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ORGANISERS of the Blue Mountains Charleston Challenge on February 1 are aiming to smash their Guinness World Record of 276 dancers for the largest charleston on the planet. To be held in The Mall at Leura village, the annual public dance challenge kicks off the Roaring 20s Festival at venues across the Blue Mountains and in Lithgow and Oberon until February 23. Just check the steps on the festival website, turn up in 1920s costume in The Mall and be prepared to dance for about five minutes. This year's patron is television host Claudia Chan Shaw. [url=http://www.humanside.it/moncler-piumini-donna/]moncler piumini donna[/url] Even before they took up residence in the governor s mansion, Williams was offering the family money. He was known as a donor who allowed the McDonnells use of his private jet on the campaign trail. In December, he was willing to pay for an Oscar de la Renta dress that the cash-strapped first lady could wear to the inauguration. Although she was the one who asked for the dress, she later refused the offer at the staffer s urging. But the partnership between Williams and the McDonnells was already underway. [url=http://www.psixpda.co.uk/mulberry-bags-outlet/]mulberry bags outlet[/url]
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Clarence Aaron described his time in federal prison serving life without parole for a first-time nonviolent drug conviction as a walking death sentence on his head. Before President Barack Obama commuted his sentence last month, Aaron faced a longer sentence than some fellow inmates with multiple felonies even murder.Aaron was hardly the only nonviolent offender sentenced to life without parole. Last year, the American Civil Liberties Union reported that more than 2,000 federal inmates were serving life without parole for nonviolent offenses.How can a nonviolent first-time offender be sentenced to life without parole?Their biggest mistake, after their crimes, was not pleading guilty. Prosecutors give drug defendants a so-called choice. In the most egregious cases, the choice can be to plead guilty to 10 years or risk life without parole by going to trial, Human Rights Watch adviser Jamie Fellner says. She has a term for it: the trial penalty, which can deliver longer time than drug dealing itself.When a case goes to trial, the prosecutor gets to pick the sentence by choosing the amount of drugs for which a defendant is charged. A federal judge had to sentence Aaron to life because he was convicted of conspiracy to traffic 23 kilograms of crack and powder cocaine. The crazy part is that prosecutors got to 23 kilograms by charging Aaron for a 9-kilogram deal that did happen and a 15-kilogram deal that did not.The career dealers knew how to game the system. Their sentences were reduced because they testified against Aaron.The National Association of Assistant United States Attorneys is fighting back against the bad press on federal mandatory minimums. The system, prosecutors argue, protects the public from the old days when a defendant s sentence depended on which judge heard the case. Now the guilty know that some prison time is unavoidable.Georgetown University Law Center professor Bill Otis, a former federal prosecutor, reminded me that every system, every country, has its sentencing anomalies. The federal system at least has four checks plea bargains, a safety valve that allows judges to reduce the punishment for some low-level defendants, defendants ability to reduce their penalty by testifying against others, and the presidential pardon power that commuted Aaron s life sentence.I should add that Otis doesn t see drug dealing as nonviolent, not when an addict could die of an overdose.I would expect to agree with everything Otis said. No system is perfect. Plea bargains benefit both law enforcement and defendants. The federal safety valve gives judges some discretion. Guilty parties can reduce their sentences by cooperating with authorities. If all else fails, there is the presidential pardon.Except: The minimum sentence for a nonviolent offense should not be life without parole, basically the same as the maximum sentence.Federal prosecutors want the public to trust them even when they do nothing to curb their own excesses. No reasonable person would assert that there is a public interest in putting young, low-level, nonviolent offenders, with or without prior convictions, behind bars until they die.If the Department of Justice had demonstrated any kind of commitment to fixing its excesses, the public could trust prosecutors. Instead, the prosecutorial-industrial complex has circled the wagons and actually defends these medieval punishments.Florida s Stephanie George was one of the other seven recipients of a presidential commutation last month. Like Aaron, who told me he was guilty of a big crime, George made some huge mistakes. In 1996, authorities searched her house and found $14,000 and 500 grams of her boyfriend s cocaine stash in her attic. Because George had two prior felonies for selling $40 and $120 worth of crack, which were counted as separate felonies this 26-year-old woman was sentenced to life without parole.When The Washington Post praised Obama for showing mercy toward a mother serving a life sentence for stashing her boyfriend s drugs, the NAAUSA took offense. President Robert Gay Guthrie chided the editorial board for not recognizing that George s prior convictions caused her to be considered a career criminal with a criminal history at the highest level under the federal sentencing guidelines. Federal law, as mandated by Congress, caused her drug distribution conviction, her third, to trigger a life sentence. That s why Congress should change the law.Email Debra J. Saunders at dsaunders@sfchronicle.com [url=http://www.elitetires.co.uk/barbour-bedale/]barbour bedale[/url] But Stephens is adamant the vision captured was her mimicking the emotional reaction of Ivanovic's support crew at her victory.
