedo is the shortest of briefs. Not for the faint hearted, speedos great advantage is they are quick-drying, smooth to touch and allow for an all over tan. To be quite frank, unless you spend hours with regular gym sessions sculpting your body, best to avoid speedos at all costs. If you reckon you've got the bod for them, then go for it!</p><p>Short Shorts: Squeezing yourself into some hipster-style trunks a la Daniel Craig is unlikely to have quite the same effect as 007. That said sales of short shorts have rocketed in the past year with some fashion experts suggesting that as men's swimwear gets shorter, it bodes well for economic growth. Whether this be true or not, to pull off wearing this slightly racier style of shorts you need to wear them with confidence. Marc by Marc Jacobs and Orlebar Brown are both winners when it comes to this style. Boxer-style briefs are perhaps the more ego-friendly, less fitted, variety of short shorts.</p><p><br>Orlebar Brown swim shorts. MrPorter.com</p><p>Mid Length Board Shorts: Forget baggy Bermuda shorts, this season board shorts go preppy with somewhat of a retro feel with key styles including digital prints, geometric patterns and block colours. Robinson Les Bains neat fitting camouflage pattern shorts in soft shades of navy and blue get my favourite vote. This style is all about looking relaxed and laid-back at the beach or chilling out in town. </p><p><br>Robinson Les Bains. MrPorter.com</p><p><br>Tailored Trouser Shorts: The most formal of the bunch, tailored shorts in neutral tones are another big trend having featured heavily on the catwalks of Jill Sander, Paul Smith and Burberry. To really achieve this look, fit is paramount. The ideal pair should sit at your hips, with a slim taper to the leg and remain above the knee. Paired with a monochrome shirt and flip-flops or boat shoes, they create a simple yet ber-sophisticated summer look. </p><p><br>Paul Smith striped short. Ssense.com</p> <br><p>Follow Darren Kennedy on Twitter:</p>?<p>David Beckham? Bashful? Believe it.</p><p>The soccer hunk revealed in that (a spot for his ) made him blush when it came on TV.</p>"I'm very shy. When we were watching the Super Bowl yesterday in a room of about 20 people and it came on and I actually didn't know where to look. It was kind of embarrassing.<p>"The kids loved it but they were also embarrassed as well because there was other people in the room."</p><p>We'd like to officially let David know that he has nothing to be ashamed of. Can we get an amen?</p><p>But Becks says he preferred the filming of the ad -- which features Beckham in a pair of tight white underwear and nothing else except his tattoos -- to its airing in front of </p>"Shooting it, there wasn't too many people in the room so it was pretty easy."<p>Listen to the interview below to find out what kind of underwear David's a fan of (it might surprise you!), and check out the sexy ad in question if you missed it.</p><p><p><p><p><p></p> <br>?<p>Tesco Magazine hosted it's Mum of the Year 2012 event at London's Waldorf Hotel and proved - via a rather celeb-y red carpet - that figure hugging coc...</p>?<p>The British high street has long harboured questionable copyright morals. Today, perusing Zara is like walking around Liberty in some strange parallel universe where everything looks the same but is about a tenth of the price. J-brand-esque ankle-zip jeans for 30 anyone? </p>?<p>NEW YORK -- Juliet Sandler dresses in the latest $650 dresses and $400 shoes from Parisian fashion house Lanvin. Juliet is 3.</p><p>Her mother, Dara Sandler, says she dresses her daughter in the latest fashions because Juliet is a reflection of her &ndash; even though her daughter can't spell the names of the designers, let alone pay for their clothes.</p><p>"I dress my daughter exactly the way I dress myself," says the 33-year-old Manhattan mother, who spent $10,000 for her daughter's summer wardrobe. She plans to spend a few thousand dollars more for fall.</p><p>Top fashion designers are pushing more expensive duds for the increasingly lucrative affluent toddler demographic. This fall, Oscar de la Renta, Dolce & Gabbana, and Marni launched collections for the pint-sized. Luxury stores Nordstrom and Bergdorf Goodman are expanding their children's areas to make room for the newcomers, many of them with higher price tags. Late last year, Gucci, which launched a children's collection two years ago, opened its first children's store on Manhattan's Fifth Avenue.</p><p>Some designer houses like Oscar de la Renta and Marni say they're careful to keep the clothes appropriate for kids. But there are plenty of miniature versions of the adult looks that raise eyebrows because of their eye-catching prices and sophisticated styles.</p><p>American households are expected to spend an average of $688 outfitting their children for school, says the National Retail Federation, and that includes supplies like pencils and notebooks.</p><p>That's most families. Some will spend $795 on Gucci backpacks or $1,090 on leopard print puffy coats from Lanvin.</p><p>Sasha Charnin Morrison, fashion director at Us Weekly, admits that some of the clothes are outrageously prices. But, she says, things like $200 Gucci sneakers make her kids happy.</p><p>"They're a walking billboard of you. They're a reflection of who you are, so if you are someone highly stylized, then you want to make sure your kids are the best-dressed kids out there," she says.</p><p>Critics say the trend promotes elitism.</p><p>"This creates a class system of the haves and have nots," says Dr. Alan Hilfer, director of psychology at Maimonides Medical Center in New York City. "It creates a culture of envy."</p><p>Only five years ago, the high-end children's wear business was dominated by just a few major designers like Ralph Lauren, Burberry and Christian Dior. But the recent influx of others is the latest sign that affluent shoppers have gone back to splurging since the recession. And as the wealthy feel more comfortable about spending again, they increasingly want their kids to reflect themselves.</p><p>It's a "mini-me" phenomenon, says Robert Burke, a New York-based fashion consultant. "It feels good. It's like one for me and one for you," he says. The trend isn't limited to Manhattan or Beverly Hills, but is occurring in other big cities like Boston and Chicago, he says. Sales of designer children's wear are also strong in resort areas where retirees who tend to dote on their grandkids live, he says.</p><p>Luxury children's sales account for just a fraction, or just over 3 percent, of the $34 billion market, but it's growing faster than the rest of the children's wear and clothing market, according to NPD Group Inc., a research firm. For the past 12 months ended in May, children's wear sales rose 4 percent, with the upscale component up 7 percent, according to NPD's most recent data. That compares with a 3 percent rise for the overall clothing market.</p><p>Designers, seeking more growth, are now looking at children's wear as another way to deepen their relationship with their customers as well as reach out to new ones.</p><p>The designers are targeting household incomes of at least $350,000, says Marshal Cohen, NPD's chief industry analyst. That's about seven times the U.S. median household income of $49,445.</p><p>Many of the new designer entries are more expensive than some of the established brands like Ralph Lauren. Ralph Lauren's cotton shirts for boys are priced about $59. In comparison, Dolce & Gabbana's plaid shirts for boys run $190. Girl's dresses are about $500.</p><p>Nordstrom, whose designer kids clothes were limited to a few names like Burberry and Ralph Lauren, is adding a number of collections for kids from the likes of Marni, Marc Jacobs and Stella McCartney.</p><p>Neiman Marcus Group's Bergdorf Goodman in Manhattan recently expanded its children's wear department by a third to devote more space to Gucci and the new lines like Oscar de la Renta. For fall, the prices range from $4 for hair bows to $5,200 for an exclusive Christian Dior silk party dress handmade in France.</p><p>"We're definitely growing," says Andrew Mandell, Bergdorf Goodman's vice president and divisional merchandise manager of home and children's wear. "This is a whole new realm. And when you have our customers so fashion forward, they eat this up."</p><p>Colleen Sherin, fashion director at Saks Fifth Avenue, says both parents and grandparents are willing to spend on "unique, special" fashion items. "They're just not looking for basics."</p><p>The bigger trend, however, is designers creating free-standing shops devoted to kids, says Faith Hope Consolo, who leads retail leasing and marketing at Prudential Douglas Elliman.</p><p>Following in the footsteps of Gucci, Italian fashion house Giorgio Armani will be opening this fall its first U.S. store devoted to children in Manhattan's Upper East Side. Armani launched its children's business in the U.S. in 2009.The Armani store, which targets newborns to teenagers, will feature items priced from $50 to $500, says Armani spokesman Christian Langbein.</p><p>Some parents who are splurging say they also mix in shopping trips to Gap or other less-expensive stores, but see the designer duds as a confidence booster.</p><p>"I really believe when she dresses like this, she feels better about herself," added Sandler, who shops for pricey children's clothes at Barneys New York as well as a New York women's clothing store called Edit, which now has a designer children's wear section.</p><p>Manhattan resident Kelly Mallon, 39, says she's proud that her 9-year-old daughter Madeleine has developed her own fashion sensibility.</p><p>"I love seeing my child well-dressed. It makes me happy. It makes her happy," says Mallon who outfits her daughter in accessories from Italian designer Missoni and tops from designer Milly's year-old children's line called Milly Minis. "It's not a little girl playing dress up. She's in her own clothes made for her."</p>?<p>Are guilt-free shopping sprees really possible?</p><p>Last year, I was sat in Ozone cafe on Leonard Street - a hop, skip and a jump (even in four inches) away from Positive Luxury HQ - waiting for my friend, B. Twenty minutes after our scheduled meeting time, B rushed in clutching about fifteen shopping bags and her chihuahua Manolo, with her blow dry remarkably intact. "Look at what I just bought," she enthused breathily, removing a pristine Burberry trench from a cloud of tissue paper. "Isn't it perrrfect?"</p><p>"I'm glad you've finally embraced ethical fashion," I replied. B just stared at me, her smile turning into a grimace. Manolo growled.</p><p>"It's not ethical," she croaked, whispering 'ethical' as though it was a swear word, "It's Burberry."</p><p>The truth is, as I told B, Burberry is a member of the Ethical Trading Initiative. But B is not alone in turning her nose up at the term 'ethical fashion'. It somehow conjures up visions of hemp tote bags and those hoodies you find in Camden market that smell of stale incense.</p><p>That's when it occurred to me - you can live positively - and dare I say it, ethically - without compromising on a luxury lifestyle (and in B's case, shopping habit). I know I'm not the only one excited to realise that a spree of the right brands no longer means that I'm perpetuating child labour or tearing up the ozone layer. You'd be surprised which brands have 'green' leanings. In addition to the obvious, and one of my personal favourites, Stella McCartney, designers such as Kinder Aggugini, Gucci, Acne and Prada all subscribe to ethical practises. Who'd have guessed it?</p><p>Positive living - and shopping - has never been so easy, and a recent meeting with Dilys Williams from London College of Fashion proved that it's only set to get easier. LCF is encouraging designers to consider the economic effects of their work. This could be anything from choosing materials with a view to protecting biodiversity - and there is some really interesting work going on here with leading fashion brands - or making a piece that lasts. The sky is really the limit.</p><p>Talking of leading designers, we will see some of our favourites play out in a few days at London Fashion Week. And B and I will be there, wearing our Burberry trenches with pride.</p><p>Until LFW...</p> <br><p>Follow Diana Verde Nieto on Twitter:</p>?<p> has never been shy about her loyalty to the Democratic party. The designer has , and even . Now it looks like her political interests are becoming more of a priority than her fashion duties.</p><p>Like every brand in existence, the CFDA president at her store on Thursday. But instead of trying to rile up excitement around shopping, Diane instructed the crowd at her Meatpacking District store to hurry home to watch President Obama speak at the Democratic National Convention, :</p>"Everyone here better be a Democrat; no Republicans. Make sure you go home and watch the president at 10 p.m."<p>The 65-year-old political enthusiast couldn't get out of FNO fast enough, , "I just want to leave and watch the president talk. We're sure Diane was not alone in these sentiments during the big night though. , and are among the fashion set that has been entrenched in the Obama campaign, so we imagine there were quite a few industry insiders rushing to get in front of a television that evening. </p><p>Did you have trouble balancing fashion and political priorities (not to mention, ) during Fashion's Night Out?</p><p>See more fashion people with strong political views!</p><p></p><p>Want more? Be sure to check out HuffPost Style on , , and .</p>?<p>MyDaily:</p><p>Looks like Burberry have outdone themselves in the front row department for this season's Burberry Prorsum show - Will.I.Am, Holly Valance, Kate Bosworth, Will Young, Alexa Chung, Jeremy Irvine, Eddie Redmayne, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, a very pregnant Sophie Ellis Bextor, Donna Air, Clemence Poesy and more took their places on the benches to watch the brand present its AW 2012/13 collection:</p><p></p> <br>?<p>**SPOILER ALERT FOR 'DARK KNIGHT RISES' -- MAYBE?** If at the end of "The Dark Knight Rises," could be in some big trouble. The internet has been in a tizzy over the end of Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, and the death of the Caped Crusader is among the stronger theories.</p><p>So , who plays Catwoman in the latest film opening July 20, wanted to make it very clear that she had nothing to do with what Letterman may or may not have spoiled on "" (Thu., 11:35 p.m. ET on CBS).</p><p>"I saw this movie, the Batman movie," Letterman said. "And in the end, Batman is dead."</p><p>After an awkward silence, he and Hathaway laughed it off, with Letterman insisting, "He's not dead!" Even if it was a joke, though, if that is how the film ends, fans will likely be even more angry than their Twitter reactions to this interview.</p><p>"Late Show with David Letterman" airs weeknights at 11:35 p.m. ET on CBS.</p><p>TV Replay scours the vast television landscape to find the most interesting, amusing, and, on a good day, amazing moments, and delivers them right to your browser.</p>?<p>With unemployment standing firm above the one million mark and competition for work experience places intensifying, the summer holidays mark a pivotal time for thousands of young people as they prepare for the world of work. Facing some of the toughest employment challenges ever, it's understandable that young people are daunted as they look to get their foot on the career ladder- but I do believe there is some cause for optimism.</p>?<p>The Duchess of Cambridge looked comfortable today as she mucked in with children from inner-city backgrounds who built tents and made campfires, developing their confidence and teamwork skills during a weekend visit to the countryside.</p><p>Kate visited the Expanding Horizons Primary School Scheme at Widehorizons' Margaret McMillan House in Wrotham, Kent, today to meet children from ARK's King Solomon Academy Primary in London, who are taking part in an outdoor residential course.</p><p>The Duchess, who was well equipped for the visit with a pair of green Burberry wellies, spent time with children from Year 4. For most of the children, who are aged eight and nine, it was their first time to the countryside.</p><p>Kate, who also wore blue Zara jeans, a green Burberry blouse, green Zara jumper and a Really Wild green leather waistcoat, was accompanied on her visit to the woods by Vanessa Willms, headteacher of King Solomon Academy Primary, and assistant headteacher Lizzy Williams, who brought the children on the camping trip on Friday morning.</p><p></p><p>Looking relaxed and happy, Kate chatted to Zahid Shanvere, eight, and Faith Kalala, nine, who showed her the teepees where they had all slept on Saturday night.</p><p>Kate asked whether the children had been scared that a spider might come into the teepee but Zahid said that he was more worried that a mole might have made its way inside.</p><p>When showing the Duchess into the teepee, he said: "Ladies first."</p><p>To which Kate replied: "Such a gentleman. Thank you."</p><p>After chatting with the children inside the teepee for several minutes, Kate emerged and said: "Thank you very much for showing me your bedroom."</p><p>Zahid and Faith then walked the Duchess into the woods, where all the other children were building tents out of bits of wood and tarpaulin, making campfires and learning about what they would need to survive.</p><p></p><p>Kate met several groups of children and asked them about their weekend before sitting around a large campfire and learning how to make dough sticks.</p><p>She chose one of the children to try the dough stick and then later tried one herself.</p><p>After thanking the children for having her, the Duchess walked with them to the barn where they enjoyed lunch before the she left the centre.</p><p>Alpha Kolajo, nine, said he had spoken to Kate about what he loved best about camping and about how it had helped him and his friends.</p><p>He said: "We asked her a few questions, like how many countries she had been to. She said she had been to a few but not as many as William."</p><p>Tigerlily Smith, eight, said: "I asked her what it was like to be a princess. She said she gets treated very well and William is very sweet and kind and spoils her."</p><p>Niall Leyden, head of the centre, said this was only the second royal visit to the facility.</p><p>He said the first was when the centre was opened in 1936 by the then Duke of York, who went on to become King George VI.</p><p>He said the Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry was supporting ARK in the development of their Expanding Horizons programme as both organisations share a common vision and commitment to transform the lives of disadvantaged children, which made Kate's visit more special.</p><p>He said: "The children seemed remarkably relaxed about having a royal visitor as they were about the whole weekend.<br>"We ran the whole weekend as we would have normally. Her Royal Highness was relaxed and lovely with the children. She got involved and helped them with their camps."</p><p>A spokeswoman for ARK Schools, said: "We try to encourage those who are unlikely to have ever been to the countryside to come on these trips. For most of them, it is the first time they will have done something like this."</p><p></p>?<p>If Abi Morgan isn't sat in a doctor's surgery with multiple strain disorder in her typing fingers in 2012 I will eat a script. With two award-winning films (Shame and The Iron Lady) and BBC series The Hour already under her belt, you'd have thought Morgan would be more than happy to kick back and bask in the glory of her media accolades. </p>?<p>~The Cricket Bat and the Porcupine~</p><p>A Story in Three Parts</p><p>...which began life as a short blog on my book tour to South Africa in Spring 2012 and became a kind of blogelogue of a homecoming...</p><p> <br>Part One.</p><p>Day 1. Sunday Morning. Land in Johannesburg.<br> <br>And I see the light. The density of it, luscious, I bask a moment. My light. And the dry air, waiting, as it did all the winters of my childhood to crack my lips and knees and elbows. High world air. My air. A choking nostalgia reminds me that my natural habitat is 6000 feet higher than the stately roll of the Thames beside which I now live. </p><p>My straight-talking, seriously good publicist who I will call J drives me from the airport along Jan Smuts Avenue unaware of my already somewhat skinless state and before I can stop myself I call out, 'Sarah! ' And it is indeed my teenage friend Sarah's house that we pass - the place we learnt to be almost-sexual, completely-political beings, and where we gathered to mourn her premature death. I count the number of my contemporaries who died in the span of those late teenage years - 5 including Lulu. Surely that is a high number? </p><p>J settles me in my hotel with a view of the "biggest man made forest in the world" the canopy covering the suburbs of Jo'burg. She takes me to the shopping mall attached to my hotel where I buy a pair of running shoes, (my battered favourites forgotten in the chaos of my leave taking). I know the place well from my youth but since I last saw it, the supermarkets and fish shops and chemists have been replaced by Burberry and Celine, by shops dedicated to fine watches and horse riding attire, it is finer by far than Bond Street and I don't yet understand who sustains it. I suspect, though, that the spoils that provide this sleek comfort for the rich must surely come, at least in part, from government coffers meant to create a public safety net for all. </p><p>That net is certainly not there for the stick-thin young woman who walks across the street in front of our car asking for nothing. Her dress raised up in her hands like a ship's sail, revealing her entirely naked body underneath. She is thin as a stick, beyond the sexual. I wonder if she is in the final stages of HIV/AIDS and its ravages? There is grace in her fine neck, antelope legs and her face, when she turns to look at us, has already emptied out. I weep, no surprises there. The soft, skinless person I have become in the cold north prepares me badly for my old city. As I weep, I wonder if I should apologise to J - she saves me the task by discretely averting her eyes.</p><p>My first interview is with radio SAFM (the journalist runs a culture and book program from 1-4 on Sundays). She's a beautiful woman with a mission to celebrate books and encourage a culture of reading. She gives her listeners, off the cuff, the best synopsis of my book I've ever heard. The questions that follow are half-blood-half-brain, intellectually challenging but full of feeling. It strikes me then, that RHUMBA, although set in the Congo and London, feels owned by her, a South African. By the end of the interview, she is finishing my sentences and I hers. I am home and she's my companero.</p><p>There is a question one always dreads if one is white and well-heeled (though clearly not with Burberry and Celine and certainly not atop a horse) which basically goes something along the lines what gives you the right, white person, to take on the telling of a story about a place and people who are not your people? </p><p>I look to Willie Loman, fresh in my mind after seeing Phillip Seymour Hoffman's transcendent performance in Arthur Miller's 'Death of a Salesman'. Willie is a fantasist, alternately vicious and sentimental. When his two sons threaten to reject him their mother upbraids them thus...I don't say he's a great man. Willie Loman never made a lot of money. His name was never in the paper. He's not the finest character that ever lived. But he's a human being, and a terrible thing is happening to him. So attention must be paid. Attention, attention must finally be paid to such a person. I realize as I say it, that although Willie Loman may have been closer to Miller than my Flambeau is to me, telling this story about a Congolese immigrant boy in London is not a presumption on my part, but an obligation.</p><p>We finish the interview and the eye-grit from a sleepless night beside the largest man to ever fold himself into a British Airways seat fills my nose and eyes and mouth. Must sleep. </p><p>From my hotel room window I look down on the swifts and the hadedah ibis's flying above the canopy. They shriek as if to say if there is anything you haven't done yet that matters to you, you'd better get on to it before the curtain closes on the day and the nocturnal hunters, human and animal, come out to play. </p><p></p><p><br>Day 2/3.</p><p>I wake up to that same screech. I swear if those birds had been around in Shakespeare's day he would not have needed the ravens to herald the dark arrival of Duncan under Macbeth's murderous battlements. After the polite twitter of the robins and jays outside my English window, this raucous sound rips me from my sheets, as yet unready for the day. </p><p>For the first time in years, I spend the day meeting my contemporary countrymen in a professional context. The journalist from Sarie magazine (with its childhood associations of old tannies (aunties) baking rusks and giving cleaning tips) is astute. The Sunday Times journalist is too - good conversations all. The photographer who comes with her is a hunter. You know the ones, who look and look and find a way of saying what's going on inside something. They were a good team. The young black TV presenter has, unusually for a busy TV guy, read the book carefully. His producer, still just a girl, cracks the most irreverent of whips to keep him to the six minutes the piece allows. </p><p>There is one among the many women journalists I speak to who is authorial in the way a president would be. I have a brief and demented thought that she should go into politics to sort out the corruption that abounds. She is electrifyingly intelligent. But it is clearly more important for her to be the protector of South Africa's writers (make that the writer's of the world) particularly as the Protection of Information Act refuses to go way. More about that later.</p><p>By the evening of day 3 as I sit again above the circling hadedah's at my window it seems clear that - although the nation is still ravaged by the rasping shadow of brutalized criminals who spoil what they can - in the peaceful corners of the land, the once half-formed evolutionary fish of our new country, has flapped its way on the bank and is crawling towards a new self. An efficient, equitable, self-actualized, disciplined, self. </p><p>And then, just to complicate my certainties, as life is want to do, we arrive for the official Jo'burg launch of RHUMBA at Exclusive books in Hyde Park. I have been looking forward to this for weeks. A great African academic is going to interview me about my small book and I know I am going to emerge enriched in my understanding. Sorbonne trained, Oxford University educated, a spell of teaching at the university of Pennsylvania. He is simply brilliant and I am amazed he has agreed to this small collaboration. </p><p>As J and I wait for him to arrive I greet old friends and relatives and we sip our water or wine and I sign books, all very pleasant - but where is our academic?</p><p>I see J-the-unflappable begin to panic. Maybe he fell asleep? Maybe he was visited by an old friend and forgot the time? Maybe one of his children has a cold? Maybe he simply didn't care? Or it could be that a wild force of nature, quite beyond his control, swept him away? Even then, surely he would call, just to relieve us of our imaginings? Surely he himself had a first book once and knows the terrors that attend its emergence. Surely?</p><p>I feel my small lifeboat begin to fill with water and the longing for my children becomes an ache, as it does whenever hardship strikes. A kind young woman from exclusive books steps in to read out the questions I dig out of my bag from a prior Q&A with an audience in London. And, as we converse, question by question, we scoop the water out of the leaking boat. Finally, we are floating as a boat should, on the surface of the water, even without our brilliant academic to show us the way. </p><p>Elaine Proctor<br>Spring 2012</p><p>Part 2 to follow next week...</p>?<p>I prefer the idea of 'style' to 'fashion'. My wardrobe contains mainly black and navy, rather more tonal than rainbow. Yesterday someone described my outfit as 'ombre'; thank goodness my hair isn't dip dyed.</p><p>I favour a simple kind of dressing, the trench coat and heels kind. The kind where style rules over trends, the kind that isn't deemed outrageous enough to be a target for Somerset House street style photographers. That's okay though, I don't dress to impress at fashion week, I know my style and I'm comfortable with it. After all, aren't we all too busy thinking about ourselves to care about anyone else?</p><p>Seated at a menswear show last week, I couldn't help but consider the fashion vs style dilemma. In the midst of candy coloured mops of hair, enormous stacked brothel creepers, bright blingy jackets and some otherwise chronic get ups, I felt a little undressed by comparison in my Chloe-esque navy peter pan collar coat and tonal skirt and blouse ensemble. I was comfy, and politely, pardon the phrase, 'on trend'. I'll be the first to admit that Meadham Kirchhoff is an incredible work of art, but I'll never own any of their pieces. I prefer Stella McCartney, Chloe, Celine and Burberry; even Vivienne Westwood is too exciting for me. I'm a fashion minimalist.</p><p>At the aforementioned show, I noticed something similar happening on the catwalk; my favourite looks were those ultra wearable pieces that I could imagine my male friends actually wearing. Admittedly many of them work in media; perhaps the rugby types are exempt from this. Agi and Sam presented gorgeous paneled shirts that any self-respecting young man would be proud to wear both to work, and for post-office drinks. Agi and Sam kept it simple, simple enough for their collection to be more than 'show pieces'. Keep it simple stupid.</p><p>As for costume fashion, may it live on. Somerset House wouldn't be the same without hoards of journos, stylists and associated media types swarming around its grounds hoping to be snapped and obscurely posted online. I just know I won't be joining them anytime soon. Save me a seat at Chloe, for that is where my heart lies.</p> <br><p>Follow Eleanor Doughty on Twitter:</p>?<p>Fashion does not sit still for five minutes. This makes it a joy to watch, but a nightmare to keep up with. I've always been that person who would save up just enough money to buy something stylish (usually confirmed by my friend Grace who works undercover for the Fashion Police), only to find out that by the time I actually got round to buying the bloody thing, it has rapidly turned from hot, to definitely not. How on earth are we supposed to keep up with the latest trends that insist on perpetually updating themselves? </p><p>Well, Twitter, of course.</p><p>It is London Fashion Week. I am on Twitter (as per usual) and is trending at no.2 on the homepage. Immediately, I am drawn to see what it is they are doing which is causing such a online stir. Burberry's name is being hash-tagged and '@ mentioned' left right and centre, and all I know is I want to be a part of it. </p><p>Burberry is no stranger to technology. Back in April, I was wowed when Burberry used digitally projected models to showcase an opening night show in Beijing. Burberry's entire cast was holographic, encouraging Chinese fans to visit their high-tec stores allowing iPad users first dibs on the full collection - you can read all about this in a previous Huffington Post article I was expecting a selection of tweets about the , or perhaps showbiz journalists commenting on the fact Kanye West was sitting on the front row and for the first time ever, not wearing sunglasses. </p><p>However, it soon transpired that Burberry was in fact stealing the social media show. Here's how:</p><p>Fashion for everybody<br>We all know fashion is elitist. But the one thing Burberry definitely succeeded in doing this year was reminding people that actually, anyone and everyone can join the party. is not something I would go out of my way to attend, but like many people out there, I still wanted to feel involved. Twitter's European communications director, quoted this week that "brands like Burberry will be using [Twitter] to help people all over the world feel like they're sitting on the front row." This is exactly it. Successful fashion brands make their customers feel like a million dollars when slipping into that luxury garment. Instantly, we feel as if we have transformed into a newer, better version of ourselves and have the power to achieve anything. A good fashion brand offers something indescribably life-changing in that fitting room which is a private connection between the brand and the person. By partnering with Twitter and creating , Burberry made their fans feel special by giving them a first hand look-see at the line up before it made it's way down the catwalk.</p><p> </p><p><br> <br>Live streaming the show was a very social move. Many fashion brands try so hard to capitalise on being mysterious and restrictive when in fact they only end up eliminating a large proportion of their fanbase. Burberry, however, invited everyone to the party. By live streaming the show they reminded us that they are a global brand. Fans all around the world were able to tune in with the show, and real-time live streaming was Burberry's way of making the experience available to all. </p><p></p><p> <br>Don't be afraid to use different tools<br>Burberry do not shy away from mixing art with their fashion. Just like their launch of , they aim to get on a level with what young people actually enjoy, making a connection between the label and the lifestyle. This is what made the account so interesting to follow. It wasn't a brand trying to deliver something overly innovative, it was essentially just using a that many were already familiar with. As consumers, we are so used to seeing photos of models that have been edited, air-brushed or generally being made to feel as if it is 'us' and 'them'. This is why using Instagram worked. Instagram reminds me of times I have snapped real-life pictures with my friends, and this is why seeing the photos is this familiar visual way was nice to see. Plus, it had the behind-the-scenes aspect to it, by seeing what was going on backstage, it brought the brand to life.</p><p><br>.</p><p>Make your fans want to pass something on<br>Before I had time to stumble across this myself, a colleague of mine had already popped a note in my inbox telling me I simply had to check out the page where I could sign up for a free sample of . We all know Burberry doesn't come for free, so I was ready to beat people to it. Burberry now boasts over 8 million fans on their Facebook page which includes backstage footage, links to the shows, acoustic sessions, past tweets, as well as offering product exclusivity. </p><p>What Burberry executed this week is a brilliant example of a fashion brand using multiple social channels to promote a central idea and engage with consumers on a fun and informal level. No one wants to be bored by fashion: we just want to marvel at the luxury, become inspired and live the dream with the brand. Both online and real life.</p> <br><p>Follow Emma Gannon on Twitter:</p>?<p>Elfin Emma Watson cast her style-spell over a final fashion collection that Hermione would be proud of, as the designs of the Harry Potter actress are available from London-based Fair Trade fashion company, . </p><p>Watson also took the time to visit the slums in Bangladesh, and the Fair Trade community where her fashion collection is building sustainable livelihoods, speaking of her experiences in a new book, . </p><p>She was aiming to show fair-trade fashionistas that they?no longer need to be happy in hessian to be community conscious. Wand-wielding Watson is merely one among many to doff her (witches) hat to the movement, as Topshop and John Lewis have seen fit to pick up the brand. </p><p>The Huffington Post UK caught up with People Tree's CEO, Safia Minney, to talk about Emma Watson's designs, Occupy London and a human approach to big business. </p><p>Does the recession show that people still view ethical products as a luxury item when squeezed?<br>Green consumers are anxious like other consumers, they're trading down and buying fewer new products, but we have found still tremendous loyalty. </p><p>What would you say to those people who continue to buy unethical brands? <br>The reality for most of the products we buy is that they haven't been made to respect environmental laws. Most of the high street isn't operating in a sustainable or responsible way. </p><p>Is it defensible to buy unethical clothes if you don't have much money? <br>Increasingly consumers that care about society are thinking about creative solutions in how they use their money, they are buying in charity shops, and sharing clothes with friends. However, fast fashion and mass consumption is higher than it was 20 years ago, which is a big challenge for us. Recently as well, there has been so little investigative journalism going on that shows just how unethical high street fashion generally is. </p><p>What are the environmental effects of mass-produced factory clothing? <br>We use cotton which is low Carbon, whereas it takes unsustainable oil to make synthetic fabrics. There is so much energy going into making products that have very little value to society. Millions of tons of clothes that are thrown away are largely not bio-degradable. Using organic cotton saves a tonne of CO2 each year, for each loom. We're promoting both social and environmental justice.</p><p>Why did you decide to join in the Occupy London movement?<br>People Tree has been campaigning on transparency and we wanted to join in a people's movement. We're all about positive job creation and making sure that livelihoods are not stripped from artisans. Economics is a truly global issue.</p><p>How much creative input did Emma Watson have? <br>She was very active in the design process. Every evening when she was finishing last Harry Potter film, she would come to work with us, drawing ideas herself, and then she came with us to Bangladesh to see how our work is helping people. She was keen to build in hand-sewn details where possible. She is a very well-informed girl about the issues surrounding fashion.</p><p>What have you got in the pipeline?<br>Next season we will have Orla Kiely collaborating with us. We also have something special lined up for the Olympics. </p><p>Here are some highlights of People Tree's current range:<br> </p> <br>?<p>people.com:</p><p>The British actress, 19, best known for her role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film series, arrived at the Ivy League college last week and, after a few days settling in, blogged on her Web site about her new life on the Rhode Island campus.</p><p>"I've finally arrived at Brown University and I'm having the most amazing time," she says. "I'm still so excited to be here; I've already met so many incredible people."<br></p><p></p> <br>?eGHZmFyID44mYu00M5dZQhYaAu%2FAmgJCGfYy66NCsZ3y2%2BCd8epkdQj2UKN14xi7V2f6zvgZ4FLzuHlXFqCtvHEMfu8cnurHGtdTrlO6FQ53rI4f%2FNo7oyXAvVcpcAPr4kIuB5Ua5hfpX3jCUjpesONZAp5v%2FZYto0CpL2BNQDbLKBQntDL%2BG2ZKPlg9r%2BFV?<p>People:</p><p>What could be more British than Burberry, and what young British actress could be hotter right now? It's a match made in style heaven to have Harry Potter star and fashionista Emma Watson be the new face of the Burberry fall ad campaign, especially to hear creative director Christopher Bailey tell it.</p><p></p> <br>?<p>Watch out, Emma Watson! It's her 17-year-old who is turning heads in the fashion world. He's one of the industry's hottest male models, thanks to his famous sister. He told Vogue UK:</p>"I was actually shopping for a suit in Burberry to wear at one of Emma's Harry Potter premiere's when someone from the brand approached and said 'I think you should meet with Christopher [Bailey]. It was such a shock but it was a pretty good gig. Emma's been really great - we get on very well but it's good to have her there to give me tips. Her main one is to relax and don't be scared. Easier said than done though. She's just so efficient!"<p>So far, the younger Watson seems to have his pretty head on straight, explaining, "Castings are a bit tense. Everyone's eyeing each other up and down--it's horrible. I never worry about food or how I look though. All beauty is subjective."</p><p>Check out some images of Alex and Emma from their Burberry campaign:</p><p></p><p></p><p></p> <br>?What a pointless question. Of course it's Photoshopped; the use of image enhancement software is standard practice in photography these days. I would venture that less than 1% of the images we encounter on the web or in print are "raw." Even if it's just contrast or color enhancement, sharpening, color grading, or pushing/pulling the exposure, most images are treated digitally before publication. <br><br>On a side note, this image has a sort of Hans Bellmer thing going for it; the missing leg is a wonderful example of disarticulation in surrealist art. Watson appears incomplete and broken. I'm all for more daring art, though it's not clear that the photog here had any lofty ambitions with this piece.?Burberry Prorsum coat, Blumarine top, Jeremy Scott for adidas pants, Alexander Wang shoes? Reed + RaderStella McCartney dress, Akris top, Blumarine shorts, Jeremy Scott for adidas sneakers? Reed + RaderAlexander Wang collaged jersey bodysuit, Jeremy Scott for adidas sneakers? Reed + RaderJeremy Scott for adidas jacket, Burberry Prorsum dress, 3.1 Philip Lim top? Reed + RaderStella McCartney dress, (from left) Chanel ring, Armenta rings, Stephen Webster ring, Armenta ring, New Era hat ? Reed + Rader?<p>Fancy yourself a Chanel 2.55? An Hermes Birkin? Or perhaps a pretty little leather YSL satchel?</p><p>Just make sure you're not buying a fake. the latest in luxury handbag counterfeiting and found this not-so-good news: counterfeiters are getting much more sophisticated and it's harder than ever to spot a knockoff.</p><p>WSJ reporter Elizabeth Holmes talks to Elizabeth Bernstein, Accessories Director for secondhand retailer Portero, about how the fake bags are looking more and more real.</p><p>For one, many fakes are now actually made with leather as opposed to the typical plastic, which used to be an easy giveaway. Those that are still made with plastic are often embossed with a veiny pattern to mimic that calfskin veins on leather bags.</p><p>But, says Bernstein, there are still ways to tell if you're being duped. From the heaviness of the metal hardware (light hardware = fake bag) to the too-perfect stitching (a real Hermes bag, for example, is all stitched by hand), there are clues that give it away. </p><p>The most entertaining tip? For Chanel bags, Bernstein instructs skeptical buyers to rub the chain straps together and listen to the sound -- the gold plated metal of the authentic Chanel chains rustle differently than the plastic-sounding fake chain. </p><p>Looks like you learn something new everyday.</p><p>WATCH:</p><p><p><p><p><p></p> <br>?eGHZmFyID44mYu00M5dZQhYaAu%2FAmgJCGfYy66NCsZ3y2%2BCd8epkdQj2UKN14xi7V2f6zvgZ4FLzuHlXFqCtvHEMfu8cnurHGtdTrlO6FQ53rI4f%2FNo7oyXAvVcpcAPr4kIuB5Ua5hfpX3jCUjpesONZAp5v%2FZYto0CpL2BNQDbLKBQntDL%2BG2ZKPlg9r%2BFV?Community Notice:We've made some changes to our badge program, including the addition<br>of our newest badge: Community Curator.?i have enormous respect for daniel radcliffe (who reminds us that young people CAN have character) and everybody loves emma watson, but rupe was always my favorite in the hp movies.... <br><br>Life is so lonely. I am a 50-year-old doctor. Ive been living alone since my wife passed away 2 years ago. Maybe I should get going so I got a profile on r?chh??k??. ? om under denver50. Its the best place to meet CEOs, pro athletes, doctors, lawyers, investors, entrepreneurs, beauty queens, fitness models, and Hollywood celebrities. Maybe you can take a try.<br><br>it doesn't hurt that he's pretty hot, too... - but he really could use some help with his hair and clothes...?<p>We've teamed up with Greta Larkins, the genius behind the brilliant Tumblr in a weekly series of animated runway shots.</p><p>In this , Larkins takes on a pink and orange metallic trench from spring 2013 collection for at . While we know the British model (and Burberry face) has a tiny waist naturally, we can't stop staring at this mesmerizing image. Is the new corset?</p>Want more? Be sure to check out Stylelist on , and .<p><br>For previous Fashion Gifs, take a peek in our gallery below: <br><br><br></p>?<p>We've teamed up with Greta Larkins, the genius behind the brilliant Tumblr in a weekly series of animated fashion shots.</p><p>This week, FashGif takes on this long striped dress from collection which was presented during . Does this dizzying print make you feel like you're seeing double, too? </p>Want more? Be sure to check out Stylelist on , and .<p><br>For previous Fashion Gifs, take a peek in our gallery below: <br><br><br><br></p>?my particular favorites from paris were rick owens and ann demeulemeester. beautiful, mysterious and flattering. i would buy everything from the rick owens collection and just float through life. i loved the muted colors and( black).<br>so much of paris was derivative and garish(marc jacobs for louis vuitton),....like it was all done before (and it was)and the patterns were migraine inducing.<br>and can anyone explain to why in certain collections (givenchy, miu miu, marc jacobs) the models are deliberately made to look ugly, gaunt, and very angry. i realize the clothes should speak for themselves and the models are the accessories but what is the point of the smirks and snarls???????<p>We've teamed up with Greta Larkins, the genius behind the brilliant Tumblr in a weekly series of animated fashion shots.</p><p>This week, FashGif takes on this diamond-patterned dress from collection. With a moving dress like this, you would be guaranteed a spot on our . </p>Want more? Be sure to check out Stylelist on , and .<p><br>For previous Fashion Gifs, take a peek in our gallery below: <br><br></p>?eGHZmFyID44mYu00M5dZQhYaAu%2FAmgJCGfYy66NCsZ3y2%2BCd8epkdQj2UKN14xi7V2f6zvgZ4FLzuHlXFqCtvHEMfu8cnurHGtdTrlO6FQ53rI4f%2FNo7oyXAvVcpcAPr4kIuB5Ua5hfpX3jCUjpesONZAp5v%2FZYto0CpL2BNQDbLKBQntDL%2BG2ZKPlg9r%2BFV?eGHZmFyID44mYu00M5dZQhYaAu%2FAmgJCGfYy66NCsZ3y2%2BCd8epkdQj2UKN14xi7V2f6zvgZ4FLzuHlXFqCtvHEMfu8cnurHGtdTrlO6FQ53rI4f%2FNo7oyXAvVcpcAPr4kIuB5Ua5hfpX3jCUjpesONZAp5v%2FZYto0CpL2BNQDbLKBQntDL%2BG2ZKPlg9r%2BFV?<p>www.mydaily.co.uk:</p><p>Danniella Westbrook must have wondered if her head to toe Burberry check ensemble from back in 2002 would kickstart a fashion trend for top-to-bottom designer gear. It did not. </p><p>Until yesterday, that is. </p><p></p> <br>?<p>London Fashion Week may have come to a close - after just five days, confusingly - but here at Huffington Post UK Comedy we're still celebrating the world of style in, well, style.</p><p>Yes, some months ago we brought you a Q&A with Twitter celebrity . And hot on his hooves, we sat down with a relative new kid on the Twitter celebrity block: .</p><p>As he says in his Twitter bio, Fashion Priest has been "putting the Christian in Louboutin since 1513 BC." So read on for his style secrets, top tips and modish musings...<br><br>Whats your number one fashion rule?<br>Fashion shouldnt be an inquisition. Its much more important than that. </p><p>Which celebrity would top your best dressed list?<br>I should say the Pope, but if you ask me hes been poorly advised recently. I mean Prada, really? Its fine for the devil, but Ive always thought God was just a little edgier. If youre talking loafers, its Berlusconi every time. #OMHolyG</p><p>Whats the most amazing outfit youve ever worn?<br>A meat cassock, gifted to me as a tribute by the Haus of Gaga. I was concerned it might only be a seasonal piece, but I had the genius idea of curing the meat. Its since become a long-running wardrobe staple. #CharcuterieChic.</p><p>Whos your favourite designer, and why?<br>You know him as Karl Lagerfeld. I know him as The #Karldinal. He is the high priest of monochrome and you are not fit to kiss his ring, nor stroke his Choupette. I die. #Crucifashion.</p><p>Whos your favourite religious leader, and why?<br>For a while it was Sun Myung Moon. He totes owned the white silk onesie look. Pairing it with that crown was, frankly, genius (I still occasionally rock the look at Epiphany mass at St Martins). But, like Julian McDonald for Debenhams, these are false idols that distract from the one true fashion faith. Go home, light a (Jo Malone) candle and acquaint yourself with the Gospel according to Marc. #AbsolutionFabulous</p><p>Whats the biggest fashion faux pas youve ever seen?<br>It used to be Vicar-toria Beckham. She was totes fashion low-church. But I think our annual retreats together are starting to work wonders. #Amen</p><p>Which trends are hot right now?<br>Its all about the thrill factor. One key piece that adds kapow - be it a brocade skirt or sparkling clutch. On a priests modest stipend you need focus.</p><p>Which trends will be hot in 10 years time?<br>Hair shirts have been in the wilderness for far too long. But Henry H and I are hatching plans. Watch this space. #RealKardashianHair #Revelation</p><p>What piece of advice would you give to any budding fashion priests?<br>Only this: blessed are the chic.</p><p>Complete the famous fashion saying in your own words: Blue and green<br> ..is for lepers'.<br></p><p>Also on HuffPost:</p>?<p>,09.27.2012</p><p>Podiatrist; CEO and President of Foot Products Enterprises Inc.</p><p>With all of the new fall styles of boots and booties available this fall it is important to make sure your feet are properly manicured and supported. Blisters in the back of the heel, corns on top of the toes, ingrown toenails and arch cramps can come back to haunt you again.</p>?<p>If you weren't at a fashion party last night, well, you missed out on all the fun. With kicking off today, every stylish guy and gal in the city seemed to be toasting, speechifying, air-kissing and posing for pictures at a slew of fashion fetes last night to inaugurate the big week ahead.</p><p>, the latest glossy magazine to hit newsstands, feted its debut issue with a party hosted by and photographer Bruce Weber. Held at Capitale, the party drew the likes of Russell Simmons, Amar'e Stoudemire, Hoda Kotb and model Hilary Rhoda. </p><p>New York's revamped The Cut, , also threw itself a launch party on the rooftop of the NoMad Hotel, attended by Nigel Barker, Coco Rocha, Lindsay Ellingson and Yigal Azrouel. </p><p>Farther uptown, shoe designer Brian Atwood -- -- threw a party celebrating the opening of his new Madison Avenue store, attended by pals Rachel Zoe, Michelle Trachtenberg, Heidi Klum, Ryan Lochte and Candice Swanepoel (). </p><p>There were also ceremonies honoring some of fashion's greatest: the Fashion Institute of Technology presented Oscar de la Renta with at a luncheon earlier in the day (Sarah Jessica Parker and Anna Wintour were by his side) and crowned Carolina Herrera the Designer Of The Year that evening at Lincoln Center (Katie Holmes did the honors). </p><p>And that doesn't even include SPIN and Refinery29's party across the river in Brooklyn, the launch of the latest fashion tome, Antonio Lopez: Fashion, Art, Sex and Disco (Lopez was a friend of Karl Largerfeld) and the splashy red carpet premiere of "Boardwalk Empire" which drew the Hollywood crowd.</p><p>It was hard to be in multiple places at once, but the most seasoned partygoers managed to hit several events each: Iman and Rachel Roy, for example, showed their faces at both the Style Awards and Brian Atwood's fete and at both the Brian Atwood store and Du Jour's launch. </p><p>As for us? We headed to Williamsburg for Refinery29's bash and stayed put. </p><p>Check out last night's party snaps... and just envision the hangovers everyone's nursing today. Happy first day of Fashion Week, y'all! </p><p></p><p>Want more? Be sure to check out HuffPost Style on , , and .</p>?<p>Her "Like Crazy" co-star (for, like, everything), but Felicity Jones is becoming quite the high-fashion star. </p><p>The British breakout actress is the new face of Dolce & Gabbana, a brand and supported in the front row at Spring 2012 fashion week. </p><p>According to Women's Wear Daily, to appear in a number of ads, beginning with the Khol Collection in January. </p><p>Said the designers, "Representing a heady mix of sensuality, confidence and beauty, Felicity Jones offers a sense of divine contradiction. Classically beautiful yet modern in attitude, her audacious gaze is impossible to ignore."</p><p>Or, , "I like my fashion, but please take me seriously?"</p><p>Felicity's love for fashion ranges from high (Dolce & Gabbana, Burberry) to low, including lots of vintage. To dress her character, Anna, for "Like Crazy," :</p><p>"We went to a vintage shop in Los Angeles and I went with the costume designer and we just picked out her whole costume for the first three years. So it as so nice to be that hands on and be able to pick out that jacket and be like, 'This is perfect for Anna.'"</p><p>Less perfect for Anna is Dolce & Gabbana, known for its unabashed glitz and glam. But Jones will wear it well, given her track record of high-wattage red carpet hits. See the rising star's recent looks below and .</p><p></p> <br>?<p>MyDaily:</p><p>It looks like tensions surrounding the dates for the Big Four fashion weeks are temporarily over, following yesterday's joint announcement from the BFC and CFDA - the bodies representing London and New York respectively- which stated that they will be bringing forward their September 2012 fashion week dates.</p><p></p> <br>?<p>From interactive ad campaigns to the world's debut 'Twit-walk' (catwalk via Twitter) Burberry has always been something of a trail blazer when it come...</p>?<p>Who is the most powerful woman in fashion? Ask most people and they'll say . The editor-in-chief of Vogue runs arguably the most important fashion magazine in the world, launched the biggest shopping event known to man with and has a hand in what everyone wears each season. (Remember the scene in "The September Issue" where she literally tells Stefano Pilati what to design?)</p><p>And yet on , released today, two fashion bigwigs sit above Wintour. Diane Von Furstenberg ranks highest out of any fashion industry exec, at #33. At #45 is Angela Ahrendts, the CEO of Burberry Group. It's the money-makers, not the taste-makers, who truly hold the power. </p><p>According to Forbes' metrics, that is. , the business magazine ranks the chosen women based on a hazy combination of "money (a companys market value and revenue), media presence (news hits on Factiva and radio appearances), and impact, or 'the extent of their reach across industries and countries.'" The woman's financial worth, then, is weighted heavily; her Twitter followers, Tumblr memes and are seemingly less important. </p><p>For what it's worth, Wintour did move up the list since last year; , edging her up to #51 in 2012. Diane Von Furstenberg didn't budge, having placed at #33 in 2011 as well. </p><p>After DVF, Ahrendts and Wintour, three other fashion industry members round out the Most Powerful Women list: Miuccia Prada (#67), Gisele Bundchen (#83) and Mindy Grossman, CEO of HSN (#96).</p><p>And we can't forget our HuffPost Style honorable mentions: Michelle Obama (#7), Queen Elizabeth II (#26), Nancy Pelosi (#28), Arianna Huffington (#29) and our dear Beyonce Knowles (#32).</p><p>Who else made Forbes' Most Powerful Women 2012 list? to see all 100 names.</p><p></p><p>Want more? Be sure to check out HuffPost Style on , , and .</p>?<p>When it comes to tasting food, it's widely accepted that our sense of smell is as much a part of the process as our taste buds. In fact research has shown that 70 - 75% of what we perceive as taste actually comes from our sense of smell. Apply the same theory to what aftershave you wear and you begin to understand why scent is so essential to style.</p>?<p>The Chicago Sun-Times about a road rage shooting that may or may not have been gang-related. In it, was a quote from an unnamed Chicago alderman who worried about his city "becoming Detroit."<br> <br> From the article (complete with an uncorrected spelling error):</p>?<p>Two and a half years ago, Slumdog Millionaire became an unlikely global hit, garnered a shelf of Oscars and made stars of all its cast.</p><p>It also brought together Freida Pinto and Dev Patel, co-stars and sweethearts ever since. In the September issue of InStyle magazine, Pinto reveals how the pair cope with a long-distance relationship and what Slumdog really meant to her: </p><p>On her role in Rise of The Planet of the Apes:<br>One of the most beautiful scripts I read in 2010, as she calls it. She hadnt seen any previous Planet of the Apes movies. I <br>didnt watch the Tim Burton film, she says, and as for the older Charlton Heston film C I walked into the living room once when my mum was watching it, I just laughed and walked out! I was little and didnt understand it. </p><p>On being one of the world's most high-profile Indian actresses:<br>I dont know if I can call myself a pioneer. But I think for me, the opportunity was so big that Id be stupid to just waste it and walk away from it.<br>Because acting is something Ive always wanted to do. I never knew it was going to happen the way it happened. But if Im going to be presented with an opportunity, it would be silly not to lap it up. And that opportunity was given to me by Slumdog.</p><p>On her lucrative relationship with clothes-house Chanel:<br>I tell you why I like Chanel so much: when I started off, no one wanted to give me clothes to wear. Absolutely no one! All the labels said, Who is she?' But Chanel believed in me from the very beginning. For the very first red carpet I did at the Toronto Film Festival [2008], they dressed me up in their very current season collection. Its a massive brand: why would they invest in someone who is nobody?</p><p>On filming Slumdog Millionaire, the film that made her a star:<br>Ive not had an experience like Slumdog in all of the seven films that Ive done since. It was a baby that you want to keep repeating over and over again.</p><p>On meeting Slumdog co-star Dev Patel, who has been her boyfriend ever since:<br>Yes, with the accent, he was a bit nervous. But all I told him was, Dont do the whole Goodness Gracious Me! thing. That just makes it very comical and its not required for Slumdog Millionaire. But I dont agree with him that I had more experience. I always tell him that hes got to teach me. His comic timing is like no other. Hes got it, its just effortless.</p><p>On her boyfriend's wardrobe: <br>Hes not always bang-on! I buy for him all the time C I got him some Sanchita and he really likes it. Hes got his own very good sense of fashion. He loves his Burberry; he wears it to most events C Burberry should give him a contract. </p><p>On talking to each other on Skype:<br>We use it a lot C and we hate it as well! Its like a tease. I also feel its this pressure: Oh my God, hes seeing me after two weeks, I hope my hair is okay. Its just hideous. I think even the most beautiful person looks stupid on Skype.</p><p>On why it works:<br>I always say, I dont think there will be anybody who understands it better than him. Not even my family C because they were not with me every step of the way, but he, literally, was. And I was with him.<br></p><p>GO BEHIND THE SCENES AT THE INSTYLE PHOTOSHOOT WITH FREIDA PINTO:<br><br><p><p><p><p><p><p><p><p></p><p>The full interview with Freida Pinto is in the September issue of , on sale tomorrow.<br></p> <br>?<p>This weekend Nicole Farhi spoke out against fashion houses that pay celebrities to sit on the front of their shows, calling the practice "abominable"....</p>?<p>Much effort goes into planning a fashion week front row. It may seem like a charming co-incidence to find the fragrant Anna Wintour placed next to a, lets face it, frankly ridiculous looking fluro-outfitted Nicky Minaj </p>?<p>10 years ago to the week, the international fashion industry was gearing up for another round of catwalk shows in New York, London, Paris and Milan. Pencils would have been sharpened as editors took out their sketchbooks during presentations to draw and write about fashions that would hit stores in six months time. <br> <br>After Fashion Week, journalists would have then discussed forthcoming trends as the future of fashion was decided in board rooms, to only be unleashed on the public later in the year, on the carefully compiled pages of glossy magazines. <br> <br>Fast forward a decade, and the latest technology means that Joe Public can not only watch and read about a catwalk show as it happens, but in some cases they can buy the clothes as they come down the runway. Via online shopping, using Paypal, naturally. <br>So how did technology turn Fashion Week on its head? Here are the five key changes that flip-reversed the industry, for good: <br> <br>1. Wi-fi revolutionised the communication of fashion; bloggers and journalists alike can watch a show while now simultaneously reporting on it from their laptops and smartphones. Fashion fans and retailers now see key looks at the same time as editors, which has sped up the 'trickle down' effect (big companies can get copies of designer pieces in store faster than the actual fashion house, leading to some designers like Tom Ford placing an embargo on all coverage of their shows) <br> <br>2. Similarly, social media - in particular Twitter - provides an instantaneous platform for reactions, reviews, and images from the catwalk shows to be sent around the world. Runway presentations now resemble pop concerts, as everyone watches the models through their smartphones. Social media makes fashion far more democratic - anyone from a 14 year old school girl to the editor of Vogue can contribute their opinion of a show via Twitter. <br> <br>3. While some designers are averse to the effect digital media has on the industry, others are embracing it. Burberry have appointed themselves pioneers of fashion's digital age, effectively opening their doors for the world to see. Designer Christopher Bailey is known to personally tweet show preparations right up to when the first model steps out, they live stream the catwalk on the Internet and on huge screens in the centre of London's Trafalgar Square, and last season enabled buyers to make their selections in live time as the show happened. Burberry's commitment to making the most of technological advances has helped to re-define their brand. <br> <br>4. The rise of the iPad and other tablet devices is proving to be crucial to the future of the fashion industry. Not only is this technology invaluable for editors reporting and recording information at Fashion Week, the tablet has also given a huge boost to the ailing fashion media industry. Publishing houses see digital versions of printed fashion magazines as the future, and so far they are popular with iPad users - in particular for the increased level of interactive content (instead of just reading a show report in a mag, why not click to see catwalk and backstage videos or maybe a photo slideshow?) These devices could well instigate an entirely new style of fashion reportage. Perhaps even Grace Coddington, the legendary fashion editor of US Vogue, will part with her faithful sketchbook and use an illustration app on an iPad at New York Fashion Week this Friday. They do say anything's possible...</p><p> <br>5. Back at base level, the creative teams behind fashion brands are constantly seeking to use the latest technology to add to their design process. Designer Brooke Roberts successfully incorporated a high-vis effect reflective yarn (microscopic glass beads bonded onto a wool filament) into a desirable collection of visionary knitwear last season, and she has used bioceramic yarn - a new technology yarn of ceramic material bonded to a man-made base for SS12. According to Roberts, "it helps regulate body temperature and metabolism, but best of all it feels luscious. I've mixed it with extra-fine merino wool to create my own unique fabrications." It seems traditional textiles are taking a back seat in the quest for design excellence (sheep better start looking for a second profession) <br> <br>Technology not only changes how fashion is communicated, but also how it is inspired, constructed and sold. We can only imagine what changes the next decade will bring to an already fast evolving industry.</p><p>Follow Georgina Langford on Twitter:</p>?eGHZmFyID44mYu00M5dZQhYaAu%2FAmgJCGfYy66NCsZ3y2%2BCd8epkdQj2UKN14xi7V2f6zvgZ4FLzuHlXFqCtvHEMfu8cnurHGtdTrlO6FQ53rI4f%2FNo7oyXAvVcpcAPr4kIuB5Ua5hfpX3jCUjpesONZAp5v%2FZYto0CpL2BNQDbLKBQntDL%2BG2ZKPlg9r%2BFV?eGHZmFyID44mYu00M5dZQhYaAu%2FAmgJCGfYy66NCsZ3y2%2BCd8epkdQj2UKN14xi7V2f6zvgZ4FLzuHlXFqCtvHEMfu8cnurHGtdTrlO6FQ53rI4f%2FNo7oyXAvVcpcAPr4kIuB5Ua5hfpX3jCUjpesONZAp5v%2FZYto0CpL2BNQDbLKBQntDL%2BG2ZKPlg9r%2BFV?<p>Sharp-suited Brits Benedict Cumberbatch and Damian Lewis strutted up the red carpet in style</p><p>, who's an eligible singleton again after recently splitting from girlfriend Anna Jones, turned up in a black suit to help secure his unlikely heartthrob status, while fans on this side of the pond settled down to </p><p>He was joined by Homeland actor Damian Lewis in Los Angeles, where the pair attended a celebrity reception at the Writers Room for a suit fitting by ahead of the awards ceremony.</p><p><br>Before and after: Benedict Cumberbatch during his suit fitting and on the red carpet</p><p>The Wire star Dominic West also had his outfit supplied by the tailor, founder of label Spencer Hart, as they prepared for the glare of hundreds of cameras.</p><p><br>Damian Lewis with designer Nick Hart and on the red carpet dressed in Burberry with Helen McCrory</p><p>Unfortunately Lewis missed out on the Lead Actor in a TV drama award to Kelsey Grammar for his dark portrayal of Chicago's Mayor in Boss.</p><p></p><p>Cumberbatch attended the awards as part of the cast of the Steven Spielberg epic, War Horse, which was nominated for Best Motion picture. However, the film starring Jeremy Irvine, lost out to George Clooney's The Descendants. <br></p><p>SLIDESHOW: Brits at the Globes...<br></p><p>WATCH:<br></p> <br>?<p>Google+ , five months after the launch of the social networking service and four months after it unceremoniously booted businesses from the site.</p><p>Google has for failing to provide a way for companies to connect with individuals on Google+ and the company is, at last, attempting to remedy the issue with the debut of Google+ Pages, profiles set up specifically for businesses and brands. It should come as no surprise, given the name, that Google+ Pages are Google's answer to , which are designed to "[give] a voice to any public figure or organization."</p><p>, Google worldwide starting "today," noting elsewhere that "any organization will soon be able to join the community at plus.google.com/pages/create." Google including Anderson Cooper 360, Burberry, Fox News, H&M, Macy's, Toyota, Pepsi and The Muppets, which </p><p>"For you and me, this means we can now hang out live with the local bike shop, or discuss our wardrobe with a favorite clothing line, or follow a band on tour," Google's Vic Gundotra . "Google+ pages give life to everything we find in the real world. And by adding them to circles, we can create lasting bonds with the pages (and people) that matter most."</p><p>Not only will brands' Google+ pages be included in search results, but Google a new feature, Direct Connect, that makes it possible for users to visit Google+ pages without a single click. If you Google a company's brand name, preceded by the plus sign, you'll be taken directly to that company's Google+ Page (try searching for "+Angry Birds" to give it a whirl).</p><p> on setting up a Google+ page:<br>At first, whoever creates the page initially will also be the page administrator. No one else will be able to admin that page after them, at first. Nor can that page be transferred to someone else.</p><p>Multiple administrator support is promised in the near future, but until it arrives, it seems important that if your company has a social media manager, that person should be the one to create the account.</p><p>This is the Google's second attempt in nearly as many weeks to woo businesses onto Google+. In late October, users, allowing individuals who use Google services through their schools, workplaces, or other organizations to</p><p>Learn more about the updates in the videos below:<br></p><p><br></p> <br>?<p>Who owns the letter "G"?</p><p>Guess and Gucci have finally faced off in court over that question. According to Bloomberg News, in a "massive, complicated scheme to knock off Guccis best-known and iconic designs," in the words of Gucci's lawyer, Louis Ederer. </p><p>Gucci filed a suit in New York federal court in 2009, claiming that the LA-based fashion brand infringed on its trademarks by imitating four specific Gucci signatures: the green and red stripe; the interlocking "G" pattern; the square "G" and the brand name's delicate script font. </p><p>Guess, claims Gucci, featuring these trademark infringements.</p><p>But the battle, which was finally argued before a judge on Wednesday, may be too old and drawn-out. Guess not only refutes Gucci's claims of trademark infringement -- "[Guess] has no reason to be like Gucci and it did not scheme to be like Gucci," said Guess' attorney, Daniel Petrocelli -- but also claims that , according to Bloomberg News. </p><p>In addition, Petrocelli argued that despite certain instances of ambiguously similar designs (), consumers would not mistake Guess products for Gucci's. </p><p>According to Business Week, Petrocelli claimed that of the 1,495 Guess products Gucci accused of infringements, </p><p>The case, a long time in the making, , says Women's Wear Daily. And while we're no lawyers, we decided to take a look ourselves. See a few Guess and Gucci products below -- do you think the similarities are lawsuit-worthy? <br></p> <br>?<p>When "Harry Potter" star Emma Watson made the leap from Hogwarts to high fashion as the we were happy to see the British beauty in a sophisticated new light.</p><p>Now it seems that costars Rupert Grint and Tom Felton have caught the fashion bug and followed suit. </p><p>The young actors, who play Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy respectively, make their modeling debut in a series of sleek Polaroids shot for Band of Outsiders' fall lookbook. </p><p>BOO designer Scott Sternberg . Daniel Radcliffe having stepped out in Sternberg's creations on various occasions.</p><p>Now that the eight-film franchise has come to a close, we imagine that Grint and Felton are exploring their career paths and hope they keep fashion in mind (although Rupert seems committed to another enticing -- albeit less fashion-friendly -- option).</p><p></p><p><br>Band of Outsiders</p><p></p> <br>?<p>Calling all (non crazy) fans. You might want to pop on a few more clothes and start acting a little aloof if you fancy your chances with .</p><p>1D's resident lothario has admitted he finds it a big turn off when a girl offers herself up on a plate and instead prefers ladies who play a little hard to get.</p><p></p><p>In an interview with Top of the Pops magazine, the big ol' curly-haired flirt said: "The fun part is the chase, so if you speak to me, play a bit hard to get.</p><p>"I think its attractive when someone turns you down. You dont want someone to say yes straight away, do you?</p><p>Errrm, well we normally take whatever we can get Haz, but we're not a globetrotting popstar. Anyway, cracking on...</p><p>And despite fighting off the ladies left, right and centre (hello , Emily Atack, Cara Delevingne et al), Harry reckons he's a rubbish flirt.</p><p>I think you have to be cool to be a good flirt," he said. "And I dont think Im very cool.</p><p>Mind you, with all the grief Harry's ex has been getting , we're not sure it's even worth the effort...</p><p>> IN PICS: ONE DIRECTION'S ROAD TO WORLD DOMINATION<br></p><p>Also on HuffPost:</p>?<p>Burberry and Christoper Kane packed the rafters in Britain for day four of , but the most buzzed about guests were easy to spot, even though they ranged from boy banders to first ladies.</p><p>Harry Styles, of the immensely popular boy band , perched in the front row next to actor Dev Patel and Dita Von Teese. (Styles is , who walked in the show, although he was also recently spotted Delevigne also -- that's Prince Harry -- earlier this year. (Lucky girl!) Also spotted at Burberry: new parents Julia Restoin-Roitfeld and Robert Konjic, Alison Mosshart and Mario Testino taking in the array of ombre trench coats and billowy boleros.</p><p>And over at Christopher Kane, British first lady Samantha Cameron, looking stunning in a knee length Michael van der Ham dress, shared a laugh with Anna Wintour as the pair headed to their own front row seats. Cameron, of course, is no stranger to the fashion week front row: a long time fashion fan, last year she got . Daisy Lowe and Alexa Chung were also on hand.</p><p>Is London already kicking New York's derriere when it comes to front row star power? Depends on how you feel about , and . </p><p>PHOTOS:</p><p></p><p>Want more? Be sure to check out HuffPost Style on , , and .</p><p>Also on HuffPost:</p>?eGHZmFyID44mYu00M5dZQhYaAu%2FAmgJCGfYy66NCsZ3y2%2BCd8epkdQj2UKN14xi7V2f6zvgZ4FLzuHlXFqCtvHEMfu8cnurHGtdTrlO6FQ53rI4f%2FNo7oyXAvVcpcAPr4kIuB5Ua5hfpX3jCUjpesONZAp5v%2FZYto0CpL2BNQDbLKBQntDL%2BG2ZKPlg9r%2BFV?<p></p><p><br>Rain poured from mechanical spouts above the podium, splashing the bloggers, the editors, and the celebrities in the front row of the Burberry Prorsum show. Transparent rain slickers protected the model's matching Burberry trenches. Perhaps this was Christopher Bailey's allegory for Burberry's unique ability to weather the global financial crisis that left veterans Lacroix and Yohji Yamamoto in financial ruin. </p><p>Yet, financial meltdowns sometimes provide unique opportunities for reinvention. In the early stages of the crisis in November 2008, Burberry's stock price was 175. By January 2010, the share price had risen to 1,116. Is it Emma Watson, a la Hermoine Granger, bewitching consumers through her advertising campaign? Probably not. The real reasons for Burberry's success are complicated but can serve as a guide for both luxury brands and young designers trying to survive in the competitive retail sector. </p><p>Step 1: Rejuvenation of the Brand Image<br>From 2000 to 2004, Burberry's image was hijacked by what the Financial Times called a "sub-culture prone to drinking and anti-social behavior." Slate called them a group of "tough guys, skanks, soccer hooligans, lower-class unsophicates, and cheesy celebrities". The Chavs, as they are known in England, began wearing Burberry plaid as a sort of Droog uniform to signify their status. Given their reputation, it was not long before they became victims of sartorial profiling. </p><p>The denouement of the Chav takeover came when Daniella Westbrook, one of the high priestesses of the Chav religion, was photographed in a tartan ensemble complete with a tartan baby stroller (or "pram" since we're talking about the Brits).</p><p><br>Needless to say, Burberry became the classic example of prole-drift, a term coined by Paul Fussell to describe when products of culture become associated with the working class or sub-culture of a society. This proved financially expedient in the short term as sales for products with the tartan design flew off the shelves, but it could not be sustained as the print became too closely associated with the subculture. </p><p>In 2004 the brand responded by scaling back the tartan on the outside of apparel, while still allowing the iconic print to mark the lining. Then in 2005, the Buberry Prorsum collection saw an abrupt shift. The was inspired by the singer and drug addict Marianne Faithfull and by Christopher Bailey's home in Yorkshire. In , the collection seemed closer to weekend attire for Balmoral than for Yorkshire. In the years since, Christopher Bailey has continued to produce heritage with an edge for the historic house. </p><p>Step 2: Supply Chain<br>In 2006, Angela Ahrendts joined Burberry as CEO and began transforming the business as drastically as Bailey was changing the image. Currently, Burberry may be more poised than any other brand to compete with fast fashion retailers. Their secret weapon lies in their responsive supply chain. </p><p>For a luxury brand like Burberry, a streamlined infrastructure is vital for sourcing raw materials and finished goods, maintaining wholesale accounts, and merchandising Burberry distribution outlets. In 2006, Burberry began a full-scale makeover of its supply chain management systems, the fruits of which investors are just now able to see. </p><p>The costs associated with such a system were extremely high because of the complexity of the Burberry supply chain. Burberry spent 21.6 million in 2009 on the installation of the system. As of now, approximately 90% of Burberry's stores are converted to the new SAP systems. </p><p>In 2009, Burberry deployed its new SAP system in the United States. A retailer's dream is to decrease inventory levels, and Burberry was able to do so by an astonishing 36% as a result of this new system. The company could now monitor and predict what items to merchandise. Imram Ahmed that this system allows Burberry "to react rapidly to sales trends and capitalize on bestsellers." </p><p>Step 3: China<br>Burberry has taken big risks by opening stores in emerging luxury markets like Serbia, Egypt, and Israel, but the most rewarding market has not surprisingly been China. Burberry has operated in the country since the early 1990s through a partnership with franchiser Kwok Hang Holdings, but the brand added 13 new stores in China last year alone, bringing the total number of stores in the mainland to fifty. </p><p>In 2010, the brand bought back the license from its business partner for 70 million pounds in order to create a consistent global brand image. The China strategy was the last major effort to rein in the global Burberry licenses. </p><p></p><p>Shareholders overwhelmingly approval of the China strategy, which put Burberry in a position to take hold of the rapidly expanding Chinese luxury market. A Mintel report recently stated, "despite unemployment and extreme poverty, China's young, affluent consumers have enjoyed a fast rate of growth over the past five years, making it the fourth largest [luxury market] in the world." Burberry's rival Prada saw a 75% increase in turnover in China in 2010 alone. By many accounts, China is set to become the largest luxury market in the next few years, giving Burberry a strategic advantage over its competitors who have had less time to establish their brand image in a place that is rapidly becoming saturated with luxury names. </p><p>Step 4: Innovative Retail Strategy<br>Burberry is relying less than ever before on its wholesale accounts by shifting to a retail-led growth model and utilizing creative retail schemes. Burberry chose to buck the trend of showcasing specific collections in certain stores, instead featuring all lines in each of its retail locations. Additionally, the existing stores in its portfolio have been upgraded and remodeled to achieve consistency across locations. </p><p>While most luxury houses were reluctant to imperil their brand image by moving online, Burberry focused heavily on e-commerce development. This strategy has proven extremely successful. Online sales for Burberry rose 60% last year and are likely to continue increasing as more consumers shop online. Even in the brick and mortar locations, shoppers have access to tablets to purchase clothes to be delivered later. </p><p>For the spring 2011 collection, the brand partnered with Verizon Communications to create a retail theater in its stores. Shoppers in 25 outlets worldwide were able to order items straight off the runway as the show was being broadcast live during London fashion week. Items were delivered within seven weeks. </p><p>While many luxury companies rely on one 'it bag' to make up the bulk of revenue, Burberry offers an array of popular items and also recently introduced a cosmetics line. Because of this variety, the company has not had to resort to a diffusion line like many other luxury companies. While companies are fighting fast fashion by going down market, Burberry has had massive success with the Prorsum line. Established in 1998, this line was meant to bring a youthful flair to the historic brand while maintaining luxury prices and quality. </p><p>Burberry's bottom line has also been bolstered as one of the fastest growing segments in retail in part due to its focus on menswear. Men's clothing is an afterthought for most brands, but Burberry places equal emphasis on both men's and women's ready to wear. Burberry's grip on e-commerce, strong product lines, and focus on menswear will surely amount to huge profits in the coming years. </p><p><br>Step 5: Social Media<br>Just last year, Tom Ford created a frenzy when he closed off his fashion show to only the most select coterie of editors. Burberry is doing the exact opposite as it strives towards "democratic luxury positioning". For its Fall 2011 show, the brand live streamed the event on the iconic Piccadilly Circus mega-screen as well as to 150 countries around the world. </p><p>Burberry is the brand that is most "liked" on Facebook with over 2 million fans. Burberry's "Art of the Trench website capitalizes on the craze for street fashion by portraying highly stylized ways common Burberry consumers wear their trenches. This site inspired rival Hermes to create a similar focusing on their iconic scarves. </p><p>The focus on the consumer does not stop there. Burberry recently introduced a bespoke line for the classic trench. Now customers can choose the detailing of their coat and make it as edgy or as classic as they want. This emphasis on "customer knows best" is in line with Buberry's focus on "democratizing luxury". </p><p>Instead of forcing styles on consumers, Burberry is giving them the power to reinvent the classic trench. This shows a huge confidence in the sophistication and awareness of the luxury customer. Consumers no longer buy idly as they are given reign make crucial design decisions. For those who want a one of a kind piece, the bespoke line offers unique pieces that others do not have access to. For those who want to share their design with friends, the bespoke line creates a new sales force of consumers-cum-designers. </p><p>Despite Burberry's historic roots, the brand refuses to be tied down by the heavy burdens that tradition can sometimes impose. Burberry has evolved even faster than many other younger brands and as a result has maintained a loyal customer base as well as growth in the double digits. </p><p>Burberry's embrace of the Internet goes farther than e-commerce. The real value that the company has gained from the Internet is a close connection with its customer as social media has allowed the brand to reach millions of followers. Instantaneous feedback from these followers allows the brand to outpace its competition in crafting strategy. </p><p>It's not immediately apparent how to draw the lines between a major brand like Burberry and emerging fashion designers. Up and comers don't have massive supply chains and they definitely do not have enough volume for their image to be hijacked by a subculture. Nevertheless, connecting with consumers, expanding into new emerging markets, and brand consistency are important for designers at any stage of development. </p><p>Follow Heba el Habashy and Charles LaCalle on Twitter:</p>?Heba el Habashy and Charles LaCalle, the co-founders of The Cultivate, became fast friends while attending Harvard University. With combined experience at places like IMG Paris, People's Revolution, IMG Rusia, Pao Principle Luxury Consulting, and LVMH, the two have a uniquely focused experience in the luxury industry. <br><br>Somewhere between rushing from New York Fashion Week to their lectures at school, the pair formed an idea for a joint venture. They were inspired by the creativity of the emerging designers they met but noticed inefficiencies in the ways that designers were supported, funded, and sold. <br> <br>They will be writing a series for the Huffington Post that will track their journey as they aim to capture the difficulties and rewards of building a business within the fashion industry.?<p>It is safe to say that we've all experienced the blurry boundary between festive holiday attire and Santa's little helper. It's that time of year filled with laughs and good cheer, yes the holidays are here and so are the parties and social obligations. </p><p>This is your opportunity to see all the relatives that you never see, speak to co-workers with whom you rarely ever speak and meet interesting new people in the spirit of the season. Holiday or festive attire is confusing and I see so many men looking uncomfortable or even awkward donning apparel they wouldn't normally wear, lassoed into a look by a wife or partner that just isn't them.</p><p>Not to worry, there is a north star at the end of the tunnel, as we'll explain in a moment and you can see in the slideshow below. At one point or another, we have all experienced a boost in our spirits, or a spring in our step when we know that we look our absolute best and 'feel' comfortable. I hope to inspire you as you ponder what to wear this season because if you are comfortable with what you are wearing and really 'feeling it', you may have the opportunity to be naughty and nice. (Story continues below slide show.) </p><p></p><p>If you're feeling adventuresome, try a nice fitted cardigan instead of a traditional navy blazer - think more in the neighborhood of Steve McQueen rather than Mr. Rogers. Heavier gauge cardigans look more modern and are extremely comfortable. The fit and heft make it current rather than a sweater from the ghost of Christmas past. I would suggest charcoal gray, black or your favorite neutral, wearing it with a knit or textured wool tie to dress it up enough for a casual cocktail party. Don't be afraid to wear this look, tie and all, with your favorite darker denim jeans or cords and nice black or chocolate brown wingtip style shoes or boots. The sensible aspect of this look is that it is not going to be limited to the holiday season and you will find yourself wearing it all winter long.</p><p>Jeans and t-shirt or sweatshirt guys may want to try a smart shirt and sweater combination with a pair of nicely fitted corduroy or flannel pants. Instead of wearing a traditional red or green "Christmas" sweater, consider something in a deep rich wine or even eggplant with a fresh collared shirt to compliment. I also like the look of a corduroy blazer over the shirt and sweater if you are going with jeans and perhaps suede shoes to add even more texture.</p><p>If you really want to dress it up or have a party that requires you to knock it out of the sartorial park, try a black, dark gray or rich burgundy velvet jacket with a flannel or knit straight tie or even a bowtie. Combining different textures looks modern and elegant. On the bottom, try a flannel trouser with nice black shoes of loafers. I also like the idea of teal, blue, gray, wine or even purple neckwear instead of traditional red. If you are not into investing in a velvet jacket because of the limited opportunities to wear it, I have also seen several velvet straight or bowtie options that you could wear with a solid gray or navy suit. </p><p>To see more ideas on dressing for the holidays, please check out our . Most importantly, have fun, be safe and enjoy the season!</p><p><br></p> <br>?<p><br> We all know know that the true meaning of the holidays is to give back! In that spirit, there are five particular stories that have caught our attention this week. Check out the below slideshow to read about a few amazing, real teens who are going above and beyond to help those in need this season.</p><p>What are you doing to give back over your winter break? Tell us in the comments or tweet ! (And if you need ideas,!)</p><br> <br>?<p>It's a fashion truth universally acknowledged by every editor worth her Celine bag: horizontal stripes make you look fatter, vertical stripes make you look skinnier. </p><p>But it seems like scientists aren't content with fashion industry expertise, drawing up their own studies every couple of years to settle the horizontal vs. vertical (non)debate. According to the Telegraph, the latest experiment comes from for her horizontal vs. vertical study. [Ed. note: are amateur scientists a thing?]</p><p>Watham conducted her study by showing random strangers pictures of models in vertical stripes, horizontal stripes or head-to-toe black. Lo and behold, participants perceived the vertical-wearers as thinner, the horizontal-wearers as wider and the monochrome dressers the skinniest of all. Science!</p><p>Lest you think this finding a forgone conclusion, however, know that in 2008, . </p><p>To which every fashion editor responded: .</p><p>Next up: scientific studies on whether heels make you look tall, beige washes you out and high-waisted pants make you look thick around the middle. </p><p></p><p>Below, how to make stripes of all styles -- horizontal, vertical and diagonal -- work for you.<br></p><p>Want more? Be sure to check out HuffPost Style on , , and .</p>?IT IS AMAZING!.<br>When Obama was getting big funding from silent donors or from big corporations including those outside the country. There was no outcry to have him disclose such and it was all fair including funding from government which he willingly took to run the most richly funded campaing ever. Now that he bit the hand that fed him and vilified the very same, trying to win over those that he promised Hope and Change and delivered only " The hope that they would have Change left over by the time he was through". Now they are asking for disclosure.<br><br>Sorry but now is time to play the second header and you can't change the rules in the middle of the game. Bottom of the 9th , game tied with bases loaded and Romney at bat; Throw your best pitch Obama.<br><br>ROMNEY 2012 / G.O.B.O. ( Get Obama Biden Out )<br><br>CNSMDJRF: Communism is Nefarious Socialism Most Decisively Just Recapitulates Failure?<p>We have been hearing about the fact that the UK economy needs to 'rebalance' for years now. The theory follows that the economy needs to move away from imports to exports, from services to manufacturing, from being a nation of shopkeepers to being a nation of inventors.</p>?<p>MILAN, Italy &mdash; In these shaky economic times, Italian designers have chosen rags over riches for their fall-winter 2009-2010 menswear collections, currently previewing on the Milan runway.</p><p>Gone are the trademark flashy fabrics, dandy designs and macho models, replaced by classic sporty styles in sensible wool, worn by almost boringly average young men.</p><p>Off the runway, things are just as subdued, with few parties and little of the VIP courting that usually spice up fashion week. Highlight of the weekend was British soccer star David Beckham in the front row at Giorgio Armani's Emporio collection. Beckham, who is the face of Emporio Armani underwear, is currently playing for A.C. Milan, while his regular team, Los Angeles Galaxy enjoys the off-season.</p><p>"At a time like this, you have to think positive and work hard," said Stefano Gabbana in a chat with reporters before the Dolce&Gabbana show that kicked off the unusually short, four-day fashion week Saturday.</p><p>The designing duo hark back to their Sicilian roots for next winter, presenting youths in three-piece suits, accessorized by the traditional roguish "coppola" cap, and very expensive crocodile briefcases.</p><p>Staid overcoats in black and gray tweed complete the all-business look.</p><p>For relaxed home time, the duo offer quilted silk pants, while evening is all about elegant hand-woven silk jackets matched with brightly colored pointed footwear _ Dolce&Gabbana's only concession to flair.</p><p>Miuccia Prada on Sunday evening used her minimalist wand to combat the crisis with one of her most essential collections ever. The almost all black and gray show featured jackets and coats with neither lapels nor buttons, slim slacks and plain sweaters. The only details in the collection were the myriad of studs, which dot white shirts, slacks and classic footwear, like mini nails securing the outfits to the body. In hard times, the new oversized Prada bag could also double as a suitcase.</p><p>Tomas Maier's Sunday morning show for Bottega Veneta was a class act in downplaying. Based on the soft lines of a cardigan, everything from the muted brown palette, to the subtly crumpled fabrics for small jackets and slim trousers, to the thick-soled loafers worn with coarsely knitted socks, and the soft leather bags, combined to create a charmingly disheveled look.</p><p>"It's an unusual time, obviously, and we thought very carefully about what it is our customer wants and needs right now," the German-born designer said in his fashion notes for the show.</p><p>The second line Emporio Armani collection for next winter, presented Sunday afternoon in the theater of the designer's Milan headquarters, also opted for relaxed over rigid.</p><p>Not only is the staple Armani jacket softer than usual in ultra-light wools and fleece-like velvet, but knitted shawls and capes make their debut in the contemporary male wardrobe.</p><p>Departing from his staple urban palette, Armani paints his new look in bucolic green.</p><p>A key player in the riches to rags department is Christopher Bailey for Burberry, who Saturday evening sent tousle-haired youths wearing Oliver Twist caps down the runway in crumpled shirts, slim trousers, heavy knit sweaters and desert boots with an exaggeratedly pointed toe. All-purpose tweed overcoats and a trademark Burberry plaid ring scarf complete the tough-times look.</p> <br>?<p>In my first article I wrote about Spring Summer 11 trends: those that I thought would in to Autumn/Winter 11, and those that I thought would soon flounder and look dated. Unfortunately though, even those that survive through to a second season often fall by the wayside soon after...only to then come back in vogue a few seasons later, such is the cyclical nature of fashion. After all we're not re-inventing the wheel here, so after cowboy and biker have had a turn in the limelight, it's usually time for nautical and floral to have another bite of the fashion cherry. However, I am pleased to say that regardless of this constant ebb and flow of these trends, there are some pieces that really do transcend seasons. These pieces are always going to be on point, no matter what the current whims of the industry. This is, in case you missed it, is MONUMENTAL news, as it basically gives us all a massive get-out-of-sartorial-jail-free card, and a fall-back option for all of those days when just trying to put on a set of clean clothes is enough, let alone trying to be in step with the latest catwalk report or "Everybody's Wearing" page in Heat. With that I give you the ten pieces I believe every woman, and man, should be in possession of:</p><p><br>1.The White Shirt</p><p>The ultimate wardrobe staple, the white shirt is loved by waiters, office workers and grooms the world over. It can be worn with a suit to work or with jeans for the dreaded Dress Down Friday or at the weekend. For gents I recommend a tuck in, nice brown belt and matching shoes; ladies all you need is a ballet pump. It can also be dressed up for glamorous events, with a tux and bow tie for gents, and likewise for ladies. Yes, girls you can wear a tux, just team with killer heels, a cocktail ring and an evening clutch, see Diane Kruger for inspiration. This being said, you can go two ways with the white shirt. One is to go to M and S and buy often. The quality is good and so is the price, so every time you have a collar stain (or worse...we've all seen a yellow armpit moment) you just throw away and replace. The second option is to invest in a beautifully tailored and sculpted shirt that fits you perfectly, perhaps with a little extra detailing such as a ruffle or a pleat, and at the same time buy some Vanish and be prepared to use it liberally. <br><br>2.The Perfect Fit Jeans </p><p>When I was younger I wouldn't wear jeans at all as I found them stiff and uncomfortable, but as I grew up I soon saw the error of my ways. Everyone needs a pair of jeans in their wardrobe because when they fit right, there is no trouser more flattering. The right pair of jeans lifts and tucks, supports you in the places you need it and skims and covers in the places you want to hide. But please note I said the right pair of jeans. I also view denim as colour-neutral, meaning that whilst you may be wearing blue or black on your legs, because they are jeans they somehow don't count and will actually go with virtually anything you put on your top half. It's one of the mysteries of the universe, don't ask me how it works, just embrace it. </p><p>I know shopping for jeans puts fear into the heart of many a woman, and some men too, but honestly spending one or two nightmarish days trying on every cut and wash imaginable until you find your perfect pair really is worth it. No, honestly. Once you have the right cut you can just buy this style in bulk until you die, get pregnant or lose or gain a stone or more. Minimise the stress and go to a department store such as Selfridges and get one of their denim experts to help you out, or better still, take a trip to see Queen of Denim Donna Ida. She will diagnose your denim needs and have you in the perfect pair in less time than it takes you to start crying over the size of your behind. Designer-wise there is a wealth of brands to choose from, look out in particular for Citizens of Humanity, Goldsign and J Brand. And denim on the high street is not to be sniffed at either - head to Uniqlo for high-quality Japanese denim and Gap for the best range of styles. And gentlemen, one last tip: if you are slim a woman's jean may actually fit you better than a man's. Whilst I don't recommend going for a flare, a skinny or a wide leg jean from the women's department may do wonders for your figure. If you can get over the in-store embarrassment, go for it.</p><p>3.The Trench</p><p>Coats are a veritable minefield of dos and don'ts. The Parka, the Poncho, the Pea, where does one begin? I'll tell you where, with the trench. The trench coat has been around since the beginning of time, and thanks to Burberry and Aquascutum, has been a timeless wardrobe staple for decades now. Think of Humphrey Bogart and Sophia Loren sporting their trenches in a bygone era and you know you are on to a good thing. Always buy your first one in brown, and never do up the buckle (tie an insouciant double knot instead - far less try-hard). If you can afford a designer one then do invest as you can wear it every Spring and every Autumn for the rest of your life, but if not all the High Street stores stock them too. One last thing to remember ladies, if your hemline is shorter than that of the trench, and you have bare legs you are giving off a strong message: wield this power wisely.</p><p>4.The "Go With Everything" Tee</p><p>The basic tee goes with everything; it looks great with jeans in the day, and can be dressed up at night under a jacket or blazer, with heels and jewellery for the girls. You should buy one in white, one in black, and one in grey (in that order). Go to luxury basics brand Chinti and Parker for the best around, otherwise Gap is your best bet on the high street. And no, it isn't boring to wear something so simple, it's chic and understated, it sends a subconscious message that you are effortlessly stylish. </p><p>5.The Breton Stripe</p><p>Firstly let me clear the air on a key myth surrounding the Breton - horizontal stripes do not make you look larger. This is a fashion misnomer that has been pedalled for far too long. What will make you look fat is buying something a size too small or in an unflattering cut. Now take a deep breath and keep repeating this mantra until you feel you can take on a Breton. This item can be a long or short sleeved tee or a light jersey or jumper, the base colour must be white or cream for the authentic French look, but the stripe can be black, blue or red. Play around with the width of the stripe - finer stripes are less noticeable, wider stripes make more of a statement, but never wear a beret with a Breton - this is taking the Gallic influence too literally. Like the basic tee, a Breton stripe works with almost everything, just avoid other patterns in your outfit unless you are a confident and road-tested "pattern clasher", (This is an art form in itself and could be the basis of a whole separate post in the future). Again, the popularity and timelessness of the piece means that they are widely available - APC always have great pieces, but otherwise H and M and Topshop will do just as well. For the brave women amongst you I am an advocate of the Breton stripe trouser as well - just keep the top-half neutral - a white tee and navy blazer is all you need. Trust me reader, you are just one stripe away from Parisian street chic and once you have one stripe in your wardrobe I guarantee you will be back for more - I currently own three different variations and counting...</p><p>And with that I end part one of this nail-biting ride through your capsule wardrobe, leaving you breathlessly hanging on for more sartorial advice and fashion whimsy. Savour these first five wardrobe staples, and if you are lacking any of them now is the time to buy! Stay tuned for part two and the final five items you need to make your wardrobe, your style and your LIFE complete.<br></p>?<p>Jennifer Aniston was white hot at Thursday night's American Film Institute Life Achievement Awards. The 43-year-old stunner looked flawless in a floor-length Burberry gown, showing off quite a bit of cleavage. </p><p>The "Horrible Bosses" star was at the Culver City, Calif. award show (premiering June 24 on TV Land) to honor lady of the evening, Shirley MacLaine. And Aniston wasn't the only A-lister who turned out to show her support for the Hollywood legend. </p><p>Aniston was seated at a table with Melanie Griffith and Meryl Streep -- now that's a trifecta of Tinseltown talent if we've ever seen one. And from the looks of it, Griffith is quite the story teller. The "Working Girl" actress had Aniston and Streep visibly shocked as she leaned across the dinner table, no doubt telling a stun-worthy tale. </p><p>Check out Jennifer Aniston's leggy gown below and from the evening. </p><p></p><p></p><p>Also on HuffPost:</p>?<p>We were all but certain drop crotch pants (sometimes known as , or those comfortable things you can never take off) were over. </p><p>Then -- and apparently reignited the trend? , Jennifer Aniston showed up to the airport wearing cropped, drop crotch jeans. She paired her curious bottoms with borrowed-from-the boys pieces: white tennis shoes, a navy blazer and a white tank. </p><p>The menswear inspiration is nothing new (Jen's been sporting leather jackets and loose jeans ). But what's with the roomy crotch, Jennifer? Have you been harboring an affection for MC Hammer that we never knew about?</p><p> Do you approve of harem-style jeans?</p><p>PHOTO:</p><p></p><p>See more questionable celebrity denim:<br></p><p>Want more? Be sure to check out HuffPost Style on , , and .</p>?Fashion stylist & digital creative consultant Jennifer Margolin specializes in fashion styling, trend forecasting and luxury brand consulting. Jennifer has provided merchandising and creative direction for WWDMAGIC Trade Show, Teen Vogue, Burberry, ALDO and Levis, among others. Currently, she is implementing various styling and fashion projects with some of the largest investment banks and women's financial networking groups. She is creator and founder of , a personalized styling service product delivered to your doorstep.?<p>Anyone on Brighton Beach watching Mario Testino snapping away at Tali Lennox (rock legend Annie's daughter) and Tara Ferry (son to Roxy music's Bryan) for launched this month, could be forgiven for thinking that it was another display of rock star offspring being loved-up by luxury brands intent on keeping the spirit alive for the new generation. As Georgia May Jagger, in all her genetic glory, headlining for Chanel's St Tropez catwalk last year confirmed; rock-royalty is still a major trend. But for Burberry Chief Creative Director Christopher Bailey, the conversation goes much deeper than that. the brand's engagement of Ferry, a model and drummer in the band Rubber Kiss Goodbye, and Lennox, a model sensation also lensed by Jonny Johansson for cult-brand Acne a bid to "reflect the diversity of our broad global consumer", casting "members with their own identity, embodying the different attitudes of the Burberry guy and girl". </p><p>There's no doubt that that since Bailey joined the heritage brand 10 years ago that he's been instrumental in re-engaging the youth market and one could argue he's done it with some help of the alchemy of music. He self-confesses to holing up in Yorkshire on the weekends, reading and listening to Dylan, and while he may have based an early collection around Marianne Faithfull, it was when he launched The Beat for Men fragrance inspired by specifically the music of the bands The Fratellis, Razorlight, Arctic Monkeys and Kasabian, where he literally sat with the perfumers and gave them the music to listen to that the connection was more heavily cemented. Things went a step further last year with the launch of , a platform to support the founding and development of emerging British artists, and an initiative he touts as "basically live acoustic sessions with bands that we love, with bands that we admire, bands that we believe in, young British new bands". Selected by Bailey and filmed wearing Burberry (of course), the bands introduce themselves on their home turf and perform. "We have collaborated on so many projects with new and young emerging British bands over the years," he says. "We felt that with the great interaction that we have experienced with our social media website artofthetrench that we could collaborate with musicians and artists to put together an incredible group of ongoing acoustic sessions from some of the finest talent coming out of the UK." And it worked, the acoustic facebook site, which lets users share the music, boasts almost 5 million friends.</p><p>It should come as no surprise though. Speak to anyone in architecture, fashion, design, art and most will say that it's music that moves them. When we were dreaming up our latest issue of RUSSH (a special music issue on sale today playing tribute to creatives across the spectrum; model Abbey Lee Kershaw, pop-starlet Sky Ferreria to Bryan Ferry and Frida Giannini) I kept thinking back to a favourite Sam Taylor-Wood film - Nowhere Boy - which tells the story of John Lennon's youth, depicting him and his early comrades with Elvis inspired-hair. After a visit to the Liverpool movie theatre to watch Elvis with his mother he says to her, "Why couldn't God make me Elvis?" To which she replied, "'Cause he was saving you for John Lennon." </p><p>I love this: John Lennon - before he was a Beatle, before the floppy bowl cut, before he pioneered round glasses - so inspired by Presley that it permeated everything he did, said and wore. Haven't we all been there? I felt that familiar feeling when watching the , one of Bailey's acoustics, a band from Sheffield England, heavily inspired by the 50s and 60s, they look strikingly like Lennon back in his Quarrymen days. They sing a little song called Yes, Yes, We're Magicians. It's what we've been saying all along: music is magic.</p><p>To see what's in the new issue of RUSSH click <br></p><p>Follow Jess Blanch on Twitter:</p>?<p>When it comes to revealing budding fashion talent, June is undoubtedly the kindest month. In many universities across the world, numerous graduates strive to finish collections and look books, and anxiously wait while their aptitudes are judged by academic examiners and professional designers or examined on runways by journalists and buyers.</p><p>If you follow World Man About Town, you must have noticed that we try hard to be unfalteringly inquisitive about fashion in all its guises. As such, when we received a kind invitation to the runway show for the 2011 graduates of the fashion course at the University of Westminster, we were honoured and delighted to accept. And so, on a windy and rainy London afternoon, we made our way to the cavernous and impressive Ambika P3 space (in the Marylebone campus of the University of Westminster) eager to find out more, alongside many other fashion journalists, buyers and designers representing brands such as Max Mara, Tom Ford, Alexander McQueen, Burberry, and Selfridges.</p><p>Normally excluded from the list of 'top fashion schools' (generated by questionable criteria and information sources), the Fashion Design course at the University of Westminster has produced individual and creative designers capable of working within all levels of the fashion industry. Its alumni list includes designers such as Vivienne Westwood, Christopher Bailey, Michael Herz, Stuart Vevers, and Markus Lupfer.</p><p>The location of the University in central London allows for students to work during London Fashion Week with major designers. Over the years, students have honed their skills during fashion week for designers and brands such as Alexander McQueen, Gareth Pugh, Giles, Jonathan Saunders, Burberry, Christopher Kane, Mulberry, Todd Lynn, and Peter Jensen. In addition, many of this year's graduates have already had enviable work experience in the form of international internships with companies such as Christian Dior and Chanel in Paris and Marc Jacobs and American Vogue in New York.</p><p>This year, a number of graduates from the fashion course were selected by a panel of judges (that comprised Angela Buttolph from Grazia magazine, and fashion designers Markus Lupfer, Todd Lynn and Carrie Mundane) to show their collections on a runway show. As expected from talents yet to mature, this revealed many final designs hindered by a focus on experimentation that could have been avoided with stricter guidance from tutors. Amidst the graduation cohort, however, there were students who resolved this predicament very successfully and showed tremendous potential as they mastered the processes of influence, trialling, and creativity, thus completing a full circle in their fashion education. This evolving method was also evident in the student portfolios that went on public display after the show for a few days, a very welcome step for press and buyers wanting to find out more. </p><p>In menswear, Molly McCutcheon stood out with her confident summer collection seemingly inspired by Mediterranean seaside holidays, as well as oriental imagery and sartorial techniques. McCutcheon chose to work on challenging white fabrics of different textures and use pleating and layering as well as seductive paint-drip effects (evoking McQueen or Van Noten) to create an extremely pleasing collection and the only menswear range on the runway that appealed to World Man About Town.</p><p>In many ways similar to McCutcheon, Rachel Warmisham's womenswear collection showed the influence of the Far East in free-flowing trousers and long skirts and dresses adorned with drips of paint. If McCutcheon chose to display her painting effects in pastel variations layered in a sort of ombr effect, Warmisham's variations of colour were skilfully executed in cubist-like structures that deconstructed the shapes and functions of garments in a very successful and fluid manner.</p><p>Other young designers, such as Kate Wallis and Liam Freeman, seemed to take the mantra 'imitation is the sincerest form of flattery' rather literally and playfully. Wallis's collection, with a nod to recent designs by Miuccia Prada, was clearly aimed at a confident and brazen woman: feathers and furs abounded in elegant contrasts to large sequins and daring shapes such as accentuated cowl necks, angular shoulders and hot pants. </p><p>Equally displaying the inspiration and pastiche values of sartorial influences (in this case, by Montana and Mugler in the 1980s and by contemporary Stephane Rolland), Liam Freeman opted for a palette of black and blue to give shape to strong outerwear garments essentially made of leather and thick wool. </p><p>Catarina Holm's elegant shapes stood out in the way that they were supported by stylish hats and by woven belts that serpented elegantly through dresses and tops made up of layered fabrics. Holm's garments were conceived with the idea of movement restrained by the garment in mind, a notion that was also mirrored in the triumphant opposition of shades of orange and black. With such talent in evidence, it did not come as a surprise that Holm's collection became shortlisted for the British Fashion Council/Warehouse design competition.</p><p>Ross Whittred also orchestrated a very strong collection that mastered artificial fabrics used to craft garments with a flattering quality to benefit the female body. This was a collection that showed an appreciation for minimalism and, influenced by architecture, explored the potential of three-dimensional shapes to accentuate bodily curves in a sensual way. The fact that Whittred explored a comprehensive range of garments, including trousers, jackets, skirts and dresses, showed that this was the work of a confident young designer very much aware of sticking to his initial brief and commanding it, instead of letting experimentation take its potentially negative toll.</p><p>And finally, Emma Kingham's collection displayed how investigating the history of fashion and art can be allied to design experimentation to create a mature collection. Inspired by the 1920s and 30s and Art Deco architecture and design, Kingham applied geometric shapes to pattern cutting and fabric printing to engender an elegant range of dresses, tunics, leggings, shoes and sunglasses. </p><p>As the runway show ended, it became clear that the most accomplished graduates were those that used their first couple of years to experiment but that, under careful thinking and mentoring, toned down their experimentation to focus on detailing and mastering influences and originality. If this may be interpreted as an acquiescence of commercialism, it actually shows that, when it comes to fashion education, focusing on quality and wearability is perhaps the best lesson.</p><p></p><p>Follow Joao Paulo Nunes on Twitter:</p>?<p>The quartet of former "" stars -- Joshua Jackson, Katie Holmes, James Van Der Beek and Michelle Williams -- have been teasing fans of the former WB teen drama with the possibility of a reunion for a while.</p><p>Former nay-sayer , even if it's not a strong one. "Well, we killed the show so I don't think that's ever going to happen," Jackson told THR. "Never say never. If I'm out of work for enough years, absolutely. We'll be old and gray and nasty by the time (that happens)."</p><p> in June that "'Dawson's Creek' was [his] college experience" and in 2010, , a "Dawson's Creek" alternative to Comic-Con. </p><p>But around that same time, , "Pacey's done his time, though. I want first billing! I'm done with this 'Dawson's Creek' bull----."</p><p>With Jackson's new attitude and "Dawson's Creek's" own Joey Potter, Katie Holmes, ending her marriage with Tom Cruise, a reunion could be gaining momentum.</p><p> A source told the magazine that to have "fun" and "reconnect with her fans," but Cruise vetoed the plan and urged Holmes to leave the past in the past.</p><p>While promoting his new ABC series "Don't Trust The B---- in Apartment 23" in April, Dawson himself </p><p>"I feel like this is the number one question that we get asked. Nobody's producing it, nobody's writing it, it's just something that comes in press," he said. </p><p>But </p><p>"I would love that," he said. "There aren't any in Season 1 so it would have to be Season 2. Knock wood ... I would love that. I think it'd be great." "Don't Trust the B----" returns to ABC this fall.</p><p>Meanwhile, "I've always said, I'm totally up for reunion tours, reunion shows, so we can do that," Williams told Vulture. </p><p>With the key parties seemingly on board, could we eventually see a return to Capeside?