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China's central government has given the nod to 12 free trade zones (FTZs) following the one in Shanghai, amid a spurt of nationwide enthusiasm for such schemes.Tianjin Municipality and Guangdong Province have been green-lit to set up FTZs, a source with knowledge of the approval told Xinhua-run Economic Information Daily on Wednesday, refusing to leak the remaining 10.After consent from the cabinet, a group of central government departments will conduct a joint survey of the proposed zones, and hammer out specific establishment plans in a process that may last more than a year, said the source.So far, Tianjin and Guangdong have completed the survey part, which the other 10 have just started, according to the source.Provincial regions including Zhejiang, Shandong, Liaoning, Henan, Fujian, Sichuan, Guangxi and Yunnan, and cities including Suzhou, Wuxi and Hefei have all said that filing FTZ applications is high up their 2014 priority list."China sets no limits on FTZ numbers and no timetables on building them, as long as they meet the requirements of an FTZ," added the source.Huo Jianguo, head of a research institute with China's Commerce Ministry, said the emerging FTZs could be testing grounds for further opening-up policies, and serve as the bright spot of the country's economic development.Last September, China established the Shanghai FTZ, the first of its kind, as a national strategic trial to further tap market forces and push market-oriented trade and investment reforms. [url=http://www.cchardware.com/louis-vuitton-handbags-outlet/]louis vuitton handbags outlet[/url] Claims are paid out of the state’s general fund and the livestock losses have to be confirmed as wolf or grizzly bear kills by Wildlife Services.
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We are determined to preserve the quiet in the South, Netanyahu said. We do this through a policy of prevention and by responding powerfully against those who try to harm or hurt us. I suggest that Hamas take our policy into account. [url=http://www.aqualisbg.it/moncler-outlet-online/]moncler outlet online[/url] Mitch Nichols, Victory's want-away midfielder, has travelled to Japan and, if he passes his medical, should sign with J-League club Cerezo Osaka.