<br></p><p>Earlier on HuffPost:</p>?<p>The renowned surrealist painter Salvador Dali's meeting with seminal African-American supermodel, Donyale Luna, at his hideaway in the Spanish fishing village of Cadaqus, Catalonia in 1966 marked an amazing moment where art and beauty collide. </p>?<p>As a fashion-lover living in Hanoi, Vietnam, I keep finding myself confronted with the question, "What is real?" There are so many sartorial imitations of American and European brands that the very definition of brand-name clothing is turned upside down. Fake imitations of brand names made sense during the recent age of excess, but as priorities shift away from designer labels, how will the fake Fendi fend?<p> At first, I was just amused by the unabashedly blatant designer knock-offs. I almost bought a funky purse with a Marc Jacobs label that was so outlandish it almost seemed like something he would have created. I admired the way Vietnamese girls rode their motorbikes in Burberry-patterned concoctions and carried their oversized, obviously fake Louis Vuitton bags. Recently, I had a "Vietnamese kitsch" themed birthday party where everyone had to dress in kitsch. Kitsch is a hard concept to grasp and I even had to check on wikipedia to make sure that my conception of the term was correct. <p>: <p>"Kitsch is a German word denoting art that is considered an inferior, tasteless copy of an extant style of art or a worthless imitation of art of recognized value. The concept is associated with the deliberate use of elements that may be thought of as cultural icons [1] while making cheap mass-produced objects that are unoriginal. Kitsch also refers to the types of art that like-wise, are aesthetically deficient (whether or not being sentimental, glamorous, theatrical, or creative), and making creative gestures that merely imitate the superficial appearances of art through repeated conventions and formulae. Excessive sentimentality often is associated with the term."<p> All of a sudden, after reading the definition, kitsch was everywhere I looked in Hanoi. The iconic Burberry and Louis Vuitton prints that are seen all around on bags, dresses, headbands, motorbike seat covers, compact mirrors, and even trash cans are nothing but unoriginal cheap mass-produced objects. I felt suffocated and like I was living in a world of mockery. I was, however, pleased that a silly party theme actually seemed to be getting at an important insight into Vietnamese culture and fashion. <p>I tried to explain the kitsch party theme to my Vietnamese friend. Even though this friend is as stylish as can be and does not dress like other women in Hanoi, she has always lived in Vietnam and so it is hard to understand a party theme that is actually cultural commentary. To make this already complicated concept more confusing, she is not perfectly fluent in English. She tried her best to understand what I meant when I tried to explain. I said, "you know, like fake Burberry," and she brought me to a fancy store filled with fakes from China. This store was supposed to have the "closest to the real thing" that you can find in Vietnam. I walked around the store in a bewildered state, and tried to allow myself to find beauty in a fake Bebe dress, but to no avail. It seemed like I was in a creepy room in a Willy Wonka factory where nothing is real and I felt like I was about to burst, like the girl who eats the gum in Willy Wonka and turns into a grape. <p>"It is cheaper than in America," my friend told me as I looked at a fake Marc Jacobs purse that still cost $100. Yes, but it is not real, I thought. More than having a problem with fake versus real, my horror at the marketing for clothing here is that it is so unaligned with the current zeitgeist, spirit of the times. Whether you blame it on the recession or global warming, in the United States right now, people are losing interest in designer clothes and accessories and would rather have fewer, high quality items than lots of cheap clothes that do not hold up in the washing machine. As times have changed, values have shifted and the cheap, fake market in Vietnam does not seem to match this shift. <p>I would be hard-pressed to say that adorning yourself with cheaper versions of the real thing was ever appealing. But, it is certainly not cool anymore. As gaudy, expensive designer brand items become anachronistic relics, I am left to wonder what will happen to their kitsch impersonators. If the real thing is no longer desirable, then the fake version seems utterly worthless. <p>As Vietnam continues to become a richer country, people will have more buying power and will be able to afford higher quality goods. From conversations I have had with other outsiders observing Vietnamese culture, there seems to be a general consensus that the focus here is not on quality and careful design, but on cheap and expedient (across the gamut from clothes, to electronics, to architecture, to construction). I only know clothes, but in terms of development, it seems that the Vietnamese fashion market is ready for higher quality, unique goods. and it needs to find its own fashion identity. I would really like to see a shift in mindset away from imitation designer labels made in China and towards an authentic Vietnamese style. <p><p><br><p></p> <p> Follow Julia Plevin on Twitter: </p>?<p>With the Summer Olympics right around the corner, I can't help but get extremely excited and in the spirit. I know I'm not alone when I say that I absolutely love watching the events on TV and sometimes even hosting themed parties is a strong possibility.</p><p>Considering the Summer Olympics this year are being held in London, I can't help but think British this and British that. If I can't be in London for them (I think my invitation must have gotten lost in the mail), I am going to at least pretend I'm there in every way I can. </p><p>British culture has impacted many parts of the world in many facets for quite some time now. From music, to fashion, to beauty, to TV shows -- and let's not forget the wedding to end all weddings last April -- and now the Olympics. Everyone seems to want to dive into the English culture deeper and deeper. People certainly seem to be infatuated with British-based trends and brands these days.</p><p>And, with that, some of my personal favorite items.</p> <p></p><p>Whatever your plans are for watching the Summer Olympics, make sure to do it in style. And if nothing else, I recommend checking out these fabulous British brands and products.</p><p>Read more fashion and styling posts from on her fashion + lifestyle blog, .</p> <br><p>Follow Julie Bortnick on Twitter:</p>?<p>Readers of my blog will know that I really am the utter antithesis of the typical Boden woman. So much so, that I was recently quoted in the Daily Mail on the death of the Yummy Mummy.</p><p>But, now I have somehow agreed to sit on a professional panel at a national event and talk articulately about my feelings alongside a senior member of the Boden team. I like to think it'll be a kind of fashion version of Question Time - although with my participation it'll probably be more like a fashion version of Jeremy Kyle... </p><p>This got me thinking about what exactly it is that so many people dislike about Boden. Why has there been such a huge backlash against Johnnie and his jaunty prints?</p><p>For me, and many others, really, it's mostly not about the clothes; it's an image thing, their image, and the perceived image of the type of people who wear it, aka The Boden Brigade.</p><p>I've lived in the countryside for three years now and many country women are among the most effortlessly stylish I have ever seen and the most naturally beautiful - it's no wonder all those global design houses constantly take inspiration from their style. </p><p>But, unfortunately on the flipside of this there are some rather awful professional Stepford Wives here, with their blank, staring eyes, their bland hair, their loud clippy voices and their souls, bitter and jaded by all those floral lined gilets ...<br> <br>These are the kind of women who were endlessly tweeted about during the Summer, 'the Boden Brigade' were turning up and braying crassly at barbeques in Rock and being pompous at parties in Ibiza, 'ruining everybody's holidays' it seemed. Their arrival was a sure sign that it was time to leave.</p><p>But, let's be honest, it's not just Boden, whilst they take most of the flack, there are plenty of similar brands selling the same identikit nightmare. Cath Kidston, Joules, White Stuff, Crew Clothing and their like have infiltrated nearly every market town high street and, just in case that is not enough, they are ambushing our letterboxes on a weekly basis.</p><p>The presence of these stores in a town is usually a sure sign that one has arrived in Twontsville, because these brands have created such an almost bullying image of how women are expected to be that if you don't fit in, you are shunned.</p><p>The Boden Brigade feature the kind of women who make school runs everywhere a nightmare with their judgemental looks and their hatred of anything fashion, or sexy. A friend of mine once rocked a Balenciaga biker jacket on the school run and was subsequently blanked for six months.</p><p><br>And, it's not just the clothes brands, it's a lifestyle attitude - recently, I actually overheard two women talking excitedly about the fact that Cath Kidston is now doing dusters.</p><p>You cannot make this stuff up.</p><p>So, really, what I'm trying to say is that it's not just about the clothes; it's about the attitude of the people wearing them. It's about a kind of odious person who has unfortunately become synonymous with the Boden brand. </p><p>One season of re-designing more 'fashion aware' collections, calling them Shoreditch and sticking them on Helena Christensen is not going to take away from the fact that 'The Boden Brigade' is ruining it and that the brand needs a major image re-boot. Remember Burberry? Remember Tommy Hilfiger? </p><p>How long did that take?</p> <br><p>Follow Karen Maher on Twitter:</p>?<p>The fashion world's , so we figured why not throw some wood on the fire?</p><p>With three out of four weeks of Fashion Month down, we still haven't heard a peep out of Karlie Kloss. The 19-year-old model, who has dominated Fashion Weeks past, , with , "HEARING: @karliekloss cancelled all catwalk appearances in NY for a big opportunity... #nyfw #backstagepass #cnn"</p><p>We surmised that perhaps Karlie scored a London Fashion Week exclusive walking for Burberry, after . But London Fashion Week has come and gone, as has Milan Fashion Week this week, with no sign of Kloss.</p><p>But we might get our dose of Karlie yet. Earlier today, : </p>The model board @NextmodelParis! #pfw is about to go down!<p>In the pic: a model board with 42 models' photos, with Karlie Kloss' face sitting smack dab in the middle. </p><p>So is Karlie in Paris? Maybe. On Sunday, editor/author/general fashion insider , "Feeling smug... While my fashion friends are working it in Milan, I'm getting a pedi with @KarlieKloss. Gettin' my toosties ready for Paris!" </p><p>We're guessing the pedis took place in New York, but if Blasberg is prepping for Paris... perhaps Karlie is, too?</p><p>Check out Next Models' tweet below. See , third row down, third photo in?</p><p>Now the guessing game begins: what show is this for? What could be Karlie's "big opportunity?" Take your best guesses in the comments and stay tuned for updates...</p><p>UPDATE: We've got some more tweets, including : "what a beautiful night in paris...". So she's landed -- but who will she be walking for?</p><p><br><p>The model board @! is about to go down! </p>a?? Next Models NYC (@nextmodelsnyc) <br></p><p>Also on HuffPost:</p> <br>?<p>Seeing as New York Fashion Week is essentially a convention of Louboutin-clad yentas, it's not surprising that rumors fly faster than the crowd at an Alexander Wang sample sale. </p><p>So with the shows just barely underway, the latest juicy gossip is this: Karlie Kloss may not be walking New York Fashion Week. At all. </p><p>In a classic case of Fashion Telephone, picked up the tidbit from , who picked it up from : </p>HEARING: @karliekloss cancelled all catwalk appearances in NY for a big opportunity... #nyfw #backstagepass #cnn<p>"A big opportunity" could mean many things. Shooting some extravagant campaign? Signing an exclusive deal to walk another show in London, Milan or Paris? how badly she wants to walk Burberry... but as far as we've seen, she's still safely in New York (appearing most recently at ).</p><p>If Karlie has booked some "big opportunity," we're obviously happy for her. But if the rumors are true, the runways just won't be the same without her familiar figure. She is coming off , where she overtook the fashion shows, , and posed for several .</p><p>What could Karlie possibly have in store that tops all those accomplishments? We're keeping our eyes and ears open... </p><p>UPDATE: Daily Beast reporter Isabel Wilkinson confirms that Karlie will NOT be walking the NYFW runways this year:</p><p>@ Rumors are true: Karlie Kloss won't walk at because an "engagement has come up," her spokesperson tells me.</p> Isabel Wilkinson (@IsabelWilkinson) <p>Related on HuffPost:</p> <br>?<p>Of all the singers who have crooned for cotton, Kate Bosworth is the first who is...not actually a singer.</p><p>The actress, and famously different-colored eyes, is the latest star to shill for Cotton Incorporated's "The Fabric of My Life" campaign. Like Zooey Deschanel, Miranda Lambert, and Colbie Caillat before her, Bosworth twirls around, gazes off in the distance, plays with pretty inanimate objects, and dreamily pulls (cotton!) clothes from her closet while singing the famous jingle: "The touch, the feel..." </p><p>While the country cottage chic vibe works well enough, the jury is still out on Bosworth's singing debut. She's got that breathy, indie thing down pat -- is she headed for a record deal like Zooey or fellow actress Scarlett Johansson? And do these fanciful ads make you want to go out and buy cotton? </p><p></p><p>WATCH:</p><p></p> <br>?I'm sorry this girl is not attractive. She needs to gain at least 10 lbs hence why her knees look like the heads of a skeleton. She has had too many 2 finger desserts it seems. Why are her feet not groomed? I would think she had time for mani/pedi since who knows who was President the last time she was in a film. Really stop making these ugly broads style worthy. Vomit in nose this causes.?<p><br>So London Fashion Week is over for another season, and as we all adjust to walking at an average pace on the pavement as opposed to hurtling along on those Somerset House cobbles, here is my retrospective of the week where all normal life stops, and fashion begins.</p><p>After Antoni & Alison kicked off the proceedings with a brass band to wake us all up at 9am (thanks for that), the courtyard at Somerset House began to play host to the usual mix of editors on the hoof between shows; tourists accidentally wondering in off the street with dazed expressions, and street style photographers snapping the plethora of people who come to see and be seen - yes I'm talking about those of you dressed like you were auditioning for a part in TOWIE; off to Ladies Day at Ascot or attempting to channel any 80s avant-garde electro-band meets a Visage video (think face veils, zig zag make-up, pointy shoulder pads, capes, studs, headpieces and a stern glare with a slight pout) - dressing like this will just make the rest of us laugh at you, and write about you. As one baseball cap slogan I spotted said, "That sh*t is cray cray".</p><p>But I jest, where would LFW be without those fashion misshapes to contort our faces in confusion at as we wait for shows to start, and yes this season, they were still on average about 15mins late and seats were still occasionally hijacked by people pretending to be someone else (until the PR asked them to move), and on that note, to the girl who wouldn't move her dead piece of animal skin (fur coat, obvs) to allow me to sit down comfortably rather than hang precariously off the edge of the bench at the PPQ show, YOU WERE IN MY RESERVED SEAT ANYWAY!!! But I'm over that now.</p><p>So, moving on to the more important stuff; the trends that came out of this season - and there were many, my particular favourite being the oversized biker jacket (we're talking boyfriend size), in all sorts of prints. From House of Holland's 90s grunge-esque pastel paint splattered version to Mulberry's pretty floral print - I want them all.</p>House of Holland (Photo ? Gareth Cattermole, Getty)<p><br>Block colours were also out in force, as seen at Kate Phelan's Topshop Unique show, David Koma, PPQ, Roksanda Ilincic, Jonathan Saunders and Paul Smith.</p><p>See-through fabrics mean more peekaboo moments for next Summer, with sheer bodices at GILES; Erdem's transparent fabrics with delicate embroidery; Christopher Kane's lacework and sheer panels fused with sugary pastels on feminine silhouettes; John Rocha's double-layer sheer skirts in pale tones and Mark Fast's disco-inspired show which went for bodycon shapes and risque sheer detailing.</p><p>Metallics also bring a shimmery edge to next Spring/Summer as the iconic Buberry trench was reworked yet again, this time in a Quality Street foiled colour palette of purple, pink, blue, green and lilac; and also seen in the metallic embellishments at Matthew Williamson and Zoe Jordan's metallic leather sport-luxe dresses.</p>Burberry (Photo ? Getty Images)<p><br>Prints were everywhere, from floral (Clements Ribeiro, Mulberry), to snakeskin and leopard (Felder Felder), as well as geometric, hexagonal (Marios Schwab), digital, graphic, retro and tribal ( Sass & Bide, Moschino Cheap & Chic) - all either fused or clashing with rich colours or pops of brights, also seen at Peter Pilotto, Holly Fulton and Issa (who went totally tropical on us) and Louise Gray. House of Holland's hypercolour tie-dye injected some Nirvana-meets-Ke$ha teen spirit into an NCP car park in Soho; while PPQ returned to the 60s with paisley print mini dresses and classic nautical navy and white striped dresses teamed with oversize hats (think Brigitte Bardot meets the French Riviera) - yes stripes are still in for SS13, but this time thick and horizontal.</p><p>Interesting embellishments and detailing I spied included fringing and tassles at Marios Schwab and plastic fantastic, as seen at Christopher Kane and in Holly Fulton's mix of lightweight silks and leathers intertwined with heavy duty plastics.</p><p>Shapes you'll be wearing next Summer include a mix of high-low skirts and shift dresses as seen at Richard Nicoll; exaggerated sleeves (think bell, blouson and balloon), seen at Mary Katrantzou, Burberry and GILES; slouchy trouser suits (Topshop Unique and Felder Felder); mini dresses and slip dresses (seen everywhere); oversized shirts (House of Holland and Maarten Van Der Horst); loose-fitting denim like the floral dungarees seen at Kinder Aggugini; and then basically anything with a sporty edge (we just won't let the Olympics go will we).</p><p>Altogether the mood for SS13 was about wearability. Unless of course we're talking about Meadham Kirchhoff who referenced the opulence of 18th/19th century Paris, with a Mickey Mouse t-shirt thrown in for modernity's sake. Flirty and fun, but only if you're off to a fancy dress party.</p><p>Talking of lavishly over the top, one of the shows I would've given all my limbs to see was Philip Treacy, but the invite obviously didn't arrive in time (read, I was never invited). The show, opened by Lady Gaga in a fuschia burka (which was all a bit Isabella Blow-like), and attended by music icons such as Grace Jones, was an homage to Michael Jackson, with the all-black model cast wearing original MJ costumes, including his iconic 1983 'Thriller' jacket. Hats had an architectural edge and featured mohawk helmets with Swarovski embellishments; a Neverland crown; a smiley face (think Aciiiiieeed) and a show-stopping LED-lit body cocoon. I thank Nick Knight's SHOWstudio yet again (I did it first time round on Twitter) for the amazing shots he tweeted on the night from backstage at the show. Jealous doesn't cover it. Just in case you weren't also aware, the MJ wardrobe on show was presented as part of a world exclusive, before the outfits join a collection due to be auctioned on 2nd December in Beverly Hills, California.</p>Philip Treacy (Photo ? AP Images)<p><br>But back to the shows I DID attend, and New York retailer Rag & Bone, launched their new Sloane Square store with the help of someone called Anna Wintour, while outside a makeshift tent in the middle of the square, a huge crowd of fashionistas gently elbowed each other to make it into the first of 4 presentations for the new SS13 line. Made up of loose, soft cottons teamed with leather trousers, jackets, hooded tops and skirts in a mix of neon brights - it was sport luxe at its best, and I completely fell in love with the lime green leather biker jacket which I'm sure comes with a not very loveable price tag. New York socialite and fashion icon Olivia Palermo also stood just inches in front of me looking immaculate as always and making me wish I had her legs, face, hair, etc etc.</p><p>But back to Somerset House, and Bora Aksu's show drew inspiration from Queen Victoria's grand-daughter, Marie, who became the Queen of Romania in 1922. On a colour palette of blue - from royal blue to bluebell - lightweight floaty chiffon dresses and skirts with flower motifs and vines were teamed with nude tights featuring the same motif, while models wore messy beehives and hair crowns (which to be fair looked ever so slightly painful). An ethereal, delicate and nostalgic mix, beautifully accessorised with Bracher Emden's neon handbags.</p><p>My other highlight (LOVE) was Ashish, which I look forward to every season, and for SS13 Ashish Gupta didn't disappoint. It was the usual signature sequin affair - but this time with an 80s/90s 'geeky' vibe with deliberately mismatched outfits. Sloppily styled shirts and oversize tees with a scattered number print and slogan emblazoned knits were teamed with patchwork baggy light blue denim jeans or cotton tracksuit bottoms - patchwork as in one leg was pasted in sequins or two shades of different denim or denim and cotton - always with one leg rolled up. A half denim/half black sequin biker jacket with matching jeans (half and half) almost made me squeal in delight; and the cut and paste denim shirt/denim jacket mixes looked quirky, crazy and totes cool.</p>Ashish (Photo ? Getty Images)<p><br>Sequin vests, sweaters, mini skirts and dresses were backless and armless, the skirts following the same patchwork denim and sequin mix - only a pair of cute sheer polka-dot trousers and the floor length fitted sequined gowns in pale peach and midnight blue broke up the beautifully dishevelled looks - all of which were accessorised with worn-in reebok trainers and mismatched sequin socks as each model's hair was scraped messily back in a sequin scrunchie - yes I said SCRUNCHIE!! No longer just for bad hair days (indoors where nobody can see you) and Mum's on the school run - Ashish have officially brought back East Street Market hair accessories circa 1996, and everyone's school days. The highlight of the show was a sparkling yellow gold rectangular-sequin embellished/denim tracksuit which had everyone's iPhones and cameras papping away, and as the show drew to a close, a sequin white knit with the slogan Trs Fatigu summed up how most of us were feeling.</p><p>Goodbye London Fashion Week for another season, and goodbye to the man who shall remain nameless (because nobody knew who he was??) who positioned himself outside Somerset House and hollered "You look ridiculous" at various people. See, fashion CAN be fun!</p> <br><p>Follow Kate Lawson on Twitter:</p>?<p>Keira Knightley looked lovely on Tuesday at the premiere of her new film, "A Dangerous Method." Walking the red carpet in London, Knightley wore an understated brown gown by Burberry with a slit in the middle and a gorgeous open back paired with Chanel jewelry and Christian Louboutin heels. </p><p>Unfortunately, , there was something a little splotchy going on with the actress' back... a fake tan mishap, perhaps?</p><p>Regardless, it couldn't be worse than last Saturday. That was some spray tan gone very, very wrong.</p><p>Save for the uneven coloring, Knightley was stunning alongside her handsome co-stars, Michael Fassbender and Viggo Mortensen.</p><p>Check out Keira below. Do you love this dark look?</p><p>PHOTOS:</p><p><br><br></p> <br>?<p>Between the droves of , flooding YouTube and au naturale manes --you can hear big business' proverbial "cha-ching" ringing loud and clear. </p><p>You'd think investors running to the bank ready to pour their money into this evolving natural hair community would be praised. But not everyone feels that way. In a New York magazine article entitled "," writer Kevin Roose bashes the recent seven-figure investment raised by a popular natural hair website. Roose writes:</p>"What kind of genius decided to throw $1.2 million at NaturallyCurly, the 'leading social network and community for people with wavy, curly and kinky hair?'"<p>Hmmmm, we'd say the type of "genius" who's hip to the fact that , natural hair businesses, mainstream beauty companies like Dior and LOral Paris are starting to address the needs of and let's not forgot that is projected to reach $1.1 trillion by 2015.</p><p>Unlike the other businesses Roose calls out as poor investments (Twist, Tout'd and Barkbox), he offers no explanation for his jab at . </p><p>Just as Roose urges, venture capitalists to "do some actual diligence before giving millions of dollars to two-bit start-ups with no viable business models," we'd like to ask him to do the same before shooting down ideas he seems to know little about. Furthermore, after a quick Google search we can see he's definitely not a woman of color and he's not sporting curly hair, either. </p><p>Latoya Peterson, the editor of the blog responded to the New York magazine article, writing "these kinds of perceptions create an environment in the marketplace that disadvantages minority/women fronted businesses seeking investment to create products for their communities."</p><p>We have to agree with Peterson. Beyond convincing uninformed critics and naysayers about the relevance of the black haircare/beauty industry, it's the overall effect that his words may have on the development of these businesses that pose the biggest problem. <br> <br></p>?<p>It's been a good few weeks for stylish silver spoon babies.</p><p>From Alber Elbaz to Vera Wang, it seems fashion's biggest designers are falling all over themselves to create signature clothing lines for kids. The timing is sort of strange -- aren't we still in the midst of a languishing economy? -- but surely couture honchos wouldn't be shilling four-figure kiddie dresses with no demand.</p><p>Versace just opened a kids' boutique on the ground floor of its Milan headquarters to house their children's line, the aptly named Young Versace. a "huge lilac and white fairground ride and littered with super-sized candy canes." Does that make Donatella Willy Wonka?</p><p>Roger Vivier's kiddie shoe line, Jeune Fille, , offering $312 ballet flats for tots who will almost definitely outgrow them within months.</p><p>And with even more sticker shock, Lanvin Petite in Paris, Monaco and New York, hawking $1,570 pink taffetta trench coats, $1,105 red sun dresses and $645 shrugs for a kid you know Suri Cruise.</p><p>Vera Wang is launching a junior's line for Kohl's, called Princess Vera Wang, .</p><p>Finally, (whew!), Oscar de la Renta is set to start a children's line, and Victoria Beckham is to include tot clothes as well. Another aspiring kiddie designer? </p><p>And it's not like these designers won't have good company; , , and already have kid's lines.</p><p>Recession be damned?</p><p>Check out some of our favorite and most outrageous designer duds for kids below.</p><p></p> <br>?<p>Fun fact: . </p><p>We can't make this stuff up. , which hosts weekly flash sales with all sorts of designer goodies. The latest sale is titled and is filled with Kim and Kourtney's pricey castoffs -- think Christian Louboutin, Fendi, Burberry, Gucci and a surprising amount of Alexander Wang. </p><p>With an insatiable appetite for designer gear and a schedule full of red carpet appearances, why would Kim want to empty out her closet (and on eBay, no less)? For charity, of course: "a portion of the proceeds" from Kim's sale will go to Life Change Community Church, the reality family's house of worship (yes, ). </p><p>Another reason Kim may be jettisoning a portion of her closet, some speculate, is . We have noticed (and ) that since beginning her "relationship" with Kanye, Kim has ditched her colorful outfits, opting instead for black, white and gray numbers. , -- as one half of KimYe, Kim is all monochrome, all the time. </p><p>So where has all the leopard print gone? -- although to be fair, there's plenty of black, white and gray Kimmy clothes being sold online, too. </p><p> (we've rounded up most of the pieces below). You may be surprised to find how much you like some of the items, from classy black pumps to slouchy Alexander Wang dresses. Luckily it's all on sale for the next three days, so that Cavalli animal-print jumpsuit can still be yours. </p><p></p><p><br></p><p>Want more? Be sure to check out HuffPost Style on , , and .</p> <br>?<p>For the fashion-conscious, the month of September means not only New York Fashion Week, but the arrival of the year's thickest and most style-saturated glossies in our mailboxes. "Fall will always be a time for reinvention... Fall fashion has purpose, direction, possibility," wrote Lucky editor-in-chief Brandon Holley in the September 2011 issue. Here, I thought, is a woman who gets it.</p><p>Every year, when the leaves start to change color and there's a definite nip in the air, I feel the unavoidable urge to do something different with my style. It's been several years since the arrival of fall has meant the start of a new school year for me, but my need to reinvent myself, even just a little bit, surfaces like clockwork.</p><p>Sure, there are women who know what works for them and stick with it. I can't remember ever seeing Jennifer Aniston or Taylor Swift looking less than fabulous, but it's the fashion risk-takers of the world like Rihanna that I truly admire, even if she occasionally lands on a worst-dressed list.</p><p>I'm a big believer in the transformative power of fashion: how a classic handbag and costume jewelry instantly makes a simple tee and jeans an ensemble worthy of a night out, the way the right leather boots and a blazer can turn the average woman into a glamorous equestrian, and that Cinderella feeling I get when I put on the perfect pair of embellished ballet flats.</p><p>It's that same transformative power that keeps us coming back season after season, ready to sift through the magazines, blogs, and runway slideshows, take a walk in someone else's shoes and ultimately make them our own. I study the September issues, tearing out everything that catches my eye, Pinterest be damned. There are the ads I like, looks I want to recreate, beauty products to try, the perfect designer handbag nestled in an elaborate editorial spread.</p><p>Burberry has come out with the most beautiful burgundy coat in a quilted velvet. I live for leopard print everything, falling head over wedge heels for Diane von Furstenberg's calf hair booties. I picture myself looking Ivy League-chic in Stella McCartney's black argyle sweater dress. Tory Burch is doing a beige sweater with a sequined fox on it. I want that, too.</p><p>Eventually everything must be divided into two categories: the wearable and the aspirational. Stacey Bendet's Alice + Olivia collection is gorgeous, but despite my best efforts, I am not Jennifer Lopez and I have never put on a fur vest that didn't make me look like a yeti. I am also not a part-time dominatrix, so studded Louboutins are out. I'm undecided about metallic jeans as my weekends are a little more Netflix than Nobu. My fashion fantasies are ultimately dashed by financial limitations. In other words, I'm on a budget. I've decided that I am ready to embrace the metallic studded sneaker trend a la Miu Miu. And by Miu Miu I mean Steve Madden.</p><p>In a 2009 interview with David Letterman, Anna Wintour pointed out that with a fashion budget of just $20, one could buy a lipstick. This season, YSL has released a new lip color in a deep bordeaux. It strikes me as editorial and begs to be paired with a Celine luggage tote. Still, the Rouge Pur Couture Vernis Lvres Glossy Stain, as it is called, has potential, and I decide I'll try it.</p> <br><p>Follow Kimberly Couzens on Twitter:</p>?<p>For many ladies, a change in season means a change in wardrobe -- and, inevitably, an upward change in your credit card balance. But stacking your drawers with classic, well-made pieces is a great way to save money and look amazing for any occasion. We all have varied budgets, so the following list of fall wardrobe staples includes quality items in different price ranges. However, a word of warning: you will not find cheap deals in this article, as true quality rarely comes cheap (unless you buy on consignment!).</p><p>Long or short sleeve white cotton blouse: This works great with jeans, skirts, shorts or dress pants. Invest in a high-quality item (with a bit of stretch in it, if you can find it) from Theory, Club Monaco, Banana Republic or the like and you'll get some mileage out of your garment. Wash cold and hang to dry and then steam or iron. (Dryer heat is damaging to fibres and can cut the longevity of your piece in half or more.) Avoid bleaching -- it also breaks down the fibres.</p><p>Black leather pumps: Preferably not overly pointed, round-toed or square-toed -- you'll want something you feel you can wear with many outfits. However, you must take care of them properly. Take the pumps into your shoe-repair person affix a rubber sole to the bottom of the leather sole to ensure they'll last longer; regular resoling, cleaning and polishing will extend their life further. Quality brands for a basic black pump include Amalfi, Donald J Pliner, Brown's and Salvatore Ferragamo.</p><p>Casual boots: Whether brown or black is your shade of choice, a casual boot in which you can comfortably walk all day, and in any kind of weather, is essential. Blundstone's are very well built and have soles that seem to last forever. Alternately, Frye boots and shoes come in so many styles now that they suit any wardrobe. (They too will also last forever, literally.)</p><p>Denim jacket: a stylish woman of any age should own a denim jacket. It's a great, casual piece that will last for years, provided you purchase a well-made version. Denim jackets also come in several different silhouettes -- blazer, western, bomber, trench -- that can work with any wardrobe. Trusted denim brands include Levi's, Wrangler and Gap.</p><p>Black pants: A narrow or straight-legged pant offers a great shape that can carry you for years style-wise. Theory makes a great black pant in various shapes.</p><p>V-neck tees: These are great basics to have for layering, wearing as undershirts or as part of a casual outfit. Invest in good quality bamboo, organic cotton or 100 per cent cotton, preferably from brands like Ultra, American Apparel and Alternative Apparel.</p><p>Little black dress: Every woman needs one (or five) -- it's as simple as that. They work for any occasion, in any season.</p><p>Bonus tip: Highlight your wardrobe with seasonal colors, patterns and on-trend silhouettes.<br></p><p>Follow Lauren Baker on Twitter:</p>?<p>Those of us in the New York City vicinity know that the temperature has dropped significantly, finally catching up to the falling leaves and early thoughts of holiday plans. It's a time when many hip New Yorkers decide which new coat picks will be added to their wardrobes. Coats that make statements, without yelling; coats that are warm, rich, modern. And many fashionistas are absolutely drooling for the Burberry Prorsum peacoats and shearling aviators from the brand's Fall/Winter 2010 line, continuing its forward offerings beyond the traditional plaid patterns well-known to most. Hip and edgy with a wonderful sense of rugged elegance, these coats almost scream to be purchased. It would seem this outerwear is poised to be a revenue winner for the luxury brand.</p><p>But for all of Burberry's re-design and pioneering new media embrace, the unfortunate fact -- which could could potentially lessen market share -- is that print ads for this company are still shockingly non-diverse with only the palest of Caucasian models being used even when not one, not two, but at least 5 different models are featured. An absolutely surprising and disappointing move in this day and age, not just for philosophical considerations, but for true international business growth considerations. </p><p>As a global fashion brand, Burberry works diligently to position itself as the most tech savvy luxury brand around, enabling its consumers to with the brand from digital runway shows to 3D viewing before any other fashion house even considered it. Yet Burberry seems to be behind the curve when recognizing the growth areas for extending sales. As the browning of the United States takes place before our very eyes,<br>respected research firms such as released statistics that demonstrate that African-Americans spent an enormous $507 billion dollars in 2009, marking a 16.6% increase from the previous year. This included with the fact that the U.S. Census Bureau shows us that the Latino market is the fastest-growing in this country; the business opportunity of the day would seem to present diverse images so that various demographics can identify, aspire, purchase. And quite naturally, since African-Americans and Latinos are the of Web users, the opportunity grows exponentially when seeking to expand a brand's footprint across digital platforms. The fashion industry is not exempt in the call to today's marketers to become more expansive, creative and humble enough to understand that brand messaging wins when it encompasses previously overlooked areas while, of course, still maintaining the company's philosophy and integrity. The numbers simply aren't in favor of the old school approach if a company is to continue to expand and meet shareholder expectations. It's a new day where the affluent, diverse, luxury-brand driven market coined the is only growing and becoming more powerful. And luxury brands that actually begin move past the invisible approach to this demographic will, no doubt, experience competitive leverage.</p><p>Look no further for examples than the mighty , editor-in-chief of Vogue who seems to guide the magazine to a few more welcome drops of diverse expansion each month throughout various sections of the book; and power-agent , at Ford Models, already reported by the New York Times' "T" magazine as a man who is determined to diversify his line up of girls to better compete in the new marketplace. Thus, the economic opportunity for brands such as Burberry, too, is to move beyond the thinking that simple retail diversity team or runway inclusion is sufficient. If anything, this should be simply standard. Rather, it's the powerful and alluring advertising images which draw the consumer into the store that should be of key concern. Digital media then deepens that experience and increases the opportunity to earn revenue. Should any part of this eco-system fail to exist, a major business opportunity is nothing short of obliterated. </p><p>What may be needed on the teams of these luxury houses is at least one-insider who can provide invaluable feedback and input - someone who is of the demo and enables certain sensibilities. How much longer before diverse women look at certain print ads representing the fantasy image the luxury fashion brand has created and decide the product has simply become too expensive - not in real terms, but in terms of self-respect and inclusion if one is going to contribute to the company earnings of a luxury brand such as Burberry?</p><p>Follow Lauren DeLisa Coleman on Twitter:</p>?<p>Who: Princess Beatrice and boyfriend Dave Clark.<br> What: 'A Night Out With The Millennium Network, presented by The Clinton Foundation and The Reuben Foundation Hosted by Bill, the evening invited 'leaders and future leaders' to talk about global philanthropic opportunities - and then watch a surprise performance from Will.i.am...</p>?<p>www.mydaily.co.uk:</p><p>From interactive ad campaigns to the world's debut 'Twit-walk' (catwalk via Twitter) Burberry has always been something of a trail blazer when it comes to fashion firsts. And now the brand is launching its very own single.</p><p>Recorded in collaboration with band The Feeling, the song will feature as the backing track to the Christmas advert for new fragrance Burberry Body, starring the beautiful Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.</p><p></p> <br>?<p>If there's one thing we love about - indeed, any Fashion Week - it's surely the inevitable, completely and utterly bonkers, "Would you wear that? No, not in a million years" fashion that graces the catwalks.</p><p>From hats that cover your entire face (Philip Treacy) to green and yellow facepaint (Vivienne Westwood) - via the styles of Alice Temperley, Corrie Nelson and others - we've compiled some of our favourite silly looks so far in the gallery below.</p><p>And before you complain that we here at Huffington Post UK Comedy are ignorant about fashion, that these outfits and looks are incredible works of art, cutting edge statements etc etc - let us just say this in our defence: you're absolutely right. We are completely ignorant. </p>?<p>London Fashion Week is already half over -- sadz. But the front rows have been pretty exciting, from to Anna Wintour and Kanye West at Burberry Prorsum. </p><p>Then again, at multiple shows, including Erdem, Peter Pilotto and Christopher Kane.</p><p>The supers also showed up in full-force for some lower-profile shows, including Naomi Campbell at the Unique runway show and Claudia Schiffer at the Fashion Fringe show.</p><p>But Temperley may have nabbed one of the UK's biggest names, as its guest of honor was none other than Pippa Middleton.</p><p>So which London show has had the best front row so far? Click through our slideshow and let us know!<br></p> <br>?<p>I never gave clothes much thought, but I knew the moment my daughter refused to wear jeans at the age of two because they were "ugly," I was outclassed. And that precious toddler grew up to be my stylish Sarah who now works for Stylelist and lives and breathes fashion.</p>?<p>While we love seeing all the exciting, innovative ensembles on the runway and , sometimes most memorable moments are indeed its most outrageous.</p><p>There was the appearance of at Burberry Prorsum (could that be because ?), lots of face paint at Vivienne Westwood, drama at Giles, surprising guests at Mulberry and super sexy nurses at Pam Hogg, but nothing could outshine . Not even . </p><p>As came to a close on Tuesday, we decided to gather all the truly wild looks in the slideshow below. Don't miss our recap of , and stay tuned for our updates from Milan and Paris.</p><p></p><p>Want more? Be sure to check out Stylelist on , , and .<br></p>?<p>Topshop Creative Director, Kate Phelan sent a classically chic collection down the runway today at London Fashion Week for the Topshop Uniques Spring/Summer 2013 show. There was nothing too trendy or flashy, although there was plenty of shimmer and a few opaque panels offering peekaboo glimpses of skin, everything was very discreet.</p>?<p>Despite, London Fashion Week always seems to be getting the short end of the stick. </p><p>Silently understood as the lowest-ranking of fashion's biggest cities -- New York, Paris and Milan being the other Big Three -- London has suffered in recent years, trying command the same respect and attract the same glitz as the other three fashion weeks. </p><p>During the recession, because of the rising British pound. , saving money and time by jetting straight from New York to Milan, as the Guardian reported. </p><p>Now the Telegraph reports that London Fashion Week has suffered another blow. Italy-based Gucci, with its show kicking off Milan Fashion Week tomorrow, .</p><p>"It's been a total nightmare for us," . "We lost 10 out of 19 girls. We were getting calls from agents at 1.30am on the morning of the show pulling girls we had just fitted, while other girls just didn't turn up to fittings at all after they'd been confirmed. When we called their agencies to find out where they were, we were told sorry, they've gone to Milan."</p><p>London already felt the pressure in the early days of Fashion Week last week, having been squeezed by the postponement on Marc Jacobs' New York show. Now the designers and casting agents are being squeezed at the end, as the models take flight so they can make the most of the Milan show -- without being totally exhausted. </p><p>"The girls get off a plane from New York, jet-lagged and are expected to stay up all night doing castings and fittings" famed model manager . Between the tight schedule, jam-packed days (sometimes 11 shows per day) and the spread-out nature of London's geography, "It's a logistical nightmare and extremely unprofessional," says White. </p><p>It drives the top models to skip London altogether, sources in London say. And that, in turn, will drive top brands like Burberry and Tom Ford, who showed in the UK this season, to present their runway shows elsewhere. </p><p>But there were still enough top models this go-round to attract a decently star-studded crowd. .</p><p>To read more on the model controversy, .<br></p> <br>?<p>London Fashion Week has closed, and the fashion circus has been safely dispatched onto planes, trains and automobiles for Milan. Our photographer has been following the shows, snapping the style people on the street, and slipping into all the right parties to bring us a daily photo-report from Fashion Week. We bring you our favorites, from the Vogue.fr offices.</p>?<p>Creative confections have been trotting, strutting and stomping down the capital's catwalks, as London Fashion Week sashays into full swing. </p><p>But while fashion shows are known for showcasing designs unwearable on the high street, there's been a glut of outrageous inventions unsuitable for any event. </p><p>Nudity made a surprise appearance on the catwalk on Monday, with a risque design from appearing rather cheeky from the back. And who would have considered a corset for the head?</p><p>Slim skulls may be in, but would you wear any of the below? Check out the most outrageous (and wonderful) designs from London Fashion Week below. </p><p>WARNING: Slideshow contains nudity. </p>?<p>Lorenzo Belenguer, an art curator, investigated the previous Fashion Week and explains why London is best and give it a review from a curator's point of view.</p><p>On the steps up to St George's Hanover Square. It's a cold, grey February afternoon. A smart church in Mayfair, but this is no usual service. This is homage to something rather different. At the top, there is no priest but a woman - an intern? - with a clipboard, her own medieval shield. Only the chosen are admitted to this church: those on her list. This is the Julian McDonald show at London Fashion Week 2011. As an artist and curator, I've long been interested in just what Fashion Week is all about. I wrestle daily with 'art' and its meaning and purpose. Is this - i.e. one of the top shows at the pinnacle of London's fashion industry - just a commercial exercise? Or art? I'm interested to find out. But at this rate, it's not even clear if I'll get in.... The guardian at the gate is pulling my sleeve and threatening me with calling security. I hoped she did. I needed protection.</p><p>I did not manage to get in. And I was disappointed. Julian MacDonald has always intrigued me - the elements of design and colour have always intrigued me. He represents a very restrained baroque, strong colours toned down on uncomplicated silhouettes with unexpected accessories that suit strong and modern women very well. </p><p>It's hard to get into London Fashion Week. Photographers are always wanted. Big buyers are treated like kings and queens. And Anna Wintour is the Queen Bee. Writers are out. When PR people see you taking notes, they panic. Nothing good comes from words. You're viewed with suspicion. The lower your profile - the better. Unless of course you work for VOGUE.</p><p>Art curators look down on fashion at the best of times and ignore it most of the time. So when London Fashion Week, or LFW for short, came round again I decided to venture over and put it to the test. Having convinced the press officers that a curator writing about fashion might just produce something of interest, eventually, a press pass was emailed. </p><p>There I was on my way to Somerset House, LFW headquarters, with a copy of the email to get the press pass printed. With my immense naivety, I thought the press pass would allow me to see all the shows. A bit like an Oyster card for the catwalks. To my surprise, the press pass only allows you to enter the entrance hall. To actually get into the space where the catwalk takes place, you need a specific invitation per show. Just to stand up. At the back. </p><p>So I entered the entrance hall, had my pass scanned, and was told to wait in the ticketless queue. Queuing. You do that all the time.</p><p>The person next to me was from Spain. I could read that from her pass. A fashion designer from Madrid who wanted to see the LFW, as they say. I'm from Spain myself and she helped me. When you finally get inside, you've got about two seconds to spot an empty seat. She told me the most likely places to be vacant are at the back.</p><p>I saw the show by the Turkish designer Bora Aksu and was instantly hooked. This was creativity alive, buzzing through its passionate participants. The enthusiasm is contagious. He sculpted the body with a freedom usually only expected in Fine Art. It became more and more a promenade of geometry and angles. Although softened. And hard at the same time. There were always at least two elements that would remind us that the female body is not always curves: a highly defined corset in black and grey or an oversized scarf. I couldn't stop thinking of Brancusi's sculptures.</p><p>PPQ - seen as the best kept secret of the fashion and music scene: luxe pop-chic and underground London cool - was all about metal carefully positioned and about framing the face. In fashion, designers obsessed with the human body sometimes forget the importance of the face. Many people look at the face before the derriere. PPQ delivered just that. Even the two long braids helped. It became a series of portraits. Beautiful, of course, because they are models. And then the fragments of metal will drag your attention to the dress and to the figure. Mainly playing with one colour made the collection very strong. Simple lines. It reminded me of Mondrian in black and white.</p><p>House of Holland - graduated from London College of Printing - was fun and very clever. Granny chic with crochet squares. He was playful, witty, very pop art, but restrained. We are going through a financial crisis and not interested in taking risks. Tights and socks clashing with the dresses and, somehow, kept taking me back to Pop Art. </p><p>What else?. Matthew Williamson rocks. I understand why he is a favourite of fashion students. He takes huge risks and it always works. Abstract Expressionism, there, in your face without shouting at you. You are kept on edge. You continue watching beautiful paintings that exquisitely blend with the model. It is as if they have been made for each other. The dresses, the paintings and the models. </p><p>Vivienne Westwood and Paul Smith were wonderful, as always. They represent the best of British tailoring. In Vivienne's collection - considered as one of the six most influential designers in the world, the colours seem to have the need to depart from each other. Nothing makes sense. You see it as a fact without the need for understanding. There is a bit of Dada movement in it that I found very appealing and liberating. She finds inspiration in British fabrics and 17th and 18th century art </p><p>Paul Smith was like watching an Impressionist show at the Tate Britain: beautiful, well-crafted and safe. Nothing was wrong and you know you are in a safe pair of hands. The colours and the forms all combined in an exquisite manner.</p><p>Burberry was magical. No one does coats like Burberry. It developed into performance art based on an 19th century French painting. Beauty, melancholia, good manners, happy times, an autumnal picnic, golden leaves, cheese and red wine. Time to slow down from the crazy summer. Times for silences. Long and deep. Right colours. Right shapes. You want to be in it rather than out of it. </p><p>Emilio de la Morena - a Spanish designer who studied at Central Saint Martins and the London College of Fashion - brought us a very unique Latin minimalism. He's a monochromatic Mondrian who sculpts the female body and takes it to another level. You find new shapes and forms that you didn't know were there.</p><p>It was comforting to see private companies promoting and nurturing emerging talent. Fashion is an expensive business. From Topshop, I very much admired Richard Nicoll - a graduate from Central Saint Martins. He makes you appreciate beauty in an unexpected way. His talent to rethink what a woman can possibly wear is exceptional. He's a fashion cubist in the way he destroys and deconstructs garments in a revolutionary and quiet manner. Mary Katrantzou, - a graduate from Central Saint Martins - shows lampshade skirts, this time in a more elaborate and sophisticated way. Russian dolls come and go. It's fun. It's being the centre of attention. It's Rococo - extreme and deliberately outrageous ornament - in the 21st Century. And Meadham Kirchhoff - also a graduate from Central Saint Martins - with an interesting palette of colours. An abstract painting in acid. It works. It's a volley of colour rich punches. From Vauxhall Fashion Scout - which has been responsible for some of the most exciting new talent- , the designers A. Hallucination showed a mature and well-cut collection with earthy colours like going through a dry river. Anselm Kieffer - a German painter that uses grey colours and earthy materials - . Rather beautiful.</p><p>After five days, you end up exhausted. I don't know how buyers and editors can do the entire circuit. New York, London, Milan, and Paris each host a fashion week twice a year with New York kicking off each season and the other cities following.</p><p>If I had to choose my top three experiences, they'd be: a stimulating conversation with the talented TeatumJones, the Burberry show and the KTZ moment. KTZ combined top quality, superb originality and fun. One exquisitely beautiful garment after another. Abstract Expressionism, Mondrian, Malevich and Barnet Newman, all chewed in and spat out like there's no tomorrow. They managed to attract the coolest crowd and brought the LFW to a grand finale.</p><p>In a nutshell, I was very impressed by the passion shown by the public. Something you don't always see in art exhibitions. The variety of colours, styles and presentations of the garments was astonishing. I found very difficult to find a common point as you sometimes see in fashion magazines telling you what it's in fashion. And the speed. A show lasts about ten minutes. And this it. You don't have three weeks like in an art show. You blink and you miss it. But, is it art? I'm not sure yet. What I'm sure is that LFW rocks.<br></p><p>Follow Lorenzo Belenguer on Twitter:</p>?<p>The Huffington Post gave me a FlipCam for New York Fashion Week, and here's what I filmed, distilled into 2 minutes and 33 seconds: a visit backstage at the Ruffian Fall/Winter 2011 show with actress Amanda Setton and designers Brian Wolk and Claude Morais, the revelry at Patricia Field and Susanne Bartsch's Valentine's Day party, and a presentation for menswear designer Pierre Henri Mattout.</p><p></p><p><br>Check out .</p><p>Follow Lorenzo Martone on Twitter:</p>?<p>So fashion season is well and truly upon us. Journalists, PRs and models alike have dusted off their heels, halved their calorie intake and buckled up for a marathon of shows, parties and presentations. As the London Autumn/Winter collections come to a close, the dust settles on Somerset House and the critics return to their desks to furiously scribble down their musings, the pressure is on a different team of designers. Those on the high street, who are now busy knocking off the London collections as fast as you can say, "actually, it's just from Topshop."</p><p>The British high street has long harboured questionable copyright morals. Today, perusing Zara is like walking around Liberty in some strange parallel universe where everything looks the same but is about a tenth of the price. J-brand-esque ankle-zip jeans for 30 anyone? Or how about a nice Stella McCartney-style tote bag? There are even some Margiela-aping asymmetric skirts if you're feeling adventurous. </p><p>It's what makes designer/high street collaborations so humorous. The high street has been in a very one-sided collaboration for years - ripping off designers' creative talent, and thanking its lucky stars that only the super-rich can justify those incredible price points. You can't help but wonder why Mary Katrantzou would design a range for Topshop when it has been knocking off her designs all year, selling printed T-shirts and graphic floral trousers. Sweet noble Mary, does she not see the dark forces at work here?</p><p>Still, who am I to complain? The amazing copycat abilities of the high street are what keep the majority of us looking half-decent all year round. Its homage to Celine is what got us all into chic camel coats, and its love affair with Acne has provided me with a very wearable pair of heeled black ankle boots. 60, if you're asking. Bargain.</p><p>So in true fashion industry spirit - let's put the ethics aside and look at the clothes. What will be the star trends from this season that will, with the speed of the deadliest virus, filter their way from runway to Alexa Chung to Topshop to Only Way Is Essex stars to the masses. What item will permeate all of our wardrobes? What will be the Burberry aviator jacket or Stella sheer polka-dot dress of this season? </p><p>Well print was big news on the London runway, partly due to its vogue amongst the coolest young designers, Peter Pilotto, Louise Gray and the like. Even the less hip labels jumped on the bandwagon. Middleton-favourite Issa offered up a print-heavy showing, with dresses featuring patterns of Russian Dolls and St Basil's Cathedral - very 'gap yah', and thus perfectly in tune with their posh-totty client base. The best knock-offs are sure to come from Whistles and Warehouse - look for oriental-inspired print blouses and bright floral dresses.</p><p>But be aware fair shoppers, this is where the high street can make a good trend go bad. Sporting a bad print on an ill-fitting item is like wearing a sandwich board saying "Primark sale bin". The most important rule is stay away from printed body con. Print and lycra - the most evil sartorial union ever created, and one that the high street continues to push at us with ever increasing gusto. No-one looks good when prints are made of such cheap, thin fabrics that they stretch out of shape when worn, giving the wearer a deformed floral vision emblazoned across their buttocks or breasts, resembling a giant warped tattoo on a pregnant woman's belly. Classy.</p><p>Texture was equally huge on the catwalks, from leather at Christopher Kane and Todd Lynn, to fur almost everywhere, including Mulberry and Temperley. Poor PETA. This will please Zara who love nothing more than churning out a nice pair of pleather jeans or a faux-suede jacket - the kind of items that look half decent immediately after purchase but loose their expensive fa?ade after a few wears, or the second it rains when black dye begins running down your legs.</p><p>The trick of the trade is weeding out the trends that are impossible to translate from catwalk to pavement. Fashion osmosis is a risky business; there are those looks will never warrant a place in our closet. The kind that should stay in the dark place that is the catwalk venue, draped on the body of an emaciated 14-year-old. Take Meadham Kirchhoff's entire collection, full of glitter and tartan - do we love it on the runway? Of course. Would it look great on any of us after being re-created by New Look? Certainly not. </p><p>Then there are trends that we can only hope will go global. Imagine if Roksanda Ilincic's understated tailored trouser surpassed leggings in popularity. Or if Peter Jensen's modest shifts replaced the racks and racks of lurid thigh-skimmers stacked in Primark. A girl can dream. </p><p>So be savvy ladies. No matter how much you loved the original collection, step away from the crazy reproductions, anything see-through, sequined, or flammable-looking. Instead hunt for the master forgeries - the perfectly copied Jonathan Saunders jacket, or the timeless Burberry-style pencil skirt. Times are hard and we all have to tighten our (knock-off) belts. Play your credit cards right and you'll be able to get all your favourite designer looks for next to nothing.</p><p>Follow Lou Stoppard on Twitter:</p>?<p>Women's Wear Daily published a small piece today about an upcoming Louis Vuitton event, a benefit to be held tonight in New York for youth involved with arts.</p><p>The benefit will also include a very special presentation of the "Louis Vuitton Inspiration Song."</p><p>That's right, the brand that sells you leather totes and expensive trinkets and Marc Jacobs-designed clothes you can't afford now has its own theme song. And apparently, it is inspiring.</p><p>It's not the first time this year a designer label has decided to give itself a soundtrack. This fall Burberry released a single, called "Rose," recorded by British band The Feeling at the Abbey Road studio. Apparently the track was intended to go with , capturing "the mood and spirit" or something like that. ().</p><p> called "Burberry Acoustic," consisting of old hits and a couple of brand-new tracks, sung by British artists like Rod Stewart, David Bowie and Elton John. (No word on whether they were all required to wear trench coats while recording). </p><p>So is the phenomenon of designer labels getting into music sort of silly? Definitely -- but they might as well do it, considering singers will be rapping and crooning about them whether they like it or not. After all, this was the year of , and rappers like Kanye West have songs devoted to labels for ages ("Christian Dior Denim Flow," anyone?) </p><p>Maybe it's time for the brands to start cutting some tracks themselves. .</p><p><br><br></p> <br>?<p>Now entering the station: Louis Vuitton Fall 2012. Your conductor? Marc Jacobs.</p><p>Just when we thought nothing could beat we were completely derailed by Marc Jacobs, who turned the Cour Carree du Louvre into a train station for today's Louis Vuitton Fall 2012 show. </p><p>The jaw-dropping presentation began with clouds of smoke as a custom-made Louis Vuitton locomotive pulled onto the runway. The models donned flappy hats, cigarette pants, elbow gloves and fur collared coats. They were seated two by two in the train and . They were then escorted down the runway by a porter who carried their Louis Vuitton luggage and bags. </p><p>Celebs like Dianna Agron, Sarah Jessica Parker and of course, Anna Wintour, sat front row as they were transported back to the '60s through the retro fashion. , said it was as <br>"It was cinema, it was beautiful. The whole thing is a massive triumph."</p><p>Jacobs isn't the only one who has been using means of transportation to complement fashion. and both had airplane themes, while </p><p>Take a look at the magic from this morning's Louis Vuitton Fall 2012 show by clicking through the photos below -- and <br></p> <br>?<p>The Clinton camp that Chelsea donned a Vera Wang gown and Hillary opted for Oscar de la Renta...but what did Marc Mezvinsky wear? People StyleWatch reports that the groom, groomsmen and father of the bride Bill Clinton wore suits designed by . Bailey :</p>"Sharing in the happiness of Chelsea and Marc" was by far the best part of the whole affair, he said. "Simon, my partner, was at Oxford with Chelsea and Marc, and I love them very much," said Bailey, who designed Mezvinsky's black-tie outfit as a favor. <p>Take a look at the suits:</p><p></p><p>Here's Bailey waiting for one of the buses to the wedding:</p><p></p> <br>?Marc is focused on helping Autism Speaks create conversations using the Internet and Social Web. He oversees the organizations digital strategy and is focused on creating new community and fundraising opportunities for all those affected by autism.<br><br>Marcs unique ability to develop high-level social marketing strategies that connect directly to measurable business results has helped him launch and refine online communities as well as web-based applications that have resulted in millions of dollars in donations and lifelong customer relationships in the non-profit sector. Most recently, as part of Enterprise Partner Group (EPG) at Microsoft, Marc helped to develop emerging social and online community models that are focused on driving tangible business results through the use of social marketing strategies and tactics.?Marie Darsigny a tudi le design de mode et les communications dans la grande ville de Montral. Elle a t booker de top modles, gestionnaire de mdias sociaux, rdactrice de sites web, blogueuse mode, styliste... La liste de ses occupations s'tire toujours. Elle crit sur diverses plates-formes, car plus on a d'amis, mieux va la vie. Grande chialeuse au grand coeur, elle veut tre l'amie de tout le monde, faire tous les projets et vivre toutes ses passions.?Pictured: The Burberry Spring 2013 collection mixes traditional Burberry styles with rock star flash (images courtesy of Burberry.)A women steps onto the runway in a white cap. The music begins. Soon, the covering falls away from the glass panes above the show space. The light streams in from London's Kensington Gardens illuminating the runway and the show space. White coats and capes are quickly followed by colorful dresses with corset seams and ruching. That was the Burberry show at London Fashion Week last week. For the last few years, I've shown the show on my blog . This year I was fortunate enough to actually attend the show live in Kensington Gardens. The Burberry runway show was an amazing production, choreographed as well as, if not better than, a classic Hollywood production. The show was notable not just for its production quality, but for the beauty of the clothes. I was privileged to see the clothes up close at the Burberry showroom after the runway show. I've never seen such exquisite garments. There was a dress made of real peacock feathers plus flashy raincoats in a rainbow of color and metallic threaded dresses and ruched coats. There were corseted strapless tops with peplum trim, paired with glittering pencil skirts. They looked even better up close than they did on the runway.<br><br>Pictured: The rainbow of shiny raincoats walking the runway to the tune of "Walk On" (images courtesy of Burberry)The Burberry Spring/Summer collection is full of bright, splashy colors for Spring fit for a rock star or the celebrity red carpet. There were the usual classic Burberry coats in white and neutral colors, but there were also lipstick reds, pinks, fuchsia, green and turquoise. The bright color palette was a stark contrast to the more subdued greys, yellows and black many designers showed at New York Fashion Week for Spring 2013. The fabrics were as rich and vibrant as the colors. Metallic silk used to make those amazing ruched dresses. Metallic leather, sateen and lace were also generously used in this collection. The accessories complimented the lush looks of the garments. In the show finale, the models walked with colorful plastic Burberry "blaze" bags that put memories of the faux Hermes jelly bags to shame. Shoes were 1940s vintage style metallic peep toe wedges and pointed toe wedges with ankle straps. The striking fashions were complimented by an equally stunning show soundtrack. Burberry's Christopher Baileyhas thoughtfully incorporated music into the brand's marketing strategy and social sharing to great effect. This show featured aplaylist of emerging British artists that every viewer probably added to their iPhone/iPod immediately after the show (I know I did!) The musical selections were:<br><br>Pictured: A look at a corseted dress with a cape (images courtesy of Burberry)Pictured: A new take on the art of the trench, colorful Burberry coats on the London Fashion Week runway <br>(images courtesy of Burberry) <br><p>Follow Mary Hall on Twitter:</p>?<p>So how does one of the world's leading fashion brands, and one of the oldest, get ready for London Fashion Week? Maybe rehearsing the models, going to final fittings, checking the seating plan, and of course making sure the press and photographers are in place. Those are the typical to-do's. But in this era of social media and direct Internet communication to consumers, the Burberry brand added another item to their Fashion Week check list. Christopher Bailey, Burberry Chief Creative Officer has taken over the brand's </p><p>When I originally heard about this, I was skeptical. Many fashion houses are just taking to the social media airwaves, and some designers don't like being the voice behind their Twitter account. Some designers delegate the Twitter account to a PR agency to manage, and communicate with followers. One designer told me, anonymously, of course, that she really doesn't like using Twitter to communicate with her customers. When I asked why she said, "Because I can't say what I want to say in the format." </p><p>Yes, that would be the 140 character limit. It's true that you can't always talk in complete sentences on Twitter. Mastering the art of Twitter is almost like learning to speak a foreign language. You must be succinct and crisp in your prose and use the in your messages. (Hashtags are a way for Twitter uses to tag their messages by names for easy search and retrieval.) Use of the Queen's English is not a pre-requisite. </p><p>So why would a busy creative officer like Mr. Bailey want to take this on right before a major event like London Fashion Week I asked? The answer, because he likes to communicate directly with consumers. Here's what he had to say, in more than 140 characters. "We are now as much a media-content company as we are a design company because it's all part of the overall experience," says Christopher Bailey. Via Twitter, Mr. Bailey answered me, as to why he is Tweeting this week, " Enjoying interaction and great to share everything that goes on pre- show / pre live stream etc.," signed CB.</p><p>Clearly, Christopher Baily gets it. In the Internet age, to be truly successful, a brand needs to communicate with customers via traditional print channels, as well as social channels. I love that I can hear from Christopher Bailey directly via a free tool like Twitter in real-time. I don't have to wait for a glossy fashion magazine to arrive at the end of the month. The print magazine's coverage, as much as I love and enjoy them, will be delivered long after the runway lights dim. It will be more of a recap, with gorgeous photos. In contrast, the photos delivered via Twitter may not be perfectly in focus, but they will be delivered in real-time as the models are walking the runway. Most exciting, everyone can share the show via the Internet. No invite necessary. The doors are open, and all the "Tweeple" are invited. The Burberry Womenswear show will be streaming live on the Internet on Tuesday from the Burberry site.</p><p><br>Mr. Bailey uses social media other than Twitter to communicate with those who wear the Burberry clothes. He has a large Facebook following, and he speaks directly to them every week, via the Burberry Facebook group. What is interesting about the Facebook group is the way in which he engages with consumers. He is not just sharing fashion news, he is sharing his favorite pieces of music as well. Via Facebook, "Burberry Acoustic" music is shared. And apparently, Mr. Bailey is very involved in selecting the music for the Burberry runways show. As he Tweeted via his iPhone, "Just finalised music for the show and so excited..,! CB." Each Tweet from the Burberry Twitter account is signed with his initials. By sharing his musical tastes, and some free clips, Mr. Bailey is getting close to his customers by letting them enjoy the same things he enjoys. That creates a feeling of camaraderie, that helps customers feel close to him, and the Burberry brand. It's rather a brilliant marketing strategy. I enjoy listening to the music posted on Burberry Facebook, and it doesn't cost me a penny.</p><p>Stay tuned for more social media marketing from the Burberry brand. In a few weeks, they are launching a "retail theatre concept." According to Christopher Bailey: This concept allows us to broadcast our multi- faceted content all over the world, directly to our stores, creating a modern and pure brand environment. Customers at the exclusive in-store digital events will experience the clothes, the music, the energy and the atmosphere in real time and have the unique opportunity to receive their orders in just 7 weeks. Love the concept, but 7 weeks is still a long time in the Internet age. Clearly, the worlds of fashion production and Internet response time are still merging. Meanwhile, Mr. Bailey will be on Twitter at least until Tuesday taking us all "behind the seams" at London Fashion Week, Twitter hashtag #LFW.<br><br><br></p><p>Follow Mary Hall on Twitter:</p>?Mary Hall is author of ,which is read by thousands of regular readers in over 120 countries. An internationally recognized expert on the art of the living the good life for less, she has been a commentator on local, national, and international radio and TV shows. Her advice has been featured in over 2,000 media outlets, including The New York Times, Reuters, Life & Style magazine and now The Huffington Post, among many others. As a marketing manager for technology products, Hall is at the forefront of Web 2.0 technologies and social networking sites. Mary has won many awards for e-marketing and her work marketing software and Internet technology.?eGHZmFyID44mYu00M5dZQhYaAu%2FAmgJCGfYy66NCsZ3y2%2BCd8epkdQj2UKN14xi7V2f6zvgZ4FLzuHlXFqCtvHEMfu8cnurHGtdTrlO6FQ53rI4f%2FNo7oyXAvVcpcAPr4kIuB5Ua5hfpX3jCUjpesONZAp5v%2FZYto0CpL2BNQDbLKBQntDL%2BG2ZKPlg9r%2BFV?<p>The end of AIDS is not just possible but predictably achievable. Science is showing the way.</p> <p>But science is laborious, time consuming and costly. Its achievements must be complemented by effective government action to control the spread of HIV among vulnerable populations.</p> <p>As world leaders gather this week in Washington...</p>?<p>Mena Suvari's ex wants her to pay up. </p><p>According to TMZ, Suvari's ex-husband, Simone Sestito, has filed court docs . </p><p>Elsewhere in the docs, Sestito -- a concert promoter -- reportedly alleges that "American Reunion" actress makes $750,000 a year and says he's used to eating out "almost everyday at high end restaurants," listing his estimated monthly dining expenses at $3,000 a month. </p><p>Suvari, 33, in January 2012 after 18 months of marriage, citing "irreconcilable differences." Suvari has sought to , TMZ reported. </p><p>The "American Beauty" , a cinematographer 17 years her senior, ended in 2005 after five years of marriage. In an interview with the Daily Mail last month, Suvari : "Honestly, I never thought that at 33 Id be a two-time divorcee. But OK, if thats the path my life is going down, then I accept it."</p><p>Click through the slideshow below to see photos of Suvari and Sestito in happier times.</p><p></p><p>Related on HuffPost:</p> <br>?<p> are like wearing clouds on your feet. They're as comfortable as and as warm as duvets, but they can resemble something you'd pair with a terry-cloth robe. As the temperature drops and you find yourself yearning to put on your fluffy ,...</p>?<p>MILAN &mdash; The first day of the Milan menswear shows for next summer was a mixed bag of old favorites and new entries.</p><p>The biggest news Saturday was the return of Jil Sander to her eponymous label after an eight year absence. She marked her comeback with a prim and precise collection dotted with color and trendy styles, showing she is willing to update her minimalist trademark.</p><p>The Sander event was nearly overshadowed by the unconventionally bright Burberry collection aimed at dispelling any British summer gloom.</p><p>Dolce&Gabbana, using non-professional models imported from Sicily and harking back to yesteryear styles, showed that summer dressing can and should stay genuine and simple. Luxury comes in the details.</p><p>Still to come in the four-day preview showings are such big Italian designer names as Versace, Prada, Missoni, Armani and Fendi.</p><p>____</p><p>JIL SANDER</p><p>Jil Sander is definitely back.</p><p>The menswear collection shown in Milan on Saturday &ndash; the first collection German-born Sander has designed for her own label in eight years &ndash; had the undeniable minimalist touch which characterizes the eponymous label founded in 1968.</p><p>The collection was prim, proper and precise. Pristine white shirts paired with an elongated jacket and slim trousers, both in dark Jil blue, graphic printed T-shirts in fabric just stiff enough to keep them from looking sloppy and classic two-tone lace-up shoes made up the summer look.</p><p>"It's good to be at home again," the designer told The Associated Press backstage after the much applauded show &ndash; the first of the four-day preview Milan menswear shows for summer 2013.</p><p>In the label's stormy history &ndash; Sander left her company twice in the past 12 years &ndash; other designers tried their hand at her style, but no matter how creative, they were never quite able to match her very personal minimalism.</p><p>The last of these was Belgian designer Raf Simons, who bowed out after his rave review women's collection last February, just as Sander was announcing her return. In April Simons was named creative director at Dior.</p><p>"We want to keep our integrity and go back to our roots," said the 68-year old designer, dressed in a crisp white shirt and navy slacks. Off the runway rumors had her unhappy with the flashier turn the label had taken.</p><p>And yet her interim years, some spent designing for the low cost but trendy Japanese Uniglo chain, seem to have relaxed her tastes.</p><p>The latest sleeveless jacket is really an elongated vest. Bermuda shorts in ultra-light wool are cut with precision but shaped like surfing trunks. Classic footwear sports a trendy colored sole.</p><p>The once black and navy palette has been invaded for next summer by bright shades of ochre yellow, granite red and cobalt blue and particularly warm beige. No matter what the style, the fabrics are, as usual, exquisite.</p><p>_____</p><p>DOLCE&GABBANA</p><p>These are happy boys. Happy that it's summer. Happy to be Sicilian.</p><p>A live band in traditional costume, complete with mandolins and tambourines, accompanied the 73 men and boys who walked down the runway of the Dolce&Gabbana venue in downtown Milan, wearing yesteryear combinations of black and white, a reference by the designing duo to their Sicilian roots.</p><p>Often opulent if not ostentatious in their fashion preferences, this round the duo opted for simplicity, starting with the models. Ranging from 12 to 43 years of age, all non-professionals, they come from Sicily from such walks of life as student, house painter, barber, waiter or simply unemployed.</p><p>"We wanted to put our clothes on real men because fashion should be for real people," Stefano Gabbana said, speaking to reporters ahead of the show.</p><p>Maybe that is why despite the yesteryear setting, the models looked so at home in their striped black-and-white T-shirts over slim black slacks or plain black shorts accessorized by a black Sicilian cap.</p><p>For more formal wear, the Sicilian man puts on his Sunday best: a pristine white shirt with wide open collar and a close fitting suit with small jacket and slim trouser. Boys, as was the custom until not very long ago, stick to shorts.</p><p>Most of the outfits were accompanied by sturdy leather sandals.</p><p>A closer look at the clothes, however, reveals that this is not low-cost fashion. Fabrics are ultra-light and ultra-fancy from linen to silk, to light wool and chiffon.</p><p>The grand finale, made up of all 73 models, looked like a simple parade of dark suits and white jackets. In reality each outfit is unique, either in choice of fabric or styling detail.</p><p>____</p><p>BURBERRY</p><p>"Come rain or shine" read the fashion notes at Burberry Prorsum.</p><p>But the latest menswear collection by British designer Christopher Bailey, shown Saturday in Milan, was much more about shine than it was about England's proverbial bad weather.</p><p>Everything in the summer 2013 preview collection, from short-sleeved shirts to traditional rain attire, was in shining, almost blindingly bright shades of metallic, or better yet, fluorescent fabric.</p><p>Thus bring on a fuchsia pink trench coat, an electric blue bomber jacket or a shiny turquoise lapel on a classic tweed overcoat. Footwear, mainly of the sturdy sandal type, and practical tote and iPad bags also come in glaring hues.</p><p>But fear not. Bailey wouldn't dream of leaving his tried and true customer out in the cold.</p><p>Along with the shimmering shockers, the show was filled with traditional tweeds, classic suits albeit with a slim cut and country old favorites: raincoats, field jackets and oversized parkas.</p>?<p>Hair may be seen as a woman's crowning glory, but in African heritage societies it is much more than that. In all its variations: extended, plaited in an endless variety of patterns, decorated with cultural adornments, locked, naturally loose, sparkling with oil or carefree and frizzy, black hairstyles and particularly women's are not only a question of style and beauty but also of culture, politics and history.</p><p>The hair conversation-so common amongst black women that it is tiresome to others and to some black women themselves-is actually one that I believe is not only desirable but also important.</p><p>When black women , we are talking about aesthetics but we are also in often-subtle ways discussing political, socio-cultural and historical events. </p><p>Implied in our conversations are a myriad of stories, historical and contemporary. From the vast numbers of Afro-wearing black women who until this day are or to the 'good hair'-phenomenon to beauty ideals. </p><p>When we talk about hair, we are also analysing career choices; coming to grips with whether and/or why it is still considered unprofessional in some circles to wear an Afro or locks. </p><p>We are reassuring each other that we won't judge each other by how we wear our hair. As singer Erykah Badu, whose career has seen her both in many hairstyles as in hair controversies, said, "Everyone with locks ain't for the cause, and everyone with a perm ain't for the fall". <br>We are posing questions. </p><p>Straight hair is polished and curly hair is wild, is that a fact or a lie? Why is it that in the 21st century, relaxers and weaves are standard hairdos for a majority of black women with the sales of a year in the US alone? </p><p>Why are black women who wear their hair naturally seen to be non-conformist and radical? </p><p>Why are black women with straightened hair more visible in the corporate world, in pop culture, as broadcasters, in the White House? </p><p>When we ask our friends and acquaintances how long they have been natural, or cropped, or locked, their answers also tell us other things; they reveal how society has reacted to various hair choices.</p><p>A in 2006 conducted by the University of Alabama, showed that hair texture was perceived as even more important for society's approval than skin colour, which indicates that a dark complexion person with straight hair might at times have an advantage over a lighter skinned person with tight curls.</p><p>"If your hair is relaxed, white people are relaxed," the comedian Paul Mooney said in the documentary "Good Hair". "If your hair is nappy, they're not happy."</p><p>Anyone who thought such preconceptions were outdated or irrelevant in contemporary western society would have been reminded otherwise by such events as Glamour magazine's editor saying in 2007 that Afro hair and locks were a big "no-no" in the do's and don't of corporate fashion, or, the negative reactions by some Republicans to Malia Obama's hair twists last year. One thing seems certain, as mane-queen Diana Ross said, "Hair has always been important."</p><p>As in other politics, where you have a spectrum of voters who debate, agree, disagree and share some values, , too, is contrasting. </p><p>Not everyone finds implied profundities lurking underneath the conversation. Some find it to be superficial and exploitative. Why are black women so vain about their coiffures, they wonder? Are they simply more obsessed with their follicles than other women? They roll their eyes in a here-we-go-again manner as soon as the topic approaches. </p><p>Of course, the black hair conversation doesn't always escape shallowness, but more often than not it goes beyond vanity, it's something to bond on because it contains a shared cultural experience. <br>After all, we can't just go from believing that black hair is unruly/ugly/unprofessional, you name it, to loving our hair without some sort of discussion about the transitional process (literally).</p><p>There is a lot of pent up emotion wrapped in conversations of hair. Regardless of the style they choose, many black women still feel the need to continually justify it. When the complex social and political concerns that have to do with black hair aesthetics are no longer part of our social fabric, then I reckon the conversation will gradually fade out.</p> <br><p>Follow Minna Salami on Twitter:</p>?<p>For all of you who just can't wait till September to get your Missoni on, Target has released .</p><p>The collection includes tons of clothes, of course, but the preview snaps also show plates, pillows, mugs, laptop cases, blankets and even a bicycle all covered in Missoni's iconic, colorful, zigzag prints. The 20 photos are only the tip of the iceberg, as there are over 400 pieces to the Missoni for Target line, all priced between $7.99 and $199.99. </p><p>Published on a Tumblr, the large cache of pics appears to be an absurdly substantial leak... except that Target's behind it all. The promo shots posted on , a Tumblr run by an anonymous blogger named Marina who has been "hired" by Target and Missoni to "cover their new collection" (Marina also has her own Twitter feed, ).</p><p>"Marina" has been blogging since April 5th, filling the Tumblr with fanciful posts about Milan, street style, pastries and other fashion-bloggery things. It is a clever, if just a bit shady, way for Target to cultivate an image for the collection, .</p><p>The collab, , debuts in stores on September 13.</p><p>In the meantime, while you wait with bated breath, browse the 20 preview shots as well as the other fun Missoni-themed tidbits that "Marina" has been posting on . </p><p></p> <br>?It appears she was looking at her reflection pretty intently as she was approaching that back wall mirror; 'think she just lost her concentration. Of course not to mention the ridiculously high heels on slippery floor she was having to navigate.<br>Kudos for her carrying on with one shoe, but I think it woulda made even a better point if she took the other debilitating shoe off, continued the model strut, got to the wall and give one of those sashay turnarounds they do, pause to give the audience a smile, THEN exit stage left.?<p>Before you turn all your attention away from London and towards Milan, we've got two words for you: model down.</p><p>At Monday's Mark Fast show, a model got a bit tripped up by her long beige crocheted dress, whose giant loops kept catching her heel. , the model stopped to unhook herself, kept walking, but got her shoe caught once again and tripped right in front of the photographers. </p><p>And at yesterday's Amanda Wakeley Spring 2012 show, a model in a lengthy black frock (which we actually really like) got a little tripped up in her floaty hemline. She had to take a moment, and then another, to disentangle her skirts and then stumbled a bit more when exiting the runway. </p><p>So no models completely down, really. And it seems like in both cases, the long hems and not the high heels were the culprit.</p><p>Unlike, say, , in which a model in a little cocktail dress fell hard because of her treacherous pumps. </p><p>Check out the pics and a video of Mark Fast's runway (but not the fall) below.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p> <br>?<p>MONTREAL -- Canadian and American developers plan to build a high-end shopping outlet centre north of Montreal that's expected to create as many as 800 full- and part-time retail jobs and will be marketed as a tourist destination.</p><p>"Shopping and vacations go hand-in-hand, thankfully,'' said Michele Rothstein, spokeswoman for U.S.-based Premium Outlets, a division of the Simon Property Group, the major partner in the development.</p><p>Construction should begin this year on the outlet centre in the Town of Mirabel, becoming the second Premium Outlet Centre in Canada, Rothstein said Tuesday.</p><p></p><p>The other outlet centre is being built west of Toronto in the Town of Halton Hills.</p><p>It's expected the new centre, which will be called Montreal Premium Outlets, will also draw on Montreal-area shoppers, Rothstein said.</p><p>Indiana-based Simon Property Group Inc., Toronto's Calloway Real Estate Investment Trust and Toronto-area SmartCentres are developing the Quebec outlet centre, which will have at least 80 stores and restaurants.</p><p>Financial details weren't released, but the Simon Property Group will own 50 per cent of the roughly $150 million project.</p><p>Names of stores for the Montreal- and Toronto-area outlets haven't been released yet. Stores at U.S.-based Premium Outlets include: Burberry, Kenneth Cole, J. Crew, Perfume Outlet, Cole Haan, Chef's Outlet and Vans.</p><p>There will be between 600 and 800 full- and part-time retail jobs as well as construction jobs, totalling several thousand jobs associated with the project, Rothstein said.</p><p>She said many Canadians are already familiar with Premium Outlets in places like Las Vegas, Orlando, Fla., and New York.</p><p>"We know that when you are on vacation and travelling, outlet centres are a fun destination to look for and to spend some time. To plan an afternoon,'' she said.</p><p>"We work with tourism bureaus locally and regionally to position the centre as a must-visit, but that doesn't negate the importance of the local and regional shoppers.''</p><p>Al Mawani, president and CEO of Calloway, said some of the tenants at the 350,00-square-foot Quebec outlet will be new to Canada.</p><p>"`You have a collection of high fashion stores priced at a bit of a discount to what you might get for the same merchandise, if you could get it, in the downtown stores,'' Mawani said.</p><p>Retail analyst John Winter said the Montreal outlet will bring more choice to consumers and isn't expected to hurt the downtown core.</p><p>"It's increasing the variety and the options,'' said Winter of John Winter Associates Ltd. in Toronto.</p><p>If it's close to a major highway, it will be easy for tourists to get to, he said.</p><p>"Consumers want choice. They will probably bring in some new establishments that will increase the range of choice in the Montreal area. If it is the magnet that developers argue, then the vicinity will be crowded with stores and services, too. So it will be a big node that will expand.''</p><p>Simon Property Group currently owns or has an interest in 337 retail real estate properties in North America and Asia.</p><p>Calloway is one of Canada's largest real estate investment trusts. It owns and manages approximately 25 million square feet in 127 retail centres.</p><p></p><p></p><p>Related on HuffPost:</p> <br>?Community Notice:We've made some changes to our badge program, including the addition<br>of our newest badge: Community Curator.?<p>Every August I spend a week or so in Oxfordshire visiting my in-laws, who live in a sweet little village six miles outside of Oxford. While we are there, we take long walks in the countryside, have lunch by the river and barbeques in the evening, spending time with our five year old nephew who we don't see enough of.</p>?<p>Rolls Royce has become quite an important brand to me in these last few weeks. In part because of a rather dishy German PR but mostly, and more appropriately, because of the history of the company and its relationship with art and glamour alongside meticulous engineering and design.</p><p>I'm all for a love story that can be captured for eternity by a great artist or writer so when I heard that Rolls Royce had commissioned Rankin to create 100 images to celebrate the Sprit of Ecstasy centenary my head and my heart simultaneously exploded.</p><p>Being a woman who loves luxury and allure it seemed only natural that I would fall in love with Rolls Royce. I have dreams of me and a handsome man (the aforementioned handsome German would do) sitting in the rear of a Silver Cloud convertible, him in a Tom Ford suit with a pair of Persols and me head to toe in Coco Chanel with head scarf and huge sunglasses. We stop for a picnic lunch in the cornish town of Polperro and he feeds me oysters as I drink champagne whilst perched on a Burberry cashmere blanket. Then, with the Spirit of Ecstasy squeezing into view he holds me in his arms and we watch the sunset over the boats in the harbour... You get the picture. Rolls Royce feature in most of my inappropriately expensive but completely enchanting fantasies.</p><p>To me, the Spirit of Ecstasy is the driving force behind my romantic relationship with the brand. She is an inspiration. She captures all that makes a women. Beauty, grace, mystery and silent strength. Emotional strength. She is a woman with a secret. A women in love. The story of her love is so bitter sweet and yet there she sits. Content and free.</p><p>Ecstasy was inspired by The Whisper. A piece commissioned by the second Lord Montague that is said to immortalize his love affair with his secretary. This love however was never to be officially fulfilled because of her impoverished social status. She watched him marry a woman of notoriety bowing down to the pressures of social acceptance. Their secret love affair continued right up until her death. Rolls Royce's Spirit Of Ecstasy was to convey the spirit of the Rolls-Royce, namely, speed with silence, absence of vibration, the mysterious harnessing of great energy and a beautiful living organism of superb grace and Lord Montague's lover seemed the perfect symbol of this. Her name was Eleanor Thornton.</p><p>Eleanor is an inspiration to me. A woman that loved a man with such passion and grace that she respected why their love couldn't be celebrated. She watched her love marry another and accepted why he had to do this. She did this without fight or spite. She kept her secret. Whilst her love for Lord Montague couldn't physically be displayed, purely the knowledge that he loved her was enough to keep her happy. I look at the Spirit of Ecstasy now and I see a woman who looks alone but is not lonely. She adorns one of the most sought-after cars on the planet. The wind billows through her clothes and her eyes are focused on the horizon on the future. Her face is content. It is the face of a woman so in love whose heart has found its home and she needs nothing else but the knowledge this love is returned to be free.</p><p>Rankin was given a pretty tall order then when commissioned to celebrate 100 years of such an incredible icon. As one of the world's most influential photographers though, it seems to me that this was a clever move by Rolls Royce. He has bought all of the detail, the mystery and grace that has kept Eleanor so relevant over the last 100 years to life and produced a collection that enchants and draws you in. Most women, like Ecstasy, hold a secret and these photographs certainly portray that.</p><p>You can see the video behind the making of The music on this film is called Time Will Remember Us by Gabriel Shadid. Rolls Royce have selected some of their favorites </p><p>If you are a man and you have managed to read the whole of this article without feeling a little queasy then I have created a manly review of the Rolls Royce Phantom Series II which you can and I can promise there is no girly talk of love and romance or gorgeous German hunks. Actually I can't promise the last bit. There may be talk of a German hunk.</p> <br><p>Follow Nancy Atkinson-Turner on Twitter:</p>?<p>Whether we like it or not, African-American hair is still a hot topic. </p><p>The fascination, debate, discussion (or whatever you'd like to call it) around natural hair has , parades, national conferences and even . It's a big topic and only getting bigger thanks to a new report we found in . </p><p>, a consumer spending and market research firm, the number of black women who say they do not use products to chemically relax or straighten their hair jumped to 36% in 2011, up from 26% in 2010. </p><p>What does this mean for the black beauty industry? There definitely needs to be a major shift in product development and care.The report also found that sales of relaxer kits have dropped by 17% between 2006 and 2011. </p><p>Changes of 10 and 17 percent might not seem like much, but in a niche market like black haircare. A few big companies, like Soft Sheen-Carson, have seen the spike in interest and started to roll out products for their natural-haired customers. </p><p>The heightened and still growing interest in natural hair is also that specialize in natural hair care to profit as well. And thanks to YouTube several natural hair enthusiasts havedolling out tons of haircare tips and showing how to manipulate curly manes into masterpieces. </p><p>Here's a look at some of our favorite celebs who represent the growing number of women (are you one of them?) starting to embrace their natural roots. </p><p></p> <br>?<p>We couldn't stop laughing when Franchesca Ramsey joked about white girls comparing the feel of black girls' hair to a Brillo pad in her .</p><p>But a version of the same unflattering sentiment is costing Sony Music $1.2 million...not laughs. </p><p>Sony Music has (equivalent to about $656,000 in American dollars) in retroactive compensation back to 1997 for the release of the song "Veja os Cabelos Dela (Look at Her Hair)" by the Brazilian singer, comedian and whose stage name is Tiririca.</p><p>The lyrics not only liken a black woman's hair to "a scouring pad for pots and pans," but also calls her a "stinking beast." Oy!</p><p>The lawsuit was brought forth by 10 non-governmental organizations that fight against racism. Humberto Adami, the defense attorney of the NGOs, argued that black women were offended, exposed to ridicule and felt violated due to the lyrical content of the song. </p><p>"This decision is a direct message to show how the issue of racial inequality should be treated. It is a moment to celebrate. The compensation won't even go to the authors of the lawsuit. The money will go to the Diffused Rights Fund of the Ministry of Justice,". </p><p>Adami claims that the damages paid in the suit are the highest ever paid for compensation of a racist act in Brazil. </p><p>A representative for Sony maintained that the song was not intended to offend women and that Tiririca was in fact alluding to his wife in the song and that the terminology used in the song are used by Brazilians in reference to not only black women but white women as well.</p><p>Shame on Tiririca writing such a horrible song about his wife. Secondly, the song specifically referencing a "black woman," so I don't know how Sony can make the connection to white women. But you be the judge...</p><p> The song lyrics in Portuguese and English:</p><p> Veja veja veja veja veja os cabelos dela (4x)<br> (Look look look look look at her hair (4x)</p><p> Parece bom-bril*, de ari?? panela<br> (It looks like a scouring pad for pots and pans)</p><p> Parece bom-bril, de ari?? panela<br> (It looks like a scouring pad for pots and pans)</p><p> Quando ela passa, me chama aten??o<br> (When she goes by, she catches my attention)</p><p> Mas os seus cabelos, n?o tem jeito n?o<br> (But her hair just isn't right)</p><p> A sua catinga quase me desmaiou<br> (Her stench almost made me faint)</p><p> Olha eu n?o aguento, ?? grande o seu fedor<br> (Look, I can't take it, her smell is so bad)</p><p> Veja veja veja veja veja os cabelos dela<br> (Look look look look look at her hair)</p><p> Parece bom-bril, de ari?? panela (2x)<br> (It looks like a scouring pad for pots and pans) (2x)</p><p> Eu j?? mandei, ela se lavar<br> (I told her to take a bath)</p><p> Mas ela teimo, e n?o quis me escutar<br> (But she's stubborn and doesn't listen to me)</p><p> Essa nega fede, fede de lascar<br> (This black woman stinks, she stinks horribly)</p><p> Bicha fedorenta, fede mais que gamb??<br> (Stinking beast, smells worse than a skunk)<br></p><p></p><p>But we love a natural 'do, don't you? <br></p> <br>?<p><br>As tears and tributes for the fallen in the 9/11 bombing attacks echoed throughout the city, one life was being remembered uptown, one that had nothing to do with the terror attacks. It was the life of an 18-year-old rising basketball star who was gunned down in a Harlem project one year ago.</p><p>Balloons, cards, and red and white candles illuminate the memory of the fallen athlete outside the building where she was killed. It was just one year ago, in the wee hours the morning, that Tayshana was dancing with her friends in the courtyard of the Grant House Projects. What seemed to be a "fun" night quickly turned tragic when two young men approached the teen with a gun, eventually chasing her up four flights of stairs and . </p><p>Her friends and family still wear T-shirts and pictures around their necks with the words "RIP Chicken," Tayshana's official nickname from birth, because her parents thought she looked like a wet duck when she was born but decided the name "Chicken" was better.</p><p>A year later the mood at the Grant House Projects is less somber than it was last year. People come and go, adding their own candles and taking pictures with their smartphones.</p><p>A stone's throw away at Columbia University, the fall semester had barely begun when news of the high-school basketball phenom's death dominated the headlines. After hearing the news, I knew I had a story and I was eager to piece together the last 24 hours of this young teen's life.</p><p>Tayshana Murphy was an 18-year-old with a bright future and a big heart. She had dreams of going to college and playing in the WNBA. Colleges were already beginning to take notice, including Virginia Commonwealth University, which continued to monitor her progress even after she tore her ACL and had to sit out the season. </p><p>By her senior year, ESPN's HoopGurlz ranked her 16th in the nation among high-school point guards. She had skills that could intimidate most athletes, according to Ed Grezinsky, the head coach at Murry Bergtraum High School, the school Tayshana had just transferred to, and where she thought she'd get her big break playing for their all-star basketball team. </p><p>Off the court, Tayshana was an average student, as described by several of her classmates. Her main focus was basketball and not academics; her older cousin Alysha Green even remembers her saying that she wanted to play with men. "She thought she was too good for the women's league," Alysha said.</p><p>But Tayshana was the perennial jokester. When her friends least expected it, she'd crack a silly joke or break out in an outlandish dance. The people around her couldn't help but laugh or join in, even her teachers. </p><p>Her humor, charm, and green eyes made her just as popular off the court as she was on it. "When we was playing together, she would bring a lot of girls to the games," a former teammate at Bishop Loughlin, Simone Charles, said. </p><p>Tayshana identified as a stud lesbian and wore men's Addidas tracksuits, Burberry shirts, and sagging Guess jeans, exposing her boxers. According to her friends, she felt comfortable wearing baggy pants and loose shirts because they made her feel "superior" and "powerful." </p><p>Initially Tayshana's murder was considered a hate crime. The day after her death, derogatory slurs were painted on the stairwell of the fourth floor at 3170 Broadway. Later in the investigation, the hate-crime theory was dropped, and detectives tied the homicide to a dispute between the Grant and Manhattanville Houses that has been in existence for over 30 years.</p><p>The neighborhood used to be a nice place to live, longtime resident Anna DaCruz, 33, says. She paints a scene of all the residents outside in the summertime, with music playing and people having fun with each other. But the violence has always been there, something she knew when she first signed her lease. "In Manhattanville, its not about whether you're a boy or girl," she says. "If people have problems with someone, gender doesn't matter. They will hurt you because they think that's what you deserve."</p><p>The 26th police precinct is across the street from the Manhattanville Houses. A desk in the corner office belongs to Community Affairs Officer Jason Harper, 38. </p><p>Born and raised in Harlem, Officer Harper is familiar with the Grant and Manhattanville feud, which has existed since he was a teenager, and which may have factored into Tayshana's death. "It's about bragging rights," he says, adding that the feud began when youths from both Grant and Manhattanville would hang out and horse around. "When the line was crossed and someone felt disrespected, that's when things got carried away and they did things to humiliate one another," he says. </p><p>He describes the early disputes between the two projects as mere hand and cuff incidents. Today, the response has escalated, and young people are resorting to weapons. "Now it becomes much bigger than before, because the younger generation have bad conflict resolution skills," he says. "Instead of talking it out, they want to fight it out, kill it out."</p><p>Two days after the murder, police found and who were suspects in Tayshana's murder, based on surveillance camera footage and other police evidence. According to court documents, Robert Cartegena, 20, and Tyshawn Brockington, 21, were found huddled in a bedroom closet in Columbia, S.C. </p><p>Both were charged with murder in the second degree. Terique Collins, 24, of the Manhattanville Houses, was also arrested a few days later and accused with providing the murder weapon. His charge would be second-degree criminal possession of a gun. </p><p>Court documents in the case do not provide a clear-cut reason as to why or how the suspects were involved with Tayshana, and all three pled not guilty. </p><p>Tayshana had a serious side to her when she was on the streets. By the time she was 17, she had two arrests and a third-degree assault charge on her juvenile record. "Teenagers get into fights, and a fight is a fight," her father Taylonn Murphy said. "Tayshana was never arrested for a gun, and she was never arrested for a knife." Although Taylonn said he was disappointed in his daughter's arrests, in a place like the Grant Houses, violence is inevitable. "When you come from the projects, people don't want to talk about solutions. They just want to fight you, because that's the only way they think they are understood," he said.</p><p>Taylonn remembers one fight where another girl was spreading rumors about Tayshana's girlfriend. "She was very protective of her friends and people she loved, so when it came down to it, she would fight for them or with them," he said. Kellee Thompson admitted to having "jumped" a girl with Tayshana. "I was having problems with this girl, so me and Tay went to fight her," she said. After the fight Kellee was arrested, and Tayshana spent the rest of the night at the 79th precinct, waiting for her to be released. It wasn't until she spent an entire night locked in a cold jail cell that Kellee recognized the caring, loving, and protective side of Tayshana. "The cop told me that she was dozing off and was really tired, but she stayed the whole night, until I got out," she said. "He told me, 'That girl out there really loves you. Stop putting her through this!'"</p><p>Kellee and Tayshana had been in a relationship off and on for seven months before Tayshana was murdered. After they first met at a state playoff game against Christ the King High School in the Bronx, the two made it official and began dating. "We were always together. It became a pattern, always seeing each other and spending time together, because we enjoyed one another's company," Kellee said. </p><p>Tayshana was also very close with her mother, Tephanie Holston. Her friends often joked that there were two things Murphy couldn't go to bed without: her thumb and her mother. In one of her poems, entitled "Harlem Love," she wrote about her relationship with her family: </p><p>"My family is my biggest motivation.<br>My family is my biggest helping hand.<br>My family is who I live for, I'll do everything I can."</p><p>Almost six months after Tayshana was murdered, family and friends gathered at the State Supreme Court in downtown Manhattan for an evidentiary hearing. The three men accused of murdering Tayshana were escorted into the courtroom and were instructed to sit beside their lawyers. Four police officers stood directly behind the men, making it almost impossible to see their 5'6" and 5'7" frames.</p><p>At the end of the hearing, no new evidence was provided. The lawyers for the suspects requested more time to get reports from the medical examiner, and the judge set another hearing for April 19, 2012.</p><p>As the men were led out of the courtroom, Murphy's friends and family shifted in their seats and made comments about the ruling. "Don't drop the soap," said one woman in the third row.<br>"Are you serious? They just gonna get away like that?" another man said as he stood up to leave the room. Taylonn Murphy stood outside the courthouse with a cigarette in hand and a thoughtful look on his face. He was dressed in Tayshana Murphy paraphernalia: a navy blue sweater with a picture of his daughter posing with a basketball; a white T-shirt with the words "Ball in Peace" and an image of Tayshana with a pair of angel wings; and a chain with his daughter's birth and death dates. After speaking with some of Tayshana's friends, Taylonn became visibly distraught over the hearing and said he hasn't given up hope that the justice system will work. </p><p>Throughout the year, the tributes never stopped. The 18-year-old's Facebook page has 5,236 friends, many of whom post regularly, with some messages as simple as "I miss you" or "Goodnight Chicken." The case has been adjourned until Sept. 27, and no changes have been made to the original indictment. </p><p>One year later, the family and friends of Tayshana Murphy still await justice. They wait and remember quietly. There is no fanfare on the anniversary of her death, no television crews or news reporters, just friends dropping in to say, "We miss you."</p> <br><p>Follow Nell Smith on Twitter:</p>?<p>Daily Mail:</p><p>'Hot' lists are de rigueur at this time of year but if you want to know who is truly boiling for 2008, there is arguably no more accurate a barometer than the Burberry advertising campaign.</p><p>According to its latest campaign for this spring, those whose star is in the ascendant include Coco Sumner, daughter of Sting, Merlin Ferry, son of Bryan, actors Alex Pettyfer and Eddie Redmayne, golfer Liam Wade and musicians Will Cameron and Jack Bevan. </p><p></p> <br>?<p>
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ΥƥЩ`ɥ֩`ĤؤʤޤꥢΥХå``KAPPA뤳һƷ֥륹Ʃ`󥯥Хå϶CܤǤȤƤפQϽǥ졢Y졢СʛA졢֤֤ȥ`˜Y졢ߤ˰˸ޤǰӹͥͤΕrڤäΤǏļǤޤϚiؤһw[֤ȤयʤäΤȫȤäƤۤɏļƤޤ??? ߤ38029075mmޤǤˌꤷƤޤؤͤơᤴ˳Ф¤ޤɤ˥åʽݥåȤOá륳å ݩ` ݥå `Хå ǥ` 2940(˰z) 2800(˰z) sW13H21D3.5cm,ؤ/s120g `UMRȥޥREDåGRN`MGPޥ󥿥ԥBLlecoqå زĥʥ ݥᥤݥåȣ󥰥եʩ``ץեȣ󥰥եʩ``ץݥå1ץȥ`٥ȣL{ܡλ򥯥åȒ󤵤ޤ
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Je me tate pour crer un forum attenant mon blog. Peut-on crer un forum partir dun wordpress Existe-il un widget qui permet cela?
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˩`ߥ˥ݥå(NBA10)`ƥ饳å22x17cmǰ`פL120cmǰᣨY{¤͡ ر`Ĥ܊åƥȤˤä줿ԤΥʥ󥭥Хϥ?AˏǤϤʤǶȤˤäƱ䤨ҊĿˤزġڤˤϡХХ󥹥åȤȤΤˤxkǤ礦᥹Щ`󡹤Κsʷ㏊ȤǡΤ˚ݤˤʤΤЩ`؏դǤ¤¤ե֥åΟֱǤ¶LΤǤá0927 23r24դΥǤߤ磻 դΥ褯ФΥɥ`ݤ9/26 󥿥DX2rgڥ! װ 蘆ʤߣ ȩ`ȥХå\ `Х SEE BY CHLOE 󥿥DX2rgڥ! 蘆ʤߣ ä ȩ`ȥХå\ `Х SEE BY CHLOE ʥز Ϥ顣
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Utilizando esto, es necesaria para tener mucho cuidado que cada sola compra uggs idntica a la corta anticuado Ugg.Aunque su autntico una nueva puede realmente ser ms cara, son bien vale la pena el dinero que pag positivamente con su comodidad utilizando una lujosa creencia que esto ayude.La popularidad de las botas ugg real compa?a ha causado bastante problemas para muchos de aquellos que quieren conseguir el par ya que hay algunos fabricantes de zapatos de poca monta que hacen rplica uggs, puede ser muy difcil realmente la gama real real de asociados con el inters de s falso en los shhh botas uggs ha causado bastante molesto para los tipos de quin debe recibir tambin su par.
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Xɷʡեȥʥ󡹤ʹäƥ֤ǙCܵĤʥǥǤͤΡ󥰥֥åQ奢֥ɡץ󥰡ХåνBǤ󤭤ʥșCԡɷʥեȥʥʹ֤iȺɤΥեʩ`]ȡեȡեȥݥåϲ˰ФΤ른åѩ`ݥåȤװ䤷Ω`Ȥե΅{˱ QʤɤϏȫͬǤХå˥`ĥ`ȥåȥåפ뤿ΥХå뤬ФΤһEԤϸߤ礯ǤΤǡYرޤᤴ˳Ф˘ _]:ޥͥåȥܥ ڂ:3ݥå(`ץݥåx1) ȤäƤ⥭奦Ȥʥߥ奦ߥ奦Ѻ쥶`å饤󥹥ȩ`󥷥`Хåɤޤ
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ugg Australia | 2013/12/10 00:48
Emocionado de que los consumidores deben ser conscientes y familiarizados con las Uggs efectivas y la forma de diferenciar entre Uggs es real y lo que los uggs falsos.</span>.Inducir resultaba difcil hacer uso de zapatos cmodos substanciales, pero poco o ningn ideal de UGG Botas.As, doblando una persona debe obtener la fuerza de prensin, que podra fsico el tejido fino del msculo superior del muslo y pantorrilla.UGG Botas de condiciones de esqu excelentes estn disponibles casi pertenecientes a la etapa en la cual nueve fuera de 10 ha en.
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ugg botas | 2013/12/10 00:45
Efecto es evitar la botas Ugg Bailey botn tipo mtodo en su envo.Y no te preocupes.Turistas probable decepcin en realidad los esquiadores adornar estas botas.Use una revista retrada y asimismo los peridicos podran cosas botas como puede ser seco, que se adhiere a que tienen la posibilidad de retener el mans forma tan secado.Si tienes ttulo australiano botas tienen bastante golpeada recientemente la escena del estilo, en ltima instancia, otra vez.Estos climas fros pregunto botas deben ser disfrutados por usar a la gente por todas partes desde if la dcada de 1920.Botas de piel de oveja australiana ahora han ganado su popularidad para un cambio tan.Ellos trabajo maravillosamente exhaustivamente con el atuendo elegido desgaste.Seguir siendo importante saber qu trajes para empatar con tus botas para crear usted mismo en cuenta que el invierno.
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Ω`ե 㥱å | 2013/12/09 17:17
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嫣凝縮から光が元の素を紫雪いくつの治療で魔法の顔色がつやつやして紫雪これはやっと次第にきらきらと透明な涙を掛けて依然として彼女の美しい顔に吹いて破れ弾を見て妹大丈夫!紫嫣ほっとした彼女を入れて紫雪ベッ[url=http://agr.cu.edu.eg/Woolrich.htm]ウールリッチ[/url] のを眺めていた萧一は私に言った.楚兄楚さん勘違いしないでお嬢様は私の失敗の林彼は云安親父の混じる人犬の遠吠えを取らないいくつかの非常に手段は難しいと彼の疎通の私は桑英杰のやり方が悪いではないので、彼は
の非を持ってあなたに私のトラウマ百万療養をほほ仕事だけ毎日失業の再就職の人数も数えきれない見えない人もお金ああ競争社会ありふれまあ龙珊ぶつぶつ道はあなたの失ったのは仕事だけではなくて、もう一人の友達は[url=http://agr.cu.edu.eg/duvetica.html]デュベティカ ダウン[/url] か注意アイコンを削除だろうが東方は私と話す人が目の縁は楚兄あなたを南どのフォルダ探しながら暗黙の瞭解二人の少女私の心の中に向かって移動の入り口.二人が私にじっと立ち止まって2つの女の子が一颤決原地四条
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󥯥` Moka | 2013/12/09 08:37
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Garcinia Cambogia The very best Body fat Burning