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e YANGON, Myanmar (AP) -- A Buddhist mob rampaged through a town in an isolated corner of Myanmar, hacking Muslim women and children with knives, a villager and a rights group reported, saying Friday that more than a dozen people may have been killed. [url=http://www.roip.us/michael-kors-diaper-bag/]michael kors diaper bag[/url] The museum's director led the tour. Several exhibits in the museum are emotionally jarring, and a few players were moved to tears, including Haslem. n
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The study and comments were published online Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association. This week's issue commemorates the 50th anniversary of the surgeon general report credited with raising alarms about the dangers of smoking. [url=http://www.forthealthcare.com/healthy.php?p=20]2014 Cheap michael kors cheap watches | michael kors watch sale | michael kors zip around wallet for sale in our discount michael kors watch sale outlet online store[/url] Hempstead County Sheriff James Singleton likes to think that inmates in the Hempstead County Detention Center should be able to tolerate doing their time. That said, keeping jail conditions tolerable in relation to costs is a challenge, Singleton said. We were picked to do a survey of all the jails; and, you have to remember, this includes the cost of everything from laundry detergent, to bandaids to medicine, repairs on the building and everything is figured in here, he said. Food, clothing, travel, capital outlay is all figured into this. Although the facility was built for 88 beds, it has a working capacity of 100 beds, according to the 2013 Association of Arkansas Counties Local Government Inmate Cost Report. Going on last year's budget, our cost was $106.86 a day, and that includes everything, Singleton said. That is a unit cost. One of the factors that skews the cost, Singleton said, is juvenile housing. We don't keep juveniles here; we have to pay for that, he said. That cost us $94,000 this year and last year it cost us $68,000; so, our juvenile crime is up a bit, and getting a place for those individuals to stay is hard, sometimes. Taking into consideration the recidivism rate, the correlation between probation and parole adjudications, and transitions to state custody, Singleton said inmate maintenance costs are in a constant state of change. We have 42 on the state waiting list, he said. Once they take them, we will get some money. We've had some on the waiting list over 200 days. As a result, sheriffs across Arkansas are faced with the same basic set of problems, and there has been some movement to address the situation before the Arkansas General Assembly. We talked about it at our summer convention, and we will talk about it at our winter convention in January, Singleton said of the Arkansas Sheriffs' Association. We haven't had a raise from the state on inmate care in, I can't remember when. Doing time in a county jail today means inmates are provided more than mere subsistence during incarceration. You have to make sure they are clothed properly; you've got to make sure their healthcare is up to date, Singleton said. Some come in with major health problems; and, those are the ones, if they are non-violent, that we try to put on leg monitors, and they are required to pay so much to be on a leg monitor and not in jail. That relieves us of any major medical costs. He said that a contract the county has with Wadley Regional Medical Center at Hope has kept jail medical costs manageable. We met in July and came up with a contract that we, basically, get a very good discount if they are treated at Wadley, Singleton said. But, if they have to be transferred elsewhere, we're out of luck. Page 2 of 2 - With a medical budget of $75,000, one incident can be devastating. If we have an inmate get into a fight, break his jaw and had to have reconstructive surgery; that's $24,000, $25,000, Singleton said. And, with a budget of $75,000, that shoots you in the foot pretty quick. Finding a balance between costs and conditions is the right thing to do, Singleton believes. People have their rights to bond out, he said. And, people feel like if someone is in jail they ought to stay in jail. Well, I feel like that too; in reality, if you do that, you are going to keep increasing your spending on that one person, and they may serve their whole sentence here. It's frustrating, Singleton said. Victims want these people in jail, and we want to keep them here. We won't release a violent offender or sex offender; they are not eligible for a leg monitor. Inmate management economics also collides with federal law, he said. You have to provide the proper calorie intact in their diet; you can't just give them bread and water, Singleton said. You have to provide a nutritious meal with a certain amount of calories every day for breakfast, lunch and supper. But, Singleton said there is some discretion for sheriffs. Where we used to give them a hot breakfast, now they get cereal, oatmeal and fruit; lunch they get peanut butter sandwiches and a piece of fruit, he said. At supper, we cook a hot meal; but, it's going to be chicken, about however many ways you can cook chicken. By reworking the breakfast menu, Singleton was able to save about $75 per day. Holidays do provide for some variety; but, that is the extent of it, Singleton said. Other than that, it's just barebones, he said.While Hempstead County has tried a variety of cost-savings measures, such as an inmate garden, Singleton said the jail is literally boxed in so that those novelties are no longer possible. We don't have the land anymore, and we don't have the manpower to take them offsite somewhere and let them work because we've been cut, he said.Singleton has re-instituted the idea of a jail commissary, not only as a means of inmate funding for inmate costs, but as a morale booster. It allows an inmate to order various things, he said. That has made us money that goes right back into our food budget. It has kind of made their stay in jail more tolerable. And, the inmates have responded pretty good because it's made their stay here more tolerable.
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