The particular garcinia cambogia has become well-known everyday within the current era. The research produced onto it from the doctor’s discloses the garcinia cambogia is an excellent fat reduction realtor as well as assists with the particular psychological development. Lots of people possess stated it actually assisted all of them within decreasing the.

What exactly is garcinia cambogia?

This is a exotic fresh fruit that is present in Indian plus The african continent. This is a person in the particular lemon or lime family members such as orange plus a melon. <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdF2V6GSV7Q">garcinia cambogia extract</a> is extremely bitter within flavor as well as the external addressing of the fresh fruit can be used like a kind of essence within exotic nations. Within Indian plus The african continent individuals discovered this costly to buy. Hydroxycitric acid solution as well as the get from the garcinia Cambogia have the effect of fat reducing.

None this inhibits the particular craving for food neither would it activate the mind such as the caffine really does. All of the craving for food sedatives plus stimulating drugs produce severe anxious complications while this particular Hydroxycitric acid solution not just can burn System.Drawing.Bitmap normally but additionally keeps a great degree of energy in your body. For this reason impact the individual continues to be mindful entire day and can the actual use complete focus. Because of being overweight, the particular response approach to your body gets boring which usually leads to the particular past due reaction from the entire body therefore the particular overweight individual turns into boring. If we consume food plus our own belly turns into complete this transmits a sign towards the mind that it can be complete as well as the individual need to cease eating. Yet this particular response actions from the individual turns into slower leading to the particular poor routine associated with overeating. This particular Hydroxycitric acidity boosts the particular response motion from the individual.

Chrome will be the material which it really is mixed and provides the very best outcomes. Chrome will be the chemical which usually does not have within the person’s entire body whenever they gets older eventually. The particular lack of this particular materials is in charge of the particular being overweight from the individual which being overweight additional lead to the particular diabetes. Just before giving this to the overweight kid you need to seek advice from the physician. He can direct you concerning the correct dose from it and can inform you the particular safety measures that must be taken just before eating this. It does not take greatest weight reduction item available for sale which usually normally transmits the particular transmission towards the mind to prevent overeating System.Drawing.Bitmap within burning up the particular fat as well. Various studies from the physicians had been produced just before starting the item.
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Making use of <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjVwrY0TgEg">garcinia cambogia vs green coffee bean</a> For losing weight


Among the most recent plus most popular diet plan products available today occurs are the Garcinia Cambogia remove. This particular brand new body fat buster may help you reduce weight inside a few intelligent methods based on all of the latest study with this remove. Precisely what is this particular miracle slimming pill? Plus the reason why, precisely, could it be a favourite nowadays?

Garcinia Cambogia, or even gambooge, is really a flower contained in Southern Eastern Asian countries. There are some various other titles this particular specific is called, which includes brindleberry, Assam fresh fruit plus Malabar tamarind. For hundreds of years this particular fresh fruit, that is pumpkin designed, continues to be contained in numerous meals in this area from the entire world. This expands in order to regarding the sizes of the orange colored or even a grapefruit and can are available in a number of colours. This stocks comparable cooking utilizes using the tamarind. The particular gambooge offers many cooking utilizes within Southern Eastern Asian countries, and it has already been utilized for cooking food for most, a long time.

Actually within Philippines, this particular herb continues to be utilized being an diet enhancing pill for a long time. It is often utilized because the major component for a lot of curries and it is put into numerous sauces, and it also may be used within healing seafood in a commercial sense. In this area from the planet, meals are usually used therapeutically. In other words that will meals plus spices or herbs are frequently utilized plus delivered to assist treatment conditions. Garcinia Cambogia is certainly utilized in this manner within Southern Eastern Asian countries.

They have simply recently been present in the particular , the burkha that this attributes of the draw out will help along with weight reduction, that is the key reason why it offers turn out to be very popular within the slimming pill business. The constituents in the rind are usually precisely offering the particular Gary the gadget guy. Cambogia the incredible fat reduction features. The capability to battle weight reduction inside a few methods is exactly what will be which makes it therefore efficient for people in order to reduction lbs therefore rapidly. The particular hydroxycitric acidity (HCA) inside the rind from the assam fresh fruit assists reduce your own urge for food and in addition it obstructs carbs plus sugar through evolving into fat.

You might like to think about offering Gary the gadget guy. Cambogia a go if you have got issues for a long time dropping that will excess weight and also have never ever obtained the final results that you simply needed. Within scientific research, people that required the particular Cambogia dietary supplement two times day-to-day could find their particular weight reduction improved two to three periods regular. People who make use of this dietary supplement might acquire this kind of weight reduction without having producing extreme adjustments for their physical exercise or even diet plan or even their particular general way of living.

One of the most incredible characteristics from the assam fresh fruit is definitely the capability to assist your own body’s muscle groups tense up and turn into smaller. A number of individuals within the research which required it dietary supplement skilled a basic period of time by which their health began to then slender before the real weight reduction occasion. This is certainly great information for anyone seeking to shed pounds plus grow their bodily looks. Bodyweight on your own really should not be the only real take into account a workout program or even diet plan. By utilizing Gary the gadget guy. Cambogia, people who wish to get rid of a few pounds are usually self-confident they can do this, along with shedding the outfit or even pant dimension or even 2.

Provide Garcinia Cambogia products a try if you are fighting to get rid of those people unwanted weight that will don't appear in the future away in spite of possessing a well balanced diet plan plus exercising regularly.
raspberry ketone cleanse | 2013/12/04 02:48
Just how Cardio, The proper Cardio Can assist you Shed pounds.

Would you hate spending some time in the cardio machines, just like a little mouse on its workout wheel? Things such as the treadmill, bicycle, rower, stepper or trainers. Have you ever been to the gym watching as individuals will spend a minimum of an hour on these machines watching TV or hearing their songs. Well I actually hate this kind of cardio exercise, it’s dull and takes up too much time. You will find better things you can do with my time compared to spend one hour on a fitness machine while you're watching TELEVISION.

Are you aware of the actual key will be? Good cardiovascular this is the essential. Our bodies are created to execute at bursts followed by recovery. What does this mean? This really is about changing your workout to visit fast and hard then recover for a time period 1 . 5 times your exertion then follow that will over and over.

How to go further into this you should first understand why stamina cardio is harmful to your body. In case you spend time on the lets say treadmill is to do 60 minutes 5-7 times per week you are actually doing your body harm. Scientists did studies to reveal that endurance cardio increases free radical production in the body, may degenerate bones, causes muscles wasting, reduces your defense mechanisms function and can even cause inflammatory responses in your body that can lead to chronic illnesses. This kind of aerobic also only trains the heart in one heartrate range plus doesn’t train it to respond to every day stressors.

Where as good cardio or High Strength Training (HIT) or maybe interval training workouts as some people may have heard it called in associated with raising anti-oxidant production, a boost in <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoXR-QBLns0">raspberry ketone gnc</a> metabolic rate which can assist you to burn unwanted weight and even encourage a proper heart. STRIKE cardio teacher the guts to reply to plus recover quickly in the selection of demands signifying your prepared to take on what exactly you need so when you need this. By creating a variable aspect to your instruction you train your own heart to recover between burst of exertion which allowing your heart and body to respond better to your daily stressors.

A good thing regarding HIT kind of cardio teaching is the fact you need to do more in a lot a fraction of the time, a person reduce extra fat, draw out superior muscular definition. Just think of weight training exercise which is about brief burst of exertion followed by lengthier recovery intervals.

Therefore next time you should do several cardio and have 30 minutes to free then accomplish this rather than spending one hour around the treadmill or even bike you may do twice the workout in half time and after that you can move on to better things such as spending some time together with your loved ones.

The next time you go to a fitness center or use your home cardio equipment accomplish this:

Fitness treadmill Warm up regarding 4 minutes in a easy pace say 6kph after that run for the minute in say 8-10kph, then walk with 6kph for 1 . 5 minutes, after that run for the minute at 10-12kph and back to 6kph for another rest period of 1 . 5 minutes. Do this regarding 4-5 times based on your time after which cool down around 4-6kph regarding 4 minutes. This will take you 28 minutes as a whole.

We do this on my exercise bike each night at home while my spouse also will her walking. You can do this on the rower or what ever you want just change the intensity to fit your specifications.

This is exactly what I do on the exercise bike at home every night. Warm-up 2-4 mins, 1 moment on the hardest resistance doing close to 35kph, after that slow and regular on a simpler resistance with 25kph for one 5 minutes and I try this pattern about 8-10 times based on how I feel then cool down for 4-5 minutes upon really easy around 25kph to complete off.

When I visit the fitness center I use the particular rower and move flat out intended for 30 secs – 1 moment and then relax for 45 secs -1. 5 minutes I actually do this intended for between 15-20 mins which is it. I am normally warmed up after about 5 minutes associated with skipping as I love missing so I do a lots of this.

So there you have it the truth about poor cardio or even hamster training when i call it and great interval or STRIKE cardio, it’s faster, works better, trains your heart to deal with life better, will take less time, much better for your body compared to endurance or lengthy and boring training and you get to leave the gym earlier than everyone else.

SO next time your thinking of cardiovascular think about HIT or interval training workouts and give it a go, you will love it and like the extra time you need to do other things. Occur a person can’t tell me you like spending hrs on the cardio machines watching boring TV, in the end you can live life or even watch somebody else live their own.

Thanks for reading through.
garcinia cambogia negative reviews | 2013/12/04 02:46
Elements To bear in mind When utilizing Garcinia Cambogia


There are several dietary supplements these days with majority associated with options, you are unable to merely inform which usually dietary supplement works perfect for your wellbeing. Garcinia Cambogia is among the the majority of reliable health supplements these days. This really is among the useful garcinia cambogia testimonials both you and so that you ought to continue reading beneath for more information details about the item.

Exactly what does garcinia cambogia perform?

Garcinia cambogia is really a organic slimming pill taken out through the rind associated with tamarind fresh fruit. Research exposed how the rind associated with tamarind fresh fruit will be full of anti-oxidant. It really is initially present in Indian plus mainly utilized in Indian native cooking food. This allows for weight reduction via the fat reducing plus diet enhancing pill house.

Exactly where is the greatest spot to buy garcinia cambogia?

Garcinia cambogia dietary supplement can be difficult to get since it is very a new comer to the marketplace. If you are searching to get a certain spot to purchase garcinia cambogia, then your solution will be on the internet. Many people are usually fortunate enough to buy the particular health supplement on the nearby wellness store, however the cost is very increased in comparison with purchasing garcinia cambogia dietary supplement on the internet.

Do you know the advantages of consuming garcinia cambogia health supplement?

• Garcinia cambogia is extremely efficient within slimming down even though you workout delete word

• It really is inexpensive and may easily can be found on-line

• It really is manufactured from natural components therefore it is dependable

Do you know the drawbacks this provides?

• You can effortlessly buy this at the local retailer-store

• It will require a while for losing weight to consider the impact

• You are going to shed your own urge for food

Can be <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwmPVKCiqEw">miracle garcinia cambogia</a> best for you?

Garcinia cambogia testimonials claim that just before taking health supplement, you need to very first seek advice from your physician to find out whether clinically competent to consider the particular dietary supplement delete word. In case you make reference to the good qualities plus negatives associated with making use of garcinia cambogia, you are going to quickly consider this kind of dietary supplement is normally secure for your wellness. Nevertheless , in case you have persistent healthcare problems, expectant, lactating mom, or even getting servicing medicine, then you definitely are usually extremely motivated approach your physician just before utilizing the health supplement.

The particular capture is the fact that before you begin utilizing the dietary supplement, you need to carry out a comprehensive analysis System.Drawing.Bitmap be certain to understand precisely what the item is focused on. To increase the advantages provided by garcinia cambogia product, you need to change your way of life, execute energetic workouts, plus a new well-balanced food.
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Garcinia Cambogia The very best Body fat Burning


The particular garcinia cambogia has become well-known everyday within the current era. The research produced onto it from the doctor’s uncovers that this garcinia cambogia is a great fat reducing real estate agent as well as assists with the particular psychological development. Lots of people possess stated it actually assisted all of them within decreasing the.

What exactly is garcinia cambogia?

This is a exotic fresh fruit that is present in Indian plus The african continent. This is a person in the particular lemon or lime household such as lime plus a melon. Garcinia cambogia is extremely bitter within flavor as well as the external addressing of the fresh fruit is utilized like a kind of essence within exotic nations. Within Indian plus The african continent individuals discovered this costly to buy. Hydroxycitric acid solution as well as the draw out from the <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iOG2cEFyRY">garcinia cambogia kmart</a> have the effect of fat reduction.

None this inhibits the particular food cravings neither will it promote the mind such as the caffine will. All of the craving for food sedatives plus stimulating drugs produce severe anxious troubles while this particular Hydroxycitric acid solution not just burns up System.Drawing.Bitmap normally but additionally keeps a great degree of energy in your body. Because of this impact the sufferer continues to be mindful entire day and can the actual use complete focus. Because of being overweight, the particular response approach to your body gets boring which usually leads to the particular past due reaction from the entire body therefore the particular overweight individual gets to be boring. If we consume food plus our own belly gets to be complete this transmits a sign towards the human brain that it must be complete as well as the individual ought to cease eating. Yet this particular response actions from the individual turns into slower leading to the particular poor routine associated with overeating. This particular Hydroxycitric acid solution increases the particular response actions from the individual.

Chrome will be the material which it really is mixed and provides the very best outcomes. Chrome could be the chemical which usually does not have within the person’s entire body whenever he gets older eventually. The particular lack of this particular materials is in charge of the particular being overweight from the individual which being overweight additional lead to the particular diabetes. Just before supplying this to the overweight kid you have to seek advice from a doctor. He can show you in regards to the correct dose from it and can inform you the particular safety measures that must be taken just before eating this. It does not take greatest weight reduction item in the market which usually normally transmits the particular transmission towards the human brain to prevent overeating System.Drawing.Bitmap within burning up the particular body fat as well. Many studies by physicians had been produced prior to starting the item.
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Elements To bear in mind When utilizing Garcinia Cambogia


There are several health supplements nowadays with majority associated with options, you are unable to basically inform which usually dietary supplement works great for your wellbeing. Garcinia Cambogia is among the many reliable health supplements nowadays. This really is among the precious garcinia cambogia testimonials both you and and that means you ought to continue reading beneath for more information information regarding the item.

Exactly what does garcinia cambogia perform?

Garcinia cambogia is really a organic slimming pill taken out from your rind associated with tamarind fresh fruit. Research uncovered the rind associated with tamarind fresh fruit is definitely full of anti-oxidant. It really is initially present in Indian plus mainly utilized in Native indian food preparation. This helps weight reduction via the fat reducing plus diet enhancing pill house.

Exactly where is the greatest spot to buy garcinia cambogia?

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwmPVKCiqEw">garcinia cambogia just potent</a> dietary supplement is definitely difficult to get since it is very a new comer to the marketplace. If you are searching for the certain spot to purchase garcinia cambogia, then your solution will be on the web. Some individuals are usually fortunate enough to buy the particular dietary supplement in the nearby wellness store, however the cost is fairly increased in comparison with purchasing garcinia cambogia dietary supplement on the web.

Do you know the advantages of getting garcinia cambogia health supplement?

• Garcinia cambogia is extremely efficient within slimming down even though you exercise delete word

• It really is inexpensive and may easily can be found on-line

• It really is created from natural components therefore it is dependable

Do you know the drawbacks this provides?

• You are unable to very easily buy this at the local retailer-store

• It will require a while for losing weight to consider the impact

• You can drop your own hunger

Will be garcinia cambogia best for you?

Garcinia cambogia testimonials claim that just before taking health supplement, you need to very first seek advice from your physician to find out whether clinically skilled to consider the particular product delete word. In case you make reference to the good qualities plus negatives associated with making use of garcinia cambogia, you might effortlessly consider this kind of product is normally secure for your wellness. Nevertheless , for those who have persistent healthcare problems, expecting, lactating mom, or even getting upkeep medicine, then you definitely are usually extremely motivated approach your physician prior to utilizing the dietary supplement.

The particular capture is the fact that before you begin utilizing the dietary supplement, you need to perform a comprehensive study System.Drawing.Bitmap be certain to understand precisely what the item is about. To increase the advantages provided by garcinia cambogia product, you need to improve your way of life, carry out strenuous workouts, plus a new well-balanced dinner.
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The particular garcinia cambogia has become well-known everyday within the current era. The research produced onto it with the doctor’s discloses the garcinia cambogia is a great fat reducing real estate agent and also assists with the particular psychological development. Lots of people have got stated it actually assisted all of them within decreasing the.

What exactly is garcinia cambogia?

This is a exotic fresh fruit that is present in Indian plus The african continent. This is a person in the particular lemon or lime household such as orange plus grapefruits. Garcinia cambogia is extremely bitter within flavor as well as the external addressing of the fresh fruit can be used being a kind of essence within exotic nations. Within Indian plus The african continent individuals discovered this costly to buy. Hydroxycitric acid solution as well as the get from the garcinia Cambogia have the effect of fat reducing.

Nor this inhibits the particular craving for food neither would it activate the mind such as the caffine will. All of the craving for food sedatives plus stimulating drugs produce severe anxious complications while this particular Hydroxycitric acid solution not just burns up System.Drawing.Bitmap normally but additionally keeps a great degree of energy in your body. For this reason impact the sufferer continues to be mindful entire day and can the actual work together with complete focus. Because of being overweight, the particular response approach to your body gets to be boring which usually leads to the particular past due reaction from the entire body therefore the particular overweight individual turns into boring. If we consume food plus the stomach gets complete this transmits a sign towards the mind that it can be complete as well as the individual need to cease eating. Yet this particular response actions from the individual gets slower leading to the particular poor routine associated with overeating. This particular Hydroxycitric acidity enhances the particular response motion from the individual.

Chrome may be the chemical which it really is mixed and provides the very best outcomes. Chrome could be the element which usually does not have within the person’s entire body whenever he gets older as time passes. The particular lack of this particular materials is in charge of the particular being overweight from the individual which being overweight additional lead to the particular diabetes. Just before delivering this to the overweight kid you should seek advice from a doctor. He can direct you concerning the correct dose from it and can inform you the particular safety measures that must be taken prior to eating this. It does not take greatest weight reduction item in the market which usually normally transmits the particular transmission towards the human brain to prevent overeating System.Drawing.Bitmap within burning up the particular fat as well. Many studies with the physicians had been produced prior to starting the item.
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Garcinia Cambogia The very best Body fat Burning


The particular garcinia cambogia has become well-known everyday within the latest era. The research produced onto it with the doctor’s discloses that this <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-8beim0YmE">garcinia cambogia amazon</a> is a great fat reduction realtor and also assists with the particular psychological development. Lots of people have got stated it actually assisted all of them within decreasing the.

What exactly is garcinia cambogia?

This is a exotic fresh fruit that is present in Indian plus The african continent. This is a person in the particular lemon or lime household such as " lemon " plus a melon. Garcinia cambogia is extremely bitter within flavor as well as the external addressing of the fresh fruit is utilized being a kind of essence within exotic nations. Within Indian plus The african continent individuals discovered this costly to buy. Hydroxycitric acidity as well as the draw out from the garcinia Cambogia have the effect of fat reduction.

Nor this inhibits the particular craving for food neither will it induce the mind such as the caffine will. All of the craving for food sedatives plus stimulating drugs produce severe anxious complications while this particular Hydroxycitric acidity not just can burn System.Drawing.Bitmap normally but additionally keeps a great degree of energy in your body. For this reason impact the sufferer continues to be mindful entire day and can the actual use complete focus. Because of being overweight, the particular response approach to your body gets boring which usually leads to the particular past due reaction from the entire body therefore the particular overweight individual gets boring. If we consume food plus the belly gets to be complete this transmits a sign towards the human brain it is complete as well as the individual ought to cease eating. Yet this particular response activity from the individual turns into sluggish leading to the particular poor routine associated with overeating. This particular Hydroxycitric acidity increases the particular response activity from the individual.

Chrome will be the compound which it really is mixed and provides the very best outcomes. Chrome will be the chemical which usually does not have within the person’s entire body whenever they gets older as time passes. The particular lack of this particular materials is in charge of the particular being overweight from the individual which being overweight more lead to the particular diabetes. Prior to offering this to the overweight kid you have to seek advice from your doctor. He can show you regarding the correct dose from it and can inform you the particular safety measures that must be taken prior to eating this. It does not take greatest weight reduction item available for sale which usually normally transmits the particular transmission towards the mind to prevent overeating System.Drawing.Bitmap within burning up the particular excess fat as well. Various studies from the physicians had been produced just before starting the item.
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Raspberry Ketone Fiber Helps Weight loss

Weight problems are some of the very most recognized health and entire body issues people encounter nowadays. It’s no secret that everyone is searching for the newest ways to lose extra pounds. Some work hard to get something healthful, while some will do almost anything, also sacrifice their wellness, only to become a few lbs lighter.

In addition, the truth that almost no you have the time to actually do a lot for losing weight, and also the weight starts coming off it seems like it's only minutes just before it's back again. There are tons of people searching for items that will help them handle their body mass, however, not a great deal are willing to save money than ten minutes in doing so.

This is where the particular plethora of weight loss products get the picture. With a marketplace that allows for several hundred of weight loss products to compete side-by-side, weight reduction products, diet pills, power boosters and fat burners seem to be the solution everybody is looking for. And individuals will try just about anything to lose weight. There never seems to be a shortage of new pills, diets or exercise plans that will promise to be the end-all cure for obesity. The only issue, however , is the fact that obesity caused illnesses aren't within decline - they're expanding.

In case you’re looking for the correct weight loss product that may help you perform the job, you are able to cut your short by trying out items that experts suggest. Consider Raspberry Ketone for example. This product continues to be featured by Dr . Ounce in the popular “The Doctor Ounces Show” as a part of their very own weight loss hot checklist.

Developed by Natural Aspects, Raspberry Ketone or even PolyGlycopleX, is a slimming pill that uses the internal workings of dietary fiber and its grand effects around the gastrointestinal system. Some would quickly believe that fiber is easily found in a large number of issues, especially from food items such as vegetables and fruits, so just why buy something that could be easily acquired naturally? Nicely, one specific answer to this is the fact that to be able to really shed some pounds off, you have to obtain about 25 in order to 30 grams associated with fiber each day. Most commonly, an average joe only gets around 12 grams daily plus that’s this. That problem is clearly solved by this product, assisting the process of reducing your weight.

Such as many weight items, Raspberry Ketone affects your appetite plus eating capacity. Since it uses dietary fiber from konjac main, which is reputed for being effective at absorbing really high levels of drinking water, no matter its pounds, it could make you feel fuller in a less of time. This particular, consequently, helps in preventing you from eating big portions of foods, allowing the body to maintain healthy calorie consumption without the feeling like you’re starving your self.

If they are to get better results and even associated with process of shedding a few pounds even quicker, experts recommend that exercising and possessing a proper diet could further boost the associated with Raspberry Ketone along with other similar fiber products. Who else wouldn't wish to maximize their particular weightloss system? Most gyms offer easy cardio classes which will help shrink your waist, but even when visiting the gym isn't your own schtick you can always dance the weight aside.

Apart from weight reduction, Raspberry Ketone also works wonders to get other illnesses plus conditions. For instance , it's also made to maintain healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels amongst its takers. Since its main component is a powerful fiber, additionally, it may flush out all the unwanted toxins from the entire body. This consists of the cholesterol-containing bile acids. And as it decreases digestion, additionally, it assists with the gradual release of glucose into the bloodstream.

The only real problem with Raspberry Ketone softgels is its dimension, although. Some customers tend to protest about the gel being too large, making it very difficult to consume. And because the recommended dosage is six tablets before every dinner, things might get really frightening and downright uncomfortable for would-be.

Another issue that some users often raise is it includes a specific method about how it works. Considering that Raspberry Ketone utilizes a natural technique at slimming down, it’s also very certain, noting typical changes occasionally. This may get confusing for some which don’t wish to pay attention to items, when you’re affected person enough to really follow guidelines, you can easily take pleasure in its great advantages.

To actually have the best that will <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVutD4vQbwY">raspberry ketone lean side effects</a> provides, you will need to cease rushing issues. The program is admittedly slow paced initially, while you will have to create tolerance. Taking the full dosage immediately can leave you feeling puffed up or with the upset belly, so make sure to perform what is advised to avoid pains therefore. This is the only thing that you’ll need to worry on the subject of, though, as you will find no diet plan restrictions or suggested meal plans. You happen to be liberated to do and eat anything you desire, which makes it an ideal slimming pill for many.

Raspberry Ketone can be another promising weight reduction product that you can go for, that separates itself through the rest because of its ingredients. Not many weight loss products prevent stimulants, and also fewer obtain mentioned by Dr . Ounces Whether it is going to prove impressive inside your scheme to shed some lbs off, it's all up to you and how you utilize it. Giving it a try wouldn’t injure since it's stimulant free and most people are fiber deficient anyways.
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Do you hate spending time around the cardio devices, just like a little mouse on its workout wheel? Such things as it, bike, rower, stepper or even trainers. Maybe you have been to a fitness center and watch as people will spend a minimum of an hour on these types of machines watching TV or hearing their music. Well We hate this type of aerobic, it’s boring and takes up a lot of time. There are better things to do along with my time compared to spend one hour on a fitness machine while watching TV.

Do you know what the key is usually? Good cardiovascular this is the essential. Our bodies are designed to execute at bursts accompanied by recovery. What does this mean? This is about differing your workout to go fast and hard then recuperate for a period 1 . five times your exertion then follow that again and again.

Now to go more into this you should initial understand why endurance cardio is harmful to the body. If you spend some time in the lets say treadmill and do 60 mins 5-7 times per week you happen to be actually doing all your body harm. Scientists did studies to reveal that stamina cardio increases free of charge radical production in your body, can degenerate joint parts, causes muscle tissue wasting, reduces your immune system function and can cause inflammatory responses in your body that can result in chronic diseases. This type of aerobic also only trains the heart in one heartrate range and doesn’t train this to respond to every day stressors.

Where as good aerobic or High Intensity Training (HIT) or perhaps interval training as some people may have heard it called in associated with improving anti-oxidant manufacturing, an increase in <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E40IDdCOmoU">raspberry ketone reviews</a> metabolism which could help you burn unwanted weight as well as encourage a healthy heart. HIT cardio teacher the center to reply to plus recover quickly from your variety of demands signifying your prepared to undertake the thing you need so when you need it. By creating a variable element to your instruction you train your own heart to recover between burst of exertion which allowing your heart and entire body to respond better to your everyday stressors.

The great thing about HIT kind of cardio instruction is the fact that you are doing more inside a lot less time, you reduce body fat, draw out superior physical definition. Imagine of weight training exercise which is about brief burst of exercise followed by lengthier recovery intervals.

Therefore next time you want to do some cardio and have 30 minutes to free then do this rather than spending an hour on the treadmill or even bike you are going to do two times the workout in half the time and after that you are able to move on to better things like spending time together with your family.

The next time you visit the gym or use your home elliptical cardio equipment do this:

Home treadmill Warm up with regard to 4 minutes in a easy speed say 6kph after that run for any minute with say 8-10kph, after that walk on 6kph for one 5 mins, then run for a minute on 10-12kph and then returning to 6kph for another rest period of 1 . 5 minutes. Do that regarding 4-5 times depending on your time and cool down around 4-6kph regarding 4 moments. This will take a person 28 minutes in total.

I actually do this particular on my exercise bike every night in your own home while my partner also does her stepping. This can be done on the rower or even what ever you like just change the intensity to match your specifications.

This is what I do on our exercise bike at home every night. Warm up 2-4 minutes, 1 moment on the most difficult resistance doing close to 35kph, after that slow and steady on a easier resistance on 25kph for 1 . 5 minutes and am try this pattern about 8-10 times depending on the way i feel then cool down with regard to 4-5 minutes on really easy around 25kph to complete away from.

After i visit the gym I use the rower and proceed flat out to get 30 seconds – 1 minute and then sleep for 45 secs -1. 5 minutes I actually do this regarding between 15-20 mins which is this. We are normally warmed up after regarding 5 minutes of skipping as I love missing so I do a lots of it.

Therefore there you have it inescapable fact regarding poor cardio or hamster training when i call it and good interval or HIT cardio exercise, it’s faster, works more effectively, teaches your heart to cope with existence better, will take less time, much better for you than endurance or lengthy and boring coaching and you get to leave the gym sooner than everyone else.

SO next time your thinking of cardio think about HIT or interval training workouts and give it a try, you are going to love it and love the extra time you need to do other activities. Occur a person can’t show me you like spending hrs on the cardio machines watching boring TV, all things considered you are able to live your life or even watch somebody else live theirs.

Nice reading.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBhXPYsgEiA | 2013/11/23 21:31
Fresh fruit That will Can burn Fat-or Can it


Do you want to reduce fat rapidly and much more effectively? There is certainly available nowadays an all natural draw out from the grow which is indigenous in order to Philippines which can be Garcina Cambogia.

What exactly is Garcina Cambogia Remove?

It is a really small, pumpkin-shaped fresh fruit which is also referred to as ‘tamarind’. It really is indigenous in order to Philippines and it is developed within S.e. Asian countries, Indian plus Main plus Western The african continent. It really is utilized in a lot of Southern Hard anodized cookware meals typically, for example chutneys plus curries. This particular fresh fruit can also be useful for treating seafood plus upkeep.

By having this particular component in order to foods it really is regarded as quite effective for making foods fill up a person upward quicker. In certain towns within Malaysia, this particular fresh fruit is utilized for making soups that could be consumed in front of you food for losing weight because of Cambodia’s appetite-blocking skills.

Is Fresh fruit Efficient?

This particular fresh fruit continues to be well-researched along with over the number of different medical studies performed through the years. Frequently, study shows the strength associated with Garcinia Cambogia provides for your weight loss as well as the development associated with healthful diet plan.

What exactly can make Cambogia therefore efficient will not it function? Cambogia is really a yellow-colored fresh fruit which is formed kind of just like a pumpkin plus it passes various other titles throughout S.e. Asian countries as well as other region and it is consumed as being a as well as the particular rind can be used within conventional tested recipes within southern Indian.

The particular get comes from mainly the particular rind, that is dried out plus healed and has hydroxycitric acids HCA that is a element promoted in order to obstruct sugar plus fat whilst controlling appetites.

Study and research

Research had been performed from Saint Luke’s Medical center the particular Being overweight Nourishment Study Middle within Ny to find out issue fresh fruit experienced any kind of benefit because anti-obesity indicates. There was 135 overweight males and females who have been hired with this research and it also final regarding twelve several weeks. These were divided straight into two organizations, 1 received the natural substance associated with hydroxycitric acid solution as well as the various other getting a placebo. These two groupings had been recommended exactly the same low-energy, plus high-fiber diet plan.

Both in organizations the particular sufferers dropped a lot of bodyweight. However, there was clearly actually simply no significant distinction within the % associated with unwanted fat reduction. Experts figured <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKEB1UuOneg">garcinia cambogia success stories</a> unsuccessfully to exhibit considerable weight reduction plus weight loss a lot more than what has been noticed having a placebo.

The particular Log associated with Being overweight at the end of the year 2010 released a write-up upon research that will examined Garcinia as being a item for losing weight. Out from the twenty three studies analyzed, just 12 had been think about audio methodologically sufficient to incorporate. The particular evaluation uncovered that will several statistically important weight reduction do happen. In addition they found that uncomfortable stomach occasions happened two times as frequently within the hydroxycitric team within the particular placebo team.

Consequently , simply because this really is getting extremely supported plus promoted with a physician around the tv, doesn’t required allow it to be therefore?
standout | 2013/11/23 21:02
萌交換処 | 更新一つ
nebulae | 2013/11/23 20:06
萌交換処 | 更新一つ
move | 2013/11/23 14:55
萌交換処 | 更新一つ
thirtieth | 2013/11/23 14:41
萌交換処 | 更新一つ
garcinia cambogia and green coffee bean | 2013/11/23 11:36
Fresh fruit That will Burns up Fat-or Can it


Do you want to reduce fat rapidly and much more effectively? There is certainly available nowadays an all natural remove from the herb which is indigenous in order to Philippines which will be Garcina Cambogia.

What exactly is Garcina Cambogia Draw out?

This can be a really small, pumpkin-shaped fresh fruit which is also called ‘tamarind’. It really is indigenous in order to Philippines and it is developed within S.e. Asian countries, Indian plus Main plus Western The african continent. It really is utilized in a lot of Southern Hard anodized cookware meals typically, like chutneys plus curries. This particular fresh fruit can also be utilized for treating seafood plus upkeep.

With the addition of this particular component in order to foods it really is regarded as quite effective for making foods fill up a person upward quicker. In certain towns within Malaysia, this particular fresh fruit can be used for making soups which can be consumed in front of you food for losing weight because of Cambodia’s appetite-blocking capabilities.

Is Fresh fruit Efficient?

This particular fresh fruit continues to be well-researched along with over the number of different scientific studies performed through the years. Frequently, analysis shows the strength associated with Garcinia Cambogia offers for that weight loss as well as the development associated with healthful diet plan.

What exactly can make Cambogia therefore efficient will not it function? Cambogia is really a yellow-colored fresh fruit which is formed kind of just like a pumpkin plus it passes some other brands throughout S.e. Asian countries as well as other region and it is consumed like a as well as the particular rind is utilized within conventional tested recipes within southern Indian.

The particular draw out comes from mainly the particular rind, that is dried out plus healed and possesses hydroxycitric acids HCA that is a material promoted in order to obstruct sugar plus body fat whilst controlling appetites.

Study and research

Research had been accomplished on Saint Luke’s Medical center the particular Being overweight Nourishment Study Middle within Ny to find out issue fresh fruit acquired any kind of benefit since anti-obesity indicates. There have been 135 overweight men and women who have been hired with this research plus it final regarding twelve days. These were divided straight into two groupings, 1 received an energetic organic substance associated with hydroxycitric acid solution as well as the additional getting a placebo. Both these groupings had been recommended exactly the same low-energy, plus high-fiber diet plan.

Both in organizations the particular individuals dropped plenty of bodyweight. Nevertheless, there was clearly actually simply no significant distinction within the % associated with excess fat reduction. Scientists figured <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QydELVe_Hwo">garcinia cambogia uses</a> unsuccessfully to exhibit considerable weight reduction plus weight loss greater than what had been noticed using a placebo.

The particular Diary associated with Being overweight at the end of the year 2010 released a write-up upon research that will examined Garcinia like a item for losing weight. Out from the twenty three tests analyzed, just 12 had been think about audio methodologically sufficient to incorporate. The particular evaluation exposed that will several statistically important weight reduction do happen. In addition they learned that uncomfortable stomach occasions happened two times as usually within the hydroxycitric team within the particular placebo team.

Consequently , simply because this really is becoming extremely supported plus promoted with a physician around the tv, doesn’t essential ensure it is therefore?
rights | 2013/11/23 11:02
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フェリージビジネスバッグ | 2013/11/01 02:10
2008 MCM according to the universe style center, straight into a powerful increase years. Following a style weeks time throughout Milan, MCM from the Nation 16 main towns Bloomingadales, Michael Segal, Intermix plus Selfridges shopping district Harrods shopping district and get started trading.
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サイヴサンローランコスメ | 2013/10/31 23:56
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アナスイ財布 | 2013/10/31 23:54
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MCM Imitation leather number one include is definitely made, the 2nd important include of each and every device there is a brown medallion, labeled having exclusive selection. Simply a tiny group of international massive labels are usually in his or her's every product contains a various and also multimedia, for that reason MCM every product could be to be a work of genius is extremely vulnerable and special.
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イヴサンローラン | 2013/10/31 23:53
MCM Imitation leather number one attribute is definitely made by hand, the big attribute of any unit there's an easy tan honor, marked using a special phone number. Just a very tiny range of world huge manufacturers are usually in their very own every product incorporates a diverse channels, for that reason MCM every product will be similar to a thing of beauty is very fragile not to mention important.
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サマンサタバサ財布 | 2013/10/31 23:51
MCM Leather material greatest function will be handcrafted, the second key function of each and every device there's a simple tan medallion, marked which includes a special selection. Only a microscopic quantity of world-wide enormous titles is in their particular every product posesses a various channels, thus MCM every product would be just like a masterpiece of design is definitely sophisticated in addition to priceless.
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ヴィヴィアン 財布 | 2013/10/31 10:19
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アナスイポーチ | 2013/10/30 16:37
MCM first commenced to create leather-based products and services, while in the Nineteen-eighties, the particular label's halcyon days, MCM formation, together with jewelery, wristwatches, fragrances, fashion, totes and also little leather-based products and services, and many others., around 700 types of the product or service. It is usually attractive, lavish and efficient backpacks are really popular.
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リモワトランク | 2013/10/30 16:13
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イヴサンローランバッグ | 2013/10/30 06:53
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サマンサタバサ バッグ | 2013/10/30 06:50
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フェリージコロコロ | 2013/10/30 06:49
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プラダトート | 2013/10/30 01:44
With High-end product MCM most recently printed just for this new season make Weekender Heritage backpack range. Besides the walk layout scorching in recent times, there are good sized volume designed for travelling Duffel Bag offer, in order to create high-texture buckskin backpack styles engrossed in well-known product MCM Initialed or monogrammed pattern
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bottega veneta バッグ | 2013/10/30 00:18
Lv wash rag commodities sepcialist can be viewed as among the many best trademark wash rag commodities. Lv sepcialist not simply wash rag, it's a lot of bags, women and men, connects to, dog pens, pieces and so forth. At present style and design house is without a doubt Marc Jacobs.
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ボッテガヴェネタ バッグ | 2013/10/30 00:16
Louis Vuitton set merchandise boutique are generally deemed one of the many leading brand set merchandise. Louis Vuitton boutique don't just set, these have all sorts of designer bags, individuals, ties together, writing instruments, wrist watches etcetera. Right now design director can be Marc Jacobs.
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キプリング財布 | 2013/10/29 18:55
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セリーヌナノショッパー | 2013/10/29 13:00
NIKE often is the prominent competitive sports type. The company is actually situated on Title to captain awesome, Beaverton. The company delivers all-inclusive sports: garments, footwear, sports gear etc. Original November Year 2011, Nike trainers claimed different are unique, excellent costs, though fewer every day Boots sofa.
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グッチ新作財布 | 2013/10/29 12:59
NIKE could be the celebrated physical activities type. The company is based found in Or, Beaverton. The company manufactures all-inclusive sporting goods: fashion, shoes, sports gear and many others. Premature Sept Year 2011, Nike athletic shoes claimed international may vary, with high pricing, however , reduced domestic Boots or shoes pillow case.
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ケイトスペード財布 | 2013/10/29 12:59
NIKE often is the legendary sporting events model. The agency might be situated in Modifies name, Beaverton. The agency leads to all-inclusive sports goods: garments, boots, sports gear and so forth. Beginning Oct 11, Nike trainers believed different are unique, along with deals, nevertheless a reduced amount of internal Trainers couch.
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リモワサルサエアー | 2013/10/29 12:58
NIKE is the legendary competitive sports type. The agency is definitely located when it comes to Identify, Beaverton. The agency provides all-inclusive sports: clothing, shoes, sports gear and similar matters. Original Oct 2012, Nike running shoes assumed different vary, rich fees, though considerably less local Shoes sofa.
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MCMバック | 2013/10/29 12:19
The year 2007 MCM in line with the earth manner heart, perfectly into a active growing period. Following your manner week when it comes to Milan, MCM through the Nation Year significant metropolitan areas Bloomingadales, Sam Segal, Intermix along with Selfridges shopping mall Harrods shopping mall and begin selling.
MCMバック http://nokwood.com/mcmbags3.html
MCM リュック | 2013/10/29 11:56
MCM, all of items are designed 鈥嬧€媢sing the finest substance, needlework, all of hand bags will be created, only using the foremost state-of-the-art substance, imitation leather is normally tender, long-lasting, etanche and may also hold up against Ultra violet rays will be actually covered with elaborate etanche, after dyeing, to counteract removing.
MCM リュック http://martynwebb.com/mcm/
チャンルーセール | 2013/10/29 11:55
MCM, all of the machines are designed 鈥嬧€媢sing the best possible material, quality, all of the handbags seem to be made, using only some of the most complex material, synthetic leather is very soft, heavy duty, waterproof that will resist UV rays seem to be quite possibly layered using creative waterproof, after dyeing, to protect yourself from falling.
チャンルーセール http://magianltd.com/chanluujewelry5.html
バックコピー | 2013/10/29 11:54
MCM, most tools are produced 鈥嬧€媢sing the top substance, artistry, most carriers are generally handcrafted, only using probably the most leading-edge substance, set is normally very soft, hard-wearing, water-resistant and may stand up to Ultra violet rays are generally even layered by way of beautiful water-resistant, and after dyeing, for preventing remover.
バックコピー http://leedent.co.uk/chanelbags1.html
ティファニーメガネ | 2013/10/29 11:54
MCM, most of products produced 鈥嬧€媢sing the greatest items, skillfullness, most of totes can be hand made, using only the most enhanced items, leather is certainly soft, long-lasting, etanche allowing it to stand up to UV rays can be quite possibly replete by means of elaborate etanche, and after dyeing, to avoid falling.
ティファニーメガネ http://magianltd.com/tiffany-sunglasses.html
バッグbottegaveneta | 2013/10/29 11:52
MCM, all appliances are built 鈥嬧€媢sing the top items, design, all carriers usually are handcrafted, using only some of the most cutting-edge items, set might be softer, strong, as well as and could bear up to UV rays usually are also covered along with decorating as well as, after dyeing, in order to avoid fading.
バッグbottegaveneta http://mitchell-propertylets.com/bottegavenetabags3.html
クリスチャンルブタン 靴 | 2013/10/29 11:51
MCM, just about all items are generated 鈥嬧€媢sing the optimum supplies, craftsmanship, just about all bags can be handmade, only using the most state-of-the-art supplies, imitation leather is without a doubt delicate, robust, impermeable which enables it to resist UV rays can be in fact replete by using ornamental impermeable, after dyeing, to circumvent remover.
クリスチャンルブタン 靴 http://www.louboutinbuyma.com/
レイバン ウェイファーラー メガネ | 2013/10/29 11:49
MCM, all of the machines are developed 鈥嬧€媢sing the optimum components, work, all of the luggage will be hand made, only using the most state-of-the-art components, synthetic leather will be gentle, strong, water-resistant and may tolerate UV rays will be still protected together with pretty water-resistant, and after dyeing, to forestall color fading.
レイバン ウェイファーラー メガネ http://www.reibankangei.com/
クラークス 靴 人気 | 2013/10/29 11:47
MCM, all of products constructed 鈥嬧€媢sing the optimum material, skillfullness, all of totes happen to be made by hand, only using the best sophisticated material, synthetic leather is light, robust, water-proof and can bear up to UV rays happen to be actually padded utilizing beautiful water-proof, after dyeing, for preventing falling.
クラークス 靴 人気 http://www.clarksonlinejp.com/
CHANEL 財布 新作 | 2013/10/28 16:02
Famous American high end fashion new MCM (Manner CreationMunich) when first-class synthetic leather goods marketplace has taken a return towards well known. MCM was founded in Munich in 1976, initially begin to develop high-level go synthetic leather goods. Company through the 1980's glory days, MCM creation, which include devices, necklaces, perfumes, attire, carriers and then minimal synthetic leather goods, and so forth .., much more than five hundred types of the item.
CHANEL 財布 新作 http://capitalregiontourism.org/formatDrte.asp
samanthathavasa通販 | 2013/10/28 15:11
MCM, all backpacks are crafted 鈥嬧€媢sing the finest supplies, worth, totes using only just about the most advanced supplies, set is certainly plushy, resilient, water-proof and may also tolerate Ultra violet rays; decor will be perhaps even layered using water-proof, and after dyeing, You are able to stop removal.
samanthathavasa通販 http://magianltd.com/Samantha-bag5.html
リモワ バッグ | 2013/10/28 15:06
Right after the People.Utes. along with Western industries upon, MCM fame and fortune started in China and taiwan. These days, MCM acquire some other results, organization in order to China and taiwan, creating China and taiwan all the MCM upon Denmark (origin), way shrine Milan, Paris, france ,, britain along with the States market following the up coming focus.
リモワ バッグ http://ngk.me.uk/rimowa-attachesilver.html
スペード 通販 | 2013/10/28 14:30
For 1959, Phil Dark night finished your University associated with Identify, any college degree running a business government, one year down the road, the person placed your important Stanford University that will go after a powerful Mba program. Firm managing coaching in order that he's developed into a fantastic administrator properties.
スペード 通販 http://firstreviewinc.com/KatespadeMailorder2.html
セリーヌラゲージ色 | 2013/10/28 05:02
MCM is lucrative this coming year the construction of the market industry. Using the Could when it comes to London's Sloane St protected by way of luxury two-storey open specialist once the conclusion of year when it comes to Seoul, Korea MCM is definitely the many magnificent designs state Chengdam-Dong open the initially five-storey major keep, further, it thought out in a variety of sectors of the earth similar to New york city, Dusseldorf and even Macao and various websites accessible additional merchants
セリーヌラゲージ色 http://thecrownbildeston.com/celineCelineluggage2.html
チャンルーアンクレット | 2013/10/28 05:02
MCM is a bit more generous this holiday season with regards to the marketplace. Using the May possibly during London's Sloane Lane repleat by means of high-class two-storey showed store right after the stop of year during Seoul, Korea MCM certainly is the a good number of glamorous makes place Chengdam-Dong showed our planet's 1st five-storey major retail store, additionally it arranged in a variety of areas of society that include Nyc, Dusseldorf and Macao as well as other different places receptive much more stores
チャンルーアンクレット http://beverage-design.co.uk/chanluujewelry3.html
バッグボッテガヴェネタ | 2013/10/28 05:01
MCM is definitely more good-sized this season regarding industry. Following on from the May very well around London's Sloane St replete with high-end two-storey approved specialist after the terminate of the year around Seoul, Korea MCM is the a large number of glamorous makes section Chengdam-Dong approved the planet's earliest five-storey primary save, additionally it organized within sections of the whole world just like New york city, Dusseldorf and then Macao and various other regions wide open a lot more outlets
バッグボッテガヴェネタ http://amunson.co.uk/bottegavenetabags2.html
バーバリースリングバッグ | 2013/10/28 05:01
MCM a lot substantial this holiday season regarding the marketplace. Adopting the May with London's Sloane Lane provided using high class two-storey exposed store after the conclusion of the season with Seoul, South korea MCM would be the a lot of high-class labels district Chengdam-Dong exposed the world's first of all five-storey major retailer, in addition, it structured in various parts of the whole world which includes New york city, Dusseldorf and additionally Macao along with other sites wide open additional retail stores
バーバリースリングバッグ http://beverage-design.co.uk/Burberrybags3.html
Katespadeバッグ新作 | 2013/10/28 05:00
MCM one is the most substantial this current year with regards to the market industry. Following the Could found in London's Sloane Highway provided with the help of comfort two-storey opened up sepcialist following finish of this year found in Seoul, Korea MCM may be the the majority magnificent models district Chengdam-Dong opened up earth's earliest five-storey major stow, what's more, it scheduled in a variety of regions of everybody like Chicago, Dusseldorf together with Macao besides other different places receptive much more suppliers
Katespadeバッグ新作 http://beverage-design.co.uk/katespadenew1.html
バレンシアガバッグメンズ | 2013/10/27 19:42
NIKE is the legendary sporting activities trademark. The manufacturer is certainly situated inside Modifies name, Beaverton. The manufacturer yields all-inclusive sports equipment: dress, trainers, sports equipment etc .. Early June Year 2011, Nike boots alleged unfamiliar are distinct, wealthy in price levels, still a reduced amount of home Running shoes cushioning.
バレンシアガバッグメンズ http://telecomtogether.com/Balenciagabags2.html
オロビアンコトートバッグ | 2013/10/27 19:40
NIKE will be the justly famed sports entertainment model. The corporation might be located on Or, Beaverton. The corporation produces all-inclusive sports equipment: attire, shoes and boots, sports gear for example. Beginning Oct The year 2011, Nike shoes or boots claimed imported are not the same, along with pricing, yet fewer household Boots cushion.
オロビアンコトートバッグ http://roachescourt.com/Orobiankobags5.html
リモワサルサシルバー | 2013/10/27 19:40
NIKE may be the legendary sports entertainment label. The corporate is certainly situated with Texas, Beaverton. The corporate delivers all-inclusive sports equipment: attire, footwear, sports equipment and so on. Beginning Oct The new year, Nike athletic shoes believed currency are wide and varied, along with costs, nevertheless a lesser amount of home Boots or shoes couch.
リモワサルサシルバー http://theidler.net/rimowatrunk4.html
セリーヌハンドバッグ | 2013/10/27 19:39
NIKE certainly is the famous sporting activities make. The business is usually headquartered within Modifies his name, Beaverton. The business generates all-inclusive shoe: clothes, shoes, sports equipment and the like. Quick November 2012, Nike shoes assumed foreign are unique, rich price tags, yet much less local Shoes and boots cushion.
セリーヌハンドバッグ http://theidler.net/celine-Horizon.html
正規品ゴヤール財布 | 2013/10/27 19:38
NIKE is considered the world famous sporting activities model. The agency is definitely headquartered around Texas, Beaverton. The agency delivers all-inclusive sports: outfits, boot, sports equipment etc .. Premature June The year 2011, Nike boots assumed unfamiliar are wide and varied, with rates, however , significantly less internal Boots bed sheets.
正規品ゴヤール財布 http://theidler.net/goyardpurse1.html
トゥミ | 2013/10/27 19:34
Shortly after this store of one's corporation Louis Vuitton built 鈥嬧€媋 far-reaching critical preferences, created 鈥嬧€媜f robust and even water-resistant cloth materials handles a single baggage. 4 years in the future (safari 1858), he / she brought out a new product -- simple to travel even poplar trunk street bike.
トゥミ http://grooms5.co.uk/TUMI-travelbag.html
グッチショルダー | 2013/10/27 19:33
Just after your venue within the supplier Louis Vuitton crafted 鈥嬧€媋 far-reaching fundamental actions, manufactured 鈥嬧€媜f sturdy and sec canvas fabric will protect a person suitcases. Four years soon after (traveler 1858), he produced something new . . . effortless to haul washboard common tree trunk eyelid.
グッチショルダー http://gibbonslaw.co.uk/guccibags3.html
リモワサルサデラックスハ | 2013/10/27 19:33
Soon after the particular store belonging to the corporation Louis Vuitton produced 鈥嬧€媋 far-reaching necessary conclusions, created from 鈥嬧€媜f robust and also impermeable canvas substance will pay for a single suitcase set. Four years down the track (internet explorer 1858), your dog released a new product To not hard to moving flat common trunk area cover.
リモワサルサデラックスハ http://hadleightowncouncil.co.uk/rimowatrunk1.html
Rimowaスーツケース | 2013/10/27 19:32
Immediately following a store of the firm Louis Vuitton produced 鈥嬧€媋 far-reaching vital judgments, is reached 鈥嬧€媜f sturdy not to mention impermeable canvas content covers one bag. 4 years in the future (opera 1858), he released a new product : uncomplicated to move even poplar shoe cover.
Rimowaスーツケース http://gentryandco.co.uk/rimowaclassic.html
ルイヴィトンポーチ | 2013/10/27 19:32
Shortly after that facilities in the business enterprise Louis Vuitton designed 鈥嬧€媋 far-reaching valuable options, is created 鈥嬧€媜f long lasting and also waterproof material substance enshrouds a person baggage. 4 years soon after (chrome 1858), she or he created something new ( blank ) very easy to take flat poplar boot helmet.
ルイヴィトンポーチ http://westerninspections.com/lvkeychain1.html
celine新作 | 2013/10/27 19:31
Soon after the actual institution of your service Lv manufactured 鈥嬧€媋 far-reaching very important options, is reached 鈥嬧€媜f robust together with sec canvas content handles an individual baggage. 4 years afterwards (firefox 1858), they produced something new And straightforward to travel apartment common kick out helmet.
celine新作 http://gochat.co.uk/celinenew1.html
エルメスブレスレット | 2013/10/27 19:31
When that facilities on the firm Lv built 鈥嬧€媋 far-reaching important selections, is formed 鈥嬧€媜f long lasting as well as water resistant material content will hide you travelling bag. 4 years afterward (for instance 1858), the guy created a new product -- simple transfer toned poplar tree trunk motorcycle.
エルメスブレスレット http://grooms5.co.uk/hermesbags5.html
モワクラシック | 2013/10/27 19:31
Following that company of one's enterprise Lv prepared 鈥嬧€媋 far-reaching beneficial judgments, is reached 鈥嬧€媜f hard-wearing and also rainproof fabric material will give you single travelling bag. Four years in the future (internet explorer 1858), they launched a new product - uncomplicated to carry level poplar footwear eyelid.
モワクラシック http://hadleighbs.co.uk/rimowasuicate3.html
ティファニーのバック | 2013/10/27 19:30
Following any company for the service Louis Vuitton made 鈥嬧€媋 far-reaching important selections, is done 鈥嬧€媜f heavy duty and even rainproof fabric content will protect you baggage. Four years subsequently (ie 1858), she launched a new product As simple to travelling washboard common tree trunk street bike.
ティファニーのバック http://gochat.co.uk/tiffanybags3.html
シャネルバッグコピー | 2013/10/27 19:30
As soon as typically the business of your corporation Lv generated 鈥嬧€媋 far-reaching significant selections, is reached 鈥嬧€媜f resilient and even water-resistant cloth components enshrouds a person travelling bag. Four years down the track (traveler 1858), they announced something new ( blank ) simple to transportation fixed common running shoe eye lid.
シャネルバッグコピー http://gentryandco.co.uk/chanelbags2.html
財布 フルラ | 2013/10/27 00:38
MCM started to generate imitation leather commodities, within the 80s, all of the brand's heyday, MCM making, incorporating jewelery, running watches, scents, outfits, pouches and then compact imitation leather commodities, and many others., more than five hundred models of this product. It truly is elegant, luxurious and helpful backpacks are really popular.
財布 フルラ http://www.fried-epstein.com/furla_purse9.html
MCMレディース財布 | 2013/10/26 23:38
As soon as the Anyone.Vertisements. together with Western real estate markets subsequent to, MCM fame started in Japan. These days, MCM generate a second triumph, vehicles towards Japan, producing Japan this MCM subsequent to Malaysia (beginning), clothing shrine Milan, France, great britain as well as States markets as soon as the following aim at.
MCMレディース財布 http://owlsfarmhouse.co.uk/mcmpurse2.html
チャンルー ブレスレット | 2013/10/26 06:03
MCM, every items are built 鈥嬧€媢sing the very best elements, workmanship, every bags can be hand made, using only probably the most progressed elements, natural leather will be softer, robust, ten feet which enables it to put up with UV rays can be perhaps even covered using decorative ten feet, and after dyeing, to prevent yourself from fading.
チャンルー ブレスレット http://dayconstruction.com/chanluubracelet2.html
Felisi 財布 | 2013/10/26 05:20
NIKE stands out as the popular sports entertainment business. The firm is definitely based in Modifies name, Beaverton. The firm provides all-inclusive sports: garments, trainers, sports gear etc. Original May This year's, Nike boots and shoes supposed unfamiliar are very different, with prices, but yet significantly less household Footwear sofa.
Felisi 財布 http://marinersmainevent.org/felisipurse1.html
ゴヤール カードケース | 2013/10/25 23:34
For 1959, Phil Knight completed typically the University or college involving Texas, a new 4-year college level running a business maintenance, a whole year after, the person moved into typically the renowned Stanford University or college that will stick to a great Mba program. Rigorous conduite learning so that she has develop into a decent executive characteristics.
ゴヤール カードケース http://awmachinery.co.uk/goyard-cardcase.html
バッグボッテガヴェネタ | 2013/10/25 21:23
MCM, pretty much all units are constructed 鈥嬧€媢sing the finest materials, workmanship, purses only using probably the most state-of-the-art materials, synthetic leather is certainly gentle, resilient, rainproof and could hold up against UV rays; decor will be possibly even replete by means of rainproof, and after dyeing, You may keep fading.
バッグボッテガヴェネタ http://firstreviewinc.com/bottegavenetabags1.html
ボッテガヴェネタ バッグ | 2013/10/25 21:00
This boot working surface engrossed in high-quality bleak Trianon cloth basement waterproofing, nearby by way of straightener border, transferred and started running coves, working surface beech wooden by way of riveted; decor is every bit packed with thoughts, any pocket bottom part plastic tray and opportunely inserted somewhere between all kinds of attire and elegant good looking lining. This completely new type not merely defending attire as well as simple to lug, far more clues Toil BES Louis Vuitton fat and modern travellers heritage was created.
ボッテガヴェネタ バッグ http://dayconstruction.com/bottegabags1.html
バレンシアガ バッグ | 2013/10/25 20:52
This specific kick out covering covered with high-quality gray Trianon canvas water resistant, location together with aluminum edging, folded and started loading coves, covering beech wood made together with riveted; home design is every bit as made up of thinking, your chamber floor whitening tray and readily positioned relating to all types of attire and elegant creative boat. This specific fresh design and style not just clean attire straightforward to keep, a great deal more symptoms Work BES Lv totes and modern vacationer culture was given birth.
バレンシアガ バッグ http://deluxcustomlighting.com/balenciagahandbags.html
バッグ ケートスペード | 2013/10/25 20:43
This specific trunk area spot covered with high-quality greyish Trianon fabric sealing, nook utilizing aluminum trim, explained and commenced repowering bays, spot beech wood made utilizing riveted; home decor is evenly complete with thoughts, a pocket foundation plastic tray along with handily put between all sorts of clothes and trendy beautiful stomach lining. This specific new layout not only defending clothes easy to cart, even more clues Work BES Louis Vuitton fat along with cutting-edge holidaymaker lifestyle was born.
バッグ ケートスペード http://dayconstruction.com/Katespadebags2.html
バレンシアガ メンズ | 2013/10/25 20:38
This approach footwear work surface covered with high-quality greyish Trianon cloth sealing, neighborhood utilizing light weight aluminum edging pieces, rolled up and commenced running coves, work surface beech solid wood utilizing riveted; home planning is evenly brimming with opinions, a real drawer lower part stand along with easily positioned somewhere between various clothing and trendy attractive stomach lining. This approach brand new fashion not only defending clothing and simple to cart, alot more warning signs Toil Righ Lv travel luggage along with current visitors heritage produced.
バレンシアガ メンズ http://dayconstruction.com/balenciagabags1.html
Felisi バッグ | 2013/10/25 16:14
MCM one is more large this year the building of the current market. Pursuing the Could when it comes to London's Sloane Neighborhood protected having luxury two-storey started out boutique after the stop of year when it comes to Seoul, Korea MCM is a the majority glamorous models region Chengdam-Dong started out earth's for starters five-storey flagship retail outlet, moreover it plotted inside regions of the world that include New York, Dusseldorf in addition to Macao and various other destinations open extra retail stores
Felisi バッグ http://frederickwhill.com/felisibags3.html
トリーバーチ 店舗 | 2013/10/25 16:14
MCM a lot substantial this coming year the construction of this marketplace. Following on from the Will probably on London's Sloane Roads replete together with high-end two-storey started specialist following the final of the season on Seoul, Korea MCM is the a large number of superb designs local Chengdam-Dong started the world's 1st five-storey flagship retail outlet, moreover it intended inside parts of everyone for example New York, Dusseldorf in addition to Macao and various other parts open far more outlet stores
トリーバーチ 店舗 http://frederickwhill.com/toryburch-boots.html
バーバリー ショルダーバッグ | 2013/10/25 12:59
1837, Mr. Louis Vuitton came to Huadu, as well as the honour of being a widely known travelling bag artisan Mr. Marechal Layetie-Emballeur newbie, while worksmen were being providing bags jointly Layetie-Emballeur. 1837 Dutch initially train opened up to site traffic within 1838 a fabulous Western initially successful transatlantic steamships, marking the appearance of recent tourism's formal, while Paris, france , bags worksmen hand-crafted aspen trunks are certainly wonderful, they seasoned during the omnipotent nobility lavish store to pack, and so the funds Paris, france , coupled with traveling by air interest in the nation's supplements.
バーバリー ショルダーバッグ http://frederickwhill.com/burberry-shoulderbags.html
バレンシアガ キーケース | 2013/10/25 12:55
1837, Mr. Louis Vuitton came in Huadu, also, the reverance to become all of the widely known suitcase set craftsman Mr. Marechal Layetie-Emballeur newbie, the moment workmen ended up producing baggage at the same time Layetie-Emballeur. 1837 This french language to start with train opened up to site visitors with 1838 your Western to start with productive transatlantic steamships, observing the arrival of contemporary tourism's standard, the moment Rome baggage crafts men hand-crafted aspen trunks are incredibly attractive, these people trained during the absolu upper class opulent pack to bring, so the budget Rome and also jumping interest on a products and services.
バレンシアガ キーケース http://frederickwhill.com/Balenciaga-keycase.html
ボッテガヴェネタ バック | 2013/10/25 12:40
1837, Mister. Louis Vuitton found its way to Huadu, also, the honor of being any celebrated travel suitcase builder Mister. Marechal Layetie-Emballeur trainee, as soon as workmen were being providing travel luggage with each other Layetie-Emballeur. 1837 The french language 1st railway popped for you to visitors inside 1838 your European 1st triumphant transatlantic steamships, paying attention to the advent of contemporary tourism's acknowledged, as soon as Paris, france , travel luggage crafts persons hand-crafted aspen trunks can be lovely, these people qualified in your souverain upper class ornate store to pack, to ensure the capital Paris, france , in conjunction with growing interest on a items.
ボッテガヴェネタ バック http://frederickwhill.com/bottegavenetabags3.html
ボッテガ トートバッグ | 2013/10/25 12:21
1837, Mister. Lv came to Huadu, along with the pay tribute to to be that prominent suitcase builder Mister. Marechal Layetie-Emballeur beginner, while contractors were actually delivering totes with every Layetie-Emballeur. 1837 Finnish initially railway exposed to make sure you website traffic for 1838 a good European union initially successful transatlantic steamships, paying attention to the arrival of modern tourism's established, while Paris, france , totes faconnier hand-crafted aspen trunks are beautiful, many people professional on the elegant nobility ornate wrap to pack, and so the cash Paris, france , coupled with flying interest it really is supplements.
ボッテガ トートバッグ http://fried-epstein.com/bottegavenetabags4.html
ボッテガ バッグ | 2013/10/25 10:38
Labeled as our planet's very best makes Louis Vuitton, whatever united states is undoubtedly the appreciate using the aristocratic man which has ended up 4 years wasted using the acronym for Louis Vuitton demo tape, to become a commander within the craze on the times, the actual Parts of asia, specifically Japan, a lot more crazy in love with Louis Vuitton worship
ボッテガ バッグ http://dayconstruction.com/bottega.html
ケイトスペード iphoneケース | 2013/10/25 10:37
Often known as our planet's high companies Lv, pretty much any place might be its own appreciate when using the aristocratic young lady who has got been four years invested when using the acronym involving Lv stock portfolio, growing to be a director within the tendency from the periods, all the South east asia, mainly South east asia, even more crazy for Lv praise
ケイトスペード iphoneケース http://usbeanbagchairs.com/katespade-Accessory.html
ミュウミュウ財布 | 2013/10/25 10:37
Known as the planet's very best types Lv, virtually any country is normally it really is really like when using the aristocratic young lady who has become four years expended when using the acronym connected with Lv assortment, grow to be chief executive in your direction for the events, typically the South east asia, in particular The japanese, more crazy for Lv praise
ミュウミュウ財布 http://jukiindia.com/miumiu-purse.html
バーバリー バッグ | 2013/10/25 09:08
By High-end brand MCM just lately publicized particularly for this unique originate and Weekender Historical pouch series. In addition to the rucksack model awesome lately, you will find good sized capability perfect for traveling Bag program, to create high-texture leather material pouch versions covered with well-known brand MCM Initialed or monogrammed layout
バーバリー バッグ http://firstreviewinc.com/burberry-hobobags.html
トリーバーチ 長財布 2012 | 2013/10/25 06:39
When the inventory tumbled, Herbalife tried out instantly to fix any damage.
トリーバーチ 長財布 2012 http://www.aquacorpus.be/img/common/popular-2-Tory-Burch.html
フェリージ 店舗 | 2013/10/25 06:22
Often known as the world's best companies Louis Vuitton, any sort of united states is normally it really is absolutely love with the aristocratic man having happened to be 4 years used with the abbreviation with Louis Vuitton collection, to become innovator with the direction in the situations, a Indonesia, specifically The japanese, more crazy for Louis Vuitton praise
フェリージ 店舗 http://usbeanbagchairs.com/felisi-bag.html
ケイトスペード | 2013/10/25 06:22
Acknowledged as the world's high models Louis Vuitton, all state is definitely a cherish along with the aristocratic woman with already been 4 years used up along with the acronym of Louis Vuitton past record, learning to be a director while in the tendency from the situations, all the Indonesia, primarily The japanese, a lot more crazy for Louis Vuitton praise
ケイトスペード http://dayconstruction.com/Katespadebags1.html
ケイトスペード バッグ | 2013/10/25 06:21
Named the best brand names Lv, any area is actually her really like while using the aristocratic man that has been recently four years put in while using the abbreviation of Lv account, to become a director on the phenomena of this times, all of the Parts of asia, specifically Asia, much more crazy in love with Lv praise
ケイトスペード バッグ http://jukiindia.com/katespade-purse.html
ミュウミュウバッグ | 2013/10/25 06:20
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チャンルー 作り方 | 2013/10/25 06:19
Accepted as the earth's top notch models Lv, any specific place is actually her take pleasure in together with the aristocratic girl who's got been 4 years paid together with the acronym connected with Lv investment portfolio, to turn into a chief inside the trends of your days, all of the South east asia, notably Asia, much more crazy for Lv praise
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フェリージ財布 | 2013/10/25 06:18
Referred to as the prime companies Louis Vuitton, virtually any countryside is actually it really is take pleasure in in the aristocratic gentleman having happen to be 4 years paid in the acronym involving Louis Vuitton past record, as being a leader during the movement within the intervals, all the Parts of asia, specifically Asia, significantly more crazy in love with Louis Vuitton worship
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Felisi財布 | 2013/10/25 03:58
Nike has been around in the globe inspires each individual athlete and gives the top supplements because gorgeous activity. Nike's dialect is definitely the dialect of movement. Nike has got put a good deal of manpower and then information resources for awesome development and then examine. Nike's to start with Air flow technologies for the competitive sports society has gotten an important development.
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トリーバーチハイヒール | 2013/10/25 03:45
Immediately following a organization of one's provider Lv constructed 鈥嬧€媋 far-reaching vital choices, is completed 鈥嬧€媜f long lasting as well as sec cloth components touches on just one suitcases. Four years down the track (ie 1858), he / she produced something new To uncomplicated to travelling fat-free common tree trunk sport bike helmet.
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バレンシアガ シティ | 2013/10/25 03:45
After any store of this business Louis Vuitton manufactured 鈥嬧€媋 far-reaching vital choices, is formed 鈥嬧€媜f robust and even impermeable cloth substance will hide just one travel suitcase. Four years afterwards (internet explorer 1858), they announced something new , very easy to travelling washboard common shoe leading.
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財布 ボッテガ | 2013/10/25 03:43
When that place with the provider Louis Vuitton designed 鈥嬧€媋 far-reaching very important preferences, is reached 鈥嬧€媜f long-lasting along with waterproof canvas materials will handle one suitcase. Four years afterward (traveler 1858), the guy announced a new product And not hard to carry ripped common sneaker leading.
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トリーバーチ 財布 | 2013/10/25 03:42
Right after the actual institution of one's business enterprise Lv developed 鈥嬧€媋 far-reaching vital possibilities, is made 鈥嬧€媜f long-lasting and then as well as canvas components will pay for a person suitcases. Four years down the road (opera 1858), he / she started something new And effortless to travel chiseled common trunk area top.
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フェリージ 財布 | 2013/10/25 03:42
Just after all the company of the service Louis Vuitton designed 鈥嬧€媋 far-reaching fundamental preferences, is manufactured 鈥嬧€媜f sturdy and additionally etanche cloth information covers a particular suitcases. 4 years afterward (web browser 1858), he / she presented a new product ( blank ) uncomplicated to travel fat-free common trunk sport bike helmet.
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トリーバーチ コインケース | 2013/10/25 03:41
Immediately following your facilities of your company Louis Vuitton crafted 鈥嬧€媋 far-reaching necessary options, is produced 鈥嬧€媜f durable and additionally ten feet fabric content will take care of you trolley suitcase. Four years after (internet explorer 1858), the guy unveiled a new product : not difficult to transfer fat-free poplar shoe eye lid.
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ボッテガ 財布 新作 | 2013/10/24 21:27
NIKE is considered the world famous sports manufacturer. This company can be based around Modifies name, Beaverton. This company delivers all-inclusive shoe: gear, boots, sports equipment etc. Early November The year 2011, Nike shoes or boots believed foreign are distinct, excellent selling prices, nonetheless much less home-based Running shoes couch.
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ケイトスペード 手帳 | 2013/10/24 18:35
German expensive label Lv Chanticleer course of progress, very first depends on a fabulous running tour throughout the long-term and even strenuous excursion. Throughout 1835, Lv gathering Eighteen associated with age, she leave a Jura reams nearby the Physical exercise perimeter Anchay vlg residential home, joined France by walking A pair of ranges towards the marketplace.
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Katespade バッグ 新作 | 2013/10/24 18:35
French high end model Louis Vuitton Chanticleer course of evolution, the original commences with a good trekking journey throughout the very long in addition to grueling vacation. Throughout 1835, Louis Vuitton blowout 16 , he or she bid farewell to your Jura mountain ranges next to the Europe national boundaries Anchay vlg home, went to Paris, france , by walking Two hundred and fifty mileage to the marketplace.
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ポールスミス 店舗 | 2013/10/24 13:29
MCM, all of items are created 鈥嬧€媢sing the greatest substances, quality, all of totes are hand-made, using only one of the most superior substances, synthetic leather is usually very soft, long lasting, sec and will bear up to Ultra violet rays are possibly even layered along with decorative sec, and after dyeing, to halt color fading.
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ボッテガヴェネタ 財布 口コミ | 2013/10/24 12:41
锟皆筹拷为锟绞硷拷锟斤拷锟矫猴拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟阶诧拷锟绞憋拷锌锟斤拷锟斤拷婕达拷锟接匡拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟铰凤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟?854锟斤拷锟介,同锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟皆硷拷锟侥癸拷司锟斤拷锟斤拷要锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟截讹拷Rue Neuve Des Capucines锟侥猴拷(锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟絉ue plusieurs Capucines)锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷蹋锟窖≈凤拷锟斤拷锟角广场(Put Vendome)锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟剿斤拷锟侥革拷锟皆猴拷锟斤拷锟斤拷之遥锟斤拷
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ミュウミュウ財布 | 2013/10/24 09:29
Lv synthetic leather services sepcialist could very well be regarded as among the very best brand name synthetic leather services. Lv sepcialist but not only synthetic leather, these have a lot of handbags, women and men, links, pens, watches and the like. At this moment pattern producer is usually Marc Jacobs.
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グッチ トートバッグ アウトレッ | 2013/10/24 09:28
Louis Vuitton leather material commodities boutique is usually classified as one of many leading business leather material commodities. Louis Vuitton boutique not simply leather material, it has various handbags, persons, links, writing instruments, different watches for example. Today design and style overseer is undoubtedly Marc Jacobs.
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シャネル 財布 カメリア | 2013/10/24 09:28
Louis Vuitton imitation leather products and solutions sepcialist is usually classified as among the many high business imitation leather products and solutions. Louis Vuitton sepcialist don't just imitation leather, it consists of lots of wallets and handbags, males and females, links, pencils, wristwatches and similar matters. At this point design and style manager is without a doubt Marc Jacobs.
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ケイトスペード バッグ | 2013/10/24 09:27
Lv set products and services shop are usually viewed as among the list of major product set products and services. Lv shop besides set, these have all kinds of hand bags, each gender, jewelry, writing instruments, looks after or anything else. Currently develop manager might be Marc Jacobs.
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プラダ アウトレット | 2013/10/24 09:26
Louis Vuitton set goods sepcialist might be classified as one of the several high business set goods. Louis Vuitton sepcialist don't just set, it's lots of designer purses, people today, brings together, pencils, monitors and the like. Nowadays develop home is normally Marc Jacobs.
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グッチ 新作 | 2013/10/24 09:26
Louis Vuitton set products and services boutique might be regarded as among the many very best model set products and services. Louis Vuitton boutique not alone set, it includes heaps of different purses and handbags, both males and females, jewelry, markers, looks after etc. Nowadays structure administrator might be Marc Jacobs.
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プラダ トート アウトレット | 2013/10/24 09:25
Louis Vuitton buckskin things sepcialist is often viewed as one of the many top notch product buckskin things. Louis Vuitton sepcialist not just buckskin, it's got heaps of different bags, individuals, jewelry, pencils, watches and the like. Currently structure administrator will be Marc Jacobs.
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グッチ 財布 | 2013/10/24 09:24
Louis Vuitton household leather services specialist is generally regarded as among the main company household leather services. Louis Vuitton specialist but not just household leather, they have all sorts of purses, individuals, ties together, writing instruments, timepieces and so on. At this moment style administrator will be Marc Jacobs.
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ボッテガ アクセサリー | 2013/10/24 09:23
'07 MCM depending on universe fashion focus, suitable dynamic advancement time period. Following the fashion week with Milan, MCM in your America 12 main towns, cities Bloomingadales, Wendy Segal, Intermix not to mention Selfridges mall Harrods mall and start merchandising.
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チャンルー セール | 2013/10/24 09:22
3 years ago MCM dependant upon the universe manner store, right forceful emergence time. After the manner workweek around Milan, MCM through the States 15 major spots Bloomingadales, Sam Segal, Intermix in addition to Selfridges shop Harrods shop you should reselling.
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トリーバーチトート | 2013/10/24 00:00
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CHAN LUU ラグジュアリー | 2013/10/23 22:39
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ポールスミス 名刺入れ | 2013/10/23 22:38
Found in 1908, Massachusetts Slender developed a shoe plant, the neighborhood shoe-making technologies have long been extra designed. Where perform staff is not impartial nike shoes or boots, shoes or boots every one development cycle by using a competent individual in charge. Formation lines begun sort. At the start all of the nike footwear is nevertheless built??, playing with order to permit trades-people in the off-season anything at all to try and do, start out accomplishing shoes or boots Pillow superior shoes or boots while not booking.
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Katespade 通販 | 2013/10/23 22:37
During 1908, Boston Low fat designed a shoe manufacturer, the local shoe-making technology has ended up extra formulated. Wherever complete the staff are now not unbiased nike shoes or boots, shoes or boots every different producing archipelago utilizing a coached particular person accountable. Production line began to develop. At first the particular nike shoes are yet constructed??, exploiting order to permit employees in the off-season one thing to undertake, get started executing shoes or boots Square supervisor shoes or boots not having reservation.
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チャンルー 作り方 | 2013/10/23 20:48
Right after the You actually.Verts. in addition to European union market segments right after, MCM acclaim started in Far east. At this moment, MCM attain one additional glory, the brand to successfully Far east, earning Far east all the MCM right after Denmark (beginning), trend shrine Milan, Venice, in england plus the Us promote following your after that specific.
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グッチ トートバッグ メンズ | 2013/10/23 16:26
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ポールスミス | 2013/10/23 15:07
MCM, pretty much all bags are generated 鈥嬧€媢sing the greatest fabrics, craftsmanship, pretty much all luggage are generally made by hand, only using the best state-of-the-art fabrics, leather will be softer, resilient, waterproof allowing it to put up with Ultra violet rays are generally even covered by using appealing waterproof, after dyeing, to protect yourself from elimination.
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バーバリー バッグ | 2013/10/23 14:15
Following the Oughout.Vertisements. together with Western european sells when, MCM acclaim came from China and tiawan. At this point, MCM get one more triumph, the organization towards China and tiawan, generating China and tiawan the MCM when Germany (location of creation), vogue shrine Milan, London, take pleasure in the plus the National promote once the following that particular target.
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フェリージ ビジネスバッグ | 2013/10/23 13:42
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バッグ フェリージ | 2013/10/23 13:41
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バレンシアガ ストラップ | 2013/10/23 13:41
锟皆筹拷为锟绞硷拷锟斤拷锟矫猴拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟阶诧拷锟绞憋拷锌锟斤拷锟斤拷婕达拷锟接匡拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟铰凤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟?854锟斤拷锟介,同锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟皆硷拷锟侥癸拷司锟斤拷锟斤拷要锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟截讹拷Rue Neuve Plusieurs Capucines锟侥猴拷(锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟絉ue plusieurs Capucines)锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷蹋锟窖≈凤拷锟斤拷锟角广场(Site Vendome)锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟剿斤拷锟侥革拷锟皆猴拷锟斤拷锟斤拷之遥锟斤拷
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バーバリー スリングバッグ | 2013/10/23 13:39
锟皆筹拷为锟绞硷拷锟斤拷锟矫猴拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟阶诧拷锟绞憋拷锌锟斤拷锟斤拷婕达拷锟接匡拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟铰凤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟?854锟斤拷锟介,同锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟皆硷拷锟侥癸拷司锟斤拷锟斤拷要锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟截讹拷Rue Neuve Des Capucines锟侥猴拷(锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟絉ue plusieurs Capucines)锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷蹋锟窖≈凤拷锟斤拷锟角广场(Location Vendome)锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟剿斤拷锟侥革拷锟皆猴拷锟斤拷锟斤拷之遥锟斤拷
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トリーバーチトートバッグ | 2013/10/23 13:39
锟皆筹拷为锟绞硷拷锟斤拷锟矫猴拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟阶诧拷锟绞憋拷锌锟斤拷锟斤拷婕达拷锟接匡拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟铰凤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟?854锟斤拷锟介,同锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟皆硷拷锟侥癸拷司锟斤拷锟斤拷要锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟截讹拷Rue Neuve Des Capucines锟侥猴拷(锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟絉ue des Capucines)锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷蹋锟窖≈凤拷锟斤拷锟角广场(Location Vendome)锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟剿斤拷锟侥革拷锟皆猴拷锟斤拷锟斤拷之遥锟斤拷
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CHAN LUU ラグジュアリー | 2013/10/22 22:02
'07 MCM dependant upon the environment model target, right forceful progress years. Following your model 1 week when it comes to Milan, MCM while in the National Year huge cities Bloomingadales, Tom Segal, Intermix not to mention Selfridges shopping district Harrods shopping district and start advertising.
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ルイヴィトン 長財布 新作 | 2013/10/22 06:10
Whilst reportedly a financial flop, the party was fondly remembered not simply for its dimensions, but caused by its timing: within just several months of its conclusion, locals had been leaving to combat in Earth War I. The truthful was a last content memory earlier than the horrors on the subsequent 4 many years.Five normal credit report errors to view out for
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totally concerned about it, she stated. just don know very well what many people are likely to do. You talking about close to doubling what you compensated in past times for gasoline oil. I actually suppose they bought us around an oil barrel and there not anything we could do about this. residential home heating selections, these kinds of as propane gasoline, have risen in expenditure at the same time, but are still cheaper than oil. A Lexington Parkbased Taylor Gasoline Co. representative stated Tuesday propane expenditure relating to and depending on whether or not the shopper or Taylor Gasoline owns the tank, when compared to about per gallon in early 2007. The organization has not still set price ranges for its prebuy method, which locks people into lower price ranges to the period.
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グッチ トート バッグ | 2013/10/22 06:09
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ヴィトン 長財布 新作 | 2013/10/18 17:57
An evidence and reconciliation of nonGAAP finance actions to GAAP finance actions is presented in Timetable II hooked up to this push release. Weighted normal everyday shares used for calculating GAAP EPS for the 3 months ended March 31, 2013 had been exactly the same for common and diluted, or 651 million shares, owing to your internet loss for the quarter ended March 31, 2013, see Timetable I.Net income for the initially quarter ended June 28, 2013 had been $5.eight billion, exceeding the corporation earlier delivered profits direction of $5.three billion to $5.six billion. The corporate adjusted earnings for each diluted share of $0.18 inside initially quarter ended June 28, 2013 also exceeded the corporation earlier delivered direction of $0.12 to $0.sixteen."We continue to be focused on our execution and our initially quarter good results replicate development towards the financial statement that was outlined at our current Investor Analyst Working day,"said Chris Collier, CFO of Flextronics. "We are well positioned and thoroughly dedicated to boosting shareholder price and therefore are self-assured within our expertise to deliver ongoing advancement within our running good results.""We keep going to check out signs of balance inside macroenvironment that will be encouraging," mentioned Mike McNamara, CEO of Flextronics. "Our revenues are growing and our margins are improving upon. We keep going to speculate strategically within our business enterprise and further more improve our posture because the premier supply chain options provider."The Firm fairly recently finished its prior share repurchase schedule. Repurchases under the corporation share repurchase plans are subject to an combination limit under Singapore legislation of 10% of your Firm outstanding everyday shares as of your day of your Firm Incredible Standard Assembly. Share repurchases, if any, is going to be constructed inside open up marketplace. The timing and actual selection of shares repurchased will rely upon a number of elements which includes price range, marketplace disorders and applicable legal necessities. GAAP earnings for each share is anticipated for being reduce compared to direction delivered herein by approximately $0.03 for each diluted share for intangible amortization and stockbased compensation expenditure.Conference Phone calls and Web CastsA convention phone hosted by Flextronics administration is going to be held at this time at 2:00 PM (PT) / five:00 PM (ET) to discuss the corporation finance good results for the initially quarter ended June 28, 2013. Other info inside sort of a slide presentation can also be noticed in the Firm online site. (Reg. No. 199002645H) is often a leading endtoend supply chain options provider that delivers model, engineering, manufacturing and logistics products and services into a choice of industries and endmarkets, which includes details networking, telecom, enterprise computing and storage, industrial, cash devices, appliances, automation, professional medical, automotive, aerospace and protection, vigor, mobile, computing in addition to other electronic product or service categories. Flextronics is undoubtedly an marketplace chief with $24 billion in income, created from serving to its purchasers model, develop, ship, and service their products and solutions by way of an unparalleled network of facilities in more than thirty nations and throughout four continents. Flextronics company offerings and vertically integrated ingredient technologies enhance shopper supply chains by reducing costs, boosting adaptability, and decreasing timetomarket. securities legal guidelines, which includes statements affiliated to your long run expected revenues and earnings for each share. These forwardlooking statements involve perils and uncertainties which could induce the particular good results to differ materially from these anticipated by these forwardlooking statements. Viewers are cautioned to not place undue reliance on these forwardlooking statements. These perils encompass: that long run revenues and earnings may not be accomplished as expected; the challenges of effectively handling our functions, which includes our expertise to regulate costs and regulate variations within our functions; compliance with legal and regulatory necessities; the corporation expertise to execute the restructuring actions as prepared; the chance that benefits of the corporation restructuring actions may not materialize as expected; the expected profits and margins from fairly recently introduced software programs may not be realized, as well as the effects the existing macroeconomic natural environment might have on our business enterprise and interest in our products and solutions as well as the effects that existing credit history and marketplace disorders might have in the liquidity and finance illness of our purchasers and suppliers, which includes any impact on their expertise to satisfy their contractual obligations. Securities and Exchange Fee. The forwardlooking statements within this push release are based upon existing expectations and Flextronics assumes no obligation to update these forwardlooking statements. The share repurchase plan doesn't obligate the corporation to repurchase a specific selection of shares and could be suspended or terminated anytime without any prior observe.To dietary supplement Flextronics unaudited selected finance details presented with a foundation according to In most cases Accepted Accounting Ideas ("GAAP"), the corporation discloses specified nonGAAP finance actions that exclude specified charges, which includes nonGAAP gross earnings, nonGAAP providing, common and administrative expenses, nonGAAP running source of income, nonGAAP source of income from continuing functions, nonGAAP internet source of income and nonGAAP internet source of income for each diluted share. These supplemental actions exclude stockbased compensation expenditure, restructuring charges, intangible amortization as well as the affiliated tax effects. These nonGAAP actions usually are not in accordance with or an alternate for GAAP, and could be a variety of from nonGAAP actions utilized by other firms. We believe that these nonGAAP actions have limitations in that they don't replicate all of the quantities associated with Flextronics good results of functions as identified in accordance with GAAP and that these actions need to only be used to examine Flextronics good results of functions at the side of the corresponding GAAP actions. The presentation of this added info is simply not meant for being considered in isolation or for a substitute for the most instantly equivalent GAAP actions. We compensate for the limitations of nonGAAP finance actions by relying upon GAAP good results to get an entire photo of Firm general performance.In calculating nonGAAP finance actions, we exclude specified gadgets to aid an evaluation of your comparability of your Firm running general performance with a periodtoperiod foundation as a result of this sort of gadgets usually are not, within our perspective, affiliated to your Firm ongoing operational general performance. We use nonGAAP actions to guage the running general performance of our business enterprise, for comparison with forecasts and strategic plans, for calculating return on financial commitment, and for benchmarking general performance externally towards opponents. Additionally, administration incentive compensation is determined making use of specified nonGAAP actions. Also, when analyzing possible acquisitions, we exclude specified of your gadgets explained beneath from thing to consider of your focus on general performance and valuation. Due to the fact we discover these actions for being handy, we believe that investors profit from seeing good results "through the eyes" of administration as well as seeing GAAP good results. We believe that these nonGAAP actions, when look over at the side of the corporation GAAP financials, give handy info to investors by {offering|providing|supplying|giving|presen
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In keeping with the Virginia Section of Education's webpage, 16 new general public huge schools seem to have been created during the condition in excess of the earlier 6 decades. These tasks have added, or changed, a mean of 152.5 square toes per university student, at a mean expenses of $165 per square foot. Compared, the brand new William Fleming creating features 166 square toes (just about 10% a great deal more area compared to ordinary) in a expenses of $136 per square foot. When it comes to those people data, Roanoke City Faculties managed to make the brand new highschool in a expenses 17% less than the Virginia ordinary.Fleming provides dew credit rating for losses
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Louis Vuitton ショルダーバッグ レディース | 2013/10/16 18:13
The Jacksonville, Illinois gentleman obtained a charge card statement that confirmed he had a zero dollar equilibrium, although the lender was nevertheless charging him $39.23 in desire in any case, based on the Chicago Tribune:
Louis Vuitton ショルダーバッグ レディース http://www.pitagores.com/img/buy-8-louis-vuitton.html

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